Module 4 Life in the futureUnit 3 Language in use教案.doc
Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计一、课题: Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3 Language in use.是外研版七年级英语学科下册第四模块第三单元的内容。二、教材分析: 本模块以“未来生活”为话题,共分6课时完成,本单元是第5、6课时。在第1、2 课时中从听、说两方面感知并尝试运用“will+动词原形”描述未来的事情或对未来的想象,围绕未来学校展开讨论。在第3、4 课时中通过读写结合,运用速读、扫读、精读、预测等阅读技巧,深入了解了未来生活的篇章结构和陈述顺序,同时学会了如何陈述未来生活。本单元主要是将前四课时有关未来生活话题的内容进行逻辑梳理; 通过环游世界开拓视野,打开思维,提高归纳总结能力。通过接触、理解、操练、运用语言等环节逐步实现语言的内化,学会将零散的知识系统化,复杂的知识条理化。三、学情分析: 通过前四课学习,学生已经掌握了如何谈论未来学校、如何描述未来生活,在课堂讨论和作业环节中也对相关知识作以梳理。但是在语言应用时还会出现混乱的现象,需要进行强化训练。本课中需要在教师的引导下结合已有知识系统地复习未来生活话题相关的词汇、短语和功能句;在实践中复习语法will+动词原形;在教师指导下完成描述未来生活的海报。四、教学目标:1语言知识目标功能:描述未来的事情,表达对未来的想象。词汇:学会分类记忆词汇,对所学词汇进行整理和归纳,形成正确的学习策略和学习习惯。语法:在本课学习中正确使用“will+动词原形”描述未来的事情或对未来的想象。2技能目标读:能够读懂本课Around the world有关日本机器人的短文,了解世界科技发展。说:小组合作,想象出一款机器人,并谈论它能做什么。模块任务:小组合作制作自己家乡未来生活的海报。3. 学习策略目标 能够在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。4情感与态度目标 通过对美好未来的憧憬,初步形成乐观的生活态度。5. 文化意识 通过Around the world 的学习,憧憬、探索未来。五、教学重点: 描述未来的事情,表达对未来的想象。 六、教学难点: 完成制作海报的模块任务。七、教学准备: PPT播放音频文件, 乐课软件, QQ Group八、教学过程Step 1. Leading-in PPT 1&2Before the class, lets sing the song “Whatever will be, will be” together. Just now we sang a song about the future. There is a sentence “Whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see.” Yes, the future isnt ours to see. But we can work hard for our future and have a better life. 【设计意图】此歌曲内容积极向上,能深深地走进学生心中,产生共鸣。通过对未来的憧憬,初步形成乐观的生活态度。由歌词中的future展开复习,谈论前两个单元的相关话题。Step 2. Around the world PPT 3,4&51. Now, many people are thinking of new ways to make our life better. Japanese are making kinds of robots. They are making their lives better now. Now please read “Around the world” on Page 25 and answer: “What kinds of robots does Japan have? ” Here are four choices. Please choose the best one.Ss: Choose the best one.(乐课软件呈现柱状图,显示学生回答情况)T: Most students choose d. Two students choose a. One chooses b. Which one is right? How do you know?S1:In the passage, there is a sentence “You can find worker robots, robots that clean your home, and even robots you can play with.” So Japan has three kinds of robots ,not two or one.【设计意图】阅读材料介绍了日本的机器人发展的状况,这既可以让学生感受到科技如何帮助人们提供生活水平,又可以培养学生的创新和实践精神。教育的发展离不开科技的进步,但是科技本身没有国界,我们可以互相学习、借鉴。通过乐课软件,可以清楚知道哪位学生回答错误,有利于进行针对性的讲解。2. Imagine a kind of robot and introduce what it will do for people. T: According to the passage, weve known the robots can do many things for people. Do you want to have a robot? Ss: Yes.T: What would you like your robot to do for you in the future? Work in pairs and share your ideas with each other.Ss: Work in pairs.T: Now, lets enjoy our ideas.Ss: (4 groups)T: Good imagination. Robots will do so much for us. I hope you will work harder to make your dream come true one day.【设计意图】每个孩子都渴望拥有一个陪伴自己的机器人,这是一个很好的话题,学生对设置的任务会充满激情。再一次在情境中运用will+动词原形。学生可以个体完成任务,也可以小组合作,选择适合自己的方式就好。Step3. Activity 4 PPT 6&7 1. Do Activity 4. T: With the help of robots, our life will be different in the future. Now lets go on with life in the future in other ways. Lets come to Activity 4. First do it individually.Ss: Do Activity 4 individually.T: Stop here. Check up your answers with your partner.T: Check up your answers together. The teacher shows the answers on PPT. Students check up their answers. The teacher goes around the class to help the students.【设计意图】学生通过小组合作的方式对词汇进行整理与归纳,可以帮助学生掌握重点词汇,形成正确的学习策略和学习习惯。小组合作的过程中,大家集思广益,适当地拓展词汇。2. Learning to learn 【设计意图】学生学习词汇分类的方法,为制作海报理清思路。Step 4 Activity 5, 6 &7 QQ Group, PPT 8,9& 10 1. Do Activity 5. T: Weve known the four ways about life in the future. Have you thought about life in the future in our hometown? Ss: Shopping, buildings, schools, food and drink, homes .T: Yes. Maybe in the future our life will be different in different ways. Now work in groups and write down your ideas with the form on your worksheet. And then send them to our QQ group. (教师将提前制作好的Excel表格通过QQ传送给各个小组)Ss: Download the Excel. Fill in the table and then send to QQ Group.(学生将填好的表格区域选中,复制上传到QQ群)T: Lets share your ideas on the screen.T: When one group shares their ideas, the others add more ideas to your group.Ss: Share the ideas.【设计意图】本环节利用信息技术手段实现资源共享。小组互补,使得每名学生都能参与其中。4. Work in groups. T: Each group has so fantastic ideas . Now work in groups. Make some sentences with these ideas to describe the changes of the future life. Then show your answers to the class one by one logically . T: Take out the worksheet and read the rules.Ss: Make as many sentences as possible in 15 seconds.T: Stop here. Now lets have a competition. First Group A. T: Are there any mistakes in these sentences? How to correct? How many correct sentences? Which group is the best one?利用乐课软件中的倒计时功能,激起各组的挑战欲望。【设计意图】由词到句,用will+动词原形来描述家乡未来生活的方方面面。5. Do Activity 6. Work in groups of four to talk about the ideas. T: Good boys and girls. Im really appreciating your ideas. Work in groups. Think about life in the future in our home town. Choose one topic to make a dialogue in your groups. A: Tony, what will schools be like in the future? B: The teacher wont write on a blackboard.C: Will we go to school in the future?D: Yes, we will. / I'm not sure. .Ss: Make a dialogue in groups and show it out. 【设计意图】由词到句,由句到篇章,学生能力逐层递进。学生们在小组内共同探讨家乡未来生活的变化,巩固will的一般疑问句及特殊疑问句。每个小组到前面进行对话表演,锻炼学生各方面的能力。模仿真实情景,在语境中体会will+动词原形的用法。6. Do Activity 7. Make a poster. T: Youve done very good jobs. Weve imagined life in the future in our hometown. Lets make posters to show it to teachers and students around our school. Now please do it in groups. When youve finished, please send your posters to our QQ group.Ss: 各组将制作好的海报PPT上传到QQ群。教师将上传的四组文件整合到一个PPT中进行播放,利于学生展示及对比。T: Now youve finished, lets enjoy your works. Welcome Group 1 .T: Your posters are marvelous. Ill send them on our school website.T: Who can say something about the four posters?Ss: T: Everyone has different ideas. Lets choose your favorite poster.Ss: Choose.通过乐课软件学生进行投票,选出最受欢迎的海报。T: Which poster is the best one?T: Which group is the winner?【设计意图】由词到句,再由句到篇章,逐层递进,语言上有一定的积累过程。通过小组合作,完成有关家乡美好未来的海报制作,学生从各方面得到锻炼。通过对美好未来的憧憬,初步形成乐观的生活态度。Summary PPT 11T: What have you learnt today?Ss: 1. 写作前理清思路; 2. 用will描述家乡的未来; 3. 制作海报。Homework PPT 121. Make your poster better.2. Finish your homework on QQ. 6