产品表现 Product Performance,广告 Advertising,用户促销 Consumer Promotion,行业促销 Trade Promotion,包装 Packaging,价位 Pricing,场地 Place,小酷裤上市计划(舒薄棉柔重新上市) Launch Plan for KuKu (Relaunch of S与杂志合作派送母亲育儿手册 No TV Commercials, Could consider Ads to go with TV series; Print Ads 推广会Promotion Salon - Demonstration of Features, Giveaway Samples; Trade Fairs,略低于帮宝适 Slightly Lower Than Pampers,货架位置醒目 Distinct Shelf Presence,突出新名字, 增加穿戴参照条件, 建议更换时间, 可承受尿液量; New Name, More Wearing References( i.e. weight, age, waist ), Recommended Change Frequency, Urine Absorbing Volume,COPY STRATEGY,A.,Copy Strategy: The objective of the advertising is to reposition our improved S breatheability and dryness provides extra comfort for the baby.,C.,Product Support: According to Gallup (aided and blind test) and Degussas survey, S 另售尿布套 Giveaway Samples; Sell diaper liner cover separately,新品推出会 功能演示、派送样品; 推广会; 返利 Promotion Salon - Demonstration of Features, Giveaway Samples; Trade Fairs; Return of Profits,人民币0.49元,10片/包 RMB 0.49/piece, 10 Pcs/pack,B/C级市场的传统销售渠道 Traditional Channels in B/C markets,突出低价位, 保留基本功能, 提高性价比 Give Prominence to Low Price Without Sacrificing Any Basic Features; Best Buy for the Money,COPY STRATEGY,A.,Copy Strategy: The primary objective of the advertisement is to attract potential customers that are currently not using diapers for their babies in order to change their diapering behavior from using cloth or nothing to using diaper liner or at least combining the use of the two; another objective is to encourage existing diaper/liner users to use this low-cost diaper liner more frequently in combination with existing Anerle diaper.,B.,Copy Platform,a.,Promise: Anerle low-price diaper liner meets mothers basic diapering needs at a very competitive price and frees mothers from the burden of washing cloth diapers and ensures that babies are taken good care of.,b.,Target Audience: Primary target is young mothers with 02 year old baby, with a income level of low to medium and are not using or not frequently using diaper/liner for their babies,c.,Psychological: The use of diaper/liner offers added convenience to mothers and extra comfort for the baby.,C.,Product Support: Low-price diaper liner is redesigned and restructured to meet the basic diapering needs of mothers at a considerably lower cost. The easy structure and low price allows it to be used in combination with cloth/diaper/pants.,D.,Historical Support: The penetration rate of diaper/liner is only 2 3% in China, which leaves a huge blank area for marketers. The reasons why so many mothers are not using diaper/liners today are that diapers expensive and mothers using them are perceived to be less caring about their babies. The concept of low-price Anerle diaper liner is affordable in BCD markets and can be used in combination with cloth or pants, thus could receiving higher acceptance among the audience.,E.,Tone: The primary claim is low-price Anerle diaper liner is a best buy for the money. It meets all basic diapering needs of mothers with low to medium level income.,广告策略,A.,广告策略:广告的主要目标是吸引目前尚未使用纸尿裤/片产品的潜在的消 费者, 从而引导其消费习性从使用尿布或者什么都不用到使用纸尿裤/片, 或者将二者结合起来使用. 另一个目标是鼓励现有给婴儿使用纸尿裤/片 的母亲将纸尿裤和低价的纸尿片使用结合起来, 提高其使用纸尿裤/片产 品的频率.,B.,广告平台:,a.,承诺:安儿乐低价纸尿片能够在极富竞争力的价格水平上满足 婴儿母亲在纸尿裤/片方面的基本需求, 让妈妈可经常更换尿片 又使婴儿得到了很好的照顾.,b.,目标消费者:主要目标消费群为中低等收入水平的、拥有02岁 婴儿的目前尚未使用或不经常使用纸尿裤/片产品的年轻母亲.,c.,心理: 使用纸尿裤/片为母亲提供了方便, 同时使宝宝感觉干爽舒适.,C.,产品支持:新推出的低价安尔乐纸尿垫经过重新设计, 能够以较低的成本 满足母亲在照顾婴儿排泄时的基本需要. 简易的结构和较低的价位使得 婴儿母亲能够将其与尿布/纸尿裤/婴儿内裤根据需要结合起来使用.,D.,历史支持:中国纸尿裤/尿片的市场渗透率只有2%3%, 还有很大的市场 有待开发. 当前, 许多母亲之所以不用纸尿裤/片产品的原因主要是因为价 格太高。低价安尔乐纸尿垫概念的提出使得尿片能够为大多数BCD级城 市的母亲所接受, 同时还可与尿布一起使用从而提高纸尿片产品的接受 程度.,E.,风格:低价安尔乐产品物有所值. 它能够满足中低收入母亲照顾婴儿排泄 是的基本需要.,