Aries白羊座 Mar. 21 - April 19 Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November. Aries are the pioneer of the zodiac. Aries is symbolized by a ram, which means quick to take action and get things rolling. Taurus 金牛 April 20 - May 20 Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December. Taurus is symbolized by a bull, which means stability andreliability. Taurus is practical, solid and reliable. They dislike change, resist any chance, and may be slow to get moving. So Taurus is totally different from Aries. Its very difficult to change the mind of Taurus. Patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving. Gemini 双子 May 21 - June 21 Gemini the Twins is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of January. Gemini the Twins. Gemini is good at gathering information and discovery things, they are smart, but they have a tendency to bend the truth. Gemini can be talkative, they enjoy knowing a little about everything. A small hint for Gemini, every Gemini has two sides, sometimes they get a bit upset but they never let others know. Cancer 巨蟹June 22 - July 22 Cancer the Crab is a Winter Constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February. Cancer is symbolized by a crab, which means protectiveness. Cancer generally have an emotional relationship with their surroundings. They may tend to create a small, enclosed environment and only allow a few selected people into their private space. Leo 狮子July 23 - Aug. 22 Leo the Lion is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night during the month of March. Leo the lion. The royal Leo is full of confidence for the future. Leo is playful, creative, warm-hearted, and risk taking. Leo has the strong, burning inner-desire of self-confident, they never say sorry to others even they know they are wrong. Ruled the Sun, Leo is the King of the 12 zodiac signs. Virgo 处女 Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Virgo the Virgin is a Spring constellation, and can be best viewed during the month of April. Virgo the virgin. One of the main keys to understanding Virgo is “Perfectionism”, which means Virgo is eager of being “perfect”. Another feature of Virgo is that they enjoy focusing on the very smallest of details.Libra 天秤 Sept. 23 - Oct. 23Libra the Scales is a Spring constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of May. Libra the scales means harmony and cooperation. Libra is sensitive to whats going on around them, and they often act as peacemakers in their environment. Scorpio 天蝎 Oct. 24 - Nov. 21 Scorpio the Scorpion is a Spring constellation with an astronomical name of Scorpios, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of June. Scorpio is of course symbolized by a scorpion. They are passionate individuals. Scorpio have the strongest emotion in all 12 zodiacs. When they fall in love with some one, they may want to control their partners, they never accept a betrayed lover. The artist Picasso is Scorpio. During his life he drawn a lot of abstract pictures, I think that is because Scorpio has strong emotions. Sagittarius 射手(人马座)Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Sagittarius the Archer is a Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month July. Sagittarius is symbolized by an archer. They are optimistic, they need for change, they are friendly. Aries and Leo always can be good partners with Sagittarius. Because these three zodiacs are all open-minded and they have some common features. Capricorn 摩羯 Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of Capricorns, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August. Capricorn the goat is known for self-control and dependability. The sure-footed Capricorn works its way slowly, but surely to the top of the mountain. Aquarius 水瓶 Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Aquarius the Water Bearer is a Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of September. Aquarius the water pourer, it is symbolized by a bottle which is pouring water. Unconventional, friendly, and unpredictable are all characteristics of Aquarius. Aquarius values life, pursuits happiness. Pisces 双鱼 Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October. Pisces the fishes. They are imaginative and sensitive, they feel the need to express their imagination and creativity. As a result, they may tend be a dreamer because our everyday life is practical. Pisces are romantic, and as fishes do, they love the water. There is an old saying “ You never see Pisces cry, thats because they live in the water like fish and people cant see their tears .”1. sb. Whats your constellation? 2. Do you think whether your constellation consist with the character or not?3. Which constellation is your favorite?4. Why are you like it? 5. Whats your girlfriend/boyfriends constellation?