Unit 10 Packaging,Objectives,1. Understanding warehouse packaging process 了解仓库包装程序 2. Learning package signs 学习包装标志 3. Talking about abbreviation meanings谈论缩写词的含义,1 小心轻放 Handle with care,用于碰震易碎、需轻拿轻放的运输包装件 HANDLE WITH CARE,2,DONT DROP 请勿投下,3.堆码层数极限,用于指示允许最大堆码层数的运输包装件。图中N为实际堆码层数,印刷或喷涂时用阿拉伯数字表示 MAXIMUN STACK,4 保持干燥/怕湿,用于怕湿的运输包装件 KEEP DRY,5,腐蚀物 CORROSIVE,6 KEEP FROM FREEZON,禁止冷冻,7,HARMFUL FOR FOODSTUFF 对食物有害,8 重心点,用于指示运输包装件重心所在处 CENTER OF GRAVITY,9,RADIOACTIVE 放射物,10. 怕热标志,勿放热处/放阴凉处 (keep away from heat / Keep in cool place) 表示包装内货物怕热,不能曝晒,不许置于高温热源附近。,怕冷标志 (keep away from cold),表示包装内货物怕冷,不能受冷、受冻。,11 禁用手钩标志(use no hooks),含义 表示不得使用手钩直接钩着货物或其包装进行搬运,如纸箱、麻袋等包装件,保护包装本身不受损坏,也能保证商品不受损失。,12 禁止堆码 DO NOT STACK,13 FRAGILE/ GLASS/HANDLE WITH CARE易碎/玻璃/小心轻放,14 KEEP FROZEN 保持冷冻状态,15 FLAMMABLE 易燃固体,16 由此吊起 (SLIGLE HERE),表示吊运货物时挂链条或绳索的位置。可在图形符号近处找到方便起吊的起吊钩、孔、槽等。避免在装卸中发生破箱等损坏现象,也有利于提高装卸效率。,17. 此面向上 THIS SIDE UP,用于指示不得倾倒、倒置的运输包装件,18 有毒品(poison),重心偏斜标志(centre of gravity off-set),1、含义 表示货物重心向左右偏离的几何中心,该类货物容易倾倒或翻转。 2、符号 3、颜色:白纸印黑色,易于翻倒标志(liable to tip),1、含义 表示货物易于倾倒,在搬运放置时要注意安全。 2、符号 3、颜色:白纸印黑色,温度极限标志(temperature limit),1、含义 表示需要控制规定温度的范围。要求货物在一定的温度环境下存放,不许超过规定的温度。符号上最低和最高温度可按货物的需求填写。 2、符号 3、颜色:白纸印黑色,由此撕开标志(tear off here),1、含义 表示包装的撕开部位。符号的三个箭头指向表示撕开的方向。一般用于软封装、纸盒或纸箱等外包装上。 2、符号 3、颜色:白纸印黑色,由此开启标志(open here),1、含义 表示包装箱开启位置。一般用于较硬的,需用工具开启的外包装箱上。 2、符号 3、颜色:白纸印黑色,禁止翻滚标志(do not roll),1、含义 表示搬运货物时不得滚动,只能作直线移动,如平移、上升、放下等。 2、符号 3、颜色:白纸印黑色,远离放射源及热源,用于指示需远离放射源及热源的运输包装件,爆炸品标志(explosive),不燃气体标志(non-inflammable compressed gas),1、符号,六、易燃液体 (inflammable liquid),1、符号,自燃物品(spontaneously combustible),1、符号,遇湿易燃物品(dangerous when wet),氧化剂(oxidizing agent),1、符号,有机过氧化物(organic peroxide),1、符号,剧毒品(drastic toxicant),1、符号,感染性物品(infections products),腐蚀性物品(corrosive),New Words,1. maximum mksmm adj. 最大值的,最大量的 n. 最大的量、体积、强度等 2. stack stk n. 垛,干草堆; vt. 箱子,盒子 13. case sealer 封箱机 14. security machine 封条 15. label lebl n. 标签; 商标,New Words,16. labeling machine 贴标机 17. bar code 条形码 18. content kntent n. 内容; 19. stretch wrapper 薄膜缠绕机 20. wrap rp vt. 包装 ,包裹 21. pallet plt n. 托盘; 平台 22. soy sauce s s:sn. 酱; 酱油 23. manufacturer mnjufktr(r) n. 制造商,厂商; 24. contain knten vt. 包含,容纳,P97,A: Who is the producer? B: Its SEQUOYA A: What s the quantity for each carton /How many pieces are there in one box? B: There are four pieces in the box. A: How heavy is it? B: The net weight is 18Kg. The Gross weight is 20KG. A: How should we keep them? B: We should handle them with care. Keep them in a dry place. The maximum stack is 8.,Word power,1. Sometimes, in a warehouse, there can be a freeze space. Goods with a Keep Frozen sign must be kept there, for example, ice cream. 2. In order to handle goods in the right way, we need to understand the language and signs on the package. For example, QTY means quantity, N.W. means net weight. 3. A bar code is an electronic way to identify the package and its contents, and it increases the warehouse efficiency.,Exercise A,1. Keep away from direct sunlight. 2. Handle these boxes with care; Keep them from falling. 3. Your help made our work easier. 4. We are very sorry to learn that you received a number of broken cases. 5. The language of a cargo handling mark can tell how heavy a product is.,Exercise B,The product is 1. stove top coffee maker. It is produced by2. J.K. BEHAN MK01 is its 3 item number. Because the materials of the product are 4. stainless steel and 5.plastic, we must handle it with care. That is why on the package, there is sign of . About the weight of this product, there are 6.one piece in each box, and 7.24 pieces in each carton. 8. bar code of the product.,Exercise C,1. 在外包装上请标明“小心轻放” 字样。 2. 这些箱子即将封箱并贴上标签。 3. 请按所给的图样在盒上刷唛头。 4. 请在包装箱上写上“保持干燥” 字样。 5. 我们将在货包上刷上和以前一样的唛头。,