选修六Unit1 Art语法虚拟语气1说课稿.doc
Unit1 ArtPeriod 3 Grammar-the Subjunctive Mood(1)说课稿各位教师:下午好!今天我说课的主题是人教版新课标英语选修六unit 1 Art的第三课时Grammar-the Subjunctive Mood(1).我说课的内容包括四部分:第一部分是教学内容分析;第二部分是教学目标;第三部分是教学重难点;第四部分是教学方法;第五部分是教学步骤。教学内容分析:虚拟语气 近几年高考对虚拟语气考点非常重视,考题不断呈现,虚拟语气称为热点命题趋势。一般命题考查虚拟语气在非真实条件中的灵活运用,在一些特殊句型结构中的呈现规律及其具体用法。掌握好虚拟语气对于语言理解与运用也有重要的意义。根据英语课程标准的具体要求与近几年考纲要求,对于虚拟语气应掌握以下内容:1.什么使虚拟语气即虚拟语气的概念;2.区分虚拟语气与表示真实情况的条件句;3.掌握if引导的非真实条件句的结构;6.掌握I wish.虚拟语气。虚拟语气在本单元主要谈论假想的情况,围绕着以下两个话题展开:What would you do if you had a million dollars? If I were you, I would 教学目标1.知识与技能目标:让学生了解并掌握虚拟语气的基本语法规则,并能在具体语言环境中灵活运用,解决相关高考试题。在日常交际中能够正确并灵活使用。2.情感目标:通过本节课,激发学生对社会的关注, 增强奉献意识,使学生形成积极的情感态度,激发学生学习兴趣,体验知识间的相互应用、相互依存、联系,让学生充满自信,体验成就感与合作精神,从而对高考充满信心。教学重难点;1.教学重点:了解与掌握虚拟语气语法规则与基本规则;2.教学难点:能够运用此项语法规则去完成各种试题练习, 并能在实际语言活动中灵活运用。教学方法1.教法:情景式教学法、任务型教学法、归纳总结、对比演绎与训练巩固法;2.学法:合作式学习、探究式学习、互动式学习;3.教学手段:多媒体辅助教学。教学过程:用提问的方式导入,引起学生的注意,激发他们用"If I had .I would ."这个句式表达的欲望(从10元到100元再到100万元,让学生的思维有准备的过程,并且使学生积极地思考,主动学习。)从而接近了解语法,发现语法规则,定义总结语法规律,理解运用语法,最后实践提高运用能力的教学流程。教学内容与步骤Step 1. Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2. Warming-up (根据学生的回答进行板书) T: Do you have ten yuan in your pocket? T: What would you do if it were yours? What would you do if you had ten Yuan? (学生畅所欲言,以达到熟悉这个句式。) T: OK, stop here. Please look at the screen and guess what would I do if I had a million dollars? Answers: Id give the money to the zoo. Id give the money to the medical research(通过这几个简单的假设问题,让学生了解到虚拟语气的具体概念,引出非真实条件句。)Step3. Approaching and presenting the grammar Supposing three different conditions of past, present and future, and make some sentences1. Yesterday we had an English test, if you had been more careful, you would have got a high mark.2. Now we are having an English class, I find some of you are whispering se-cretly, if you paid attention to your studying, you could make great progress.3. This evening we will have no classes and hold a party. But our host Tom will be in hospital. If he should host the party, it would be great.(通过设置情景,呈现不同时间的条件虚拟句,让学生注意发现语法规则,总结出与不同时间事实相反的虚拟条件句式特点。)Step4. defining and concluding the grammar设计呈现表格,让学生填写,展示虚拟语气语法规则,总结规律。主句从句与过去事实相反主语+would have doneIf +主语+had done与现在事实相反主语+would/could/should/might+doIf +主语+were/did与将来事实相反主语+would/could/should/might+ doIf +主语+did/were to do/should do (让学生把观察到的语言现象自己总结规律,呈现在表格里,使知识系统化, 便于理解掌握。Step5. the lead-in of the "I wish."3. This evening we will have no classes and hold a party. But our host Tom will still be in hospital. If he should host the party, it would be great. so that all of us have a wish: I wish he would be all right.Step6. Approaching and presenting the grammarSupposing three different conditions of past, present and future, make some sentences1. The food in the school canteen is so terrible that more students don't want to have a dinner in it any more. I wish I were the cook.2. You know I am the honest fan of ZhangJie, but you don't let me know he is in Guangshui until he leaves. I wish you had let me know earlier.3. My father is a heavy smoker. I wish he wouldn't smoke any more.总结:1. 表示与现在事实相反的愿望,用过去时: 2.表示与过去事实相反的愿望,用过去完成时 3.表示与将来事实相反的愿望,用could / would+ / might+动词原形:Step7. Understanding and applying the grammar假设虚拟情境,让学生参与到情景设计中,动手动口,让学生用所学的虚拟 句式造句或表达观点。情景1,如果你中头彩,拥有百万,你会做些什么?情景2,借助多媒体,呈现一些关于学生校园不文明的图片,表达你的观点 建议。(通过模拟情景,让学生学以致用,会灵活的使用学过的虚拟句式表述自己 的观点与想法,达到交际的目的,使输入的语法知识内化为语言能力,通 过书面与交际的方式输出,达到教学的最终目的。)Step8. Practising and improving完成虚拟语气配套的针对性练习与高考链接题(通过练习、讲解、辨析,了解学生理解与学习的程度,分析学习中存在的 问题与误区介绍传授解题技巧与方法,辨析高考题,提高答题准确率,保 证高考质量。)Step9. Homework1. Finish the subjunctive exercises in the book.2. Make up a story, using some subjunctive sentences.(通过完成课后练习,提高巩固语法知识。通过小短文写作训练,培养学生灵活运用虚拟句式的写作能力,全面提高学生综合语言运用能力。)第 7 页