The union flagBritish National Emblem,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,The Union Flag,3,INTRODUCTION,Its Name Its Three Parts,4,ITS NAME,The Union Flag, popularly known as the Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is the British flag. It is called the Union Flag because it symbolizes the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom.,5,ITS 3 PARTS,It is made up of the individual Flags of three of the Kingdoms countries all united under one Sovereign-the countries of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland. (since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom). As Wales was not a Kingdom(王国) but a Principality(公国,侯国) it could not be included on the flag.,6,ITS 3 PARTS,The National Flag of England,England is represented by the flag of St. George圣佐治,The National Flag of Scotland,Scotland is represented by the flag of St. Andrew圣安德鲁,The National Flag of Northern Ireland,Ireland is represented by the cross of St. Patrick圣帕特里克,7,The formation of the Union Flag (Union Jack) came about as the result of the progressive merging of the inhabitants of the British Isles under one throne. 1603 - King James VI of Scotland inherited the English throne and became King James I of England. 1606 - the National Flags of Scotland and England were united for use at sea, thus making the first Union Flag,The first Union Flag (1606),ITS 3 PARTS,8,1801 - Ireland was united with Great Britain and the present Union Flag was formed. The Union Flag consists of the three heraldic crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick.,The Union Flag (1801-now),ITS 3 PARTS,9,Why doesnt the Welsh dragon appear on the Union Flag? The Welsh dragon does not appear on the flag because when the first Union Flag was created in 1606, Wales was already united with England from the 13th century. This meant that Wales a Principality instead of a Kingdom and as such could not be included. What would the Union Flag look like if Wales was represented?,ITS 3 PARTS,10,ITS 3 PARTS,Below you can see Ian Lucas version of the Union flag with Wales represented:,伊恩卢卡斯的版本,Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom,英国皇家徽章,The main element of the Arms is the shield(盾) which is divided into Four Quarters. The First and Third quadrants represent England contain three gold lions passant on a red field; The Second quadrant represents Scotland contains a red lion rampant on a gold field; The Fourth quadrant represents Ireland contains the gold harp(竖琴)of Ireland on a blue field.,Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom,Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom,On the left, the shield is supported by the English Lion.,On the right, it is supported by the Unicorn (独角兽) of Scotland.,The top of Shield emblem is set with gold and silver helmets, imperial crown and a lion wearing a crown on head.,A piece of green grass,The coat features(使突出) BOTH the motto of British Monarchs: Dieu et mon droit (God and my right 天有上帝,我有权利) AND the motto of the Order of the Garter: (嘉德勋位的座右铭) Honi soit qui mal y pense (Evil to him who evil thinks 恶有恶报) on a representation of the Garter behind the shield.,Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom,( written in French ),15,Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom,英国皇室徽章,英国皇室徽章(苏格兰),英国政府使用的国徽,英国政府使用的国徽(在苏格兰),16,Thank you for watching!,