分层设计 递进教学“双减”背景下四年级英语作业设计案例 一、 传统的作业形式: 教了很多遍的4AM1U3Read a story: A thirsty crow,总是帮助学生理解故事内容后,背一背,抄一抄,对于学有余力的孩子来说,太过于简单潦草,对于学困生来说,单词拗口,语句复杂,朗读起来含糊不清。二、 “双减”背景下优化小学英语作业设计提升作业设计的质量,是每一位英语老师面临的课题。对于实现“双减”目标、发挥作业的积极功能、保证学生学习质量有着重要的意义。教师通过作业让每一个孩子的潜能得到充分的发展,让每一位学生多一点空间去探索,多一点时间去思考,多一点机会去体验,多一点困难去解决,多一点自由去呼吸。三、本案例为故事的学习:4AM1U3 Read a story: A thirsty crow,能把对话通过自己的理解,表述成一个乌鸦喝水的故事,通过学习能较为正确而流利地复述乌鸦喝水的故事。本单元作业设计为“理解故事”,“复述故事”和“扩写故事”三个单课时的任务。根据学生的实际语言能力,教师将评价内容拆分为三个连续的小任务,逐一完成。案例呈现:1. 评价目标 基础较弱的学生:能理解故事 A thirsty crow基础一般的学生:读懂故事 A thirsty crow;能力较强的学生:能熟练地运用本单元的核心词汇 crow,pebble,句型There is/are.,put .into. 扩写故事2. 评价内容: 根据内容理解故事 复述故事内容 扩写故事内容3. 作业设计案例 4AM1U3 Read a story : A thirsty crow Class_ Name_ No._ Task 1:理解故事 认读短文,回答问题 Picture 1 Whats the weather like today? What is it ?How is the crow ? Picture 2 Whats in the bottle? Picture 3 Can the crow drink the water ? Why? Picture 4 Does it have an idea? Whats on the ground ?Can the crow put the pebbles into the bottle ? Picture 5 At last, Can the crow drink the water ?How does the crow feel? Task 2:复述故事 根据下列图片和句型框架复述故事:1 2 3 4 5 (1) I am a . Its. Today. Im.(2) There is . It has. (3) Im . But I cant . The bottle is.(4) Here are .(5) Now ,I can . Task 3:扩写故事 一 根据老师给出的分段提示句型,引导学生说出关键字。1 It is _ today. The sun is _. The grass is _. The flowers are_. 2 This is a _. It is _. Its _ are big. Its _ is small. It can _.But it is _and_. 3 Oh ! The crow sees a_. There is some _ in it. The crow wants to _ _ _, but the bottle is too _ and _. The crow _ drink the water.4 The crow sees some _ on the ground. One ,two ,three. It has _ _.It _ the pebbles _ the bottle.There are many pebbles in the bottle. Now the water rises . The crow can _ _ _. The crow is _! 更多的是关注学生的差异性,根据学生的能力设计分层作业,使每个层次的学生都能有质量地完成作业。