Scanned by CamScanner淮北中2017201目学年度高二上学期第一次月考(英语)试题卷出题人1权锦(时间120分钟第部分 听力(共20小题每题l分满分30分).i第节(共5小题满分75分)请听下面5段对话血出最佳选项。1What slA will the m1m probably give LIsa?2Ho w long did the w oman w ait?3Whatdoe sthe wo niinm ean?ltesCFortyminutes,.AJim dldnt get f1r st prizeBJim has changed alotCJ im deserv ed fl st pDz e4 Wn at day js it today?AwednesdayB Thu r sdayc FDdau:b5Wny w as 1he man late?-1B1 u=1?.AHe s et ofF v ery lateBHis c ar broke do w nC 1here w as bad tr affic第二节(共15小题满分225分)请听下面5段对诸或独白选出最佳选项请听第6段材料回答第6.7题6Wno to tk the picm?7What do es the w om an think of hc r fathee?1j.JG请听第7段材料回答第8,9题。8What r elation is Jenny to GeorBe?AHis w,11 Hiada u 1 zhterMH ismlm9Wnat mo st pr obably cau sed the accinJOAthe weather has been bad谛听第8段材料回答第10至12题10Why is e wom an calling7ATo ask about the tim eBTo ask about a c omputer,CTo ask for a e up c all11What n umbers should t11e wo man press7门 n r哦12wnat wil1 be sent to the woman 1 s ro o m?csome green teaT:LASome c upsB So me hot water.请听第9段材料回答第13至16题。13wnat did the man do?cA scho ol teacherAA bask clerkBA str e owner)+;Qcshe dbe 1ike dealing Mthpep1第1页共8审题人仲苏静分值150分)Scanned by CamScannerCWo rk at Ms store=R wc uen=t iwitze rland_W u 1c speaKers t istjob after he graduated7ATeaching peop1e about sports equipmentBw as a sports shop m anagercwo r1 dng as a t enni sm19How m m y Spos is the speaker good ae?/):lATWo BThr e eBi V:1F1X0门回 叭 1&阿 T l俩丁小第二节(共05小题每小题2分i满分30分)多阅读卞列短文从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、日D)中。选出最佳选项红在答题卡上将该项涂。、甙。w。二、.in a d th e m e a 1 1stm o th e f5 fi w tirld w hileotherkidsatemdyfo r.hadtoha v ecereal(麦片粥),ggs and toa st othier s had cokes and candy rC h whiie w e had to eat asandwich As you c an guess,my supper w as different fro m the other kidsBut at least Iw a s n otalone f inmysuringMysister fidtwobrothei shadthe sameme a】m othersldid.My mothe r in sistedo 11 laovin g whor e w e wer e at all time sshe had to kn owwnoourf fiends weie andF what we ere doingwe hadto wear cle an clothes evw W Qthr):idaBwayswore their clothes fo r daysWe rea ched the height of ilisgrac e (脸)bcause she made ou rCl ot hs hetsel(just to sa v e m o n eyi:.,iThe w o r st isyet to c o m eWe had to b in bw Cl i n1ght wupe ti=ajn1o mi11gso while myf fiends sl e my m other actu ally had t h e i ma k d?abor Lawsher usw oi bel i w edshel ayaw aki s al l ni ghi e tli nin1【ingBupmeaB1tMn=.adomus,Thr oughthe year s,our f fiendsrepo rt cards had bea utiful colois on then black for i11g,1edAfo r i l i ngMy mother,howeve wo uld m erely be c ontent with black m arksNone of u e w asallowed ebe pleaure of i i 1g drpo ut 湖学者)jshe fo rc ed u s to grow i nto educted and hode adultsusing t1Bis asa backgr oumn ow l1ying t bring up my thr ee chi1 enm l l edgi t h prid when mychilwn thinklamm eanausenow i thankG odevetydayforgfviD gm eaei nem es m eri nt hew Fr?d iAnotge*1erous1t011/B+i W W l t hHerbild1ehCv ery D1ean with mo ney inatter s Dv ety c r uel to her childre11I).Ts .22WHch ofthe follo wing things did the w riter hate to do m ost h+j.(BWearing cle a n clothes whi h*efididbdi$by mtHhetT.?iF3:bH q.icG O ingtobedearlya ndgettingupe】./,c-Lr9F?s.rI j,Y.YFTDLeai nm oa1erl m ow w hereeyw ereJGH.li.,.+(.,/.b.9I.4 7 ;:23 It c an be inferr ed lto m the pa ssage that第1页共岩页16Wnat will the n1an do this w eekend?lATUk to the woman 1 s sisterBGo to Ju1ias place,请听第10段材料回答第17至20题。I?Wer e is the speaker fbom?ATn za niaBswedencswitze rland18WtATWO BThr e e CFourB)20W1rich doest hespeaker speak well?AGem1m BFren ch CItalianCuV第三部分谊Scanned by CamScannerAthe w rite r w orked hard and usually got good grade s in studle1Bmother was pu nished fo r breaking the LaboU LawCall the other kids studied bette r than the w riterDthe w riters family lived a painful life24Which of the following statements is NOT true ac co rding to the pas1age?AMot1er pr actised economy in r u 1u 1ing her hom e.i B the w riter is very thankful to her m otherirlCthe writer is strict with her chilen wf1en bringitrg them upDThe writer doesnt lo ve her m other for the past painful lifeB l(The Nation al Galle ryDes criptiqnthe Natio r1al Gallery is the BDtish n atio n al art mi1seu m built o n the north side of TafalgarSqua re in LondonIt hou ses a diver s e colle ction of kore than 2,300 ex amples of Ewopean artranging fr om 13thentury religio us paintings to m o r e modem o nes by Re noir and Van GoghTheolder eol l ens of the gai0 leiryA rer achedoikgh the main entrapc e while the mo r e m omw orks in the East W ing are m o e asily r e a ched fro m Trafalgar Squ are by a gro u nd floor entr an c eLayo utUie ;modm S s b Wing o n th west er n side of the buildin ho uses 13thto ISDmturypaintings,N artists ii/clude Du ccio,uccello,van Eyck,Lippi,Mantegn Bottic elli andrlhe mai 1i Ne Wing house s 16thm ltury paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci,C ranach Wchelang1o,Raphal,Bniegel,Br o nzin o,Titian and Vero nese:heNiitli w$1gho u ses B?thcentu1y paintinBs,and artists in clude Car agi o,Rubns,P O U S S ikivan Dyck,V el aazql i e claude and ver1neer,B A.(The East W ing house s 1 8thto e arly 20thc entury paintings1 and artists include Can a1etto,Goy T con stabl,Ren oir and Van :Gogh10p仓nin缸11rsciT he G d1y is open ev ery dayFroBn IOam to 6pm (Fdays:O am to 9pm)and isFree,butcliaigedapply to so me stiecial exhibitionsG et t i g Theri:,ii?;iNearest unde rground stations:Charing Cross(2min ute wqlk),Leic ester (3minute w alk),Embanlcment(7minute M ralC,andPi ccadi l Gircm (8m/nute w alk)25Fn W wigaMyo u seel i gi ous paintings?.i,26If yo u enter the ga11eryby a gro u nd Flo f1you will easily:/,%ks ofAVan Eyck BCr anach 1:vC Van DyckDCO nst abl7.cc ording to the passage,which of the following is true AThe N aci onal Gallery is the bist Britisl1 national t m u su1n ;,LiiYBTher e ar e fo ur e xhibitio n are as in The N aci onal Gaue+y.CTheGalletyisope11everydayfrom 10u11to6pmIe&T:,DThe Gallery is comprletely free第3页共8页Scanned by CamScannerCcentral AfricaThey often oc cupy a v ery wild ar with mountains and DversTo visit the parkpark is hugeand look at the anin1als,people ha ve to driv e aroundin a car for a few of hours t Bs e In sout hi ca there is a safari par;which c ontain s all sorts of wild anim als like lions,elephants,rhin oero ses,zebras,wild pigs,de er aB1d gira&esTher e i s a w ild r oad leadin8 thro ugh the par but nobody is pem1itted to walk on t f i eA n y o n e 1 r avelit1g in the park has to go in a car because wild animals may Iierc ely aack peopleFrom the car he may see almost every type ofAf fic an wildlifeso m e of these aie getting sc arc e(稀有的)becaw people km em for vario11s r eas nsFo r example rMno ro se s ar e killed fortheir hor11s,which are used in tr aditional chine se medicin es fo r c olds and headachespethaps ywill be see11 only in musei l1n s and bookson d aTraveler s may pu r chase fixt1d for the anin 1alsT hey c an fe ed then 1 whet1 the)B tou r the MOf cou r se,they should n ot fe ed them in a close distanc e becaiB se the wild animals may at1ackpeop1ein additim shouldgiv epoper dto the A tr aveler may car rya gun with him in hisjo umeyThe gunm to himmgover n111e How e verr it is not used fo r huntingIn a se al is f1xed to iL The traveler may fireat a wild bea st to deXnd Mn u elf in c ase he is attaclkedHo w e v era he has to pr ove the goven1n 1e11tthat he has bee n attacked and that he ha s n ot fi red at a ham1le ss anim al29What c an we infer irom the la st pa r agr aph?athe gun is giv en to a tr av eler by the g o v wwweBThe gun c an be used to hu mCThe gun is give n to alr aveler to defenhin1selfD A1ra veler inay fire at a wi1d30Which is the thing pe ople hav e to do while trav eling in the park?ACarrya gu n with himBDrive ar ou nd in a carC Look ait the aDim alsDpu rchasei nod for the animals31What is the passage mainly a b o tASome infom1ation about tr aveling in a safari park in So uth A fncaB A brief iMrodu ction to wild anim als in a safa ri parlicA brief in tro d u ctin to a/afa parkDSo m1e informatio n about tr av eling in South Af ficnMost episodes (片段)of i ni ndedn,sfo+gM where yok left s o m orwo wiw youjust eHte r ed a r o o mme c a1rs ed by a simple1ack fattentioh a1yi sYour e suppo sed to remember som butyou havent e n if deeply.m ajor effect o n ren1beriD g-it laterFailureto encode properlyc reate ang o r 第4贸共I28Wnere does the tact pr obably c ol11e from7AAn utist MagazineBA to urist mapCA n ews reportDA museun1 guideA safariCScanned by CamScannery o u put yo ur obile po ne in a poket,fo r example,and do nt pay attemio n to whaB you didbeca m e yo ure in volv ed in a c o n versation,youll pr obably forget t11at die pho n e h in the jacketno w hanging in yo ur wardrobe(衣柜)You r memory its elf il nt failins you,says Scha ctt tRather,yo u di t giveYow mem ory system the information it n eededLack of i11tenst can alsoIead to absenm i ndednessA m an who c an r ecite sports stati1ticsfrom 30 years go,says Zel.Fski,hay not ret1embcr to drop a letter in the ma i l-W o11nhaveslightly better mem o ries tha1 m en,poqsibly bec they pay n 1or e attention to theirmvironme11tAnd mem ory depends on Just thatis cl eav ai1able,he saysIf yo u w ant to ren 1ember to talce m edicin e with lun ch put it on thekitchen tablh dont leav e it in the medicine chest and w rite yo wself a n ote that yo u keep in apo cketA r tl?er cqmunon epis ode of absentmindedness:walkinginto ar and wonde ring whyyour e ther eMo st likely,you wer e thinking abo ut som ething elsew Ev eryone do ch d1is fron1 timeto ti1n e,says Zelinski T he best thing to do is to ret urn to where yo u Were before entering tileroom and yo un likely rem ember32Why does 1he w rite r think that encoding is important?AIt helps u s u nderstand ou r m em ory system betterBIt enables us to remembe r so mething fro m o ur m e111o ryCIt expands our n1em by ability greatlyDIt slo ws do w n the pr o c e ss of lo sing our m e】11ory33.Why c an a note in the pocket hardly ser v e as a remindee?ABe c a u s e it wil easily get lo stBBe c au se its not clea r enough fo r yo u to readC Becau se its o ut of you r sightDBecause it might get mix ed up with other thi1igs 34What do w e te am from the last par agraph?AIf w e pay mor e attention to o ne di n wemight forget an otherBMen1o ry depends to a ter1ain extern on 1he envir onmentCi ng son 1etMng again helps impr o ve o ur me1no tyDIf we ke ep forgetting things,w ed beiter r et ur n to wher e we w ere35What is the pas sage mdnv abo ufiAt he pr oces s of gadu al mem o ry lo ssB thecau s es of absentmindedne sst he i11llue nce of the en vir o nment o n m en1oryD Aw ay of e n coding a 1d temmbering第二节(共5小题每小题2分满分10分)根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项After atering Mgh school,you 1n u st wo nder how to study w ellHere are som e good siEn】sfo r yo u1Go to classIf you w ant tp do Well at scho ol,going to cla ss is the first step in studying wellIfyo u miss cla sses,yo u will miss what the tea cher 廿 山心 s is important As a re sult yo ull miss wlia0is the most likely to e nd up on the tesA 36,第j R共8页Scanned by CamScannerbecome worried about fai.ing.t teacher shavehave little sympath 式同情灿 students who just4 T&e part in class dis ciJssiom39g questionsand havi1g eye ontact withyou r teachers and c1assmates caniDcrease you r participatio 成参与)and you r fcus during the classX=X.-al is inicul yo u 1 d better read ii befo re classHs helps yo u make yo w5Fom 1 study BroupGet students togethe r who want to do w ell in lassMak sure tht e veryonewho do notunder stand it4osession sS Omes g r o up sessio ns(会议 can be co mehattingB Dont be late for your classC Tlle to your te acher if yo u need helpI:第三部分英语知识运用(共两节满分45分!第节完形填空(共20小题每小题1 5妣满分30分)阅读下面短文从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)孰选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将该琐涂黑MarBie w a s thebe stho sissSinegreetedev eryo n eat thedom,and she 4dLBut this w as n ot Margies pmw She w as a 44 at the party like eveiioine else,afid yetthe acted as if she ow 11ed the45 Stie wants to be 46 at1d needs to b in conkolI u sedt obel i kehe,43tcconl ttiecokkollableIfelt 48 ihefeelandaciionsofthepeople aro undmeMybdyache duetothe weightiputo n myo w 11 One day while I w as o ut with a f f i en I realized ho w far my desir e fo r 50 had gottenAs I e d to my f fien a str angers tow el was blo w n awayI51 in n for the to vilWffi endcal l edm eoni tlreakized theextent(程度)my sense of respon sibililyhadgotte nRedizi11g I w a s liviFgmym,Ihad tomake a (n)54If we tu m to 55we see that itdoesnotfigl】tfor c o nmiA St ram doesn ha 1 1 e xa ctflig h tpla n a p la n e m sils innerguidBu1c esystemandadapts ton e wwind,ww w(气流)biieath;and w aitou will jindNext time you t1y to c ontr ol the uncont1qollable,lake athi1wi cm be bette;with less eifo and in 6o w ays you co uld n ot have agi nedAnd yo uwill find a love of life again4 1 Abo ught Bpr oduced第6页共8页1Ccollected DpassedScanned by CamScanner44 Aadmitted Bremember ed Cenaured43 Ape rfect Bdlfre rent Cconvenient44 Ac ustomer Bgue st Cser v antDrocognBadDoh*apDn e11hbor45AplaceBoomp1ny Cteam Dland46Ain secr et Bin tim e CIn o rder D,1n charge47Ahelphg Bagreeing Ckylng Dlearnlns48Aangry Fbout Bre spo1slble fo r Cc ontent with Di1en,altlve to49Asho uldersBsides Cdrew Dfeet50Aen eig Bwealth CPPi ness51Aasked Bbeged Cr ushed5AJ4nally Bfrequ ently Ctotally56 Acany BorCIn vite57 Atrain.Btr ee Cbird58Asuddenly Bev entu ally Cpo sslb1y59AStr uggle BRelax CR et urn60Ainteresting Bamazing CexcitingDco ntrolDw aitedDunfomtelyDdir ectDplaneDeasilyDDecideDc o nfusing第二节(共10小题$每小题1 5分满分15分)阅读下面材料在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内所给单词的正确形式If yo u feel 5l 1essed by r espomibilitie s at wo rk you sho uld take a step back and identify(识别)those of61a t)nd 1ess importan ceThen,handle the m ost mpo rtant tasks fir1t soyo ul1 feel a real en se of 62(achieve)Leaving the less important things until tomo r r o w62(be)often a c c eptableMost of u s ar e m o re fo c used o u r tasks in the m orni ng than w e ar e later in the daySo,get an e ar1y start and kir to be as pr odu ctive 65possible befo r e 1u n chThis will give yo u thec o nfiden c e you n eed to get you through the ftemo on and go ho me fe eling ac complishedRec ent(study)show tatwe ar e far m o r e pr odu ctive at work if we take short br e1ksL(regar)Give y w body a11d bmin a r estby eppi ng o utside fo r68while,ex er cising,oFdong sqm ethjng yo u enjoyIf you nd sometMns you lo v e doing o utside of the office,youll be less likely69(bring)yo ur wo1k homeIt c o uld be a+Mhinggardening,cooking,music,S P OUt whatever it is,(m ake)su re ies a relief fro rp daily stre ss r ather than another thing to wony abo ut第四部分写作(共节满分35分)第二节短文改错(共10小题1每小题1伽满分B0分)71假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文清你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有如处置吉错误每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加雍缺词处加一个漏宇符号(人)并在其下面写出该加的词。删除把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改在错的词下划二横线并在该词书面写出修改后的词。;注意1舞处错误及其修改均仅限词2只允进修班o丸专者(从第11处起)不计分。第7页 共吕更Scanned by CamScanneriDe ar Jack,ID sorry to hear that yo u fe el lo n ely in thenew scho ol,beau se you find hard to m akefriendsN u,Id like to offe r you any advic eSec o ndly,you sho uld greet your c1assmates when met them on c u 11pusThirdly,it will be a go