2020/10/22,973项目专题:“太阳活动24周峰年日地联测及研究”首次工作会议,1,观测及联测需求,第一课题组: 国家天文台:颜毅华(组长)、邓元勇、张枚、苏江涛、谭宝林、谭程明 云南天文台:刘忠(副组长)、屈中权、刘煜,任务书,太阳磁场的起源与演化 太阳活动区的起源与演化 太阳射电物理研究 太阳磁场的延伸研究,主要观测设备(1),中国太阳射电宽带动态频谱仪(怀柔): 高时间-频率分辨率,目前国际上同类设备中有重要影响的先进设备。包括: 1.10-2.06GHz(时间分辨率为5毫秒,频率分辨率为4MHz,240个通道) 2.60-3.80GHz(时间分辨率为8毫秒,频率分辨率为10MHz,120个通道) 5.20-7.60GHz(时间分辨率为5毫秒,频率分辨率为20MHz,120个通道) 2.84GHz的射电流量计,连续运行了3个太阳活动周。,主要观测设备(2),多通道太阳望远镜(怀柔): 35cm太阳磁场望远镜:光球(=5324)和色球(=4861)矢量磁场、视线速度场 10cm全日面矢量磁场和视线速度场望远镜,附带宽0.1A的万能双折射滤光器 14cm色球望远镜,全日面和局部区色球H单色像、色球纵向磁场 8cm CaII =3933全日面单色像望远镜 60cm多通道太阳望远镜主镜 我国独创的,能同时测量太阳不同层次、不同尺度的视频矢量磁场、速度场、谱线轮廓和Stokes参数轮廓的高灵敏度综合望远镜。,主要观测设备(3),一米红外太阳塔(云南抚仙湖): 光球高分辨率成像(Tio,G band)。已具备常规观测能力。 高分辨率色球像(6563),3个月内具备常规观测能力。 多波段光谱仪(6563,8542,10830),约半年后具备狭缝扫描功能。 矢量磁场测量,偏振分析器研制中。,主要观测设备(4)新一代厘米-分米波射电日像仪,低频阵(40面4.5米天线) 频率范围:400-2000MHz 时间分辨率:最好25ms 频率分辨率:64通道,25MHz 空间分辨率:10-51角秒,高频阵(60面2米天线) 频率范围:2-15GHz 时间分辨率:最好25ms 频率分辨率:128通道 空间分辨率:1.4-10角秒,最长基线:3000米 观测时长:6 小时 圆偏振观测 动态范围:25dB,主要观测设备,光球:矢量磁场、速度场、单色像 色球:纵向磁场、速度场、单色像(Halpha) 日冕:射电频谱、像,光球是(可直接观测的)日地联系的源头 磁场是太阳活动的控制因素,磁场测量基本原理,We use Zeeman effect to measure the magnetic field on the solar photosphere. We measure polarized light to derive vector magnetic field: Circular polarization (Stokes V) for longitude field (Bz) and linear polarization (Stokes Q and U) for transverse field (Bx and By). There are two types of vector magnetographs: Spectrograph: measure the full spectrum of a line; use inversion code to derive vector B (advantage: accurate) Filter-magnetograph: measure at a fixed wavelength; use calibration method based on linear assumption (advantage: better temporal-resolution),怀柔磁像仪,Site: island in Huairou lake Seeing: 1 - 2 arcsec Since 1986,35cm in diameter FeI 5324.19 line Lande factor g=1.5 Stokes V: -0.075 from line center Stokes Q and U: line center No optical system change,Typical observation and physical quantities studied,Shear angle Current (Jz) Twist (z) Twist (best) Current helicity (hc) Current helicity imbalance,All these quantities indicate the non-potentiality (helicity) of the measured field.,A new solar full disk vector magnetograph at Huairou,Stokes V,Stokes Q,Stokes U,10cm in diameter FeI5324.19 line,Research interests,Measure non-potentiality: Shear angle Current (Jz) Twist (z) Twist (best) Current helicity (hc) Current helicity Imbalance,Vector magnetic field on the photosphere,Extrapolation of coronal magnetic field,For example: Variation associated with flares and CMEs Flux emergence process Helicity produced by solar dynamo,Derived coronal structures,Derived field lines show consistence with H image. (Wang HN et al., 2001, Solar Physics, 201, 323),Using Huairou vector magnetogram and a reconstruction method proposed by Yan & Sakurai (1997),Variation associated with flares and CMEs,A case where a new flux system of negative helicity emerges into an active region (NOAA 8210) with positive overall helicity (best=0.010 arcsec-1) suggests that the emergence of opposite helicity might be the trigger of the CME. (Wang JX et al., 2004, ApJ, 615, 1021),EFR,Helicity produced by dynamo,(Bao & Zhang H., 1998, ApJ, 496, L43),Current helicity imbalance,Twist,(Pevtsov et al., 1995, ApJ, 440, L109),Statistically, In the northern hemisphere: z, best, hc, h 0,2020/10/22,16,磁螺度积累与日冕物质抛射,1、磁螺度在日冕中是积累的;磁螺度的积累自然导致磁场自由能的储存,提供CME爆发所需能量 - 定量测量螺度在日冕中的积累过程,怀柔太阳磁场望远镜 (1986 现在):测量局部区的光球和色球矢量磁场 全日面光学与磁场监测系统(2006-):测量全日面光球矢量磁场 (HMI),螺度传输 无力场外推,2020/10/22,17,磁螺度积累与日冕物质抛射,2、当磁螺度的积累超过一定限度时,将不存在无力场平衡态,爆发成为一种必然 - 估算与日冕物质抛射有关的量值,太阳射电观测可以帮助我们诊断外推磁场的可靠性。 (Halpha、STEREO、SDO),以怀柔光球矢量磁场观测的数据作为边条件,在无力场假设下,外推出日冕磁场,估算出无力场的磁螺度值和上限值。,(Yan et al., 2001, ApJ, 551, L115),2020/10/22,18,磁螺度积累与日冕物质抛射,3、表面磁场的分布控制着螺度上限 - 监控太阳表面磁场的变化,特别是那些容易触发爆发的表面磁场变化,怀柔太阳磁场望远镜和全日面光学与磁场监测系统 (HMI),(Wang JX et al., 2004, ApJ:反符号螺度浮现触发CME.),2020/10/22,19,谢谢!,