Prehistoric Planet《史前星球(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
(大卫爱登堡主持)恐龙毫无疑问是曾经存在过的最了不起Surely, one of the most remarkable animals that has ever existed,也绝对是最著名的动物之一and certainly one of the most famous, is a dinosaur.霸王龙Tyrannosaurus rex.这是一种能够激发我们所有人想象力的动物An animal to spark the imagination for all of us.恐龙是一种什么样的动物What kind of an animal was it?它长什么样如何生活What did it look like? How did it live?现在科学研究已经给出了这些问题的答案Now, scientific research has answered such questions.不仅仅是霸王龙And not just about T. rex,还有和它生活在同一时期的其他物种but the other species that lived alongside it.而最新的成像技术能够把它们活灵活现地展现在我们面前And the latest imaging technology enables us to bring them all to life.这是六千六百万年前的地球Planet Earth, 66 million years ago.天空中遍布飞翔的巨兽The skies are filled with flying giants.海洋深处游弋着巨大的爬行动物In the seas, monstrous reptiles patrol the depths.陆地上的各种恐龙And on land, dinosaurs of every kind,都面临着生存的威胁all facing the struggle to survive.如今我们对那个曾被恐龙统治的世界之甚多We now know so much about a world that was ruled by the dinosaurs.这就是它们的故事This is their story.淡水数百万年来地球上的陆地For millions of years, the lands of planet Earth在被水不断雕琢have been carved by water.流经这里的河水仍在为这些大峡谷塑形The smallest crabs can be swallowed whole.不幸的是它们在体型上的缺乏可以靠速度来弥补Unfortunately, what they lack in size, they make up for in speed. 幼崽最好不要走得太远It's best for the young not to stray too far.恶魔角蛙是一种魔鬼蟾蛛Beelzebufo, the devil toad.是曾经存在过最大的蛙类之一One of the largest frogs that has ever existed.它一个月都不用再进食了He won*tneed to feed again fora month.这些沙洲可能是丰富的觅食地These sandbars may be a rich feeding ground, 但在这里生活可能要付出很高的代价 but there can be a high price to pay for living here. 河水现在正汇入大海The river water is now approaching the sea.河水中已经可以闻到盐的味道A taste of salt in its waters is already detectable.涨潮时At high tide,访客从开放的海域来这里探索这些水道visitors come in from the open sea to explore these channels. 薄片龙Elasmosaurs.它们是真正的海洋爬行动物These are true oceangoing reptiles.但它们中有一些来到河口探索咸水But some come to estuaries to explore the brackish waters.现在河流携带的数百万吨♥泥沙Now, the millions of tons of sediment carried here 最终流入大海by rivers is finally delivered into the sea.河水需要时间和海洋融合在一起The river water takes time to mix with the ocean, and, fora while, 有一段时间河水和海水会并排流淌 the two waters flow side by side.尽管如此Nonetheless,大量的鱼群在这样的水域找至U 了充足的食物great shoals of fish find plenty on which to feed in these waters.如果鱼群在远处浑浊的沉淀物会将它们隐藏起来The clouds of sediment conceal the fish, if they*re any distance away. 但薄片龙会毫不犹豫地游到最阴暗的水域中But the Elasmosaurs don't hesitate to swim into the murkiest of waters 去追逐猎物to pursue their prey.鱼无处可逃There is no escape for the fish.即使跳出水面也无济于事 even above the water.这些薄片龙得到了这条河赐给它们最后的礼物These Elasmosaurs collect the last of the river's gifts 然后它们的踪迹最终消失在这史前星球的海洋中 before its traces are finally lost in the oceans of the prehistoric planet.(PrehistoricPlanet)下集预告Next on Prehistoric Planet,母子间的关系在它们挣扎求生的过程中the bond between mother and young is tested to the limit 受到了极大的考验as they struggle to survive.远古的敌人在冰天雪地中打斗Ancient foes battle each other and freezing blizzards.长羽毛的恐龙统治着这个冰封世界And feathered dinosaurs rule the ice worlds.要想了解这些故事背后的科学To discover the science behind the stories, 请去Prehistoric Planet网页了解更多 go now to the Prehistoric Planet show page.And the rivers that flow here are still shaping these great canyons.这些地方是飞行类爬行动物的家园Such places are the home of flying reptiles.翼龙Pterosaurs.它们的皮质翅膀从手指延伸到脚踝Their wings of skin stretch from finger to ankle.它们一天能飞成百上千公里And they can fly for hundreds of miles in a day.每天晚上Each evening,它们成群结队地来到这个峡谷栖息在狭窄的岩壁上they come to this canyon in huge numbers to roost on its narrow ledges.成群结队就会更加平安There is safety in numbers.不过也鲜少有生活在陆地上的猎手来这里冒险And anyway, few land-living hunters venture here.但有一种猎手会来这里捕猎But one does.就是这种叫做迅猛龙的恐龙A type of dinosaur. Velociraptor.虽然有羽毛为身体保暖但它们不会飞Their bodies are kept warm by feathers, but they can't fly.然而它们异常敏捷They are, however, exceptionally agile.这样倒也好And just as well.在这里走错一步就可能是灾难One false step here could bring disaster.翼龙很胆小The pterosaurs are skittish.一有危险迹象它们就会飞走They will take to the air at the first sign of danger.如果迅猛龙想抓只翼龙吃出其不意就至关重要If the Velociraptors are to get a meal, the element of surprise will be crucial.轻盈的身躯和羽毛覆盖的手臂Lightweight bodies and feathered arms help them能帮助它们控制下降to control their descent.而且宽阔的尾巴能帮助它们保持平衡And their broad tails assist them in keeping their balance.那些歇息在种群聚集地边缘的翼龙Those pterosaurs that are resting on the margins会成为最容易下手的目标ofthe colony will be the easiest targets.瀑布的轰鸣声淹没了岩石滑落的声音The roar ofthe waterfall drowns the sound of slipping rocks.雌性爬到了高处The female goes high.两只雄性站在低处The two males stay low.这几只翼龙几乎进入攻击范围内了A few pterosaurs are almost within striking distance.它抓到了 一只但惊动了整个翼龙种群She has one, but now the whole colony is alarmed.混乱中它的猎物从岩壁上滑了下去In the chaos, her victim slips from the ledge.雌性迅猛龙的羽毛尾巴开始接受考验The female puts the effectiveness of her feathered tail to the test.最后它得到了食物And, in the end, she gets her meal.而那两只雄迅猛龙不得不面对整个翼龙群The males are left to face the pterosaurs.淡水的力量在地球各地都发挥着作用The power of fresh water is at work all around the planet.整个地球气温很高Global temperatures are high.还伴有猛烈的风暴和倾盆暴雨There are violent storms and torrential rains.北美大局部地区被茂密的森林所覆盖Much of North America is covered by thick, lush forest.这里生活着一些曾经存在过的体型最大的食植动物Here live some of the most gigantic plant-eaters that have ever existed.按食物链顺序它们也是最凶猛猎手们的猎物And they, in turn, are prey for the most ferocious of hunters.霸王龙Tyrannosaurus rex.这只雄性老霸王龙刚刚杀死一只三角龙This old male has just brought down a Triceratops.但在捕猎过程中它也受伤了But in doing so, he*s been injured.霸王龙是专为捕食大型食草动物而生T. rex are built for hunting large herbivores.尽管很多食草动物已经进化出重型防御武器though many of those have evolved heavy defensive weapons.几十年捕食重甲猎物让它遍体鳞伤Decades of battling armored prey has scarred his body.有一次战斗甚至使它失去了尾巴尖One battle even cost him the tip of his tail.这些新的伤口更加严重These new injuries are more serious.它岁数已经很大伤口感染非常危险At his great age, infection is a real risk.河水可以帮它清洗伤口River water could help to clean his wounds.它很有希望活下来再战斗一天He stands a good chance of living to fight another day.但这一天可能会比预期来得更快But that day could come sooner than expected.出现了另外一只霸王龙Another T. rex.不速之客A stranger.但这只新来的霸王龙有一种不同的气味But this newcomer has a different smell.是只雌性霸王龙It's a female.它更年轻体型更小She's younger and smaller.但尽管如此它也可能是一个对手But nonetheless, she might also be a rival.然而雄性明确表示不想打架He, however, makes it clear that he's not interested in fighting.它更想交 ♥配♥He would prefer to mate.雌性似乎也同意了She seems to approve.霸王龙的面部区域对触碰非常敏感The facial area of a tyrannosaur is very sensitive to touch,它们在用鼻子爱抚and they nuzzle.它巨大的体型和战斗留下的伤疤证明它是个幸存者His great size and his battle scars are evidence that he is a survivor. 也许在雌性眼里这一点让雄性显得是一个具有吸引力的伴侣And that perhaps, in her eyes, makes him an attractive partner.于是它们待在一起So, they stay together.在接下来的几周里它们会频繁交♥配♥And in the coming weeks, they mate frequently.最终它最多可以产15个蛋Eventually, she* 11 lay up to 15 eggs.这些蛋也带来了繁衍下一代的希望And with them comes the promise of the next generation.依赖淡水的栖息地可能发生迅速而彻底的变化Habitats that depend on fresh water can change rapidly and radically. 在中亚的局部地区In parts of central Asia,大量的季节性降雨将河流填满heavy seasonal rains fill the rivers until, eventually, 最终河水会漫过河岸they overflow their banks.周围的平原被洪水所淹没The surrounding plains are flooded.一种极为奇特的恐龙穿过了这片水域And through the water wades one of the most bizarre of all dinosaurs. 这就是恐手龙Deinocheirus.它甚至比霸王龙还高It's even taller than T. rex.它巨大的喙类似鸭嘴能非常有效地And its massive duck-bill snout is very effective收集水生植物in gathering water plants.这只雄恐手龙狼吞虎咽This male feeds voraciously, 在漫长的旱季它几乎没怎么进食having eaten very little during the long dry season.水生植物营养丰富Water plants are rich in nutrients.它巨大弯曲的爪子长达20厘米And his huge, curved claws, eight inches long, 能把深埋在水下的植物捞上来enable him to dredge them up from deep beneath the surface.它本身就是小型生物的食物来源He himself is a source of food for smaller creatures.吸血蝇寄生在它的外皮上Bloodsucking flies, which infest his coat.它们令人恼火甚至让它感到疼They're irritating and even painful.虽然它能用巨大的爪子好好抓挠一下And while his huge claws enable him to have a good scratch.但总有一些够不着的地方there are always some spots that are just out of reach.要想挠到这些地方它需要帮助To get to them, he needs assistance.一棵枯树可能就是它要找的帮手A dead tree. That could be the answer.感觉好多了That*s much better.现在它可以回去进食了And now he can get back to feeding.但几乎完全由潮湿植物组成的饮食But a diet that consists almost entirely of wet vegetation确实会造成一个不可防止的结果does have one inevitable consequence.某种动物的食物变成了许多其他生物的肥料What was food for one becomes fertilizer for many others.像恐手龙这么大的恐龙每年能产生And a giant as big as Deinocheirus can produce超过20吨♥的粪便over 20 tons of dung every year.在南非Southern Africa.这里每年的降雨也会造成洪水Here, too, the annual rains create floods.这片土地变成了如迷宫般的狭窄水道And the land turns into a maze of narrow channels在无数小岛间穿流running between countless small islands.这里现在是一片沼泽森林This is now a swamp forest.它吸引了地球上有史以来最大的And it attracts one ofthe largest flying animals that has ever lived 飞行动物之一on planet Earth.一种叫做风神翼龙的巨型翼龙A giant pterosaur. Quetzalcoatlus.这是只雌性风神翼龙This is a female.它的翼展超过9米Her wings are over 30 feet across.它因为一个特殊的原因来到这里And she's come here for one particular reason.海水上涨所形成的小岛The small islands created by the rising waters正是它产卵的好地方are just the place for her to lay her eggs.风神翼龙无疑是飞行大♥师♥Quetzalcoatlus are certainly masters of flight.但也许令人惊讶的是它们在地面上也非常厉害But they1 re also, perhaps surprisingly, very competent on the ground.每只翅膀都由它的第四个手指的Each wing is supported by the single greatly elongated bone一根细长骨头支撑ofher fourth finger.当把翅膀尖指向上方时By turning her wings upwards,它可以四肢着地很有效地行走she can walk very effectively on all fours.它来这里筑巢She's come here to make a nest.它选择在潮湿的土壤上产卵She chooses to do so on damp, swampy soil这样可以防止它的软壳蛋风干that will prevent her soft-shelled eggs from drying out.这两个蛋只是开始These first two are just the start.在接下来的三个星期里它将守护敞开的巢For the next three weeks, she will guard the open nest.每隔几天再多产两个蛋and add two more eggs every few days.产蛋需要大量的力气和精力Producing eggs takes a lot of effort and energy.每个蛋都很大重约1公斤Each one is huge, weighing around a kilo.最终它会产下一窝大约12只蛋Eventually, she produces a clutch of a dozen or so.它用植物遮盖住它们She covers them with vegetation to conceal them.现在它需要进食Now, she needs to eat.岛上应该有足够的食物来养活孵化后的幼崽There should be enough food on this island to sustain her youngsters when they hatch. 但这里没有足够的食物来消除它的饥饿感But there's nothing substantial enough here to satisfy her own hunger.它必须离开这里去别处寻找猎物She must leave to hunt for prey elsewhere.并相信自己把巢穴隐藏得很好在它离开的时候未孵出的幼崽and trust that the isolation ofher nest will keep her unhatched young safe也会很平安while she's away.来了 一只年龄更大的雌性风神翼龙Another, much older Quetzalcoatlus female.它也在寻找一个平安的地方产卵She, too, is looking for a safe place to lay her eggs.这里可能没有足够的食物养活两窝巨型雏鸟And there may not be enough food here for two sets ofgiant nestlings.但有一个方法可以解决这个问题But there is a way to solve that problem.毕竟蛋的营养价值丰富And eggs, after all, are very nutritious.这个巢的主人回来了The owner ofthe nest is back.年长的雌风神翼龙被赶走了The older female is driven off.但年轻雌性的巢也被毁了But the younger female's nest is wrecked.它产下的12个蛋中只有三个保存下来Out ofthe dozen eggs that she laid, only three have survived.它在这个繁殖季是否能成功现在全取决于这三个脆弱的蛋了The success ofher breeding season now rests on these three fragile eggs.在这些蛋几个月后孵化之前它会尽最大努力保护它们She will protect them as best she can until they hatch in a few months* time.但孵化后它的幼崽们就只能自力更生了But after that, her young will have to fend for themselves.河水顺流而下As river water flows downstream,卷走了了数十亿吨♥的沙子和砾石甚至挪动了巨石it scours out billions of tons of sand and gravel and even shifts great boulders.较细的沉积物可能被输送到数百公里外The finer sediments may be transported for hundreds of miles,但随着河流变宽河水的速度也慢了下来but as the river broadens, it slows.因此沙子和砾石被卸在了这里And as a consequence, it begins to drop some of its load.祖祖辈辈生活在海洋中的动物开始出现And animals whose ancestors lived in the sea begin to appear.比方螃蟹Crabs.在一些地方每平方米可能就有几十只螃蟹In some places, there may be dozens per square meter.这是恶龙This is Masiakasaurus.雌性身长183厘米A female, six feet long.它满嘴的牙齿像针一样锋利And she has a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth.正是捕食笨拙的多腿猎物所需要的Just what you need to deal with awkward, multi-legged prey.螃蟹虽然有硬壳但它们富含蛋白质Crabs may have hard shells, but they1 re full of protein.机不可失失不再来Too good an opportunity to miss.不仅仅对它来说如此And not only for her.它有三只幼崽She has three young.只有10厘米高Only four inches tall.还没准备好捕食大螃蟹And not quite ready to take on large crabs.它们仍然靠吃妈妈吃剩的食物为生They still rely on their mother's leftovers.但有些幼崽很早就具备了狩猎本能But some youngsters develop hunting instincts early.太诱人了Very tempting.它可以整只吞下最小的螃蟹