The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
福尔摩斯探案集第4季第6集巴斯克维尔的猎犬卖 ♥♥报卖♥♥报Paper,paper.成了Finished.华生你对它有什么看法?What do you make of it Watson?嗯?Huh?我想你后脑勺上一定长眼睛了吧福尔摩斯I believe you got eyes in the back of your head Holmes. 我眼前放着一个擦得锂亮的咖啡壶Well I have a well-polished coffee pot in front of me.哈德森太太说是昨晚你出门时Mrs. Hudson said it was left last night有人落下的while you were out.你对它有什么看法?What do you make of it?我想Well至少我们知道了他的名字his name at least we know.我认为摩梯末医生是一位功成名就I think Dr. Mortimer is a successful,年岁较大的杏林人士elderly medical man, 受人尊敬well esteemed, 认识他的人们送给他since those who know him gave him这件表示感激的纪念品this mark of their appreciation.没错Yeah.我还认为他是位乡村医生I think he's a country practitioner, 出诊时大多是步行的does a good deal of his visiting on foot.亨利爵士是巴斯克维尔家族最后的子嗣Sir Henry is the last of the Baskerville.当时您为什么没有马上请我去调查?Why did you not consult me immediately?有的问题就连最精明老练的侦探There's a realm in which the most accomplished也是毫无方法的detective is helpless sir.有些事物There are certain things here,虽然全然不符合自然规律which are impossible to reconcile可依旧存在着to the settled order of nature.如果您认为这属于超自然的范畴If you believe this to be supernatural找个神父岂不是更好you'll find more help from a priest.NOjNoNo,No,No.我怎样才能帮您呢?How can I assist?得给我个说法And I'll have an answer damn it.他正为靴子的事发火呢先生He's in a stir sir about his boot.搞什么如果找不到我的旧黑靴就要他好看By thunder if that fellow can't find my old black boot. 您丢的是一只新的棕色靴子吧Surely it was a new brown boot.不昨天晚上他们把棕色的那双拿走了No last night they took one of the brown ones.今天他们又偷走了一只黑的Today they've sneaked one of the black.很抱歉摩梯末医生I'm sorry Mortimer很抱歉为这些琐事麻烦你I'm sorry to trouble you with this nonsense可这还是所谓第一流的旅店啊but this is a first class hotel damn it!哦你好Oh hello.夏洛克福尔摩斯为您效劳Mr. Sherlock Holmes at your service. 我倒觉得这件事I think it is worth troubling about 很值得讨论 as a matter of fact.您何出此言?You do why?因为这件事不合常理Because it's inexplicable.好Good.很好That's good.老天My God.你感冒了么华生?Have you got a cold Watson?都是这里污浊的空气闹的Why it's this poisonous atmosphere. 我想这烟也确实够浓的了This is a big thick I suppose.浓?Thick?简直不能忍♥受It's intolerable.你一整天都待在俱乐部里吧You*ve been at your club all day. 你怎么知道的?How'd you know that? 你觉得我去了哪儿? Where do you think I*ve been?显然就待在这儿啊Well here clearly.显然?Clearly?我去了德文郡I've been at Devonshire.灵魂出窍?In spirit?正是Quite so.我派人从斯塔福德警局取来一份地图I sent out for a map from Stamforcfs.看到了么?Now see here?巴斯克维尔庄园Baskerville Hall.这里是格林盆村只有几座零星散布的房♥屋 Grimpenjust a clutter of cottages.这两间房♥在沼地上2 moorland houses,都是农舍farmhouses,赖福特庄园Lafter Hall,梅利琵宅邸就这些了Merripit House and that is all.这些代表沼泽地区Oh this represents marshland这里就是and these barrows,曾经上演悲剧的舞台some prehistoric settlement或是埋葬的坟场or burial ground.10英里?10 mile?不用那么远Disused is it周围的一切都是多余and all the rest is waste我们那高明的罪犯as far as the great convict, 最远也就只能到普林斯顿监狱了the prison of Princeton.这地方真是合适It is a worthy setting如果魔鬼想要插足于人间之事的话if the devil did decide这种想法也不是毫无道理to dabble in the affairs of man.这么说你自己也倾向于Then you yourself are inclined神怪的说法了 ?towards a supernatural explanation?你最好给摩梯末医生捎个话You*d better send word to Dr. Mortimer,说我们明早和他共进早餐we*ll eat breakfast with him tomorrow.这是今早寄来的It arrived by post this morning.对您来说是小菜一碟吧福尔摩斯先生?So you think of little puzzles Mr. Holmes?它已经超过了我思考的能力This one wants more thinking than I'm able to give it昨天寄出的?Posted yesterday?没错Yes.多半是玩笑吧A joke,as like it's not.亨利爵士请告诉我Tell me Sir Henry您到了伦敦后还遇到了什么奇特的事?has anything interesting happened to you since you've been in London? 不我想没有No I donrt think so.有没有被人跟踪?Ever been followed?什么?What?好像我生活在离奇小说里似的I seemed to have walked right into a dime novel.为什么有人要跟踪我?Why should anyone follow me?这封信是寄到旅店来的That letter was delivered to the hotel.所以你确实被人跟踪了You are being followed Sir Henry.“假设你珍视生命或还有理性的话"If you value your life or your reason远离沼泽地”keep away from the moor."我在想的是The issue I suggest is whether it constitutes这究竟是个善意的警告还是威胁a friendly or an unfriendly warning.显然不能确定啊That is surely impossible to determine.还是有一些线索的However has features that may help, 比方说信封the envelope for example.如果说它有点被揉过还能见人的话If somewhat trampled is presentable.里面的东西就不是了It's contents mostly are not.这封信是被人The letter has been torn很仔细地从一份neatly enough along a fold泰♥晤♥ 士 ♥报♥的社论上剪下来的 and the leader article in the Times绝对错不了the Leaded Bourgeois printers, 肯定是从社论上剪下的字拼出的信息unmistakable has been chosen from which to cut the message 但都是在匆忙之中剪下的but the message is all quickly cut用的是一把短刃的剪刀with an appropriate short bladed scissors而且在把这些铅字粘到纸上时and the gluing of the print of the paper弄出了不少污迹也没有高低对齐is smudged and misaligned.给我看一下好吗?May I see it?这只是半张空白信纸Only half a sheet of paper水印依然清晰and yet the watermark is clear.哈德鲸鱼Hudson whale.这种纸在中等规格的旅店里You will find that paper都能找得到in a hundred middle grade hotels但这里不会有but not from here.上等旅舍提供的纸张会重一些A first class hotel would have a paper of a greater weight.这种墨水很常用The ink is institutional.也令我想到了是一家旅店I would also suggest a hotel.从中我们又能知道什么呢?Yet what can we determine from this?口袋里的棉絮Pocket fluff.我推断写下这封信的人I infer that the person who wrote this message就住在附近的某间旅店里is staying at a nearby hotel.他做事细致He*s neat of habit.在这件事上也费了一番苦心And studied the task methodically.但他之后开始怕被人发现But then he began to fear discovery.在慌张中完成He rushed it through然后把信塞在口袋里and put the result in his pocket直到找到机会把它寄出去until such time as he posted it.诚然有个可怕的人在威胁着你It is true that fearful people threaten但我的解释是but my interpretation is这是一封善意的警告that this is a friendly warning.因为似乎泄露出这个消息Because it seems a risk was incurred他也是在冒险in its execution.真是太棒了福尔摩斯先生Bravo Mr. Holmes您果然是名不虚传you fulfill your reputation sir no mistake,但是按您的说法送这封信的人害怕的but if you're right and this fellow's afraid不只是他自己的问题then he's afraid not only for his own skin还在为我担忧but what might happen to me.没错Quite so.摩梯末医生我想现在应该您来解释了Dr. Mortimer I think it is time that you explain.现在您了解情况了亨利爵士Well now you know the facts Sir Henry.问题就是The question is whether or not您究竟该不该到达特姆尔去you should go to Dartmoor.没有任何地狱里的魔鬼There's no devil in hell或是世人nor no man on this earth能阻止我回到我的家乡that's going to prevent me from going to the home of my own people.这样的话我们就看看Then we'll see怎样把危险减到最低吧how we can mitigate the danger.您当真♥相♥信会有危险?You really believe there is danger?我想如果真有危险就一定会出大事I think that if it is,that it is considerable.您一定不能单独行动You certainly cannot go alone.摩梯末医生和我一同回去Dr. Mortimer returns with me.他的诊所和家离你那儿还有几英里远He has his practice and he lives some miles distant.您能亲自去么?You'll come yourself?我得待在伦敦有一桩勒索的案子I have to stay in London,blackmail case.我委托我的朋友华生前去I recommend my friend Watson.您真是太好了医生That's very kind of you Doctor.我会的I will.摩梯末医生-谢谢你-Dr. Mortimer. - Thank you.华生Watson?这边This way.那人是谁?Who was that man?我不知道I have no idea.你怎么知道Well how did you know有人在跟踪巴斯克维尔先生?someone's been following Baskerville?如果不是跟踪How else did they know so immediately他们怎么能立刻知道他住在哪?where he was staying?起码现在他们不会再跟踪他了At least they'll not continue to follow him now.华生当危险到来的时候When the crisis comes Watson,肯定会到来的and it will,要向我报告report to me.华生你知道查尔斯巴斯克维尔爵士Watson do you know what the residue留下来的遗产有多少么?of Sir Charles Baskerville estate was?我不知道No I don't.差不多一百万Close to a million.就是这人演这出危险大戏的赌注A stake on which a man might play a dangerous game.这可是很大一笔财富Such a sum has a definite materiality.不过现在一切还都天差地远呢And yet of all things in heaven and earth.我们都是讲科学的人福尔摩斯We are men of science Holmes.没错Yet.这可是桩邪恶又危险的案子华生It's an ugly,dangerous business Watson.相信我如果你能平安回到贝克街Believe me I should be very glad我会很高兴的to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street Watson.谢谢你福尔摩斯Thank you Holmes.福尔摩斯?Holmes?我亲爰的华生我不会说任何建议和怀疑My dear Watson I will not bias your mind来干扰你的思维by suggesting theories or suspicions.只要讲♥事♥实♥报告给我Simply report facts to me尽可能写得详细in the fullest possible manner.随后的日子里你得集中注意力Concentrate your attention upon the following.总之一如古老的羊皮纸上写的那样Above altavoid the moor,别在黑夜降临罪恶势力嚣张之时when as the old parchment frankly put it,走过沼泽地the paths of evil are exalted.怎么回事伯金斯?What is this Perkins?有个罪犯从普林斯顿监狱越狱了先生Convict,escaped from Princetown sir.有三天了It's 3 days now.到处都在搜They*ve been watching all over, 还没发现他的任何踪迹 they ain't seen no sign of him. 农户们都有些不安Farmers don't like it.逃出来的是谁?Who is he?塞尔丹在诺丁山杀人的凶手Selden,the Notting Hill murderer.家家都门窗紧锁呢Folk are locking their doors I can tell you.这人干了什么?What'd the man do?他杀了一家人He murdered a whole family 手段极其残忍♥with such savagery they deemed him insane. 欢迎您亨利爵士Welcome Sir Henry.欢迎来到巴斯克维尔庄园Welcome to Baskerville Hall.谢谢Thank you.你就是白瑞摩吧?It*s Barrymore yes?听候您的吩咐先生At your service sir.这是白瑞摩太太Mrs. Barrymore.太太你好Madame.只要有需要If I can be of service无论白天黑夜都尽管来找我do not hesitate to send for me day or night.的朋友们我猜可能是当地的猎人会I should guess that to be the local hunt.哦好啊好极了华生Oh bravo,bravo Watson.你知道我不能不说You know I am bound to say你已经习惯性地低估自己的能力了you habitually underrate your abilities.也许你本身并不能发光It may be that you are not yourself luminous, 但你是光的传导者but you are a conductor of light.有些人本身并不是天才Some people without possessing genius却有着可观的激发天才的力量have remarkable power for stimulating it.我得说我亲爱的伙伴I confess,my dear fellow, 我真是太感谢你了that I am very much in your debt.谢谢Thank you.但是我恐怕But I'm afraid that你的大多数结论都是错误的most of your conclusions were erroneous. HH?肯定指的是“医院”Surely hospital.CC应该是查林十字会suggests Charing Cross.在我的推理中这是一个年轻人I mean if so I would postulate a young man不到三十岁和蔼可亲under thirty,amiable, 做事马马虎虎absent-minded, 不追求功名当然谢谢你Of course,thank you.走吧Walk on.这边请亨利爵士This way Sir Henry我们家族的五百年历史Five hundred years of us.正如我想象中的Just as I imagined it.完全就和我想的一模一样To much as I imagined it.这地方需要放上些This place needs the products斯旺或是爰迪生的东西of Mr*s Swann and Edison但我想我会适应的but I suppose I can tone down to it.谢谢Thank you.白瑞摩先生晚餐非常美味Excellent meal Barrymore.请代我们谢谢白瑞摩太太Please thank Mrs. Barrymore for us.谢谢您先生Thank you sir.您的喜欢一定会让她很高兴She'll be pleased you enjoyed it.华生医生我们走吧?Well Dr. Watson shall we?先生Sir?白瑞摩Barrymore,什么事?what is it?先生Sir我妻子和我都很乐意留在您身边my wife and I will be happy to stay with you直到你安排下来or till you've settled in做出你自己的安排and made your arrangements.但是你的家族世代与我们在一起But your family's been with us for generations.如果我在这里开始的新生活I'm sorry to start my life here要打破这段悠久的往来我会很遗憾的breaking an old family connection.谢谢你先生Thank you sir.我妻子和我都很敬爰查尔斯爵士My wife and I were much attached to Sir Charles而他的故世and his death.我们觉得没有什么We feel that nothing can be.我们觉得we feel.继续留在这里会使我们很不好受先生we feel we shall never be easy here at the hall sir.确实Right.你们有何打算?Well what do you mean to do?由于查尔斯爵士的慷慨Oh Sir Charles*s generosity给了我们一笔钱可以让我们has given us the means to set up in business做些小本买♥♥卖♥♥先生 in a small way sir.谢谢你告诉我这些Well thank you for telling me.我可以期待一下某天在你家Might I look forward to you pulling me a pint得到你一杯美酒的招待吗?in your own house one day?这是当然了先生谢谢您先生That is the sort of thing sir thank you sir.好Good.就这么约定了 ?Mind you call it Baskerville arms?好的先生Yes sir.谢谢您先生Thank you sir.这个男人害怕了That man is frightened.是的Yes.晚上不好捱啊Turning into a rough night.早上我要步行I shall walk over to the post office 去格林盆的邮局at Grimpen in the morning.很抱歉可是福尔摩斯嘱咐过我I'm sorry but Holmes asked me 不能让您单独离开房♥子 not to let you leave the house without. 医生这玩意儿可以对付任何一条狗 Doctor,this shall take care of any dog 就算没有你的相陪that I may meet in your absence. 就算你有武器Even armed.好吧All right.明天早上我会留在家里Tomorrow morning shall find me at home. 在家总平安了吧?I'm safe at home am I?福尔摩斯是这么相信的Well that's what Holmes believes. 这可是桩邪恶又危险的案子华生Ifs an ugly and dangerous business Watson. 相信我如果你能平安回到贝克街I shall be glad to have you back safe and sound 我会很高兴的in Baker Street once more.有的问题就连最精明老练的侦探也束手无策There's a realm in which the most accomplished detective is helpless. 有些事物There are certain things here,虽然全然不符合自然规律which are impossible to reconcile可依旧存在着to the settled order of nature.总之一如古老的羊皮纸上写的那样Above all avoid the moor别在黑夜降临罪恶势力嚣张之时whereas the old parchment quaintly puts it,走进沼泽地the powers of evil are exalted.你知道查尔斯巴斯克维尔爵士Do you know what the residue of留下来的遗产有多少么?Sir Charles Baskerville estate was?差不多一百万Close to a million.就是这人演这出危险大戏的赌注Such a sum has such a distinctive materiality about it.早上好Good morning.今天您好吗?How are you today?很好谢谢Oh very well thank you.给你There we are.谢谢先生谢谢-Thank you sir. - Thank you.再见Goodbye.再见先生Goodbye sir.华生医生?Dr. Watson?请饶恕我的冒昧推测Excuse my presumption.摩梯末医生在您经过他诊所窗前的时候Dr. Mortimer pointed you out to me把您指给了我看from the window of his surgery as you passed.或许他已经告诉你的名字Possibly he's told you my name, 梅利琵宅邸的斯泰普顿Stapleton of Merripit House. 是的当然您好Yes indeed,how do you do?我们都很担忧We were concerned, 弗兰克兰摩梯末和我 Frankland,Mortimer and I. 担忧?Concerned?不太希望亨利爵士回来Less Sir Henry should not have come. 你知道那个恶犬的传说You know the legend of the fiend hound.我们本以为这会让他噩梦缠身We thought it might seize his imagination 就像可怜的查尔斯伯爵受到的影响一样 just as it seized poor Sir Charles's. 夏洛克福尔摩斯先生还好吗?How is Mr. Sherlock Holmes?华生医生您既然因此而来到此地Dr. Watson you are here of it.那么这一定引起了福尔摩斯先生的兴趣It follows then that Mr. Holmes is interested. 我恐怕无法回答你的问题I'm afraid I cannot answer your question. 请容我一问我们有这个荣幸见到他吗?Well may I ask if he is going to honor us with a visit himself? 他离不开城里He cannot leave town. 有别的案子要忙Other cases engage his attention.你可以相信I assure you我来这只是单纯拜访我的朋友亨利爵士 I'm simply here to visit my friend,Sir Henry. 我不需要帮助I do not need help.我为我的打搅抱歉I apologize for the intrusion.沿着这条小径慢慢走A moderate walk along this path可以把我们带到梅利琵brings us to Merripit House或许您愿意抽出一个小时华生医生I wonder or perhaps you would spare me an hour Dr. Watson让我有这个荣幸把您介绍给我的妹妹认识that I may have the pleasure of introducing you to my sister.巴斯克维尔庄园的人还在等我回去I'm expected back at Baskerville hall.但是我想一个小时不会有大碍I'm sure an hour will not hurt.谢谢斯泰普顿先生Thank you Mr. Stapleton.是因为对昆虫学的研究It was entomology was it让你走进这片沼泽吗?that brought you to the moor?确实但是它本身也吸引了我Indeed although I delight in it for it's own sake.这里如此广阔It is so vast,如此荒凉so barren,如此神秘so mysterious.比方看那儿Well there for instance你有何感受?what do you make of that?是块少有的能纵马奔驰的地方Well it would be a rare place for a gallop.那就是伟大的格林盆泥沼That is the great Grimpen Mire.无论人畜在那儿走错一步就意味着死亡False step down means death to man or beast.昨天我还看到一匹小马驹闯进那里Well only yesterday I saw one of the moor ponies wonder into it.再也没有出来Never came out.过了很长时间我还看到它的脑袋I could see his head for quite some time从泥坑里探出来straining out of the bog hole,但最终还是被吞噬了but it sucked him down at last.就算是在旱季里要穿越它也是很危险的Even the dry season it is a danger to cross it,而最近连续下了几场雨but after these recent rains它就成了一块不幸之地it is an awful place.然而And yet我可以找到一条直达它腹地的路I can find my way to the very heart of it再活着回来and return