Unit11. 1) A entertaining B entertainment C entertained D entertainer 2) A recognizable B recognized C recognition D 3) A tempting B temptation C tempt 4) A reasoned B reasoning C reasonable D reason 5) A analyzed B analytical C analyst D analysis 6) A valuable B valuation C valued/values D values 7) A humorist B humor C humorous D humorless 8) A understandable B understanding C understand D misunderstood2. 1) a sense of responsibility 2) a sense of safety/security 3) a sense of inferiority 4) a sense of superiority 5) a sense of rhythm 6) a sense of justice 7) a sense of shame 8) a sense of helplessness 9) a sense of direction 10) a sense of urgency 3. 1) Lively behavior is normal 2) Fast cars appeal to 3) diverse arguments 4) I asked my boss for clarification 5) sensitive to light 6) Mutual encouragement 7) made fun of him 8) persists in his opinion/viewpoint 9) to be the focus/center of attention 10) we buy our tickets in advance 4. 1) certain/sure 2) involved 3) end 4) behavior 5) disciplining 6) agreed 7) individually 8) first 9) response 10) question 11) attempt 12) voice 13) directly 14) followed 15) troubleUnit2Column AColumn BThe Compound Words createdthroughdaythroughoutupmanupbeat, upliftdraweareddrawbackteenreadyteenagehandconscioushandout, handwrittenbirthbackbirthday, birthstonechairdistancechairmanragbeatrag-earedeverliftever-readyoverageoverdue, overagelongduelong-distance, long-earedselfstoneself-consciousmileoutmileage, milestonetypewishingtypewriter, typewrittenwellWriter/writtenwell-wishing, well-writtenStep Two 1) long-distance 2) upbeat 3) ever-ready 4) overdue 5) typewriter 6) milestone 7) handwritten 8) uplifted 9) self-conscious 10) rag-eared 11) birthday 12) throughout 13) drawbacks 14) chairman 15) teenage3. 1) thrives 2) strategy 3) annual 4) deserve 5) spontaneous 6) sincere 7) investments 8) enterprise 9) follow up 10) characterized 11) lingered 12) acknowledged4. column 1) D 2) A 3) B 4) C tough 1) D 2) B 3) E 4) F 5) C 6) A6. 1) searched 2) clever 3) solution 4) wasted 5) tolerate 6) hidden 7) dumb 8) subject 9) noise 10) extra 11) purchased 12) replaced 13) appreciation 14) hurried 15) warrant 16) strangeUnit 3Understanding the Organization of the Text(1) Introduction (para 1) It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions, and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture.(2) There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls. (para. 2-4) Supporting evidenceA. Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students. (para 2) i) Its consequence: This has a tremendous impact on the learning process. ii) The reason for this: Active classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement. iii) Two examples: a. In many of the former all-womens colleges, the boys were taking over the class-room discussions and active participation by women students had diminished noticeably. b. A similar subordination of female to male students has also been observed in law and medical school classrooms in recent years.B. Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks according to stereotyped gender roles. (para. 3) i) Its consequence: This prevented girls from participating as actively as boys in class. ii) An example: A teacher had the little boys perform the scientific experiment while the girls were given the task of putting the materials away.C. Gender-biased education is also reflected in the typical American teacher assumption. (para 4) i) The assumption: Boys will do better in the hard, masculine subjects of math and science while girls are expected to have better verbal and reading skills. ii) Three examples: a. American boys do develop reading problems, while girls, who are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, fall behind from then on. b. In Germany, all studies are considered masculine and it is girls who develop reading problems. c. In Japan, where early education appears to be nonsexist, both girls and boys do equally well in reading.(3) The educational bias begins at home. (para 5) A. Supporting evidence: i) Boy preschoolers were permitted to go away from home in a much wider area than girl preschoolers. ii) Boys were encouraged to develop intellectual curiosity and physical skills, while girls are filled with fears of the world outside the home and with the desire to be approved of for their goodness and obedience to rules. B. The consequence when these lessons carry over from the home to the classroom: Girls are generally observed to be more dependent on the teacher, more concerned with the form and neatness of their work than its content, and more anxious about being right in their answers than in being intellectually independent, analytical, or original. C. Conclusion: Through the educational process that occupies most of the childs waking hours, society reinforces its established values and turns out each sex in its traditional and expected mold. Vocabulary1. 1) genetic 2) assign 3) noticeably 4) approved 5) Bias 6) deprived 7) constituted 8) participation 9) unintentional 10) postgraduate2.conscious- unconscious encourage- discourage directly- indirectly sexist nonsexist dependent- independent positive negative superior - inferior biased fair limited unlimited appropriately- inappropriately3. 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) E 5) B 6) C 7) F 8) B4. 1) turn out 2) carry over 3) calling on 4) put away 5) fallen behind 6) take overunit4Reading Comprehension1. 1) Introduction(para 1) It is introduced in the article how teachers and parents can encourage creativity in children. 2) An important strategy for parents and teachers to follow (para. 2-3) A. The strategy: To encourage children to spend time thinking and developing new ideas. B. The significance for adopting the strategy: If children can be taught to think creatively, they will be better able to function in tomorrows society. 3) The definition of creativity (para. 4-5) A. Who successful students and adults are: Those who can find a number of ways to approach problems. B. What creative people can do: They can use what they have to produce original ideas that are good for something. 4) A big problem in school (para. 6) The problem: Children can obtain and give back information, but cant figure out ways to apply what they know in new situations. 5) A new approach to teaching (para 7) A. The approach: Combining the basics with the activities where students must use their imaginations. B. How to do so: By asking questions and meanwhile praising their ideas and new thoughts. C. How to facilitate the process: To create an atmosphere in which there is no risk in being creative- a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed. 6) Things parents can do at home to encourage creativity (para. 8-10) A. To involve children in decision making. B. To help children to understand the consequences of various decisions. C. To encourage them to talk out loud about things they are doing. The reason for doing so: Talking out loud improves language skills and thinking skills. D. To show a sense of humor. The reason for doing so: Children can see creativity in its purest form. E. To give children choices from their earliest age. Examples: a. When they are very young, let them choose between two food items for lunch. b. B. When they grow older, let them decide how to use their time or spend their money.Vocabulary3. 1) dismiss 2) consequences 3) promoting 4) applies 5) vital 6) scorned 7) conventional 8) original 4. 1) consciously 2) innovative 3) unconsciously 4) determined 5) Imagination 6) aware 7) control 8) created 9) extension 10) technique 11) vulnerable 12) unfolding 13) joyful 14) gain 15) ApplyUnit5Understanding the organization of the text1) Introduction (para. 1) Athletes are chosen to be role models, and they can choose only to be good or bad ones.2) Athletes should be role models. (para. 2-5) The authors arguments:A. Athletes should not refuse the responsibility of being a role model while accepting all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete. (para. 2)B. I try to be a positive role model, but that doesnt mean I am perfect. (para. 3)C. Qualities of a positive role model: (para. 4) a. He influences peoples lives in a positive way. b. He gives of himself in time or money to help those who look up to him. c. He displays the values like honesty and determination.D. Athletes cannot take the place of parents, but can help reinforce what parents try to teach their children. (para. 5)3) People sometimes expect so much that some athletes dont want to be role modes. (para. 6-7)A. Sometimes people put athletes on a pedestal. Example: I have had parents in Utah put my picture on the wall beside Jesus Christ. (para. 6)B. Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times. Example: 1: Negative publicity Michael Jordan received about gambling. 2. Ever since I played on the Dream Team, I cant go anywhere without being the center of attention and I cant even buy a motorcycle I really want. (para. 7)4) Conclusion (para 8-9) The good things about being a role model outweigh the bad.A. Its a great feeling to think you are part of the reason that a id decided to try to be good.B. But parents should remind their kids that there are no perfect human beings.C. Charles Barkley is a good role model. Vocabulary2. 1) is bound to 2) follow their lead 3) goes too far/is going too far 4) take the place of 5) dropped out 6) have a fit 7) measure up to 8) look up to 9) Lets face it 10) you name it3. 1) outgrown 2) outdo 3) outwitted 4) outweigh 5) outlivedUNIT 71. belief doubt deep- shallow learn- unlearn shame- pride inadequate-adequatesuccess- failure boring- interesting dependent-independent mediocre-excellent uselessusefulwell-informed - ill-informed smart- dull painful-painless imaginativeunimaginative2. 1) deprived of 2) for the sake of 3) get away with 4) dropped out 5) by no means 6) got down to 7) distinguishfrom 8) look back on 9) gone through 10) after all 11) be rid of 12) on my own3.choice secure hear who keep while now This pressure expecting testswithin had catch marks patents obtain/get teachers relax shapeUNIT 81. C E B D A F2. relearn再学习 regain收回,重新获得 redo 重做,再做 rewrite重写,改写 rearrange重新整理 reclaim要求归还,收回 remodel重新塑造,改变 replace取代 rephrase重新措辞 rejoin 再结合,在加入 reform 改革 readjust 重新调整 reunited(使)再结合 rebroadcast 转播,重播 reread 再读 review 复习3. B A D A D C A A A BUNIT 91. 1) observation 2) available 3) discoveries 4) acceptance 5) experimentation 6) inventions 7) evolution 8) adaptable 9) innovative 10) objectivity2. 1) out of the ordinary 2) preceded 3) To be exact 4) Contradict(ed) 5) ProsperityCOLUMN A COLUMN BInvention inventavailable nnovateAdaptable AdaptDiscovery DiscoverAcceptance AcceptEvolution EvolveObjectivity ObjectiveObservation ObserveExperimentation ExperimentProsperity Prosperdisastrous disaster6) Gave birth to 7) Catch our breath 8) had in mind 9) proposed10) converted 11) disastrous 12) negative3. 1) She had hardly sat down 2) Especially if/ when you want to reserve a seat 3) is not necessarily the most useful 4) What sort/kind of person do you have in mind 5) Theres a limit on the time 6) Spend part of his childhood 7) three times as many girls as boys 8) as do most of the people who live in this village 9) but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere 10) Depite/ In spite of international pressure第 6 页