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1 Exercise1 Fiber-optic lines will form most of the backbone of the information highway,just as they do for the phone system today.Fiber-optic cable is made of long,think strands of glass rather than wire,and it transmits information in the form of digitized pulses of laser light rather than the radio waves used by coaxial cable.Because light pulses have shorter wavelengths than radio waves,engineers can cram much more data into fiber-optic lines than into other kinds of cables and wires.A single fiber,for example,can handle a mind-boggling 5,000 video signals or more than 500,000 voice conversations simultaneously.This huge capacity allows it to transmit all signals digitally.So noise or static easily can be filtered out.Finally,because glass is an inherently more efficient medium for transmitting information than other materials,a fiber-optic line can transmit a signal thousands of miles without much“signal loss”.Fiber-optic cable,simply put,is the method of choice for transmitting massive quantities of information over long distances.Another key is“digital compression”a variety of methods for reducing the amount of digital code(streams of ones and zeros)needed to represent a piece of information whether it is a document,a still picture,a movie or a sound.Digital compression is most critical for transmitting video,because digitized video consumes enormous amounts of space.Just four seconds of a digitized film,for example,would completely fill a 100-megabyte hard drive.A feature film of typical length,if uncompressed,would occupy more than 350 ordinary compact discs.Compression techniques achieve their gins by recording only the changes from one frame to the next.The background image in a movie scene,for example,typically does not change much from one frame to another.In a digital compression scheme,the background would be recorded only once;after that,only the actors movements would be captured.One result is more choices hundreds of channels coming through your cable TV line instead of dozens.Digital compression also makes it easier to piggyback data onto media that were not designed with data in mind:in particular,phone lines.译文:光纤电缆构成了今日电话系统的主干线,同样,它也将构成未来信息公路的主干线。光纤电缆的制造材料是细长的玻璃丝而不是金属导线,它的信息传输方式是激光数字脉冲而不是同轴电缆使用的无线电波。由于光脉冲的波长比无线电波的波长短,因而工程师可以输入光纤电缆的信息量之大令其它类型的电缆和导线望尘莫及。例如,一根光纤电缆可同时处理五千个电视信号或50 多万次电话通话,简直令人惊奇。这种巨大的能力使它可以实现全部信号传输数字化,从而轻而易举地滤掉噪音或静电干扰。最后要指出的是,玻璃作为媒介,它本身的传输效率便高于其它材料,因而一条光纤电缆可将一个信号传输数千英里而几乎没有“信号流失”。简而言之,光纤电缆是远距离传输大量信息的最佳方式。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 7 页 -2 另一关键技术是“数字压缩”技术及减少数码(一连串的1 和 0)数量的各种方法,这种数码用来表示某种信息,如一份文件、一张静止图片、一部电影或一种声音。数字压缩技术对影像传送来说至关重要,因为数字化影像会占据大量的存储空间。例如,仅仅四秒钟的数字化影片,便要占据一百兆的硬盘存储空间。一部普通长度的故事片,如果未经压缩,要占 350 多张普通光盘。数据压缩技术只记录一个画面与下一个画面之间的变化,从而实现其功能。例如,电影场景的背景图像在一个画面转为另一个画面时通常是不变的,在数字压缩系统中,背景图象只被记录一次,此后便只记录演员的动作。数据压缩技术使可供选择的有线电视频道从几十个增加到几百个,数字压缩技术还能使数据更容易通过本不是用于传送数据的媒体线传送特别是电话线。Exercise 2 US Economic Growth May Speed Up The Leading Economic Index show U.S.economic growth may improve over the next three to six months.The Conference Boards study of data thought to show the direction of the economy rose half a percentage point in February,a big improvement over the prior two months.Reviewing the data published Thursday,analysts predicted that growth will pick up as the economy shakes off the effects of worse-than-usual winter weather.That foul weather is partly to blame for a four-tenths of a percent decline in the number of homes sold in February.Analysts say rising prices and interest rates also played a role in the slowdown.A separate government report showed the number of Americans signing up for unemployment compensation rose slightly last week.The number of newly-laid off people seeking help rose by 5,000 to a nationwide total of 320,000.That total is still close to a four-month low.美国经济增长或将增速美国研究机构经济研究会公布的经济先行指数显示,美国经济增长在未来3 到 6 个月里也许会得到改善。一般认为,这个指数可以反映美国经济的走向。2 月份,这个指数上升了半个百分点,比前两个月有了很大改善。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 7 页 -3 分析师们根据星期四发表的数据预计,美国经济一旦摆脱今年冬季的反常天气造成的影响,经济增长就会很快出现起色。2 月份房屋销售下跌0.4%被归咎为恶劣天气。分析师们说,价格上涨与利率上升也是房屋销售下降的因素。另外一份政府报告显示,上周美国人申请失业救济的人数有所上升。刚刚失业寻求帮助的人增加了 5000 人,全国总共有32 万人,这个数字仍然接近4 个月来的低点。神舟十号飞船成功发射SHENZHOU SPACECRAFT IN ORBIT NOW6 月 11 日,备受世人瞩目的中国载人航天工程神舟十号飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射,我市社会各界纷纷通过广播、电视、网络收听收看了发射直播。June 11,China successfully launched its Shenzhou X spaceship at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center,which attracted worldwide attention.As well,citizens of Hefei followed the live launch through radio,television or internet.11 号 17 点 38 分,执行此次发射任务的中国长征二号F 运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场点火起飞。经过近600 秒的飞行,火箭圆满成功地将神舟十号载人飞船带入初始轨道并船箭分离。At 17:38,June 11,a Long March II F carrier rocket blasted off at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.After nearly 600 seconds,the rocket successful sent the Shenzhou X spaceship into orbit and separated itself from the spaceship.许多市民觉得,我国多次成功发射航天飞船显示了祖国的强大实力,也希望航天员们能够圆满完成各项任务顺利返回地球。Many citizens believe the continued successful launches of several spacecrafts show the strength of the motherland.They all hope the taikonauts can fulfill their mission successfully and return to earth safe and sound.Exercise 4 叠彩山横贯于桂林市偏北,由数个山峰组成。主峰为明月峰,海拔223 米,是市区内较高的山峰。叠彩山的形态颇具特色:山石层层横断,好似堆叠起来的一匹匹锦缎。该山的名称最早见于唐代诗文叠彩山记:“山以石纹横步,彩翠相间,若叠彩然,故以为名”。山间有登山故道,林木繁茂,一派苍翠。山上有叠彩亭,其左有明人所刻“江山会景处”五个大字,山上还有风洞,是叠彩山最称奇的地方。洞中一年四季有名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 7 页 -4 清风。即使是在盛夏,这里依然凉风习习,置身其间,使人觉得有一丝寒意。风洞北口为迎风楼,两层建筑,四面宽敞,绿荫覆盖,翠色诱人。站在此处,远眺漓江,你可真正领略“江山会景”的风光。叠彩山上的石刻也很多,使非常宝贵的古代文化遗迹。现存有唐、宋、明、清时代的石刻。叠彩山,集人文景观与自然景观于一体,是桂林市内一处理想的游览胜地。Diecaishan(Folded Brocade Hills)is a scenic spot located in the north part of Geilin City,with its 223-meter-altitude summit Mingyuefeng(Bright Moon Peak)above all its hills.Diecaishan features in its unique formation by layers upon layers of rocks,similar to piles of colored silk brocade,hence the name“diecai”(folded brocade)originated in the poems of the Tang Dynasty(618-709).Up to the hill,you can walk along the ancient paths through the green woods.On the top of the hill youll find a gazebo named“Die cai Ting”(Folded Brocade Pavilion),with five Chinese characters craved in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)on the left cliff-face:“Jiang Shan Hui Jing Chu”(the focus of the panoramic views).The highlight is the Wind Cave,where whiffs of cool air breeze through the cave all the year round,making you a little chilly even in the hot summer days By the North Exit stands a two-storey building named“Ying Feng Lou”(tower of“facing the wind”)shaded in the green and open to all sides,where you can see the Lijiang River down in the distance and enjoy the real beauty of the landscape.Diecaishan is known for its both natural and cultural charming,here you can also find many rare ancient inscriptions on rocky cliffs inscribed respectively in the Tang,Song,Ming and Qing dynasties(618-1911).Exercise 5 中美关系实质上是世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家之间的关系。去年习近平主席和奥巴马总统在加州庄园会晤达成构建新型大国关系的重要共识,那就是互不冲突、互利共赢。当然,中美因为历史文化背景不同,发展阶段不同,对一些问题存在分歧,这是客观的,在合作当中有摩擦也是事实,但这是合作中的“烦恼”。我们只要相互尊重,尊重对方的核心利益和重大关切,管控好分歧,平等磋商,尤其是注意扩大中美的共同利益,就可以提升中名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 7 页 -5 美关系的水平。中美的共同利益可以说是远远大于分歧,去年我们双边贸易额达到 5200 多亿美元,粗略算的话,每一个工作小时,中美之间可能有1亿美元的生意已经做成了。何况我们现在还正在进行中美投资协定的谈判,中美合作的潜力巨大,要在增强互补性上多做文章。所谓智者求同,愚者求异,变是向有利于中美双方、有利于两国关系稳定的方向去走,还是要择宽处行,谋长久之利。The China-US relationship,in essence,is a relationship between the largest developing country and largest developed country in the world.Last year,President Xi Jinping and President Obama had a meeting in California and reached the important consensus of building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States.This relationship has the defining feature of non-conflict,non-confrontation,mutual respect and win-win cooperation.China and the United States are different in history,cu lture and stage of development.So its only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation.But these are pains amidst growing cooperation.As long as the two sides respect each others core interests and major concerns,properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations,in particular,continue to expand their converging interests,they can further raise the level of this relationship.China and the United States are different in history,culture and stage of development.So it s only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation.But these are pains amidst growing cooperation.As long as the two sides respect each others core interests and major concerns,properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations,in particular,continue to expand their converging interests,they can further raise the level of this relationship.Exercise 6 Beauty(excerpt)“All nature is meant to make us think of paradise,”Thomas Merton observed.Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show,beauty is free and inexhaustible,but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds.Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang,echoes of that event still linger in the form of 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 7 页 -6 background radiation,only a few degrees above absolute zero.Just so,I believe,the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe.To measure background radiation,we need subtle instruments;to measure beauty,we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses.Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower 6.You need training,however,to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess,in the architecture of a tree,the design of a birds wing,or the shiver of breath through a flute 7.For most of human history,the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention.By paying attention,we learn to savor all sorts of patterns,from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts.This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage,for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors to select mates,find food,avoid predators.But the same advantage would apply to all species,and yet we alone compose symphonies and crossword puzzles,carve stone into statues,map time and space.Have we merely carried our animal need for shrewd perceptions to an absurd extreme?Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe?I am persuaded the latter is true.I am convinced theres more to beauty than biology,more than cultural convention.It flows around and through us in such abundance,and in such myriad forms,as to exceed by a wide margin any mere evolutionary need.Which is not to say that beauty has nothing to do with survival:I think it has everything to do with survival.Beauty feeds us from the same source that created us.It reminds us of the shaping power that reaches through the flower stem and through our own hands.It restores our faith in the generosity of nature.By giving us a taste of the kinship between our own small minds and the great Mind of the Cosmos,beauty reassures us that we are exactly and wonderfully made for life on this glorious planet,in this magnificent universe 8.I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope.A universe so prodigal of beauty may actually need us to notice and respond,may need our sharp eyes and brimming hearts and teeming minds,in order to close the circuit of Creation.【参考译文】论 美(节选)托马斯 默顿曾感言:天地万物欲使我们想到天堂。上天造物,生生不息,犹如连番上演的舞台剧,美亦展示得无拘无束、无穷无尽。若要从最显见的物类中获得更多美的感悟,则须经专门训练。即使在宇宙大爆炸的一百五十亿年后,其反射仍以背景辐射的形式,略略徘徊于绝对零度之上。正因为此,人们对美的体验,实则是对宇宙间无处不在的秩序与力量的回应。测量背景辐射,要有精巧的仪器;体验美,则需机敏的智能与敏锐的五官了。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 6 页,共 7 页 -7 凡眼见于俏脸、鲜花,无人不觉赏心悦目。然而,要参透数学、物理或棋弈之美,欣赏树之有形、鸟之翼趣,乃至对长笛奏出的悠悠颤音心领神会,则必经专门训练方可体味。在人类大部历史上,这种训练就是学会如何观察,历来由长者教之于幼者。通过观察,人类学会鉴赏天地万化之模式,从量子力学到百纳被无所不包。此痴情所至,亦使人类在进化过程中占尽先机,能辨万化之象,有助于先人们择偶、觅食,逃避猛兽。按理,同一进化优势本应造福世间一切物种,然惟独人类能谱出交响曲、制作填字游戏、创造石雕艺术、标示时空天体。那么,是人类为获敏锐的感知而一味将其动物的本能需求推向了乖戾之极致,还是人脑构造与宇宙天体碰巧契合呢?后一说法令我信服。我相信,美之契合甚于生物进化,更甚于文化习俗,它流经我们身边,贯通我们心灵,其内涵之丰富、形态之多样,大大超越了人类起码的进化需求。当然,这并非说美与生存无关,恰恰相反,它们之间可谓息息相通。美用人类生命之源滋养人类,使我们想起了经由花茎与人的双手产生的创造力。美恢复了人类对大自然慷慨富有的信念,唤起了渺小人类与浩瀚宇宙心灵间的亲缘感应。美使我们深信,如此妙绝天成的人类,原本就是为这煌煌星球、泱泱宇宙应运而生的。从这一天缘巧合中,我悟出那种深长的蕴意与博大的希望。一个流芳溢美的大千世界,兴许真要我们对它处处留意并做出回应,需要我们用敏锐的双眼、充沛的情感、博大的心怀,去勾通人类与大自然的交流和循环,使之周而复始、生生不息。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 7 页,共 7 页 -