Procedure: AA-0026-rel. (AA = ACQ for purchasing) Subject: Occupational Health Management Procedure 职业健康管理程序Contente:1. PURPOSE2. SCOPE3. REFERENCE4. RESPONSBILITIES5. PROCEDURE6. ATTACHMENTDate First Publication: 23-02-2009PositionDateSignatureAuthor:Jack ShiEHS Supervisor20/03/2012_Verified by:Aileen LiuHR Director23/03/2012_Sette StefanoOperation Director23/03/2012_NameRoledd/mm/yyyy _Approved by:Richard TanManaging Director28/03/2012_Final review NameRoledd/mm/yyyy_UPDATE INFORMATIONComplete File Name: Waste Management Procedure.doc Date of Creation: Created at 13/04/2007Final Update Day: 01/04/2012HISTORY OF VERSIONSVersionStatusCommentoDateAuthor1A13/04/2007David Zheng2R01/12/2008Alex Wang3R 01/04/2012 Jack Shi* C: Creation S: SuppressionR: Revision A: ApprovalRECORD OF MODIFICATION (OPTIONAL)Modification Section - LIST OF DISTRIBUTIONHuman Resource DirectorDirector X.Occupational Health Management职业健康管理1. Purpose/目的The purpose of this procedure is to make clear basic requirements of occupational health management, avoid occupational diseases occurrence to ensure employees health. 确定本公司对职业健康管理的基本要求,避免职业病的发生,保障员工的健康。2. Scope/适用范围This procedure applies to Natuzzi China Shanghai factories.适用于纳图兹家具(中国)有限公司。3. Reference/参考文件Peoples Republic of China occupational disease prevention and treatment law中华人民共和国职业病防治法Measures of occupational Health Surveillance and Management职业健康监护管理办法Shanghai regulations of occupational disease prevention and treatment 上海市职业病防治条例4. Definitions/定义4.1 Occupational Disease职业病 Occupational Disease means disease caused by contacting dust, radioactivity or other poisonous and harmful factors in workers occupational activity. 指企业、事业单位和个体经济组织等用人单位的劳动者在职业活动中,因接触粉尘、放射性物质和其他有毒、有害因素而引起的疾病。4.2 Occupational harmful factor职业危害因素 Occupational harmful factor means any factor which maybe causes occupational disease to worker. Occupational harmful factors include: chemical, physical, biological and other poisonous and harmful factor. 指对从事职业活动的劳动者可能导致职业病的各种危害。包括:职业活动中存在的各种有害的化学、物理、生物因素以及在作业过程中产生的其它有害因素。4.3 Occupational Taboo 职业禁忌 Occupational Taboo means: When workers are at specific work or contacting specific occupational factors, they are more susceptible to suffer from occupational diseases then ordinary people, or their special pathologic conditions maybe cause others suffered from disease. 指劳动者从事特定作业或接触特定职业危害时,比一般人员易于遭受职业危害,患职业病或者可能导致原有疾病加重,或者在从事作业过程中诱发可能导致对他人生命健康构成危险的疾病的个人特殊生理或病理状态。5. Responsibility& Procedure职责5.1 EHS环境、健康、安全部5.1.1 Establish and update the procedure according to related laws and regulations.依据国家和当地政府的法律法规,负责制定和更新本规定。5.1.2 Organize qualified agency to conduct annual factor measurement in workplaces. Summary and analyze the measurement result, and take actions accordingly.组织有资质的机构每年进行职业危害因素检测,对检测结果汇总和分析,制订对策。5.1.3 Establish the items and positions of occupational health check.制订职业病体检的项目和岗位。5.1.4 Give professional advice to occupational health management.对职业健康管理提供建议。5.1.5 Organize the emergency treatment and accident investigation for occupational harmful factor/occupational hazard accident. 组织对职业危害/职业病突发事件的现场应急处理与事故调查。5.1.6 Establish and maintain the occupational hazards announcement list.制定并更新职业危害因素公示表。5.1.7 Organize occupational health check including before on board, on the job, position transfer, after position and emergency. 组织上岗前、在岗期间、转岗时、离岗时和应急的健康检查。5.1.8 Summary and analyze the check results, and take actions accordingly. 对体检的结果汇总和分析,采取相应对策。5.1.9 Take care of check records including on the job and position transfer, after position. 保管好员工的在岗期间、转岗时、离岗时体检档案。5.1.10 Handle occupational disease case. 处理职业病事件。5.2 HR人力资源部5.2.1 Keep the new employee informed about his/her related working positions occupational hazards.员工入职签订合同时其相关岗位职业危害因素的告知。5.2.2 Take care of check records of before on board. 保管好员工上岗前体检档案。5.3 Other department/其余部门4.3.1 Strictly follow the procedure and control any occupational health issue. 严格按照本程序的要求执行,监督本部门的职业健康工作,提出合理意见或建议。4.3.2 Immediately report occupational health hazards and occupational disease case occurred. 及时报告职业危害后果和职业病事件。6 Procedure程序6.1 The occupational hazards of staff positions the company to conduct pre-employment occupational health medical examination, medical clearance to enter the company. Employees in the occupational hazards posts an annual physical examination, and the establishment of occupational safety and health file. Results of physical examination of suspected occupational diseases for review, treatment, or arrange for the appropriate jobs. For undergo employees leaving occupational health examination, in accordance with the requirements of employee personal reasons not to participate in medical staff and the company signed a Terms of Agreement.职业危害岗位员工进公司工作前要进行就业前职业健康体检,体检合格才能进入公司工作。对在职业危害岗位在职员工每年进行一次体检,并建立员工职业安全健康档案。对体检结果疑是职业病者进行复查、治疗或安排其到恰当的工作岗位工作。对于离岗员工按照要求做离岗职业健康体检,因员工本人原因不参加体检的,员工与公司签订免责协议书。6.2 Annually from a qualified health testing organizations to carry out the detection of occupational risk factors, and test results to inform employees.每年请有资质的卫生检测机构开展职业危害因素检测,并将检测结果告知员工。6.3 Paid on time the PPE, and supervise employees to wear. PPE management and payment See protective equipment issued regulations. "按时发放劳防用品,并监督员工佩戴。劳防用品管理及发放参看防护用品发放规定。6.4 Organize the employees of the occupational health training, including new workers and employees, increase employee awareness of occupational health.组织开展员工的职业健康培训,包含新工和在职员工,增加员工职业健康意识。7. others其它This procedure is implemented since April 1, 2012 and will be updated as the case.本程序自2012年4月1日实行,将视情况进行更新。