2022年高中化学重要知识点详细总结高中生物学生常见易错知识综合 3.docx
精品_精品资料_many other pre cious col d water fish. Mi neral resources, ha s prove d many of the gold ore body, high grade , large reserves, re serves of more than 170 milli on t ons of lignite, iron, vana dium and titani um magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserve s, the rare. From the short plate, Woods conti nue d industry we ak, support is not strong , especially i nade quate for proce ssi ng, there are no resour ces to make good product s, marketing is not enoug h, there are no good product s sell for a good pri ce. Liveli hood weak ness, my district is l ocate d in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, a nd complete the buildi ng of forest society's weak nesses are mainly conce ntrated in the area of pe ople' s livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, t he task is still very ar duous. From the per spe ctive of shor t-term capital, di strict fina ncial situation at prese nt tense, some financial de bts to repa y, is basically living money,no money for devel opment, tra nsformation "where di d the money come from" still outsta ndi ng. From the perspective of talent short Boar d, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrati onal str uct ure, weak over seas tale nts into l ocal serious brai n-drain, e spe cially high-end talents badl y, ha s be come the devel opment of contr olKey issue s. If these short Board ne ither avoi d nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved i n forest areas. Se cond, thi nk calml y, calml y. A local economic development, stre ngths a nd weak nesses are dy namic a nd re ciprocal transf ormation, there i s no a bsolute a dvantages a nd di sadva ntages, adva ntages and disadvantage s of not hing, a s the time, pla ce, a nd cha nges in exter nal conditions, adva ntages coul d become di sadva ntages, di sadva ntages may also be to your advantage. F or example, my good ecologi cal environment, la nd dev elopment later, is t he nati on's "most dare ring of green and organi c food", but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such a s soy bean, wheat, e spe cially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers a nd pestici des, the e col ogical adva ntages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, i ce and snow were our weak nesses, soug ht after now, with visit ors to the snow and ice i n the S outh, but the development of e co-touri sm of gold a nd silver. For example , our regi on i s locate d in the bor der area, has be en our weak ness t oday as the country "along the way", and "long Jia ng Silk Road" buildi ng farther forward, but is ex pecte d to be ope ned t o the Russian frontier. From XX's sit uation, while our railways, ports a nd other proje cts ha s not fought for, but with t he "Mongolia -Russia economic corridors" 65 policy a nd stea dy growth benefits of further release s, pr ovide opportunities for our pr ojects, paving proje cts in t he early County, in t he "Thirtee n-Fiv e" period will very likely get a spe cific impleme ntation. Pra ctice has proved that adversity is short or long高中化学重要学问点具体总结一、俗名无机部分:纯碱、苏打、自然碱、口碱: a2CO3小苏打: NaHCO 3大苏打: Na2S2O3石膏(生石膏): CaSO4.2H 2O熟石膏: 2CaSO4· .H2O莹石: CaF2重晶石: BaSO4(无毒) 碳铵: NH 4HCO 3石灰石、大理石: CaCO3生石灰: CaO食盐: NaCl熟石灰、消石灰:CaOH 2芒硝:Na 2SO4·7H 2O 缓泻剂 烧碱、火碱、苛性钠:NaOH绿矾:FaSO4·7H2O干冰: CO2明矾: KAlSO4 2· 12H 2O漂白粉: Ca ClO 2 、CaCl 2(混和物)泻盐: MgSO 4·7H2O胆矾、蓝矾: CuSO4·5H 2O 双氧水: H2O2皓矾: ZnSO 4·7H2O硅石、石英: SiO2刚玉: Al 2O3水玻璃、泡花碱、矿物胶:Na2SiO 3铁红、铁矿: Fe2O3磁铁矿: Fe3O4黄铁矿、硫铁矿: FeS2铜绿、孔雀石: Cu 2 OH 2CO 3菱铁矿: FeCO3 赤铜矿: Cu2O波尔多液: Ca OH 2 和 CuSO4石硫合剂: Ca OH 2 和 S玻璃的主要成分: Na2SiO 3、CaSiO3、SiO 2 过磷酸钙(主要成分) :Ca H 2PO42 和 CaSO4 重过磷酸钙(主要 成分): Ca H 2PO4 2 自然气、沼气、坑气(主要成分) : CH 4 水煤气: CO 和 H 2 硫酸亚铁铵(淡蓝绿色) : Fe NH 42 SO42 溶于水后呈淡绿色光化学烟雾: NO 2 在光照下产生的一种有毒气体王水:浓 HNO 3 与浓 HCl 按体积比 1: 3混合而成.铝热剂: Al + Fe 2O3 或其它氧化物.尿素: CO ( NH 2 2有机部分:氯仿: CHCl 3电石: CaC2电石气: C2H 2 乙炔 TNT :三硝基甲苯酒精、 乙醇:C2H 5OH氟氯烃:是良好的制冷剂,有毒,但破坏 O3 层. 醋酸:冰醋酸、食醋 CH 3COOH裂解气成分 (石油裂化) :烯烃、 烷烃、 炔烃、 H2S、CO2、CO 等. 甘油、丙三醇 :C3H8O3 焦炉气成分 (煤干馏):H 2、CH 4、乙烯、CO 等. 石炭酸: 苯酚 蚁醛: 甲醛 HCHO 福尔马林: 35% 40%的甲醛水溶液 蚁酸:甲酸 HCOOH葡萄糖: C6H12O6果糖: C6 H12O6蔗糖: C12H22O11麦芽糖: C12H 22O11淀粉:(C6H10O5) n硬脂酸: C17H35COOH油酸: C17H33COOH软脂酸: C15H31COOH草酸:乙二酸 HOOC COOH 使蓝墨水褪色,强酸性,受热分解成 CO2 和水,使 KMnO 4酸性溶液褪色.二、 颜色铁:铁粉是黑色的.一整块的固体铁是银白色的. Fe2+ 浅绿色 Fe3O4黑色晶体FeOH 2白色沉淀Fe3+ 黄色Fe OH 3 红褐色沉淀Fe SCN 3血红色溶液FeO黑色的粉末Fe NH 42SO42淡蓝绿色Fe2O3红棕色粉末FeS黑色固体铜:单质是紫红色Cu2+蓝色CuO黑色Cu2O红色CuSO4(无水) 白 色CuSO4 · 5H2O 蓝 色 Cu 2OH 2 CO3 绿 色CuOH 2 蓝 色hort and make up for l ong. Long and short, rationa l thought, kee ping the force, we must deal wit h it calmly, neither keep adva ntages do not, misse d opport unitie s, also faced short omi ssions, l oss of confidence, w e must correctly under stand a nd handle the relationshi p betw een l ong a nd short, ef fective enha nceme nt initiative, to better prom ote the transformati on a nd development. T hree local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesse s, short swagger grams, ya ngchangbuduan, have in common is that sw agger, a nd avoi d, g, fill each have a l ogical relati onshi p. We must dhere to local conditions and homeopat hy for, full complia nce with the r ule of la w , market economy and the law s of nature, a ll time, pla ce and conditi ons for the transfer, targeted precision applicati on poli cy. US weakne sse s, is to play t o strengths and avoid w eakne sses. Like, i n indust ry development Sha ng, prefect ural proposed development "six big i ndustry", the County Di strict Cou ncil m ust torelies on re sources a dvantage, find associate i ndustry positioning , put l ocal most has competiti on a dvantage, a nd most has development potential of industry first do up, nevercan ta nda qiuqua n, and bli nd foll ow, a nd make wit h qua lity of competition, for those obvi ously not for l ocal development of industry to strongly avoi d, cannot Sha ng of project nev er can t ook Har d on my forehea d. We talk about swagger g short was t o build stre ngths to overcome weakne sses. For example, on the a djustment of agricultural pla nting str uct ure, I just a little, short frost-free peri od a nd l ow temperature, with traditionally grown soy beans, wheat a ndother crops in low yields, poor quality, t here is no adva ntage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustai nable i ncomes. Only gui de the peasa nts to do orga nic, high-end, really good ki nd of good products, col d region and bla ck Gle be ecologi cal adva ntages and adva ntages play out, my area of agricultural devel opme nt in or der to find a way. Us yangchang budua n, is to have to swall ow some of the effects of transformation and devel opme nt of the short Boar d. Specifi c to the XX, w e seize t he K orean black railway i nto the province, "along the way" impleme ntation opport unities, promoti ng the construction of railway projects al ong the River, in the "Thirteen-Five " plan prom oting the proje ct, under construction. Pay special atte ntion t o provi ncial highway XX to ne njiang roa d tender call t o sophi sticated shops, t he nati onal highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stati ons a nd commuter air port renovation and ex pansion work, promote XX infrastr ucture i n Hong Kong , planne d openi ng water transport channel, a nd construct "land, water a nd air" transportation netw orks. Homeopat hy for as long as we are i n line wit h local conditi ons, in the play "long" fuss, in a ddressing t he "short" work on w eakne sses, short swagger grams, yang cha ngbuduan, wil l be able t o achieve t he development goal s. Second, focus on e conomic construction as the Center, pushi ng forward可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_many other pre cious col d water fish. Mi neral resources, ha s prove d many of the gold ore body, high grade , large reserves, re serves of more than 170 milli on t ons of lignite, iron, vana dium and titani um magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserve s, the rare. From the short plate, Woods conti nue d industry we ak, support is not strong , especially i nade quate for proce ssi ng, there are no resour ces to make good product s, marketing is not enoug h, there are no good product s sell for a good pri ce. Liveli hood weak ness, my district is l ocate d in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, a nd complete the buildi ng of forest society's weak nesses are mainly conce ntrated in the area of pe ople' s livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, t he task is still very ar duous. From the per spe ctive of shor t-term capital, di strict fina ncial situation at prese nt tense, some financial de bts to repa y, is basically living money,no money for devel opment, tra nsformation "where di d the money come from" still outsta ndi ng. From the perspective of talent short Boar d, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrati onal str uct ure, weak over seas tale nts into l ocal serious brai n-drain, e spe cially high-end talents badl y, ha s be come the devel opment of contr olKey issue s. If these short Board ne ither avoi d nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved i n forest areas. Se cond, thi nk calml y, calml y. A local economic development, stre ngths a nd weak nesses are dy namic a nd re ciprocal transformation, there i s no a bsolute a dvantages a nd di sadva ntages, adva ntages and disadvantage s of not hing, a s the time, pla ce, a nd cha nges in exter nal conditions, adva ntages coul d become di sadva ntages, di sadva ntages may also be to your advantage. F or example, my g ood ecologi cal environment, la nd dev elopment later, is t he nati on's "most dare ring of green and organi c food", but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such a s soy bean, wheat, e spe cially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers a nd pestici des, the e cological adva ntages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, i ce and snow were our weak nesses, soug ht after now, with visit