-应用心理学专业英语大纲-第 7 页应用心理学专业英语课程教学大纲一、课程基本概述课程名称:应用心理学专业英语课程名称(英文):Applied Psychology课程编号:BL19243课程总学时:36课程学分:2课程分类:专业课(必修)开设学期:5适用专业:应用心理学先修课程:普通心理学,社会心理学,发展心理学等。二、课程性质、目的和任务应用心理学专业英语是高等院校应用心理学专业本科生所选修的一门专业双语课程。通过该课程的学习使学生不仅能够掌握本专业英语术语的表达方法,而且能学习权威专家最新的研究成果,从而提高专业英语水平的听、说、读、写的能力。三、课程主要内容、重点及深度Chapter 1 What is psychology?(一)教学内容Section 1 Definitions: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.Section 2 History: It comes from Philosophy&Biology&Physics Section 3 Start time: It is 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt created the first psychology laboratory in LeipzigSection 4 Develop: Structuralism(建构主义) Functionalism(机能主义) Psychoanalysis(精神分析) Behaviourism(行为主义) Cognitive psychology(认知主义) Humanistic approach(人本主义) Biological approach(生物学观点)(二)教学重点心理学定义,心理学发展历史。(三)教学难点心理学发展过程中的各学派代表观点、理论等。(四)教学基本要求掌握心理学发展简史及基本理论的英语表述。Chapter 2 The psychoanalytic approach to psychology(一)教学内容Section 1 Origins and history Developed mainly by Sigmund Freud Influenced by the technology of the timeSection 2 Assumptions Unconscious processes Psychic determinism Hydraulic drives Psychodynamic conflict Stages of developmentSection 3 Methods of investigation Free association Latent content Manifest contentSection 4 Areas of explanation Personality development Moralgender development Aggression Abnormality MemorySection 5 Practical applicationSection6 StrengthsSection7 Weaknesses (二)教学重点精神分析学派发展过程(三)教学难点 精神分析学派各种假设、理论(四)教学基本要求掌握精神分析学派主要代表理论的英语表述。Chapter 3 The nature-nurture debate in psychology(一) 教学内容section 1 Approaches Roots of approach Causes of hebavior Methods employed Implications Critissmssection 2 Areas of explanation Perception Aggression Sex-role behavior Abnormality Language acquisitionSection 3 Interactionism Two influences form a continuum Interact so thoroughly with each other that they are virtually inseparableSection 4 The standing of the differenr approaches in psychology Biopsychology Psychoanalysis Cognitive psychology Humanism Behaviorism(二)教学重点什么是先天论,后天论,代表观点(三)教学难点 先天论和后天伦的争辩(四)教学基本要求深入理解先天论和后天论理论观点;掌握相关专有词汇的英语表达Chapter 4 Hypotheses(一)教学内容Section 1 How do psychologists make their predictions? Hypotheses are precise,refutable statements. Psychologists should be bold,precise and refutable. Hypotheses can be experimental and correlational. (二)教学重点 什么是假设,假设的特点(三)教学难点假设的种类(实验假设、相关假设)(四)教学基本要求掌握两种假设的英语表述Chapter 5 Are you a “natural”?(一)教学内容section 1 Introducton & Theoretical propositions Source of human psychological differences:The Minnesota study of twins reared apart. Identical twins(Monozygotic twins)Section 2 Method Participants ProcedureSection 3 Results The degree of similarities MZA MATSection 4 Disscussion and implications of findings Intellegence is primarily determined by genetic factors(70%genetic influence,30%environmental influence) The basic underlying assumption is that human characteristics are determined by some combination of genetic and environmental influences. The most intriguing implication that Bouchard and Lykken suggest is that its not the environment influencing peoples characteristics,but vice versa.Section 5 Criticisms and related researchSection 6 Recent application Applied to the larger philosophical discussion of human cloning(二)教学重点 基因和环境影响的作用,实验假设,实验方法(三)教学难点 实验数据统计,对实验结果分析及讨论(四)教学基本要求掌握心理学实验研究中的英语表述,以及相关专有词汇Chapter 6 Acting as you are hypnotized(一)教学内容Section 1 Introduction Nicholas Spanos,Hypnosis is nothing more than an increased state of motivation to perform certain behaviors and can be fully explained without resorting to trances or altered states. The beginnings are traced back to the middle of the eighteenth century Its the job of scientists to look upon the status quo with a critical eye and whenever they see fit,to debunk common beliefs.Section 2 Theoretical propositions Spanos theorized that all of the behaviors aommonly attributed to a hypnotic trance state are within the normal,voluntary abilities of humansSection 3 .MethodSection 4 Results and disscussionsSection 5 The belief that behavior is involuntarySection 6 Creation of Expectation in Hypnotic SubjectsSection 7 Recent applications(二)教学重点什么是催眠,催眠实验(三)教学难点关于催眠的代表理论观点及应用(四)教学基本要求 了解催眠的含义,理解催眠涉及的基本理论,并掌握与催眠相关的专有词汇Chapter 7 Unlearned behavior-Emotion(一) 教学内容Section 1 Introduction Emotional reactions become wholly separated from the stimuli that originally called them out The instinctive positive reaction tendencies displayed by the child soon become overlaid with the organized habits of the adult. Section 2 What is an emotion? An emotion is an hereditary”pattern-reaction” involving profound changes of the bodily mechanism as a whole,but particularly of the visceral ajd glandular systems. Section 3 Additional formulation Section 4 The Genetic Study of Emotion in the Child Observations upon the child are similar to those which were made upon animals before Thorndike and Lloyd Morgan introduced the experimental method.(二)教学重点 非习得行为的含义,情绪的含义及种类(三)教学难点 情绪中涉及的心理学理论,行为主义关于情绪的研究(四)教学基本要求 了解情绪,掌握行为主义对于情绪的定义和解释,学习情绪涉及到的英语词汇和固定搭配四、学时分配章序内 容各教学环节学时分配作业题量备注讲授实验习题课外其他小计一What is psychology200002二The psychoanalytic approach to psychology200002三The nature-nurture debate in psychology200002四Hypotheses200002五Are you a “natural”600006六Acting as you are hypnotized1212七Unlearned behavior-Emotion88八总复习22总计36000036五、课程教学的基本要求和主要环节课堂讲授36学时。以教材为主,以主题学习的形式展开,组织学生进行小组学习,鼓励学生进行交流、讨论,尽量发挥学生学习的主动性。考试分平时性测验和总结性测验,考试注重学生对基本概念、原则的理解以及利用概念和原则对应用心理学学科的研究内容进行分析思考的能力。平时测验占70%,总结测验占30%。六、本课程与其他课程的联系与分工本课程要求学生具有一定的英语基础,并对应用心理学有一定的了解。在此基础上,让学生获得较新的专业知识。七、建议教材及参考教材心理学专业英语教程,沈德灿 沈政 选,北京大学出版社出版社,2001年8月第1版;八、责任人撰稿人:王 晶审稿人:系(院)领导: