,Cantonese Cuisine,Of all the varieties of Chinese cuisine, Cantonese is well-know at home and abroad. Its prominence outside China is due to the great number of early emigrants from Guangdong.,Typical Cuisine,Cantonese cuisine focus on quality and taste, they give priority to with delicate food. (以清淡的食物为主),广东老火汤 Soup,所谓老火汤,就是所有的精华都在汤内,要想自己在家煲出又香又浓的老火汤,必须做到以下三点:一是食材的搭配要合理;二是汤中下料要够足,;三是煲汤的时间要够长。只有这样,才能煲出色正味浓的老火汤。,正宗的老火汤一定要具备两大特点: 浓和香,Chinese chestnut and chicken claw in soup 板栗鸡脚汤 It can maintain strong bones and strengthen the strength of ones legs. 有强健筋骨,补益脚力的功效。,广东著名的祛湿养颜汤水:花生眉豆煲鸡脚,It is a kind of nourishing soup. It can relieve cough and reduce sputum.是一款养颜汤,有止嗽化痰之效。,Tremella with crystal sugar in soup 冰糖银耳汤,Tradition food,佛跳墙:The Mad Monk(发疯的和尚) 状元及第粥:Being Boss(做老板),Boat Porridge 艇仔粥 It was a kind of famous porridge which sale on the river in old days. It contains fillet and fried peanuts.艇仔粥是一种广东粥品。以鱼片、炸花生等多种配料加在粥中而成。原为一些水上人家用小船在荔枝湾河面经营。,Boiled Chicken with Sauce 白切鸡 Its impossible that there is no chicken for feast. 无鸡不成宴。,As it is just done, it taste fresh and crispy. 刚熟不烂,保持原味,皮爽肉滑,清淡鲜美。,Put the cooked forelegs of the pigs in the spring water for one day. 将猪手(前脚)洗净斩件先煮熟,再放到流动的泉水漂洗。 Then cook them with vinegar, sugar and salt again, and it is done after soak it for hours.一天捞起再用白醋、白糖、盐一同煮沸,待冷却后浸泡数小时,即可食用。 It has the name because the water is from Baiyun Hill.因泉水取自白云山,故名为白云猪手。,Baiyun Trotter 白云猪手,Snack,鼓汁蒸肉排:Steamed Spareribs,奶黄马拉卷:Steamed Egg Cream Roll,滑鸡丝粉卷:Chicken Rice Roll,爽滑白糖糕:Steamed Rice Cake,春卷 Spring roll,The delicious food of Guangzhou,蒸肠粉 Steamed Rice Rolls “White like snow, thin as paper ,shine bright, smooth,delicious ” -Guangzhous most prestigious steamed rice rolls.,The delicious food of Guangzhou,姜撞奶Ginger Milk The coagulant milk with ginger juice is a famous traditional dessert with fresh milk and ginger as main raw material . 姜撞奶是以新鲜牛奶和现榨姜汁为主要原料而制成的一种传统名优小吃。,Stewed Beef Meatballs,潮汕牛肉丸,Herbal tea,广东点心 Dim Sum,Dessert,甜品 dessert.,木瓜银耳糖水 Papaya tremella dessert,莲子百合红豆沙 功效: 莲子乃著名滋养药食物,养神安宁,降血压。 百合能补中益气,温肺止咳。,莲子:Lotus 百合: Lily,冰糖燕窝 Birds nest,Thats all, thank you!,