The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第六季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
福尔摩斯探案集第6季第1集讹诈专家巴黎我最亲爱的埃米尔Emile my dearest one.(法语)是的夫人Yes Madame.我最亲爱的埃米尔My dearest Emile,我丈夫已经改变了计划my husband has changed his plans.没有其他的方式说再见There is no other way to say goodbye.把我记在你的心中Remember me in your heart.12年后12 Years Later谁在巴黎出 ♥卖♥♥♥ 了 我Who betrayed me in Paris为什么你等这么久才来?and why did you wait so long?我发现你的贵妇风范令人吃惊I find your ladyship's attitude surprising.以上问题的答案与你无关The answers to those questions are no concern of yours.我乞求你On my knees I beg you,发发慈悲I employ you to show mercy.我可不管什么慈悲夫人I'm not in the business of mercy Madame.我没有钱I haven't the money.即使我愿意给Even if I wished怎么能让我丈夫不发现呢?how could I without my husband knowing?连尝试都不去做这种建议Oh yourd be exceedingly ill advised是个馁主意Fve never been so frightened in my life.洛蒂这是什么?Lottie what is it?洛蒂?Lottie?出什么事了 ?What's the problem?是信There's some letters.什么?What?看来去不成布迪索特顿了Looks like it's goodbye Buddley Solterton.我必须去看看她I must go to her.别去亲爱的No my angel.缪尔王子要迎娶哈甘罗德男爵之女Prince Muir is about to marry Baroness Haganlod.他第一任妻子玛丽Lost his first wife,德娃葛兰姆公主在10年前去世Princess Mary Devagram ten years ago.罗斯伯里阁下受邀Lord Rosebury has accepted an invitation将参加在谢菲尔德举♥行♥的卡特勒家宴to dine at the Cutler's Feast in Sheffield.你心不在焉华生You*re not trying Watson.是吗福尔摩斯?Well really Holmes?我一直在读报纸I've been reading things out自从今早8点开始since half past eight this morning.没有一篇文章让你有反响You haven't reacted to a single article.我会的我保证I shall react I assure you只要你有东西吸引到我the moment you read out something which catches my attention.这个有意思Oh this is interesting.英格兰霍克斯坦国王板球队Lord Hockstein of English Cricketers下个月要去费城和多伦多are leaving next monthfor Philadelphia and Toronto.那些地方的人究竟对板球了解多少?What on earth does that continent know about cricket?尊贵的迈尔斯小姐The honorable Miss Miles在婚礼的两天前解除了与多金上校的婚约has broken off her engagement to Colonel Dorking two days before the wedding.今年冬天女性最重要的一样打扮The most important item in a woman's appearance this winter是她的帽子头饰will be her headgear.进来Yes?先生我来给您生火I've come to light the fire for you sir.不是现在谢谢Not at the moment thank you.走开Go away.警督?Inspector?夏洛克福尔摩斯先生?Mr. Sherlock Holmes?嗯是Yes.这是多金上校的来信It's from Colonel Dorking.谁送来的?Who delivered it?他的勤务兵His batman.上面是多金上校This is Colonel Dorking.他和迈尔斯小姐的婚礼His engagement to the honorable Miss Miles在昨天取消了was broken off yesterday.你瞧我有听You see I was listening.是雷斯垂德It's Lastrade.我不知道他是否在楼上警督I don*t know that he's in Inspector.警督?Inspector?福尔摩斯先生Mr. Holmes,你知道我为什么来you know what I'm here for.不知道和我说说No prey tell me.为了那封信I've come for the letter,就在那个信封里which arrived in that envelope.那是被偷出来的It was stolen from the rooms在约翰多金上校的房♥间里of Colonel John Dorking然后到了华生医生手里and delivered into the hands of Doctor Watson 在不到20分钟的时间里not twenty minutes ago.现在在你手上吗?Do you have it?是有送来但算是“偷”吗?Delivered, yes but stolen?这是给我的私人信件雷斯垂德It was a postal note to me Lastrade.这是警方的证据It's police evidence.上校已经死了The Colonel is dead.是的我们知道Yes we know.自杀by his own hand.并没有什么凶杀的嫌疑不是吗?Foul play is not suspected is it?你怎么这么肯定?How can you be so sure it isn't?信上说得很明白Because the note made it clear.那么So,要是他想自杀why should he write to you为什么还要给你写信?if hers topping himself?你认识他吗?Did you know the man?我不认识他I had no knowledge of him.那回答我的问题Oh answer my question或者还是把信给我or better still show me the letter.它不会告诉你什么It will tell you nothing.那么在我看来So it seems to me既然雇了你on the point of engaging you他一定是改变了主意he must have changed his mind.并用士兵的方式了结了一切And took a soldier's way out.他那么说是什么意思What does he mean by这我们永远不会知道了警督We'll never know Inspector.但是他已经订婚了呀该死的But he was engaged to be married damn it.是的Yes.这种事不会是第一次Well wouldn't be the first time也不会是最后一件and it won't be the last.这么说这是敲诈?So it was blackmail you'd say?说得好雷斯垂德Well done Lastrade.别挖苦我了福尔摩斯先生No need for sarcasm Mr. Holmes.你跟我们差不多Your as much in the dark,也是毫无头绪吧as we are then也不知道这个敲诈者是谁about who this blackmailer might be.有一件事你可以肯定You can be sure of one thing多金上校不是他的第一个受害人Colonel Dorking was not his first victim也不会是最后一个and will not be his last.再见雷斯垂德Goodbye Lastrade.如果你有什么消息You will let me know你会通知我的吧?if you hear of anything?我犯下了一个弥天大错I made a hideous mistake.我需要你的出马I need your services.唯一可惜的是他没有说出敲诈者的名字The only pity is he didn't name the blackmailer.他有He did.这是和信在一起的This came with the letter.查尔斯奥古斯特米尔沃顿Charles Augustus Milverton,汉普斯特德区阿普尔托尔斯画商Appledore Towers, Hampstead, Art Dealer.他的伪装Camouflage.C-A-MCAM,C.A.M.C.A.M.在我的办案生涯里我和50个凶手打过交道I've had to deal with fifty murderers in my career,但就算是其中最凶残一个but the worst of them never gave me也没有这位查尔斯奥古斯特米尔沃顿先生this sense of revulsion which that I feel at this moment towards 这么让我厌恶Mr. Charles Augustus Milverton.米尔沃顿的老窝Milverton's lair.这是座堡垒Ifs a fortress.出乎你的意料吗?Are you surprised?查尔斯奥古斯特Charles Augustus他是个外国人吗?Is he a foreigner,罗马人?Roman?他给自己建了座监狱He's built his own prison.他是个反♥人♥类♥的人He*s a man who loathes the human race.什么样的成长环境会让他变成现在这样?What circumstances might bring him to that?孩提时代孤独地被养大Well boy brought up in lonely isolation,缺少关爰starved of affection.很可能是生活在伦敦的郊区Probably in one of London's outer suburbs.郊区?为什么不是Soho区Outer, why not Soho或是莱斯特斯广场那里?or Lesters Square.因为我亲爰的福尔摩斯那些个地方Cause, my dear Holmes, those places就算恶人们像狼群一样出没with all there vices team like wolves,还是有好的风气和人性的generosity of spirit and humanity.有意思That's interesting.米尔沃顿Milverton.今晚我要派给你一个任务Tonight I have an assignment for you愿意去走访一间画廊吗?if you're willing to visit an art gallery.那你干什么呢?What will you be doing?你难道不觉得那个尊贵的迈尔斯小姐Don't you think that the honorable Miss Miles更值得一访吗?might be more worth a visit既然多金写信给了你?since Dorking wrote to you?那是过去了华生That is past Watson.我们现在要做的What we must do now是紧紧盯上他的下一个受害者is fastened ourselves onto his next victim.所以这个晚上我要尽可能地去了解米尔沃顿?So this evening Fm to discover all I can about Milverton?他的名声他的背景His reputation. His background.以及对他的感受And how those perceive him.我要和他谈话吗?Do I engage him in conversation?是的但是小心些Yes but with caution.先生在吃午饭的时候病倒了小姐His lordship has taken ill at lunch my lady.恐怕是次中风It is feared he may have suffered a stroke.可怜的查尔斯叔叔Oh poor Uncle Charles.夫人正在陪他Her ladyship is with him now.知道你回来了他会很高兴He should be pleased that you*re back.戴安娜Oh Diana.我能见见他吗?May I see him?他睡着了He's sleeping.等一会儿吧Wait a little.有多糟糕?How bad is it?巴内医生不太乐观Doctor Bainey's not optimistic.如果他活了下来If he lives也会是瘫痪he'll be paralyzed.伊娃今天晚上我有个仪式需要参加Eva there's a ceremony that I have to attend this evening.为一位年轻艺术家为我画的肖像揭幕The unveiling of my portrait by a young artist.只需去露个面Just a brief appearance但是我容许他会到场but I promised him that I'd be there.你愿意照顾他吗?Will you come take care of him?当然愿意Of course.等等Wait.进来Yes?来了一个侍女Here's a maid.是为了活来的先生Come about the job sir.那就进来吧Well come in then.你有什么可以卖♥♥给我的亲爱的?So what have you got to sell me my dear?你叫什么名字?What is your name?利利先生Lillie sir.啊伊娃布莱克威尔女士Awe, Lady Eva Blackwell.我突然想到It occurs to me我没有被邀请that I mightnot have been就去看展览福尔摩斯invited to this viewing Holmes.如果不让我进怎么办?What if Tm not admitted huh?福尔摩斯?Holmes?福尔摩斯先生刚出去了吗?Is that Mr. Holmes just going out?我也没有看清楚医生Not that I recognize Doctor.女士们先生们闲话不说Without more ado ladies and gentlemen为了它我们聚集在此I shall perform the ceremony由我来主持这场仪式for which we are gathered.我觉得本人更温柔更美丽I think she's gentler and more beautiful than that.我应该坚持让惠斯勒为你作画I should insist on Whistler painting you.荣幸之至It was a great honor.我会很快离开I would like to go soon.男孩画笔下的你至臻至美斯温斯特德女士The boy has caught you to perfection Lady Swinstead.我们没有被引荐过吧I don't believe we*ve been introduced.查尔斯奥古斯特米尔沃顿Charles Augustus Milverton 为您效劳at your service.借光Excuse me,斯温斯特德女士恕我冒昧Lady Swinstead, I'm afraid.我的丈夫?My husband?伊娃Eva.请原谅Forgive me.非常漂亮的一位女士A most beautiful lady.什么?What?斯温斯特德女士Lady Swinstead.不过我在想I wonder though他是不是画对了她的嘴唇if he*s quite got her mouth right.失败啊Disaster.我认识你吗?Do I know you?嗯Yeah.你为米尔沃顿工作不是吗?You work for Milverton don't you?为他干活好吗?Is he good to work for?要是没有那可恶的水管就还不错He would be if weren*t for the bloody plumbing. 水管?Plumbing?永远都漏水not to make an effort.悉听尊便Do your worst.你别想从我这里得到一个子You will not have a penny from me,胆小鬼coward!我的孙子们已经受到了足够的惩罚My grandsons were punished enough.我很少收到他们的来信I hear from them only seldom.我想他们是不想让我伤心They wish to spare me their misery I think.这个魔鬼已经归西了吗?This monster who brought about their downfall?他还健在福尔摩斯先生He lives and breathes Mr. Holmes面带笑容with a smiling face但内心冷酷无情and a heart of marble.你应该早点来找我You should have come to me sooner.如果能早点认识你If only Ed known of you sooner.我的一个朋友把你介绍给我A friend gave me your name.他对你的评价很高He has a high regard,就因为你的正义感for your sense of justice.你读诗吗?Do you read poetry?试试这页Try a leaf.CAM .魔鬼CAM devil.这是我能给你的唯一线索This is the only clue I can offer you.或许有用Maybe it will help.Always drippin off the spout永远都是我的错and it's always my fault.看看你干了什么Look what you've done.这杯是我的对吗? 是的-That's my pint is it? - Yes.我们来亲个嘴儿Now give us a kiss.滚开Get off.滚开罗伯特Get off Robert.滚开Get off.我们从没叫过水管工We never sent for the plumber.你好Oh hello.是斯托克斯叫我来的It was Stokes.是吗?Oh was it?罗伯特这是你叫什么?Robert this is. what's your name?埃斯科特Escott.”我们一管到底”We plumb the depths,我公♥司♥的座右铭it's my firms motto.他说是你叫来的He says you sent for him.那麻烦在哪儿?Where's the trouble?啊我看到了Awe, I see.这里怎么回事?What*s going on here?我在问你这里发生了什么事情?I asked you what's going on here?他是来修水管的赫伯斯先生He's come about the plumbing Mr. Hebworth.我自作主张叫他来看看I took the liberty of asking him to come and look at it.不是吗阿吉?Didn't I Aggie?你没有自作主张的权利You have no right to take liberties.这里归我管I'm in charge here.但是我们得修好它赫伯斯先生But we do need it done Mr. Hebworth.我是说米尔沃顿先生昨天还在说I mean, Mr. Milverton was only saying yesterday管子里传出一股很难闻的味道that there was a very, ugly smell coming from the piping.好吧Very well.那就继续吧Carry on then.他早出晚归He came in late and went out early.谢谢你哈德森太太Thank you Mrs. Hudson.真遗憾啊Shame isn't it?他是个优秀的政♥治♥家华生He was a fine statesmen Watson.听说他的交际手腕It was his diplomacy, Trn told, 在几年前那段非常时期里which eased Anglo-French relationships缓和了美国和法国之间的紧张关系at a most delicate time some year's back.他的遗孀听到这心碎的消息时我也在场呢To think that I was there with his widow when the news was broken to her. 米尔沃顿Milverton.我和他聊了几句I exchanged a word with him.一副充满算计虚情假意的笑容A more calculatingly insincere smile我真希望再也不要看到I never hope to see.查尔斯奥古斯特Charles Augustus.据说他是一名艺术领域的鉴赏家And described to me as a connoisseur in art matters.一个商人只要他出马A businessman who can make or raise就能让任何一名艺术家发家致富the fortune's of any artist to whom he devotes himself.不知廉耻Stems of hell!他是许多伦敦俱乐部里的会员He's a member of a number of London clubs.因此我猜想On the basis I suppose那些人并不和他唱反调that there are those who do not oppose him.但第欧根尼俱乐部不是Not the Diogenes.我听我的哥哥迈克罗夫特说I heard my brother Microft他自己找上门来结果碰了一鼻子灰走了that he presented himself and was turned away with a flea in his ear.你的这位绅士敲诈犯You're gentleman blackmailer出生在巴伦was born in Balum.一个磨工和他妻子的独子The only son of a glazer and his wife.你从哪儿听说的?Your source of information?很多地方Oh a variety of sources.我用了你的方法I applied your methods.你乔装成了谁?How have you faired?我进入了堡垒I've entered the fortress我是个生意兴隆的水管工I'm a plumber of a rising business,化名埃斯科特Escott's my name.男管家名叫赫伯斯The butler, who goes under the name of Hebworth, 不是别人正是那个男仆维奇is none other than Veitch the footman, 脸上中了枪我敢肯定who was shot in the face. Fm certain of it.或许米尔沃顿之所以雇了他Perhaps he was employed by Milverton是作为他在克罗夫特丑闻事件中as a reward for keeping his silence保持沉默的奖励during the Kroft scandal.我很想知道I wonder.你的管道被空气堵塞了赫伯斯先生You got air compression in your cell pipes Mr. Hebworth. 才让这房♥子里一股臭味That's the cause of the evil smell in this house.这些在下面接水What this warrants is a save all below it脏水就不会淤积了so the dirty water don't get clogged up.你在这里干什么What the devil are you doing here?他是个水管工先生It*s the plumber sir.这屋子里不需要水管工There's no need of a plumber in this room.滚出去Get out.这是主人的特别房♥间This is masters special room.你现在就出去你这蠢货and you stay out now.阿吉?Aggie?待会儿见是我的水管工来了Fil see you later it's my plumber. 阿吉?Aggie?我不在乎是不是让他吃醋了I don't care if I do make him jealous. 他的主意His ideas are.我不喜欢你的主人阿吉I don't like your master Aggie. 我觉得他不像个好人I think he's a shady character. 你说得没错Your right he is.我的天Oh God.利利Lillie.她不会为了那活过来做的She won't come here for that Job. 她干嘛想到这里来做呢?Why would she want to work here for? 她才是个真正的侍女She was a real ladyrs maid, 从她的穿着你就能看出来 you could tell by her clothes. 那她是为了什么来呢? What was she after then? 我觉得你有点太好奇了I think you're getting to a bit too curious. 是的没错Yes you are 我觉得好冷 and I'm getting cold. 好舒服Snuggling good.就亲一下Just a kiss.我不知道该怎么做I don't know how.小可怜Poor boy.福尔摩斯Holmes我有了个主意I've had an idea.一个我们可以把米尔沃顿A way in which we bring this fellow Milverton 绳之以法的方法within the grasp of the law. 如果我们能引诱他去敲诈 If we could tempt him to blackmail 一个无辜的人我们就能抓住他了 an innocent person we should have him. 现在假设Now suppose.我收到了一些不体面的信suppose I was to be the recipient of some indiscreet letters. 你吗华生?You Watson?那谁写这些信呢?Who would prey write these letters?某个我们的熟人Someone of our acquaintance.而你身为一个水管工And you and your plumbing persona 可以把它们拿去卖♥♥ could offer them for sale.而在交易的过程中And at the moment of transaction 雷斯垂德就可以随时逮捕他Lastrade would be on hand to arrest him.但是法律上说我们无法行动But legally we cannot move直到某个被害人准备好了 until some victim is prepared 牺牲自己的名声to sacrifice their reputation 跑去警 ♥察♥局 by going to the police.一定有什么方法There must be some way 可以让我们打倒这个恶魔we can fight this devil.有的There is.有的There is.在过不到三个星期亲爱的In a mere three weeks, my love,这将都是你的this all will be yours.-我觉得配不上-胡说-1 feel unworthy of it. - Nonsense.那世上就没有女人能配得上了There's no woman on earth more worthy.我觉得不舒服I feel unwell.我知道你在牵挂什么I know what it is your feeling.是你的叔叔查尔斯我理解It*s your Uncle Charles, I do understand.我们会先安排后事We have our future ahead.然后我们共度余生We have each other for the rest of our lives.我能在哪里找到维特农先生?Where can I find Monsieur Vetron?夏洛克福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes.晚上好先生Good evening monsieur.你瞧我正努力You see I*ve tried to bring想把一点巴黎的风情带到伦敦a little bit of Paris to London.卡米尔的手法很简单Camille's method is simple.卡米尔?Camille?C-A-M. C.A.M.C-A-M, CAM.华生你知道吗有时候你真让我惊叹Watson you know sometimes you absolutely amaze me.他希望被人知道He allows it to be known他准备好了出一大笔钱that he is prepared to pay very high sums买♥♥那些尊贵富有地位显赫的人的信for letters, which come from wise people of wealth and position.你收到过Do you receive,收到过来自男仆或者侍女的信吗?do you receive these letters from valets and maids?不只他们Not only them有时候怎么说sometimes, how do you say,还从异教♥徒♥的恶棍手里得到gentile ruffian他们从爱上他们容易轻信的女人who have the