unit6商务英语写作商务合同Unit 6 sales confirmation and purchase contract售货确认书和购货合同1. 合同的定义 A contract is a binding agreement between two or more parties. Contracts are formed through negotiations between the buyer and the seller. Once a deal is made, traders may sign two copies of contract face to face. Or the seller may send two copies signed by him to the buyer for counter-signature and the buyer should return one copy to the seller for file. 买卖双方经过磋商,一方的发盘被另一方有效接受,交易即成,合同宣告成立。但在实际业务中,按照一般习惯做法,买卖双方达成协议后,通常要制作书面合同将各自的权利和义务用书面形式加以明确,这就是所谓的签订合同在国际贸易中,书面合同主要采取两种形式:(1)一种是内容较为简单的简式合同,如销售确认书(Sales Confirmation )、购货确认书(Purchase Confirmation).(2)另一种是条款较为完备、内容较全面的正式合同,如进口合同(Import Contract)、出口合同(Export Contract)、购货合同(Purchase Contract)、销售合同(Sales Contract2. 合同和确认书的对比 报关时SALES CONFIRMATION 就是当SALES CONTRACT 来用的。SALES CONFIRMATION侧重的是产品,流程和条款确认,而 SALES CONTRACT侧重的则是产品及描述的确认。 合同和确认书在形式和内容上虽然有一些区别,但双方协商一致的交易条件,都是明确完整终局的,经双方签署后都是法律上有效的文件,对买卖双方都具有同样的约束力。 在我国的出口业务中,通常由我方根据双方达成的交易条件制成一式两份的销售合同或确认书,我方在上面签字,寄给对方,对方经审核签字后保留一份,将另一份寄回我方。3. 确认书 确认书对于异议、索赔、仲裁、不可抗力等一般条款都不会列入,使用第一人称语气。根据草拟方的不同,分别命名为Sales Confirmation (售货确认书)和Purchase Confirmation (购货确认书)。 这种格式的合同,适用成交金额不大、批次较多的轻工日用品、小土特产品,或已有包销、代理等长期协议的交易。 由卖方出具的是sales confirmation( 售货确认书),由买方出具的是purchase confirmation(购货确认书) .4. 合同的构成书面合同的内容一般由下列三部分组成: 4.1. Heading: Name of the contract, full names and addresses of both parties, willingness to execute the contract约首:合同的序言部分,包括合同的名称,订约双方当事人的名称和地址(要求写明全称)。4.2 Body commodity name, quality, specification, price, terms of payment,packing, delivery date and place,shipping, insurance,inspection, claim, majeure, arbitration etc.正文:合同的主体部分,一般以合同条款的形式具体列出各项交易条件,规定双方的权利和义务,如品名、品质规格、数量、价格、支付方式、包装、交货、交货时间和地点、运输及保险条款,以及检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁条款等。上述条款明确了双方当事人的权利和义务。 4.3 Ending Copies of the contract, language variety, binding force, time and place of signing, the time when it comes into effect, signature of both parties约尾:即合同的尾部,一般包括合同的份数、附件及其效力,合同生效的时间、合同适用的法律、签约双方当事人(法人代表及授权人签字)等5. 销售合同样本销售合同SALES CONTRACT卖方SELLER:明星化工进出口公司Super Star Chemical Industry Im. & Ex. Co.编号NO.:SC07102日期DATE:2007-3-13地点SIGNED IN:中国大连开发区辽河西路10号No.10 Liaohe Road West, Dalian E&T Development Zone, China买方BUYER:Smith & Sons Co. , Ltd.地点SIGNED IN:美国纽约30大街106号No.106 30 Street New York USA通讯方式Tel.:65-76328701买卖双方同意以下条款达成交易:This contract Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER , in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.1. 品名及规格Commodity & Specification2. 数量Quantity3. 单价及价格条款Unit Price & Trade Terms4. 金额Amount锌钡白(Lithopone)硫化锌含量最低28%(ZnS content 28% min.)50公吨(500M/T)CIF新加坡每公吨110美元含佣3%(USD110 Per M/T CIFC3% N.Y.)5500美元(US$55000)Total:50公吨 5500美元允许With5%溢短装:卖方可多装或少装百分之五,价格按合同单价计算。More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers option5. 总值 Total Value伍千伍佰美元整Unite State Dollar Fifty Five thousands only.6. 包装 Packing每50公斤用内衬纸袋的玻璃纤维袋装Packing in Glass-fiber bag, 50kg each.7. 唛头Shipping MarksSINGAPORE NO.110000 L0987268. 装运期及运输方式 Time of Shipment & means of Transportation2007年5月装运,允许分批和转船9. 装运港及目的地 Port of Loading & Destination大连港装船运往新加坡10. 保险Insurance由卖方按中国人民保险公司海洋货物运输保险条款,按发票总值110%投保一切险加战争险。11. 付款方式Terms of Payment买方应由卖方可接受的银行于装运月份前30天开立并送达卖方不可撤销即期信用证,至装运月份后第15天在中国议付有效。12. 品质及数量异议Quality/Quantity Discrepance货到港后7天内提出数量异议,60天内提出品质异议.13. 仲裁 Arbitration双方发生争议提请中华人民共和国对外贸易仲裁委员会仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的。14. 不可抗力Force Major如发生洪水、火灾、地震等人力不可抗力事故,当事人需于15天内通知对方,当事人可免责。The BuyerThe SellerSmith张建华(signature)(signature)6. 合同的主要条款 1. 品名条款:Name of Commodity and Specification 2. 品质条款: Quality 3. 数量条款:Quantity 4. 包装条款:Packing 5. 价格条款: Unit Price 6. 装运条款: Terms of Shipment 7. 保险条款:Insurance 8. 支付条款:Terms of Payment 9. 商检条款:Commodity Inspection 10. 索赔条款:Claims 11. 仲裁条款:Arbitration 12. 不可抗力条款:Force Majeure 1.合同中的品质条款:品名,规格标准是指政府机关或工商团体统一制定的规格和等级标准。1.1 农副产品(agricultural and sideline products)的销售标准: FAQ (Fair Average Quality) 即良好平均品质(也称“大路货” );Or GMQ (Good Merchantable Quality) 即良好可销品质; 1.2 药品drugs的销售标准 FDA-Food and Drug Administration2数量条款有些商品,如农副产品和工矿产品,由于商品本身的特性或因自然条件的影响,或受包装和运输工具的限制,实际交货数量往往不易符合原定的交货数量。3 包装条款The goods are to be packed in boxes of one piece each, twenty boxes to a carton.内/ 小包装-销售包装:便于商品的销售和消费外/ 大包装-运输包装:偏于商品的运输,装卸和储存。4. 运输标志运输标志shipping mark俗称唛头其作用是在装卸、运输过程中,便于有关部门识别货物,防止错发错运。通常由收货人代号(用几何图形加以标注)、包装件数、运输目的地构成,还可以缴入交易双方认可的参考号、产地等. 是标准化运输标志:5 价格条款主要包括单价(Unit Price)和总值(Total Amount)两项内容。 单价主要由计价货币、单位货币金额、计量单位、价格术语四部分组成。6. 装运条款:Shipment:From Yantian to Antwerp during Oct./Nov.2007 . Partial shipments 分批装运are allowed. Transshipment转运 is not allowed.Shipment:From Nanjing to Los Angeles not later than July 31, 2007. Partial shipments and transshipment are permitted.Shipment:From Shanghai to Sydney on or before May 31, 2007. Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited7. 保险条款To be covered by foragainstAs perdated由卖方发票金额的110%按1981年1月1日中国保险条款投保水渍险和战争险,不计免赔率。Insurance: To be covered by the seller for 110 % of total invoice value against W. A. and War Risk, irrespective of percentage, as per and subject to China Insurance Clause dated January 1, 1981.由卖方按发票金额的110%投保伦敦保险协会B险和协会货物战争险。Insurance: To be covered by the seller for 110 % of total invoice value against I.C.C.(B) and Institute War Clauses Cargo as per and subject to Institute Cargo Clause dated January 1, 1982.8.付款条件A. Payment in advance预先付款 : The buyer shall pay the total value of the goods to reach the seller in advance by T/T电汇(M/T信汇,D/D票汇)not later than June 20, 1990.B. 货到付款B-1. Cash on delivery: The buyer should pay the total value of the goods to the seller by T/T upon the receipt of the B/L/B-2. By D/p at sight: Upon the first presentation the Buyer shall pay against documentary draft 汇票drawn by the seller at sight. The shipping documents货运单 are to be delivered against payment only. Homework1. Fill in the contract form in English with the particulars given below:合同号码:95-369P卖方:陕西机械设备进出口公司买方:美国太平洋贸易公司商品名称:精密仪器 规格:货号4480 数量:100台单价:CIF洛杉矶每台2000美圆 总金额:$200,000包装:适合海运加固型木板箱包装保险:由卖方根据中国保险条款(1981年1月1日)按发票金额110%投保一切险和破碎险。装船日期:95年9月10日 装运港:中国上海 目的港:洛杉矶麦头:由卖方选定 交货期:1995年10月支付条款:不可撤消的即期信用证签约地点及日期:1995年5月4日于上海SALES CONTRACTNo._ The seller: The buyer: This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller; whereby the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Specifications: Quantity: Unit price: Total value: Packing:Insurance: Time of shipment: Port of shipment: Port of destination: Shipping marks: Terms of payment:Done and signed in _ on this _day of _ _,_.2. Prepare a sales contract( No. 96JB-234) for the following export transaction:The Xian Global I/E Co. sold to the ABC Company in New York, on Sept. 20,1995, 1000 dozens of “White Dove” Brand Womens wool sweaters, red and green, L-size and M-size are equally assorted in each color at the price of US $30 per dozen, CIF New York, for shipment during Nov. 1995. Insurance is to be effected for 110% of the invoice value against ALL RISKS and War RISKS as per the China Insurance Clauses of Jan.1981. The deal was closed smoothly without much discussion, except on the question whether part shipment and transshipment should be allowed . But the buyer was also quick to agree to the sellers request on this points. The goods are to be packed in cartons, 2 dozens to a carton, and the terms of payment are by a sight irrevocable L/C to reach the seller 30 days before the time of shipment and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment. Shipping marks are to be designed by the seller. 6 / 6