-视频会议常用语-第 16 页1、对方的设备出了问题The other side's equipment had problem2、正在调试请稍等Please wait for a moment, we are debugging the equipment3、我去打个电话I am sorry I have to make a telephone call4、已经连接成功,所以不能改变Because the connecting is success, so it can't to change.5、是否还需要切换实物展台Do you need to switch the visual presenter?6、我临时有事,可以离开一下吗Can I leave for a moment?7、您的要拨的号码是多少What is the telephone number you want to dial?8、这个号码正确吗Is it the right telephone number?9、对方没有开设备The other side doesnt open the equipment.10、实物展台坏了The visual presenter is broken.11、遥控器不好使Remote control was broken.12、这个会要开到几点When the conference end?13、这个网线的水晶头坏了This net wire plug had broken.14、我去机房给你换个端口I will go to the machine room to change a port for you.15、遥控器电池没电了The battery of the remote control has no electricity.16、我们公司会派人过来检查Our company will send someone to check it.17、这个不在我们公司服务范围内,我马上与负责此事的公司联系This is not our companys responsibility, I will contact with the relative company.18、麻烦你找一个翻译过来Can you find a translator?19、另一个网口有人用吗Does anyone use the other net port?20、网络是通的,是您的软件问题The network is ok, your software have problem.21、视频会议取消了吗Does the video conference was cancelled?22、只需要告诉我是或否The only thing you need to do is tell me yes or no.23、我是来负责维护视频会议的I am take charge of the maintenance of the video conference.24、你好,我是管理服务部的,来检查您的网络是否正常I am come here to check you network is ok or not.25、我需要改动下电脑设置可以吗It is ok to change the setting of your computer?26、吃饭时间到了,我可以先去吃饭吗It is the lunch time, can I have a lunch?27、下班时间到了,还需要我帮助吗,如果不需要我先离开了It is the time to go off work, if you dont need any help, I will go first.28、能送我到管理服务部吗Can you bring me to the Service Management?29、再见,祝你工作愉快Good bye, have a nice day!30、视频会议已连接成功,可以开始了吗The video conference has connected, can we start?31、你没有权限You dont have the authority.32、这个窗帘坏了,拉不上了This curtain has broken.33、这个麦克坏了请用另一个This microphone was broken, please use another one.34、投影仪坏了无法切换The projector too broke to switch.35、电脑死机了,请稍等The computer had no response, please wait for a moment.36、如果有需要请随时跟我们联系You can connect with us anytime.37、我需要用一下你电脑(电话)可以吗?Can I use your computer (telephone)?38、网络不好,一会就好了,别着急The network is not very well, please wait for a second.39、你好,是您的电脑出故障了吗Does your computer broken?40、您订的会议与张三的冲突,请重新定会Your reservation of conference has conflict with Zhang Sans, please reserve again.41、这个视频会议室是张三订的,正在使用Zhang San are using this meeting room, because it was reserved by him.42、公司正在与对方拨号请稍等The company has connected with the other side, please wait for a moment.43、我听不懂你说的话,我只会简单的对话My English is so poor, so I cant understanding what you said.44、能借我用一下打火机吗Could you borrow me your lighter?45、小心触电Caution the electricity!46、我来帮助你I can help you.47、我没带测试工具,我们工作人员马上送来I dont bring the testing machine; my colleague will bring it quickly.48、这个标签请不要动Please dont touch the label.49、我可以坐在这里吗May I sit here?50、这个设备与其他的不同,不可以改变This equipment is different with others, it cant change.51、你好,我是运维服务部的工作人员I am the worker of the Service Management.52、很高兴为您服务I am very glad to work for you.53、打扰一下Sorry to interrupt you!54、非常抱歉,我只会一点英语I am very sorry I cant speak in English.55、故障已修复,请您查看一下The trouble is recovered, please check it out.56、请稍等,我会尽快为您解决I will solve the problem as soon as I can, please wait for a second.57、请稍等,我打电话咨询一下Please wait for a moment; I make a call to ask it.58、线路正在调整The lines are fixing.59、请稍等 我需要检查一下设备/线路Please wait for a second; I need to check the equipment/wire.60、话筒有噪音 我去检查一下The microphone has noise, I will check it.61、对方视频掉线 请您稍等一下The other sides video has off the line, please wait.62、您的电脑 网络连接出现错误Your computers network connection has some faults.63、我帮您从新连接一下网络I will re-connect the network.64、请在给我一点时间Please give me some time.65、请稍等,我去机房检查一下Please wait, I will go to the machine room to check.66、稍等,我给您获取一下IP地址I will gain the IP address for you, please wait.67、 如果会议室效果不好,是否可以换到其他会议室If the effect of the meeting room is bad, can you change to another room?68、对方的摄像头,在这面是调不了的We cant fix the other sides camera.69、稍等 我给您调试一下投影仪的分辨率I will debug the projector for you.70、您的电脑系统可能有问题Your computers operation system may have some trouble.71、您的笔记本电脑连接不上投影仪,请换一台电脑Could you please change another notebook, because this one cant connect with the projector?72、对不起 给您添麻烦了I am sorry to make some trouble for you.73、VGA线路或接口出现问题There are some problems with the VGAs wire or port.74、请确认一下对方的号码Please confirm the other sides telephone number.75、可以开始了么Can we start now?76、你好,能告诉一下我对方的号码吗?Can you tell me the other sides number?77、我们这个会议室的号码/IP是XXXXXXThis meeting room's number is 78、你确认对方是这个号码吗?Do you make sure this is the right number?79、会议的时间是。吗?The time of the meeting is XX?80、你需要切展台和视频吗?Do you need to switch the visual presenter and the video?81、这个麦克风可能有些问题,稍等我给你查看一下This microphone may have some problems, please let me to check it out.82、现在的音量已经是最大了The volume is the maximum now.83、现在对方能听见我们的声音吗?Can you hear me now?84、现在图像够清晰吗?Does the image clear?85、我需要几分钟的时间拨号I need few minutes to dial the number.86、我会尽快处理这个问题I will handle this problem as soon as I can.87、我的同事也在登录MCU进行其他会议的拨号,所以你可以再等一下我再拨号吗?My colleague also uses the MCU to dial, so please wait for a second.88、我们拨的是对方的MCUAre you sure that we dial the other sides MCU?89、需要我把门从外边关上吗?Do you need me to close the door outside?90、这个需要对方设置This one needs the other side to set.91、这样切换可以吗?Can I switch like this?92、现在是双路视频,我们可以同时看到他们的人和他们的实物展台或笔记本Now is twin channel video, we can see them and their visual presenter or notebook.93、我们正在帮你连接中。请你稍候We are helping you to connect, please wait.94、现在可以拨号了吗?Can I dial the number now?95、我们这里没有任何问题,设备运行状态良好。There is no problem of our equipment, it works very well.96、咱们这个会到3点能结束吗?下个会是3点开始Can you end the meeting at 3P.M.? Because here will have another meeting at that time.97、能把订会人员的电话号码告诉我吗Could you tell me who reserved this meeting, and his or her telephone number?98、订跨部门的会议室要跟部门秘书沟通You should communicate with the department secretary if you want to reserve other departments meeting room.99、刚才接到通知这个会议已经取消了We have just received the notice that this meeting was cancelled.100、你切一下你的笔记本对方就能看到了You will see the other side if you switch your notebook.101、电脑有问题。There is some problem of your computer.102、你的会议要保密吗?Do you need to secret your meeting?103、要保密的话我就出去等着,有事可以来叫我If you need to secret the meeting, I will go outside; if you need any help you can call me.104、我还有其他工作需要做,这是我的电话号,有事给我打电话I have other work to do, if you need any help, please call me, and this is my telephone number.105、对方还没有开设备The other side doesnt open the equipment.106、对方的麦克静音了The other sides microphone had muted.107、对方的焦距只能对方来调We cannot debug the zoom of other sides.108、对方挂断了,时间还没到The other side had cut off the line.109、会议结束了吗?如果结束我就关掉了If you ended the meeting, I will shut down the equipment.110、用这根线接到电脑上就行了You can use this wire to connect with the computer.111、我打个电话确认一下号码,请稍等I should make a phone call to confirm the telephone number, please wait.112、我的同事正在给你拨号My colleague is dialing the number for you.113、我这显示对方没有摄像头Here shows that the other side dont have camera.114、要改成电话会议吗Do you need to change the meeting to telephone conference?115、改成电话会议的话我就先去做别的工作了If you want to change to telephone conference, I should to do other jobs.116、这根网线可以用You can use this net wire.117、国内会议,只支持ip,不能拨isdn。It is only support IP in domestic conference.118、我是伴会人员,有事请找我I will go with the conference, if you need any help, please call me.119、 你好Good morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon. 下午好。Hello! 你好(非正式用语)120、对不起,这个会议室,电脑资料和展台资料不能同时展示给对方看。I am sorry that this conference cant show the computer and the presenter information at the same time.121、 对不起对方线路出现问题我们需要等待We have to wait because the other sides network has some problem.122、 我在对面小会议室有事请去那里叫我I am at the meeting room of your opposite, if you need any help, please call me.123、对不起,麦克没电了,我需要更换一下电池。The microphone dont have electricity, I need to change the battery.124、对不起,这里只能开2方会议,如果你想开3方或多方,应该提前通知我们,好为你分配会议室。This conference only can hold two sides meeting, if you want to hold more than two sides meeting, you should inform us earlier that we can arrange other meeting room for you.125、请不要忘拿你的东西。Dont forget your things.126、这已经是展台最大的效果了。This is the best effect of the visual presenter.127、你好,我是维护网络的工作人员。I am the technician of maintain the network.128、请问你的网络之前是好用的么?Does the network is ok earlier?129、 网线损坏The net wire was broken.130、是你机器网卡的问题Your network card has some problem.131、 你的机器掉域了。Your computers domain has dropped.132、 IP冲突The IP address has conflict.133、现在网络是通的,外网上不去,这个归启明The network is no problem; the outer networks problem is belonging to QI MING.134、我没有带线过来,稍后给你送根网线过来。I will send you a net wire later.135、 你好,你的网口没有开我马上为你开I will open the net port now.136、你的本地连接被禁用了,启用一下就可以了The local connecting was forbidden, just open it is ok.137、 请问在上不去网之前你对电脑做过什么What did you do before your computer cant go to the internet?138、 你的电脑网卡没有驱好Your computers network card doesnt drive.139、 你的电脑一切正常了,请试试看Your computer is ok, please try again.140、 再见Good bye.141、声音大点Volume big142、声音小点Volume small143、能看见吗Can you see me?144、效果怎么样What about the effect?145、有马赛克There is mosaic.146、能帮我签下回执单吗Can you sign the return receipt for me?147、稍等下Wait for a second148、回音抑制Echo restrains149、线路问题There is some problem of network.150、能联系上对方吗Can you connect the other side?151、需要把您的PPT发给对方么Do you need me to send your PPT to the other side?152、需要把麦克静音么Do you need me to mute the microphone?153、宇田公司,请问您有什么需要帮助?Yu Tian Company, can I help you?154、请稍等,我给您查一下Please wait, I will check it for you.155、稍等,我确认一下Wait for a moment, let me confirm it.156、对不起,让您久等了.Sorry to let you wait for a long time.157、请告诉我您所在的地址。Can you tell me you address?158、您方便留个电话号码吗?Could you tell me your telephone number if you will?159、我们收到了您的咨询。We have received your consultation.160、别担心我们马上帮您恢复连接Dont worry; I will recover the network connection.161、对不起,请稍等,我得接个电话Please wait, I have to answer the phone.162、能看一下您的电脑么?Can I see your computer?163、系统问题很复杂,需要进一步检测The problem of system is so complicated, it should test more.164、可能是IP地址错误It may be the fault of IP address.165、您看是否可以换一个会议室,或更改会议时间Can you change to another meeting room or change the time?166、看不到邮件,可能丢包了I cant see the mail; it may caused by the packet loss.167、VGA线连接不好The wire of VGA was not connecting very well.168、 对方设备可能中断了The other sides equipment may cut off.169、您的电脑连接不上投影仪Your computer cant connect with the projector.170、实物展台数据线可能坏了The data wire of this visual presenter may be broken.171、您能告诉我会议级别是否为高级别会议吗?Can you tell me this conference is the high-level or not?172、 如果为重要会议,我们要提前一小时到场进行准备If this conference is important, we should prepare at least one hour earlier.173、 请您填写视频会议满意度调查表Could you please fill this questionnaire?174、 请问会议是否需要全程陪同,以便我们及时调试Do you need me to go with the conference to debug the equipment?175、 预定会议您要先发一份申请单If you want to reserve the conference, you should send an application at first.176、 这个会议室可能容纳不了这么多人,您看是否改用其他会议室This meeting room is too small to contain these people; can you change to another room?177、 这个会议室视频终端效果不是很好This meeting rooms video terminal is not very well.178、 网络时断时续,可能对方线路老化The network is not very well, because the net wire is too old.179、 远程用户无法登陆,可能没有权限Long-distance users can not login because dont have the authority.180、 对方没开视频The other sides video didnt open.181、 对方静音了The other side is mute.182、 会议一切正常The conference is alright.183、有什么情况可以给我打电话If you need any help, you can call me.184、 请问与会的有几方?Can you tell me how many sides of this conference?185、 请问您的翻译来了么?Does your translator come here?186、 您这边一切正常,我还要到其他会场调试Here is ok, I have to other meeting room to debug.187、请稍等,我得重新开机Please wait, I have to restart the computer.188、麦克不太好用The microphone is not very well.189、我们已经尽力了,请谅解We are trying our best!190、我会帮您留意的I will keep on looking at this.191、 邮箱好用吗?Does your email is ok?192、 很高兴为您服务I am very glad to serve for you!193、请问德方视频电话号码是多少?Can you tell me the number of the other sides?194、德方电话号码不对,能否有别的电话号码?The number is wrong; can you tell me another number?195、请问需要使用实物展台或电脑马?Do you need visual presenter or computer?196、请德国拨我们,我们的电话号码是0086 431 *。You can let the other side to call us, our number is XXXX.197、对方没有展示实物展台、所有我们看不到。Because the other side dont have visual presenter, so we cant see it.198、这个麦克电池没有电,请用这个。That microphones battery was out of use, please use this one.199、您这是临时会议,会议结束时,请拨打699175给我们补个单子。Your meeting is temporarily, when it ended, please call 699175 to make up a list.200、请不要拽麦克,我们的麦克是全向麦克,无论你在哪发言,对方都会听到。Dont drag the microphone, wherever you want to speak, the other side can hear.201、视频会议没问题,但是实物展台已坏。The video conference is ok, but the visual presenter was broken.202、视频会议没问题,但是投影仪已坏。The video conference is ok, but the projector was broken.203、我们会尽快与负责这个的公司沟通,解决问题。We will contact the relative company to solve the problem as soon as we can.204、请稍等,我需要调一下mcu的设置。I need to debug the setting of MCU, please wait for a moment.205、第一个会议室是给主楼407和vip预留的,所以要我们拨对方。The first meeting room was reserved for 407 and VIP, so we need to dial the other side.206、请问您现在需要切换吗?Do you need to switch now?207、在您的会议之后还有一个视频会议,请您的会议准时结束好吧!Please end the conference on time, because we have another conference after yours.208、非专业人员请勿动视频设备。Dont touch the video equipment if you are not a professional.209、我们与北京VGC的视频会议,必须IP拨号,必须加密会议。The video conference between here and Beijing VGC, you must dial by the IP and encrypt.210、对方图像有可能切换到PC了,所以对方黑屏,请对方切换一下就好了。The other sides image was shift to PC, so it was black, if the other side shift thats would be ok.211、请问需要什么帮助吗?What can I do for you?212、您的网络不通,我帮您看一下。Your network has some problem, let me check it.213、您的网络没问题,可能是机器的问题,我帮您转一下其他合作伙伴。Your network is ok, it may caused by the equipment, I will try to shift to other corporation.214、请问您的网络好用了吗?Can you tell me your network is ok or not?215、你的门禁没有权限,请到保卫科申请开通。Your entrance card dont have authority, please go to Security Wing to open it.216、可以拨号么,现在?Can we dial now?217、秘书说会议号码现场告诉,我跟你秘书联系一下。I need to contact your secretary to gain the number because she told me that she will tell me the number when the confer