知识点归纳第4周 设计以听众为中心的演讲.pdf
知识点总结知识点总结 4 4: 第四周:设计以听众为中心的演讲第四周:设计以听众为中心的演讲 PreparingPreparing forfor Audience-CenteredAudience-Centered PresentationPresentation 本周课程中的“低效聆听七宗罪” ,你中了几个?你还记得我们有哪几种提 升倾听效率的方法吗? 我们还分享了几个能帮你顺利通过听力考试的小妙招, 你都记住了吗?倾听六阶段,你还记得吗? 在演讲练习中,我们不仅要讲,还要有效倾听,同时也要掌握分析、思考问 题的能力,同时,不要忘了时刻以听众为中心,调整自己的演讲,这样,你就离 一位优秀的演讲者更进一步啦! 接下来,我们一起来回顾一下本周的知识点: 9. 克服倾听恶习 Fighting Against the “7 Sins” of Poor Listening I. Different Types of Listeners 1. Passive Listeners: They fail to respond to the talkers messages. 2. Effective listeners: They play an active role by guiding the speaker toward common interests. II. Roadblocks to Good Listening 1. Every day, we deal with all kinds of sounds, and we can only distinguish sounds that are familiar to us. 2.Our busy lives have also caused us to develop extremely short attention spans. III. Fighting Against “7 Sins” of Poor Listening 1. Fight against “tuning out dull topics”: Always be energetic, and find values in others words! 2. Fight against “fake attention”: Translate the speakers thoughts into your own words. 3. Fight against “yielding to distractions”: We can block out almost any distraction when we truly concentrate. 4. Fight against “criticizing delivery or physical appearance”: Message counts! 5. Fight against “jumping to conclusion”: Withhold your judgment until youre sure you know the speakers position. 6. Fight against “overreacting to emotional words”:Stay calm, and remain objective. 7. Fight against “interrupting”: Train yourself to prepare well enough before the speech, and not to worry about what you want to say. IV. Tips to Improve Our Listening 1. “RASA”: Receive-Appreciate-Summarize-Ask 2. Ask for explanations from the speaker 3. Paraphrase the message 4. Summarize the message 5. Put it down on paper V. Tips for Listening Tests 1. Listen to one piece of material repetitively until you can hear every word clearly. 2. Read out aloud the material after listening. 3. Vocabulary is the basis. 4. Follow your own pace. 5. Keep on practicing every day. 10. 时刻以听众为中心 Audience-centered Presentation I.Audience-Centeredness Is the First Step of a Good Speech 1. Dont blame your audience for not listening to you; you need to speak properly, effectively and smartly! 2. Make your speech easy and interesting enough for your audience to listen to. II.Psychology of the Audience 1. Audience pay closest attention to messages that affect their values, beliefs and well-being 2. So build a bridge to connect your audiences values and explain why they should care about your speech. 3. Get inside the experience of your audience! III.The “WWH” Principle 1. To whom am I speaking? 2. What do I want them to know, believe, or do as a result of my speech? 3. How to compose and present my speech in an effective way to achieve that goal? 11. 如何根据听众调整演讲 Audience Adaptation I.Before the Speech 1. Remember the “WWH” principle. 2. Know your audience: (1) Personal information like age, gender, educational background, jobs, attitudes, beliefs and etc. (2) Other information like size and the physical setting of the speech. II.During the Speech 6 Stages of Listening and How to Adjust Accordingly: (1) Receiving stage: Begin the speech with an attention-getter! (2) Comprehending stage: Simplify the terms to make your speech clear and appropriate for your audience. (3) Interpreting stage: Make sure your non-verbal code should match your verbal code. (4) Evaluating stage: Strengthen your personal credibility to convince your audience. (5) Responding stage: Read the audiences feedbacks and adjust your speech to keep them focused. (6) Memory stage: Try to help your audience remember 70% of your speech! III.After the Speech 1. The forgetting curve shows that we forget things easily, so we should help our audience remember our speech as much as possible. 2. Always remember public speaking is about “what you say”, and “how much your audience can remember” what you say. 有缘学习更多+ 谓y g d 3 0 7 6 考证资料