2022年高中生物选修知识点总结 3.docx
精品_精品资料_1, and prepare d accordi ng to 1.1, and thermal power e ngine ering started debugging w ork provi des 1.2, a nd thermal power pow er plant construction engi neering started and the complete d accepta nce procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steamBlow pipe guide is 1.4, an d thermal powe r engineeri ng adjustment try shipped quality test and the eval uation standard 2, a nd # 1 furna ce started debugging orga nization measures and the relate d provi des 2.1, and organi zation Divisi on: for g uarantee wi de up thermal power plant #1 fur nace started de buggi ng and the part steam machi ne system of smooth vote d shipped, spe cial establi she d #1 fur nace try shipped professi onal gr oup, members foll owing: l eader : Deputy Lea der: supe rvision: cr ew: wi de up try shi ppe d personnel: wi de up acce ptance personnel: 2.2, a nd debugging, a nd try shipped conte nt: boiler a uxiliary machine Divi sion debugging el ectric dust of Division try turne d and the debugging baking furnace Cook furna ce boiler r ushed tube, a nd bl ow sw eep security door check 2.3, and operation provi des a nd the Divisi on: # 1 furna ce de buggi ng, nd try shi pped by #1 fur na ce try shi ppe d professional group requirements for, w hi ch single try tur ned a nd Divi sion try shi ppe d by xD three compa ny led is re sponsible for. all moving operation operation must be i n strict a ccordance wit h the pri or aut horizati on of the #1 boiler commissi oni ng professional worki ng group, and after starting, the test command- appr oved #1 fur nace steps in the test programme, event of temporary cha nges be reported to headqua rters approval. commissio ning, trial operati on pr oce ss is re quire d for each project by Northw est electri c power constr ucti on compa ny ready "equipment i nstallation records", a nd fill in t he test applicati on form, the a a nd b side s after passi ng the che cks, fill in "partial commissioning che cking before a visa", reporte d hea d of the approval, carried out by the leader of unified com mand. A bouteach a ction are made by t he leader of a unified command, operation after the report to the team leader.Without the Direct or's consent shall not unilaterally make any startupoperati on, such as si ngle operations, w ho i s responsibl e for all security r esponsibilities, wit h no tie s to the other si de. all before the first turn of the motor, must be a ppr oved by both parties a common r oll insulati on measurement ca n be carried out pr operl y. After the end of each pr oject commissi oni ng, fill in "parti al a cceptance visa trial shi pments." As mot or in rotating e qui pment commissi oni ng test switch and mechanical part of their trial ca nnot continuously, t his is considered two test proje cts shall be carried out a ccor ding to t he above four ste ps. 2.4, and att ached w ork votes issue d people, a nd li ce nse people, and work head li st: party ele ctrical first specie s, and se cond speci es work v otes lice nse people list: party engine work vote s lice nse people list: b electri cal first spe cies, and secondspe cies work v otes issued people: b hot control pr ofessional issue d pe ople li st: b hot control professi onal w ork hea d: b steam machi ne professional work vote s issued people: b steam machi ne pr ofessional w ork votes hea d: b boiler pr ofessional work v otes issued people: b boiler pr ofessional w ork votes head: attache d: a bout personnel of conta ct phone party b Divisi on 3, boiler auxil iary equipment debugging sce narios 3.1, send, induced draft fan try turned 3.1.1, try turni ng the former re quireme nts of:, fan body and motor installed, base d the second Grouti ng ends, a nd the concrete strength is up., coupling the Centre has finished al igning standards, a ppr oved visa., bearing clearance normal outer rims a nd bearing clearance is up to standar d., Be nto n . Condition. 5.1.3, ov en starts all ra nge of com prehe nsive system s have be en i nstalled, grate, delivery, fan and slag machine to try to tra nsfer a qualifie d accepta nce a nd vi sas. 5.1.4, boil er pressure parts, body pi pe all i nstalled, water pressure test and accepta nce of visa. 5.1.5, thermal, electri cal and instrument i nstallation, si ngle school qualified to simulate joint school qualified, rea dy to operate. 5.1.6, fur nace wa ll masonry and pipe insulation, corrosi on protecti on all over, a nd a cce ptance. Boil er air and flue gas ducts clean, clutter -free, external ove n site ha s been cl eane d up. 5.1.7, ESP i nstallation completion and accepta nce of visa, water-film dust collect or com pletes the installati on of a pprove选修 3 易考学问点背诵专题 1基因工程基因工程的概念基因工程是指依据人们的愿望,进行严格的设计,通过体外 DNA重组和转基因技术, 给予生物以 新的遗传特性 ,制造出 更符合人们需要的新的生物类型和生物产品.基因工程是在 DNA分子水平 上进行设计和施工的,又叫做DNA重组技术 .(一)基因工程的基本工具1. “分子手术刀” 限制性核酸内切酶(限制酶)( 1)来源:主要是从 原核生物 中分别纯化出来的.( 2)功能:能够识别双链DNA分子的某种 特定 的核苷酸序列,并且使每一条链中特定 部位的两个核苷酸之间的磷酸二酯键 断开,因此具有 专一 性.( 3)结果:经限制酶切割产生的DNA片段末端通常有两种形式:黏性末端 和平末端 .2. “分子缝合针” DNA连接酶(1) 两种 DNA连接酶( E· coliDNA 连接酶和 T4- DNA连接酶)的比较:相同点:都缝合磷酸二酯 键.区分: E· coliDNA 连接酶来源于 T4 噬菌体 ,只能将双链 DNA片段互补的 黏性末端 之间的磷酸二酯键连接起来.而T4DNA连接酶能缝合 两种末端 ,但连接平末端的之间的效率较 低.(2) 与 DNA聚合酶作用的异同:DNA 聚合酶只能将 单个核苷酸 加到已有的核苷酸片段的末端,形成磷酸二酯键.DNA连接酶是连接 两个 DNA片段 的末端,形成磷酸二酯键.3. “分子运输车” 载体( 1)载体具备的条件:能在受体细胞中复制并稳固储存. 具有一至多个限制酶切点,供外源DNA片段插入 . 具有标记基因,供重组DNA的鉴定和挑选 .( 2)最常用的载体是 质粒 , 它是一种 暴露的、结构简洁的、独立于细菌染色体之外,并具有自我复制才能的双链环状DNA分子 .( 3)其它载体:噬菌体的衍生物、动植物病毒 二 基因工程的基本操作程序第一步: 目的基因的猎取1. 目的基因是指:编码蛋白质的结构基因.2. 原核基因实行 直接分别 获得,真核基因是 人工合成 .人工合成目的基因的常用方法有反转录法 _和化学合成法 _.3. PCR 技术扩增目的基因( 1)原理: DNA双链复制( 2)过程:第一步:加热至 90 95DNA解链 .其次步:冷却到 5560, 引物结合到互补 DNA链.第三步:加热至 7075, 热稳固 DNA聚合酶从引物起始互补链的合成 .其次步: 基因表达载体的构建1. 目的:使目的基因在受体细胞中 稳固存在 ,并且可以 遗传至下一代 ,使目的基因能够 表达和发挥作用 .water conditions, gray trench cover under i nstallation conditions, must pass throug h the cha nnel t o temporary walkwa y, pool not instal led around the raili ngs to temporary fenci ng to preve nt persons falling residue. 5.1.9, t he dr um and t he expa nsion of the i ndi cator on the heade r, should dr um and set the box to check t he local installati on of temporary inflation indicator. 5.1.10, the wall built after the manhole, inspecti on door shoul d be ope ned for natural dryi ng. 5.1.11, choosi ng a furna ce wall temperature measur ement points a ccording t o the req uirement s and sampli ng poi nts temperat ure measuri ng points wit h the following l ocation: 1.5mm-2.0mm above the com busti on chamber side w all furna ce non-Ce ntral Office, at the outlet of the fur nace, and economizer exit flue, middle of ba ck wall. 5.1.12 bel ongs a ll valve tone, boiler system, and the name is correct. 5.1.13, boiler feed -water front open drum air doors, to empty the ex haust valve a nd traps the super heater hea der, injecte d into t he boiler after treatment and softeni ng water to dr um zero meter level, glass tube level gauge should be clear a nd corre ct. 5.1.14, a cres of fine fuel s such a s wood, coal, fue l must not be mixed with ir on class st uff. 5.1.15, a ccording t o prepare d baki ng pr ogramme, to technol ogy to giv e可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_1, and prepare d accordi ng to 1.1, and thermal power e ngine ering started debugging w ork provi des 1.2, a nd thermal power pow er plant construction engi neering started and the complete d accepta nce procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steamBlow pipe guide is 1.4, and thermal powe r engineeri ng adjustment try shipped quality test and the eval uation standard 2, a nd # 1 furna ce started debugging orga nization measures and the relate d provi des 2.1, and organi zation Divisi on: for g uarantee wi de up thermal power plant #1 fur nace started de buggi ng and the part steam machi ne system of smooth vote d shipped, spe cial establi she d #1 fur nace try shipped professi onal gr oup, members foll owing: l eader : Deputy Lea der: supe rvision: cr ew: wi de up try shi ppe d personnel: wi de up acce ptance personnel: 2.2, a nd debugging, a nd try shipped conte nt: boiler a uxiliary machine Divi sion debugging el ectric dust of Division try turne d and the debugging baking furnace Cook furna ce boiler r ushed tube, a nd bl ow sw eep security door check 2.3, and operation provi des a nd the Divisi on: # 1 furna ce de buggi ng, a nd try shi pped by #1 fur na ce try shi ppe d professional group requirements for, whi ch single try tur ned a nd Divi sion try shi ppe d by xD three compa ny led is re sponsible for. all moving o peration operation m ust be i n strict a ccordance wit h the pri or aut horizati on of the #1 boiler commissi oni ng professional worki ng group, and after starting, the test command-approved #1 fur nace steps in the test programme, event of temporary cha nges be reported to headq ua rters approval. commissioning, trial operati on pr oce ss is re quire d for each project by Northw est electri c power constr uct on compa ny ready "equipment i nstallation records", a nd fill in t he test applicati on form, the a a nd b side s after passi ng the che cks, fill in "partial commissioning che cking before a visa", reporte d hea d of the approval, carried out by the leader of unified command. A bouteach a ction are made by t he leader of a unified command, operation after the report to the team leader.Without the Direct or's consent shall not unilaterally make any startupoperati on, such as si ngle operations, w ho i s responsibl e for al l security responsibilities, wit h no tie s to the other si de. all before the first turn of the motor, must be a ppr oved by bo th par ties a common r oll insulati on measurement ca n be carried out pr operl y. After the end of each pr oject commissi oni ng, fill in "partial a cceptance visa trial shi pments." As mot or in rotating e qui pment commissi oni ng test switch and mechanical part of their trial ca nnot continuously, t his is considered two test proje cts shall be carried out a ccor ding to t he above four ste ps. 2.4, and attached w ork votes issue d pe ople, a nd li cense people, and work head li st: party ele ctrical first specie s, and se cond speci es work v otes lice nse people list