-从交际翻译理论看公示语的汉译英硕士学位论文-第 82 页上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY硕 士 学 位 论 文MASTERS DISSERTATION论文题目:从交际翻译理论看公示语的汉译英学位专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学On the Translation of Chinese Public Signs:From the Perspective of Communicative Translation TheoryBy Yao QiangUnder the Supervision ofProfessor Han Zhonghua & Associate Professor Wei YaochuanA Thesis Submitted to the College of Foreign Languagesof Shanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for MA Degree Shanghai Maritime UniversityMay 2009Acknowledgements Many people have given their assistance in my preparation of this thesis; however, I alone am responsible for any mistakes and imperfections occurring in it. Like any inexperienced writer, I met with some difficulties at first. And I am clearly aware of the fact that the thesis could not be considerably better but for all the invaluable advice and kind help from these people.My scripts have been carefully read in full by my supervisor, respected Professor Han Zhonghua, who has generously offered his detailed and wide ranging comments. It is my respected supervisor who makes the deficiencies in my article that used to be apparent and unavoidable become fewer and less glaring. I am also greatly indebted to associate Professor Wei Yaochuan for his generous help. I also benefit greatly from the informative and insightful lectures by Professor Wang Juquan, Professor Wang Dawei and Professor Zhen Lixin. To all these professors great thanks are due.My final and heartfelt thanks must also go to my family for the love, encouragement and support they have been giving me during the two years. 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用授权说明本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。作者签名: 日 期: 学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名:日期: 年 月 日导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日指导教师评阅书指导教师评价:一、撰写(设计)过程1、学生在论文(设计)过程中的治学态度、工作精神 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、学生掌握专业知识、技能的扎实程度 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、学生综合运用所学知识和专业技能分析和解决问题的能力 优 良 中 及格 不及格4、研究方法的科学性;技术线路的可行性;设计方案的合理性 优 良 中 及格 不及格5、完成毕业论文(设计)期间的出勤情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)质量1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格三、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格建议成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)指导教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章)年 月 日评阅教师评阅书评阅教师评价:一、论文(设计)质量1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格建议成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)评阅教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章)年 月 日教研室(或答辩小组)及教学系意见教研室(或答辩小组)评价:一、答辩过程1、毕业论文(设计)的基本要点和见解的叙述情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、对答辩问题的反应、理解、表达情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、学生答辩过程中的精神状态 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)质量1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格三、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格评定成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)教研室主任(或答辩小组组长): (签名)年 月 日教学系意见:系主任: (签名)年 月 日摘 要随着我国经济的发展和对外开放步伐的加快,中国与国际间的友好往来及经济合作日益增多,对外联系和国际交流日趋频繁。突出表现在城市面貌上,越来越多的公示语逐渐采用中英双语来表示。由于城市公示语和社会生活、国际形象等都有着密切联系,公示语的翻译也显得愈发重要。但因为公示语有其独特的语言特点和不同的功能意义,公示语的汉英翻译也面临许多实际困难。基于以上原因,作者尝试从理论和实践的角度分析现今汉英公示语翻译中所存在的一些问题。通过对大量标准以及问题公示语翻译的深入观察分析,作者对公示语的一般特征进行了总结并从语言和文化两个层面对公示语翻译中出现的问题进行了分类。语言层面的错误包括拼写、用词不当、用词累赘及语法错误等;文化层面的错误包括中式英语、语气不当、忽略文化差异等。在理论方面,作者发现交际翻译理论在公示语翻译中尤其具有启发性。交际翻译理论是由英国翻译理论家纽马克率先提出的。这一理论对于公示语翻译具有十分重要的理论启示。纽马克认为所有文本可分为三类,即表达型文本、信息型文本和号召型文本。而根据文本类型的不同,纽马克又提出了两种相应的翻译方法,即语义翻译和交际翻译。语义翻译以作者为中心,其表达效果要尽量贴近原文效果,因此适用于表达型文本的翻译。而交际翻译则更趋向于读者,其翻译宗旨是以读者为中心,因此该翻译方法更适用于信息型文本和号召型文本。鉴于对公示语语言特点的考虑,作者发现公示语的文本特点实际上融合了信息型文本和号召型文本的显著特征。因此,作者认为在公示语翻译中应当使用交际翻译策。由于交际翻译策略只为译者提供了一个框架,并没有给我们翻译公示语提供可供操作的具体方法。因此,本文作者针对公示语翻译中出现的错误,讨论了一些具体的翻译方法。如采用国际常用的表达法,进行汉英置换、用词简明扼要、使用汉语拼音、功能优先等方法。对于具有中国文化特色的公示语,可以采用不译、转换思维角度、委婉语气及添加法来成功的传达原文的信息。总之,本文以交际翻译理论为指导,系统的研究和分析了目前我国公示语英语翻译的错误和问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。希望通过本文的研究,能对公示语的英译做出一些微薄的贡献。关键词:公示语;汉英翻译;交际翻译;翻译错误;翻译方法AbstractWith the accelerating development of China's economy and opening to the outside world, the economic cooperation and friendly exchanges between China and the outside world tend to increase greatly as the same as extroverted contacts and global communications. Therefore, more and more Chinese-English bilingual public signs appear in public, which is the distinguished feature of the updating development of modern cities in China. Since public signs attach great importance to social lives and international images of China, public signs translation appears to be of growing significance and emergency. However, regrettable mistakes in public signs translation can be frequently observed, due to the unique linguistic features and diversified functions of English public signs.For that reason, the author ventures an attempt to analyze the current problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs and to seek proper translation strategies both from the perspectives of theory and practice. By closely observing numerous samples of both standard and problematic translation of signs, the author manages to generalize the characteristics of public signs and to categorize the problems and mistakes in the current C-E translation of public signs from linguistic and cultural level respectively. The errors on the linguistic level include spelling errors, inaccurate diction, word redundancy and grammatical errors; while the errors on the cultural level consist of Chinglish, harsh tone, ignoring cultural discrepancy, etc,.In terms of theory, the author finds that the theory of communicative translation is particularly inspiring. Communicative translation theory, which is pioneered and proposed by Peter Newmark, may provide the theoretical enlightenment for the strategy of the C-E translation of public signs. According to Newmark, all texts can be classified into three types, namely expressive, informative and vocative. Newmark also introduces two approaches for different types of texts, namely semantic translation and communicative translation. Semantic translation, which is the translation at the author's level, is applicable to expressive texts. That is to translate as close as to the source text. Informative and vocative texts should be translated at the readership's level. That means to emphasize on the effect it exerts on the readers. Therefore, it requires that communicative translation be utilized. Taking their characteristics into account, the text type of public signs actually intermingles the main features of both the informative and the vocative text types. In that sense, it is advisable that the method of communicative translation be adopted in the C-E translation of public signs.The communicative translation approach only provides the translator with a framework while no specific translation methods are offered. Therefore, the author of this thesis discusses several translation methods with regard to the errors in the translation of public signs, such as Following international standard, Economy in word employment, Utilization of Pinyin, Functional priority, No translation, Thinking in the opposite way, Euphemistic tone and Addition. By using the Communicative translation approach, the author makes a systematic study and analysis of the translation of public signs in order to find some new translation methods and skills. It is hoped that this thesis will be of some help to the improvement of C-E translation of public signs in China.Key Words: Public Signs; Chinese-English Translation; Communicative Translation; Translation Errors; Translation MethodsContentChapter One Introduction11.1 Significance of Sign Translation11.2 Current Studies on C-E Translation of Public Signs in China1 1.2.1 Achievements of the Current Study2 Research Center2 Activities and Web Sites2 Books and Dictionaries3 Symposiums3 1.2.2 Limitations of the Present Study3 Inadequate Rules and Regulations4 Unsystematic Theoretical Researches41.3 Research Method and Data Collection41.4 The Structure of the Thesis5Chapter Two A survey of Newmarks Translation Theory62.1 Newmarks view on Translation62.2 Language Functions and Newmarks Text Typology72.3 Communicative Translation (CT) and Semantic Translation (ST)10 2.3.1 Background of CT& ST10 2.3.2 Definitions of CT & ST12 2.3.3 Comparison between CT& ST13 2.3.4 Development of CT & ST162.4 CT& ST and Text Typology18 2.4.1 Application of CT & ST in different text-types18 2.4.2 CT & ST and Hybrid Texts212.5 Summary21Chapter Three Generalization of Public Signs223.1 Definition of Public Signs223.2 Functions of Public Signs25 3.2.1 Directing25 3.2.2 Prompting25 3.2.3 Restricting26 3.2.4 Compelling273.3 Classification of Public Signs27 3.3.1 From the Perspective of Information State28 3.3.2 From the Perspective of Social Application28 Traffic Signs29 Road Signs29 Signs at Scenic Spots29 Names of Institutions and Shops30 Signs for Shopping30 Public Slogans303.4 Stylistic Features of Public Signs31 3.4.1 Lexical features31 Frequent Use of Nouns and Noun Phrase31 Wide Use of Verbs and Gerunds32 Use of Abbreviation32 Avoid Using Uncommon Words32 Capitalization of English Signs33 3.4.2. Grammatical Features33 Use of Passive Structures33 Use of Imperative Sentences34 Use of Present Tense34 Use of Simple, Short Sentences34 3.4.3 Other Features35 Combining Words with Pictures35 Set Expressions35 Signs with Local Characteristics363.5 Summary36Chapter Four Error Analysis of the Translation of Public Signs374.1 Errors on the Linguistic Level37 4.1.1 Lexical Errors38 Misspelling38 Inaccurate Diction40 Word Redundancy42 4.1.2 Grammatical Errors44 Misuse of Numbers44 Misuse of Part of Speech45 Misuse of Article and Preposition46 Other Grammatical Errors464.2 Errors on the Cultural Level48 4.2.1 Culture, Language and Translation48 4.2.2 Typical Cultural Errors49 Chinglish50 Harsh Tone52 Ignoring Cultural Discrepancy54 Cultural Default564.3 Summary58Chapter Five Application of CT to the Translation of Public Signs-Suggested Methods595.1 Enlightenment of Newmarks Theory59 5.1.1 Text Types of Public Signs59 5.1.2 CT and the Translation of Public Signs605.2 Suggested Translation Methods to Public Signs61 5.2.1 Following the International Standard62 5.2.2 Economy in Word Employment67 5.2.3 Utilization of “Pinyin”68 5.2.4 Functional Priority68 5.2.5 Euphemistic Tone69 5.2.6 No Translation70 5.2.7 Thinking in the Opposite Way70 5.2.8 Addition715.3 Summary73Conclusion74Bibliography76Chapter One Introduction1.1 Significance of Sign TranslationWith the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, China has gradually turned into an open country and its communications with foreign countries in the fields of diplomacy, economy and culture are increasingly enhanced. Nowadays foreigners of all works of life swarm into China for study, for work, for tourism or for other reasons. Many important international conferences and forums are also held in China. So, how to provide convenience for these foreigners during their stay and let them know more about China is the top priority for us to contemplate. For most foreigners, they know little about Chinese, let alone Chinese culture. Under such circumstances, the C-E translation of public signs plays an important role as a way of communication because these signs will provide foreigners with the information they want and guide their actions. Many big and medium-sized cities in China now have bilingual public signs for the convenience of foreigners, but the quality of translation is far from satisfactory owing to innumerous and ridiculous mistakes. Barry Gray, the Chairman of the International Graphic Symbols Committee, points out that “Signing affects everybodytravelers, shoppers, visitors, drivers, etc., whether in the course of business or pleasure. Bad signing is at best irritating and at worst can be life threatening and dangerous. ” Therefore, it is the high time for us to give a detailed investigation of current sign translation in order to obtain good bilingual public signs and acquire a positive international image.1.2 Current Studies on C-E Translation of Public Signs in ChinaC-E translation of public signs has drawn increasing attention from the academic circle and the public in recent years. According to the statistics from CHKD, there are about 103 papers discussing C-E translation of public signs. Obviously, many achievements have been made. 1.2.1 Achievements of the Current Study1.2.1.1 Research CenterIn 2002, the research topic of C-E translation of public signs was established by Beijing International Studies U