2022年最新abfaqr甘肃省特岗教师考试试题文库 .pdf
精品文档精品文档-+懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。罗兰2008 年甘肃省特岗教师考试试题(教育学、教育心理学、英语)教育学部分(50 分)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确的答案,并将其代码填入答题纸的相应位置。每小题1 分,共 10 分)1提出“泛智”教育思想,探讨“把一切事物教给一切人类的全部艺术”的教育家是A培根 B夸美纽斯C赫尔巴特 D赞可夫2前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基教育思想的核心内容是A全面和谐发展的教育理论 B认知结构理论C教学与发展理论 D教学过程最优化理论3就儿童发展整体而言,生理的成熟先于心理的成熟,这体现了儿童身心发展的A顺序性 B阶段性C个别差异性 D不平衡性4我国教育目的制定的指导思想和理论基础是A社会本位价值取向 B人本位价值取向C马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说 D政治本位价值取向5在教学中,通过学生观察所学事物或教师语言的形象描述,引导学生形成所学事物、过程的清晰表象,丰富他们的感性认识,从而使他们能够正确理解书本知识和发展认知能力的教学原则是名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档A直观性原则 B启发性原则C循序渐进原则 D巩固性原则6把课程分为必修课程和选修课程的依据是A课程内容的组织方式 B课程制定者或管理层次C课程设置的要求 D课程内容所固有的属性7马克思主义认为培养全面发展的人的唯一方法是A理论联系实际 B做到因材施教C实现教育机会均等 D教育与生产劳动相结合8把两个及两个年级以上的儿童编在一个班级,直接教学与布置、完成作业轮流交替进行,在一节课内由一位教师对不同年级学生进行教学的组织形式是A分层教学 B合作教学C小班教学 D复式教学9以他人的高尚思想、模范行为和卓越成就来影响学生品德的方式称为A说服法 B榜样法C表扬奖励与批评处分 D锻炼法10目前世界范围内,最普遍和最基本的教学组织形式是A个别教学 B小组教学C班级授课制 D复式教学二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中选出二至五个正确答案,并将正确答案的代码填入答题纸的相应位置。错选、多选、漏选均不得分。每小题 2 分,共 12 分)1古代学校教育的特征主要表现为名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档A阶级性 B道统性 C功用性D专制性 E刻板性2下列教育家中,属于人本位教育目的价值取向的代表人物有A凯兴斯坦纳 B卢梭 C康德D小原国芳 E裴斯泰洛齐3学校潜在课程主要是指A教学过程中的思想品德教育内容B学生在人际交往中受到的影响C校风、班风等制度化与非制度化的影响D未来社会要求的新科技E学校物质文化对学生所构成的各种影响4中小学体育的主要任务有A增强学生体质,促进其身体正常发育B提高运动素养,传授必要的知识技能C参加各种体育竞赛,选拔运动人才D增强体育兴趣,形成良好的精神品质E养成运动习惯,培养竞技体育观念和竞争意识5建立良好班集体的策略主要有A对学生实行专制管理 B树立明确的共同目标C建设一支好的学生干部队伍 D培养健康的集体舆论E开展各种形式的活动6发展性评价应遵循的基本原则有名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档A发展性原则 B激励性原则 C合作性原则D整体性原则 E多元化原则三、简答题(每小题6 分,共 18 分)1现代教育制度发展的趋势表现在哪几个方面?2简述我国新一轮基础教育课程评价改革的特点。3什么是启发性原则?贯彻该原则的基本要求是什么?四、论述题(10 分)个体身心发展的规律有哪些?学校教育如何适应这些规律,促进个体身心全面和谐地发展?教育心理学部分(50 分)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确的答案,并将其代码填入答题纸的相应位置。每小题1 分,共 10 分)1奥苏伯尔认为,学生学习的实质是A有意义接受学习 B.有意义发现学习C.发现学习 D.探究学习2根据认知心理学的研究,程序性知识的表征形式主要是A.命题 B.命题网络C.图式 D.产生式3一般而言,把学习成败归因于以下哪一因素对学习动机的激励作用最大A.努力程度 B.能力高低C.任务难度 D.运气好坏4学习者用来调节自己的注意、记忆、思维等过程的技能就是名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档A学习策略 B认知策略C学习方法 D元认知5品德形成的标志是A道德信念 B道德评价能力的形成C价值内化 D道德行为习惯的养成6关注学习者如何应用原有的认知结构与信念来建构新知识,强调学习的主动性、社会性与情境性的学习理论是A.认知发现理论 B.认知同化理论C.认知建构理论 D.顿悟学习理论7在教学中不断变换同类事物的非本质属性,以便突出本质属性的方法称为A变化 B改变C变式 D突出8品德心理结构中最具有动力色彩的成份是A.道德认识 B.道德情感C.道德意志 D.道德行为9美国心理学家桑代克反对形式训练说,提出了迁移的A.相同要素说 B.概括化理论C.关系转换说 D.学习定势说10加工信息时主要依赖来自客观环境的线索,对社会科学、儿童教育、社会工作、文秘公关等与人交往的职业感兴趣的个体的认知风格属于A场独立 B场依存C冲动型 D沉思型名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中选出二至五个正确答案,并将正确答案的代码填入答题纸相应的位置。错选、多选、漏选均不得分。每小题2 分,共 12 分)1教育心理学的研究对象是A教的心理活动 B学的心理活动C教与学的互动机制 D学生的心理发展特点E.学校情景2构成动机的主要成分是A归因 B成就动机 C诱因D需要 E.评价3学习的本质属性是A变化是持久的B变化既是外显的行为也是内部的心理结构C变化是经验引起的而非生理成熟、药物或疲劳D学习是经验的获得过程E.具有先天遗传性4在操作技能形成的局部动作阶段,所需要的内外部条件是A示范 B 讲解 C反馈D练习 E动觉5教师的威信表现为A.工作水平 B.知识水平 C.工作态度D.工作作风 E.教学能力名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 6 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档6学习策略包括A认知策略 B资源管理策略 C计划策略D元认知策略 E.内化策略三、简答题(每小题6 分,共 18 分)1简述影响学习动机形成的主要因素。2学校心理辅导的原则有哪些?3结合实例说明教育心理学的实践作用。四、论述题(10 分)结合实例说明学习迁移的种类。英语一部分(50 分)Part I:Vocabulary and structure(10%)1.One day I a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A.came across B.came about C.came after D.came at 2.She was complaining that the doctor was _ too much for the treatment he was giving her.A.expending B.offering C.costing D.charging 3.The manager spoke highly of such as loyalty,courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A.virtues B.features C.properties D.characteristics 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 7 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档4.Since the matter was extremely ,we dealt with it immediately.A.tough B.tense C.urgent D.instant 5.You dont have to be in such a hurry.I would rather you on business first.A.would go B.will go C.went D.have gone 6.When I try to understand that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes.A.why it does B.what it does C.what it is D.why it is 7.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free,tax-supported schools must be established in every town 50 households or more.A.having B.to have C.to have had D.having had 8.The newcomers found it impossible to themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A.suit B.adapt C.regulate D.coordinate 9.Living in the central Australian desert has its problems,_ obtaining water is not the least.A.for which B.to which C.of which D.in which 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 8 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档10.Im sure he is up to the job he would give his mind to it.A.if only B.in case C.until D.unless Part II:Cloze (10%)In the waiting room,the patients,men and women,old and young,were sitting 11_ on the chairs,12_ for their turns.Billy,a school boy,was sitting there,too.They all looked very sad 13_ Billy.He 14_ an interesting story,and there was a smile on his face.Just then,the doctor came in to say he was ready for the next patient.Billy jumped up and ran into the 15_ room.“Goodmorning,Doctor!”“Good morning!Whats your16_,young man?”asked the doctor.Before Billy could say a word,the doctor made him 17_down on a bed.“Now,let me listen to your heart.”Billy tried to speak,but the doctor told him 18 anything.“I ll take your temperature.”Billy tried to sit up,but the doctor stopped him.“Now open your mouth.Mm,good.”After a moment,the doctor said,“Well,my boy,you havent got a bad cold.Its nothing.Mm,in fact,there is 19_ with you.”“I know there 20_,”said the boy.“I just came to get some medicine for my father.”11.A.quickly B.quietly C.luckily D.noisily 12.A.waiting B.waited C.to wait D.wait 13.A.with B.and C.except D.without 14.A.saw B.was seeing C.read D.was reading 15.A.patients B.waiting C.sitting D.doctors 16.A.story B.trouble C.matter D.wrong 17.A.to lie B.lay C.lying D.lie 18.A.say B.not to say C.not say D.to say 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 9 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档19.A.wrong nothing B.something wrong C.nothing wrong D.wrong something 20.A.arent B.are C.isnt D.is Part III:Reading Comprehension (10%)Passage One In one way of thinking,failure is a part of life.In another way,failure may be a way towards success.The“spider story”often told,Robert Bruce,leader of the Scots in the 13th century,was hiding in a cave from the English.He watched a spider spinning a web.The spider tried to reach across a rough place in the rock.He tried six times without success.On the seventh time he made it and went on to spin his web.Bruce is said to have taken heart and to have gone on to defeat the English.-Edison,the inventor of the light bulb,made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one.So what?First,always think about your failure.What caused it?Were conditions right?Were you in top form yourself?What can you change so things will go right next time?Second,is the goal(目标)you re trying to reach the right one?Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be.Think about this question,“If I do succeed in this,where will it get me?”This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldnt be doing anyway.The third thing to bear in mind about failure is that it s a part of life.Learn to“live with yourself”even though you may have failed.Remember,“You cant win at all.”21.This passage deals with two sides of failure.In paragraph 1,the author talks mainly about _.A.the value of failure B.how people would fail C.famous failures D.the cause of failure 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 10 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档22.The underlined phrase“made it”means _.A.succeeded B.failed C.gave D.got 23.The lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce seems _.A.productive B.straight forward C.sorrowful D.deep 24.The author tells you to do all things except _.A.to think about the cause of your failure B.to check out whether your goals are right for you C.to consider failure as a part of life D.to bear in mind that you will never fail in your life 25.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Bruce and Edison were successful examples.B.Failure may be regarded as a way toward success.C.Edison learned a lot from the lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce.D.One may often raise a question whether his goals are worth attempting Passage Two While the private schools may be charging too much,some of the publics are risking their futures by charging too little.Low tuition is fine,as the state assigns enough money to education,as has generally been the case in Texas and California.But for years,New Jerseys legendary resistance to taxes condemned Rutgers University to second-class status.“Of what real worth is a low-tuition 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 11 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档policy,”wrote Rutgers former president,the late Edward Bloustein,“If it dooms students to an education below the quality they want and require?”New York State s students might ask themselves the same.A series of protests pressured Governor Maria Cuomo into canceling a$200 rise in tuition last year(prices havent gone up since 1983).And whats the result?Greatly-reduced budgets,shabby campuses,course restrictions,limited library hors and various new student fees.The irony of New York and other state systems is that the percentage of higher-income students they serve is increasing at a phenomenal rate,says Arthur Hauptman of the American Council on Education.Given this changing population,more states should start playing the Robin Hood game increasing their sticker price,discounting rates to low-income students and using the rest of the money to raise the quality of their schools.The middle-class melt and the betterment of public universities are still in their very earliest stages.But these trends will intensify as the children of the burdened boomers reach college age.For the academics,it s a wake-up call.In the next century,theyll have to be affordable and good.26.According to some critics,the low-tuition policy of public universities might lead to_.A.the middle-class melt B.a credit crisis C.a decline in the quality of education D.the enrollment of second-class students 27.Public universities reduce the tuition because_.A.they yield to the pressure of protesters B.they get contributions from the rich C.they get enough money from the state D.they try to give lower-income students an opportunity 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 12 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档28.It can be inferred from the passage that_.A.private universities will join in the thrice competition B.public universities have to withdraw from the price competition C.rich students find ways of paying less by taking the advantage of the policy D.rich students should be entitled to equal opportunities as poor students 29.In order to maintain their high quality at the stone time of opening the floor to low-income students,public universities have to _.A.enlist their students for some voluntary jobs B.exert long-term effort to improve themselves C.count upon the financial support from the government D.increase the proportion of rich students and charge more from them 30.This passage is mainly about _.A.the Robin Hood game B.ways of paying less for college education C.difficult situation of public universities D.financial aid to lowerincome students Part IV:Translation (20%)Section A:Translate the following Chinese into English (15%)31我们得赶快,要不就会赶不上车了。32这支钢笔花了我不到两美元。33我每天需要20 分钟读英语。34他已经够上学的年龄了。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 13 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档35中国决不会第一个使用核武器。Section B:Translate the following English into Chinese (5%)We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead.No one looking behind ahead 20 years possibly could have foreseen the ways in which a single invention,the chips would transform our world thanks to its applications in personal computers,digital communications and factory robots.Tomorrows achievements in biotechnology,artificial intelligence or even some still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes.But one thing is certain:information and knowledge will become even more vital,and the people who possess it,whether they work in manufacturing or services,will have the advantage and produce the wealth.If you cast your mind ahead 10 years,information services will be predominant.It will be the way you do your job.参考答案一、单项选择题(每小题1 分,共 10 分)1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 D 9 B 10 C 二、多项选择题(错选、多选、漏选均不得分。每小题2 分,共 12 分)1ABDE 2 BCE 3 BCE 4 ABD 5 BCDE 6 ABCDE 三、简答题(每小题6 分,共 18 分)1现代教育制度发展的趋势表现在哪几个方面?(1)加强学前教育并重视与小学教育的衔接。(2)强化普及义务教育,延长义务教育年限。(3)普通教育与职业教育逐步相互渗透。(4)高等教育的类型日益多样化。(5)学历教育与非学历教育的界限逐渐淡化。(6)教育制度有利于国际交流。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 14 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档2简述我国新一轮基础教育课程评价改革的特点。(1)淡化甄别与选拔功能,注重学生的全面发展,实现课程功能的转化。(2)突出学生的主体地位,倡导多主体参与评价。(3)强调评价标准与内容的多元化,关注情感、态度、价值观的评价。(4)强调质性评价,采用多样化的评价方法。(5)强调终结性评价与形成性评价相结合,实现评价重心的转移。3什么是启发性原则?贯彻该原则的基本要求是什么?启发性原则,是指在教学中教师要承认学生是学习的主体,注意调动他们的学习主动性,引导他们独立思考,积极探索,生动活泼地学习,自觉地掌握科学知识和提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。贯彻该原则的基本要求有:(1)教师要掌握和运用好“启发”的条件和关键。(2)启发学生独立思考,发展学生的逻辑思维能力。(3)让学生动手,培养独立解决问题的能力。(4)建立新型的尊师爱生的关系,发扬教学民主。四、论述题(10 分)个体身心发展的规律有哪些?学校教育如何适应这些规律,促进个体身心全面和谐地发展?(1)个体身心发展的顺序性。个体的身心发展是一个由低级到高级、由简单到复杂、由量变到质变的连续不断的发展过程。在这一发展过程中,其整个身心发展具有一定的顺序性。这就要求教育工作要循序渐进,一切知识技能的传授、智力的发展、体质的增强、思想品德的培养,都要遵循由具体到抽象、由浅入深、由简到繁、由低到高的顺序,既不能拔苗助长,也不要压抑学生的发展。(2)个体身心发展的阶段性。个体在不同的阶段表现出身心发展的总体特征及主要矛盾,面临着不同的发展任务,这就是身心发展的阶段性。前后相邻的阶段进行着有规律的更替,在前一个阶段内准备了向后一个阶段的过渡。每一发展阶段,经历着一定的时间,在这一阶段内,其身心发展主要表现为数量的变化,经过一个时期,这种发展就由量变到质变,从而使其身心发展推进到一个崭新的阶段。这就要求教育工作必须根据不同年龄阶段的特点分阶段地进行,在教育教学的要求、内容和方法上不能搞“一刀切”,也不能人为地将各个阶段截然分开,要注意各阶段的衔接和引渡工作。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 15 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档(3)个体身心发展的不平衡性。个体身心发展的进程不总是以相等的速度直线发展的,而是时而猛长、时而缓慢,在发展过程中表现出一种不平衡性。因此,教育教学工作要抓住关键期,以求在最短的时间内取得最好的效果。(4)个体身心发展的互补性。互补性反映个体身心发展各组成部分的相互关系。从生理方面来看,如果机体某一方面的机能受损甚至缺失以后,可以通过其他方面的超常发展得到部分补偿。因此,教育者要能够面向全体学生,特别是生理或心理机能发生障碍、学业成绩落后的学生,帮助他们树立起坚定的信心。还要掌握科学的教育方法,特别是要善于发现他们的优势,做到扬长避短。(5)个体身心发展的个别差异性。由于性别、遗传素质、环境、教育、主观努力等方面的不同,导致个体之间必然会出现一定的差异性。在教育工作中,教育者不仅要认识学生发展的共同特征,还应充分重视每个学生的个别差异,做到因材施教,有的放矢。一、单项选择题(每小题1 分,共 10 分)1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 D 9 B 10 C 二、多项选择题(错选、多选、漏选均不得分。每小题2 分,共 12 分)1ABDE 2 BCE 3 BCE 4 ABD 5 BCDE 6 ABCDE 三、简答题(每小题6 分,共 18 分)1现代教育制度发展的趋势表现在哪几个方面?(1)加强学前教育并重视与小学教育的衔接。(2)强化普及义务教育,延长义务教育年限。(3)普通教育与职业教育逐步相互渗透。(4)高等教育的类型日益多样化。(5)学历教育与非学历教育的界限逐渐淡化。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 16 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档(6)教育制度有利于国际交流。2简述我国新一轮基础教育课程评价改革的特点。(1)淡化甄别与选拔功能,注重学生的全面发展,实现课程功能的转化。(2)突出学生的主体地位,倡导多主体参与评价。(3)强调评价标准与内容的多元化,关注情感、态度、价值观的评价。(4)强调质性评价,采用多样化的评价方法。(5)强调终结性评价与形成性评价相结合,实现评价重心的转移。3什么是启发性原则?贯彻该原则的基本要求是什么?启发性原则,是指在教学中教师要承认学生是学习的主体,注意调动他们的学习主动性,引导他们独立思考,积极探索,生动活泼地学习,自觉地掌握科学知识和提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。贯彻该原则的基本要求有:(1)教师要掌握和运用好“启发”的条件和关键。(2)启发学生独立思考,发展学生的逻辑思维能力。(3)让学生动手,培养独立解决问题的能力。(4)建立新型的尊师爱生的关系,发扬教学民主。四、论述题(10 分)个体身心发展的规律有哪些?学校教育如何适应这些规律,促进个体身心全面和谐地发展?(1)个体身心发展的顺序性。个体的身心发展是一个由低级到高级、由简单到复杂、由量变到质变的连续不断的发展过程。在这一发展过程中,其整个身心发展具有一定的顺序性。这就要求教育工作要循序渐进,一切知识技能的传授、智力的发展、体质的增强、思想品德的培养,都要遵循由具体到抽象、由浅入深、由简到繁、由低到高的顺序,既不能拔苗助长,也不要压抑学生的发展。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 17 页,共 18 页 -精品文档精品文档(2)个体身心发展的阶段性。个体在不同的阶段表现出身心发展的总体特征及主要矛盾,面临着不同的发展任务,这就是身心发展的阶段性。前后相邻的阶段进行着有规律的更替,在前一个阶段内准备了向后一个阶段的过渡。每一发展阶段,经历着一定的时间,在这一阶段内,其身心发展主要表现为数量的变化,经过一个时期,这种发展就由量变到质变,从而使其身心发展推进到一个崭新的阶段。这就要求教育工作必须根据不同年龄阶段的特点分阶段地进行,在教育教学的要求、内容和方法上不能搞“一刀切”,也不能人为地将各个阶段截然分开,要注意各阶段的衔接和引渡工作。(3)个体身心发展的不平衡性。个体身心发展的进程不总是以相等的速度直线发展的,而是时而猛长、时而缓慢,在发展过程中表现出一种不平衡性。因此,教育教学工作要抓住关键期,以求在最短的时间内取得最好的效果。(4)个体身心发展的互补性。互补性反映个体身心发展各组成部分的相互关系。从生理方面来看,如果机体某一方面的机能受损甚至缺失以后,可以通过其他方面的超常发展得到部分补偿。因此,教育者要能够