交通运输与物流专业英语(Unite 5)中英文(6页).doc
-交通运输与物流专业英语(Unite 5)中英文-第 6 页Unit Five Environmental Impacts of TransportationText A Environmental impacts of transportationTransportation systems affect the environment in many ways. Three of the many transportation related major impacts are air quality, noise generation, and energy consumption. Therefore, the environment impact analysis has become an integral part of contemporary transportation planning and decision-making.交通运输系统在许多方面对环境产生影响,其中三个主要方面包括空气质量、噪音和能源消耗,因此,环境影响分析已经成为当代交通规划和决策过程中必不可少的一部分。Air pollutionThe combustion of fuels used by transportation vehicles releases several contaminants into the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, and lead and other particulate matter.运输车辆在燃烧燃料时会向大气中释放几种污染物,包括一氧化碳、烃化物、氮氧化合物、铅以及其他特殊物质。Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, which have been detected in exhaust emissions, are the result of the incomplete combustion of fuel. Particulates are minute solid or liquid particles that are suspended in the air. They are aerosols, smoke, and dust particles. The even more harmful photochemical smog is the result of complex reaction of oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons under the sunlight.尾气中检测出的一氧化碳和烃化物是由于燃料地不完全燃烧产生的,(排出的)微粒包括了悬浮在空气中细小固体颗粒或液体颗粒,它们形成了喷雾、烟以及灰尘,而(相对来说对环境)更加有害的光化学烟雾则是由于氮氧化物和烃化物在光照中发生一系列复杂反应产生的结果。Air pollutants, once emitted into the atmosphere, start to mix and spread out in all directions. The degree of the diffusion depends on topographic, climatic, and meteorological conditions, which include wind speed and direction, and atmospheric stability.空气污染物一旦释放到大气中便开始朝四面八方弥漫并与空气混合,扩散的程度取决于地形、天气以及气象学条件(包括风速、风向和大气稳定度)等。The assessment of the air pollution effects of transportation may be undertaken at three levels: micro-scale analysis in the immediate vicinity of a transportation facility such as a highway, meso-scale analysis in areas that are somewhat removed from the facility, which includes the contribution of other mobile and stationary sources of pollution, and macro-scale analysis, extending from the regional to the global level.交通运输对空气污染的评估可分为三个层次:交通设施(如公路)临近区域小范围的分析,对区域中交通设施一定范围内的移动污染源和固定污染源所做的中等范围分析,最后从某个区域到全球不同层次的大范围分析。NoiseNoise is undesirable and unwanted sound and as such it is cloaked with certain degree of subjectivity. Extended exposure to excessive sound has been shown to produce physical and psychological damage. Noise adds to mental stress because of its annoyance and disturbance.噪音是一类人们不希望听到的声音,人们在主观上会对它有一定程度的屏蔽,但当人过多的暴露在噪音中时则会对人的生理和心理造成伤害,此外,由于噪音的干扰、易造成人的恼怒情绪等使得人们会产生一定的精神压力。Transportation operations are major contributors to nose in the modern urban environment. Noise generated by the engine and exhaust system of vehicles, by aerodynamic friction, and by the interaction between the vehicle and its support system, for example, the interaction between tire and road surface, wheel and rail. Because noise diminishes with distance from the source, the most serious transportation related noise problems are kept in a restricted space, such as transportation corridors (e.g., highway, railway and air flight paths) and major transportation terminals(e.g., airports and transit terminals).运输活动是现代城市环境中噪音的主要来源,由于发动机、汽车排气系统、与空气的摩擦、车辆和支撑系统之间的相互作用等产生了噪音,例如,轮胎和路面、车轮和铁轨(之间的相互作用和摩擦等)。因为噪音是从声源向外逐级减弱,所以繁忙的交通运输易产生噪音问题,必须限制在一定区域内,如运输通道(公路、铁路和机场跑道内)和主要交通运输站点(如机场和公交站)。Energy consumptionA significant portion of the energy consumption in the world, especially petroleum-based, is expended for transportation purpose. For example, around 1970, the population of the United States constituted about 6% of the worlds population but used about 30% of the global petroleum consumption. A little more than half of the petroleum used in this country is expended for transportation related purpose. The energy requirements of transportation systems should include direct energy expenditures, consisting mainly of the propulsion energy expended by individual vehicles, and indirect energy expenditures, consisting of the energy expended by construction, maintenance, and operation of transportation systems. Recognition of the ultimate depletion of crude oil has brought this issue into sharp focus.世界上能源消耗(尤其是石油消耗)较大的部分主要是用于运输目的,例如,1970年,美国人口占世界人口的6%,而石油消耗却占了全球消耗的30%,美国国内超过一半的石油消耗被用于与运输相关的目的。交通运输系统对能源的需求包含直接能源需求和间接能源需求,直接能源需求主要由私人汽车对能源的消耗为主,而间接需求则包括来自建筑、维修保养、及维持交通运输系统运行所需的能源的消耗。目前对最终原油消耗的认识已经成为一个非常重要的焦点。Energy conservation strategies can be classified into three categories that are aimed at technological innovations, improvements in traffic flow, and reduction of the total vehicle miles of travel. The improvements in the fuel efficiency of the existing technologies and the development of new types of engines and toward the utilization of alternate fuels such as alcohol, hydrogen as well as electricity, which can be derived from various sources, are among those in the first category. Considerations of the effect of high way design and maintenance (e.g., grades, curvature, and pavement condition) on fuel consumption and congestion0reducing schemes (e.g., staggered working schedules for spreading the peak-period demand for highway travel) belong to the second category. Policies that encourage high vehicle occupancies and emphasize the joint development of transportation and land use to minimize the need for travel are in third category.能源保护策略可以分为三类:旨在科学技术上的革新,交通流的改进和减少总车辆行驶里程。对现有技术在能源使用效率上的改进、开发新型发动机、使用来源广泛的替代能源(如酒精、氢气、电等)属于第一种类型。考虑道路设计和维修保养(如公路等级、曲率、路况等)对能源消耗方面的影响、减少交通拥堵的设计(如错开工作时间以分摊高峰时间段的出行量)属于第二种情况。政策鼓励高的车辆占用率、强调交通运输和土地使用的共同发展以使交通需求最小化属于第三种情况。Suggestions that have important implications with respect to all three impacts are those that aim at the technological performance of vehicles, those that are concerned with geometric design and traffic operations, those that encourage significant changes in travel behavior, particularly modal choice, and those that propose alternative urban structural forms.对应以上三种影响的一些重要提议分别包括:针对汽车的一些性能指标(做出改善)、关注(交通系统的)几何设计与交通运行(状况)、鼓励改变出行行为尤其是出行方式的选择、以及提议备选城市结构布局等。Text B Transportation project and environment assessmentThe environment impacts of transportation projects are coming under close scrutiny because changing priorities around the world. Governments require that an environmental impact statement (or a document of environment evaluation in some other countries) be prepared for any transportation project. The statement must include studies of the social, economic, and environmental impacts of the proposed system. A comprehensive environment impact statement on a large project may include the followings:由于世界各国对(环境的)首要考虑因素不断在发生变化,因此交通运输项目对环境的影响也受到了严密地监督。(美国)政府要求任何一项交通运输项目需准备一份环境影响报告(在一些国家则要求提供一份环境评估文件),报告中必须包含提议项目对社会、经济及环境的影响,大型项目需有一份全面的环境影响报告,其中包含以下几点:1. Natural resources, including prime and unique farmlands, wetlands, threatened and endangered species, groundwater resources, and energy requirements.自然资源。包括基本的耕地、湿地、濒危物种、地下水资源以及能源需求。2. Relocation of individuals and families, including the number of households displaced, neighborhood disruption, available housing, and number of businesses displaced or affected , documentation of public participation, and any unusual circumstances.个人和家庭的重新安置。包括了迁移家庭的数量、邻里关系的中断、(提供)可居住的房屋、商户迁移量和受影响数量、公众参与的证明以及其他特殊情况。3. Air quality studies, including micro-scale impacts, meso-scale impacts, analysis methodology, and a description of how consistent the project is with the state implementation plan (SIP).空气质量调查。包括中小范围内的影响、分析所用的理论方法,并且描述项目(实施时)与报告实施计划的一致性。4. Noise impacts, including the identification of sensitive receptors (such as schools and hospital comparison of future noise levels with FHWA criteria and existing noise level, noise abatement measures, and noise problems with no reasonable solution.噪音影响。包括明确易受影响的群体(如学校和医院),以FHWA(联邦公路局)标准比较将来噪音水平和现在噪音水平、减弱噪音的措施、以及无法解决的噪音问题等。5. Wetlands and coastal zones studies to document the analyses, practical measures to minimize harm, and that there are no practical alternatives.对湿地和海滩区域的实地调查以提供分析(方案)和能最大限度减少(对环境)损害的实际可行方法所需证据,并且证明没有其他备选方案。6. Social and economic impact studies: impacts on life-style, travel patterns, school districts churches, recreation, businesses, minorities and ethnic groups, urban quality, and secondary impact.社会及经济影响调查。包括对生活方式、出行方式、学校、教堂、娱乐场所、商业区、少数名族和宗教群体、城市(生活)质量等的影响,以及二次影响。7. Water quality issues, such as erosion, sedimentation, use of deicing and weed control products, chemical spills, groundwater contamination, stream modification, impoundment, as well as impacts fish and wildlife.水质量问题,如腐蚀、沉积、防结冰和除草用品的使用、化学物品、地下水污染物、河流改道、蓄水以及对鱼类、野生动物的影响。8. Flood hazard studies: impacts on beneficial floodplain values, incompatible development, measures to minimize flood risks, and the evaluation of alternative.洪水风险调查:有益的涝原影响、有冲突的开发、使洪水风险最小化的方案、备选方案的评估。9. Construction effect studies: impacts of the construction process on air quality, noise, water, traffic detours. And the impact of spoil and borrow (the need to dispose of or find soil and other materials).建设施工成效调查:建筑施工过程中对于空气质量、水资源、交通绕行的影响和噪音问题,(施工中产生的)废品及挖出物(需要处理的泥土及其他物质)的影响。Two types of impact studies will be discussed briefly, including noise impact study and air quality impact study.(我们)将简要讨论两种影响调查,包括噪音影响调查和空气质量影响调查。Highway noise studies are conducted to help determine the additional noise generated by the use of transportation systems in the community. The noise level generated by a new or improved facility is estimated and compared to measured ambient noise levels in the community in which the facility is proposed. The characteristics of environment noise concerned are: the magnitude, the frequency, temporal distribution, and the time variance of the sound. Two aspects of noise levels are concerned: the actual levels of traffic noise and the perceived annoyance of traffic noise. Interference with speech, and sleeping are the most common complaints concerning transportation-related noise evaluations for new highway projects or highway improvement projects.公路噪音调查有助于确定社区内由于交通运输系统的使用而产生的超出范围的噪音。通过对社区内指定设施更新或改善后进行评估和比较,测量社区及周边噪音水平以确定(设施产生的)噪音等级。环境中噪音特征包括:(噪音)量级、频率、时间分布以及声音随时间的变化情况。而(我们通常)关注噪音等级的两个方面:运输噪音的实际等级和(人们)感受到的等级。与交通运输相关的噪音最常受人们抱怨的地方在于它干扰人们的谈话和睡眠。许多国家的政府已经制定了噪音的最高允许等级标准,并且要求在实施新的公路项目或公路改善项目中必须对可能产生的噪音进行评估。Deterioration of air quality is a severe problem in many urban and suburban areas. Air quality impacts are determined in respect to ambient concentration standards. The impacts are usually analyzed by forecast of the amount of traffic expected as the result from the proposed project, calculation of the quantity of pollutants that will be emitted by the traffic, estimation of the resultant concentration of the pollutants for a particular site, sum of the transportation-related pollutant concentration and the expected back0ground concentration generated by other pollutant sources.在许多城市和城郊地区空气质量恶化都是一个严重的问题。空气质量影响由周围环境浓度标准确定。通常根据提议的项目、排放到空气中污染物的计算数量、某一指定地点污染物浓度评估、与运输相关污染物浓度总计、以及其他污染源产生的污染物浓度等的结果来预测交通运输量,进而分析对空气质量的影响。The pollutants of interest in most transportation-related air quality studies include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrous, solid particles and ozone. When the amount of pollutants is estimated, concentrations at various locations can be predicted by using the dispersion models.在大部分与交通运输相关的空气质量调查中污染物的成分主要包括:一氧化碳、烃化物、氮氧化物、固体颗粒和臭氧。当评估污染物数量时,采用扩散模型可预测不同地点的污染物浓度。An air quality report should contain all the information necessary to assess the air quality impacts of the proposed project and should contain sufficient information for another professional to reconstruct the entire analysis.一份空气质量报告应包含所有用于评估项目对空气质量影响的必要信息,同时,它也应包含足够的信息使得其他专业人士(能够利用这些信息)重构一份完整的分析报告。