The Essex Serpent《埃塞克斯之蛇(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
噢Oi!帮帮我快点拉网Help me! Come on! Get the net!约书亚Joshua! Joshua! Joshua!约书亚快游过来快点Joshua! Quick! Swim! Come on!没事了Ifs okay.(改编自莎拉佩里小说)你醒了Are you awake?看起来你没怎么睡It donft look like you slept much.又是个无法入睡的漫长夜晚One of those nights that just goes on and on and on.那些孩子们看来是闷得发慌了Those children have nothing to entertain themselves with. 我不应该到课堂上去I shouldn't have gone in.你是要给他们看化石You were showing them fossils.我没想到他们会这么I didn't think they*d get so-他们的一个同学死了他们当然会感到难过One of their classmates has died. Of course they're upset.不仅仅是难过他们被吓坏了It was more than just upset. They were terrified.都是我不好And it was my fault.早安Morning.感觉好点吗Any better?乔说说话Jo, say something.没事的乔你想说时再说吧It's all right, Jo. You'll speak when you're ready.巨蛇把她的声音拿走了The serpent took her voice.放松Relax.放下你的恐惧Let go of your fears.屈服于你的欲望Surrender to your desires.我说继续努力工作并不是指我自己When I said get back to work, I didn't mean for me.还有多远How far is it?这里有一些东西数千年都没见过天日There'll be things here that haven't seen the light of day in thousands, 甚至数百万年maybe millions of years.对于没有血液流动的东西我的兴趣会稍微减弱You know, if it hasn't got blood pumping around it, my interest wavers slightly.我曾经收过以邮件方式寄给我的化石I used to have fossils sent to me in the post.我把它们放在一个贴着漂亮标签的陈列柜里Put them in a display case with a pretty label.你看起来和我在那栋豪♥宅♥里所见到的女人完全不一样You certainly look different from the woman I met in that grand house.卢克Luke!是什么What is it?看起来像是安宁在多塞特发现的椎骨It looks like the vertebra Anning found in Dorset.这里发生了什么事What happened here?它把渔网撕碎了It shredded the nets.-差点把人从船上撞下来-是什么东西-Nearly knocked the men off the boats. - What did?-差点把他们都杀了 一水里有东西-Could have killed rem all. - Something in the water?你们看到了吗它长什么样子Did you see it? What did it look like?也许你应该告诉我们你似乎知道关于它的一切Maybe you should tell us? You seem to know all about it.什么不我What? No, I-自从你进了我女儿的教室她就一直做噩梦My little girl's been having nightmares since you came into her classroom.斯伯恩太太只是想帮助Mrs. Seaborne was only tryna help.如果吓到他们很抱歉I'm sorry if I scared them.吓到他们你对他们做了什么该走了-Scared 'em? What did you do to *em? - We should go.我们不晓得你为何来这里我们也不在乎We don't know why you're here, and we don't care.但如果你在做些什么无论是什么求你了别再做了But if youfre doing something, whatever it is, please, stop it.爸爸Dad?-你看到我爸爸了吗-是他刚离开-Have you seen my dad? - Yeah, he just left.我其实要一杯啤酒Actually, 1*11 have a beer.好的All right.内奥米-撒慕尔-Naomi. - Samuel.你听说了渔网的事吗Have you heard about the nets?听说了Yeah.来吧把它喝完Come on. Drink up. Drink up.我会再给我们买♥♥一杯Ill get us another.没事的有我在It's all right. Tm here.你弄疼我了 -来吧-You're hurting me. - Come on.你弄疼我了You're hurting me.-不要-来吧-Come on. - No.住手这是罪恶的Stop. It's sinful.我以为你是个荡♥妇♥就像你妹妹一样I thought you were a slut, just like your sister.宽恕我天父宽恕我Forgive me, Father. Forgive me.是那巨蛇干的坏事It's the serpent. Doing the devifs work.天父请为我们的灵魂祈祷Pray for our souls, Father.我们必须做的不只是祈祷We must do more than pray.柯拉我很高兴你来了Cora. Tm so glad you came.玛莎你好-你好-Hello, Martha. - Hello.斯黛拉这位是卢克加勒特Stella, this is Luke Garrett.卢克这是斯黛拉兰索姆Luke, Stella Ransome.加勒特医生很高兴认识你Dr. Garrett, how wonderful to meet you.进来吧Come on in.乱糟糟的请别见笑Please, forgive the mess.家务太多我忙不过来了I'm struggling to keep up with the housework.威尔在书房♥里吗Is Will in his study?不好意思他去拜访一个教民了没见到你他会感到很遗憾Visiting a parishioner, I'm afraid. He'll be sorry to have missed you. 你好Hello.你们周六都该来柯拉家Well, you should all come to Cora's on Saturday.是她的生日我要给她办个派对Ifs her birthday. Tm going to be throwing her a party.我们很乐意We*d love to.你能给我们泡点茶吗Could you make us some tea?她怎么样了How is she?不说话Silent.非常令人不安It's very unnerving.可怜的孩子她被吓坏了Poor girl. She*s scared herself.请坐Please, sit down.加勒特医生你怎么看What's your opinion, Dr. Garrett?你听说过无意识吗Have you heard of the unconscious?没No.这是我们内心的想法和恐惧It's our inner thoughts and fears.我们无法控制它们但它们会影响我们和我们的行为We can't control them, but they can influence us and our behavior.这听起来吓人但这只是大脑的运作方式我向你保证It sounds alarming. Its just the way the brain works, I assure you.我想做的是让乔进入放松状态What I'd like to do is put Jo into a state of relaxation, 这样她就能找回内心的想法并告诉我们是什么困扰着她 so she can retrieve those inner thoughts and tell us what's troubling her. 这叫作催眠It's called hypnosis.谢谢Thank you.加勒特医生提出要尝试一种新的疗法来缓解你的情绪Dr. Garrett is offering to try a new practice to help with how you're feeling. 这叫作催眠It's called hypnosis.没错Exactly.太棒了我们需要安排一下房♥间并拉上窗帘Excellent. Well, we will need to organize the room and draw the curtains.你不觉得我们应该等威尔回来吗如果乔是我女儿Don't you think we should wait for Will? If Jo was my daughter-你是说须要等一个男人的许可You want to wait for a man's permission?我得回去照顾弗兰基我会悄悄离开I need to get back for Frankie. Til slip off.抱歉我的流感似乎无法痊愈Sorry, I can't seem to shake off the flu.天父请保护我们所有人Please, God. Protect us all.保护我们所有人让我们平安Protect us all. Keep us safe.马修Matthew.很抱歉I'm sorry.我不知道你在I didn't know you were-这是你的教堂It's your church.马修Matthew.你很难过我没难过-You're upset. - I'm not upset.过来谈谈吧Sit with me.一个人与上帝的对话与他人无关A man's conversations with God are no one's business but his own. 但我们应该互相倾诉这样会有所帮助But we should confide in each other. It can help.你很擅长这样做怎样做-You're so good at this. - At what?就是这样你能以简单的说话方式This. The easy way you talk,让别人觉得他们说的话很重要making people feel like what they say is important,而你会认真对待that you'll take it seriously.我只是我知道你是怎么看我所说的话-1 just- -1 know what you think when I talk.你认为我容易被无稽之谈所骗You see someone who's taken in by tall tales.-不我没这么想你根本不明白-No. No, that's not what I think. - You don't understand.你无须冒着生命危险出海You're not out on the water risking your life.你的孩子没在床上哭Your children aren't crying in their beds-就因为他们能感觉到有东西要来了 -我的孩子-because they can feel something coming. - My children-格雷西的死是个悲剧Gracie*s death was a tragedy.这让每个人都深感不安但我不确定这是否对情况有帮助It was deeply unsettling for everyone, but I'm not sure it's helpful-如果我们继续认为-继续说吧再解释给我听吧-to keep suggesting- - Go on. Explain it away to me again.解释一下格雷西班克斯身上的抓痕Explain the scratches on Gracie Banks's body.解释一下船只被袭击的原因你女儿已经变成了哑巴Explain the attack on the boats. Your daughter struck dumb!我能从你的表情看出你也有同感I can see it in your face that you feel it too.你本应该教导人们如何在上帝的保护下生活You're supposed to show people how to stay in God's protection.你本应该确保人们的平安You're supposed to keep people safe.“因此河水虽咆哮我们虽陷入困境我们也将不惧怕”“Therefore we will not fear, though the waters roar, and we troubled/'保持放松关注我的声音.always relaxed. Aware of my voice.你的四肢很沉重Your limbs are heavy.乔听我的声音Jo, listen to my voice.向我靠近一点让我知道你能听到我的声音Come towards me a little. Let me know that you can hear my voice.乔你能否告诉我怎么Jo. Can you tell me how-那巨蛇The serpent.我很害怕乔你很平安-I'm scared. - You are safe, Jo.用不着害怕There is no need to be frightened.但教室里发生的事刺♥激♥ 了你 对吧But what happened in the classroom upset you, didn*t it?我应该阻止它的I should've stopped it.你知不知道自己并没做错什么Do you understand that you did nothing wrong?是我们施了咒语We did the spell.是我们把它带来的We brought it here.把什么带来了Brought what here?没事别着急It's all right. Take your time.这本应是个秘密It was supposed to be a secret.乔什么秘密What was a secret, Jo?那咒语The spell.我们施的咒语The spell we made.卢克Luke.乔听我的声音用不着害怕Jo, listen to my voice. There's no need to be frightened. 一切都晚了内奥米让它进来了It's too late. Naomi let it in.是我让它进来的I let it in.它在It's.它在我们心里了 -乔It's in us. - Jo.乔Jo.停止Stop it.乔Jo-这是怎么回事威尔这是我的朋友-What is this? - Will. This is my friend,卢克加勒特医生兰索姆牧师-Dr. Luke Garrett. - Reverend Ransome-你对我女儿做了什么What are you doing to my daughter?你误会了我是在帮她You misunderstand. Tm helping her.你妻子同意让我威尔这是朋友-Your wife gave consent for me- - Will, this is a friend.柯拉的朋友放开他这是我家你好大的胆子-A friend of Cora's. Let him go. - This is my house. How dare you! 你误会了放开他马上You've got this wrong. Let him go. Now.我向你保证这是一项经过充分研究的医疗实践I promise you, it's a very well-researched bit of medical practice.是你要我帮助的You asked if I could help.爸Dad.我没事I'm fine.我们走Werll go.柯拉别这样只是一场误会Cora, don't. Itrs just a misunderstanding.谢谢你斯黛拉Thank you, Stella.抱歉I'm sorry.你没受伤吧我没事-Are you hurt? - I'm fine.非常抱歉Well, I'm so sorry.真不敢相信他会有这种反响I can't believe he reacted like that.成功了她又开口说话了It worked. She's talking again.让火焰驱散黑暗Let the flames banish the darkness.保护我们远离罪恶Protect us from sin.是的把火点着Yes. Light the fire.我需要喝点酒I need wine.发生什么事了What happened?这么说吧威尔回到家并且很不高兴Will came home and wasnrt pleased. Let's put it that way.他攻击了我什么-He attacked me. - What?没人攻击任何人他走进来No one attacked anyone. He came in,看到卢克俯身看着乔所以反响过度saw Luke leaning over Jo and overreacted.他一定是很担忧她你们跟他解释了吗He must've been scared for her. Did you explain it to him?你们抱歉了吗-我和斯黛拉当时都在场-Did you apologize? - Well, Stella and I were right there.我见过有人被催眠看起来很奇怪确实奇怪I've seen people be mesmerized. It looks odd. It is odd.这是催眠术它奏效了It was hypnosis. And it worked.一别走跟我们聊聊吧-我得写完它-But don't go. Stay up with us. -1 need to finish this.你在给谁写信-斯宾塞-Who are you writing to? - Spencer.我们是在帮你的病人尼夫以及他的邻居如果你非要知道的话We're trying to help your patient, Nev, and his neighbors, if you must know. 弗兰基你还好吗今天还愉快吗Frankie, how are you? How was your day?比起伦敦我更喜欢这里I like it here much more than London.我想永远留在这里I want to stay here forever.玛莎看来我们得在这里多待一阵子了Well then, looks like we're stuck here a bit longer, Martha.来吧你你闻起来像头山羊Come on, you. You smell like a goat.-才没有你有-1 do not. - You do.柯拉离开伦敦没有什么好处No good ever came from leaving London, Cora.你也在生我的气吗Are you cross with me too?如果我生气你会在乎吗Would you care if I was?你知道我会的You know I would.真令人沮丧我并不想惹别人不高兴It's so frustrating. Tm not trying to upset people.你应该向威尔抱歉You should apologize to Will.不能期望我做什么事都要抱歉I can't be expected to apologize every time I do something只要没获得男人的明确许可without the express permission of a man.你只需在做错事的时候抱歉You only have to apologize when you do something wrong.如果真是那样就好了If only that were true.你如果确定自己没做错什么那为何会这么烦恼呢If you're sure you've done nothing wrong, why are you so bothered? 睡吧Just go to sleep.我不想吵醒你家人I didn't want to wake the house.那有个信箱There is a letter box.我想私下交给你I wanted you to get it privately.玛莎说我得抱歉Martha told me I needed to apologize.你也这么认为And did you?不No.我无法抱歉因为我不认为自己做错了什么I can't apologize when I don't think I did anything wrong.那我等不及想看你写些什么了Well, I can*t wait to read it.你这是在嘲笑我吗Are you mocking me?不这完全符合我对你的期望No, it's just entirely in keeping with what I would expect from you.约翰兰索姆John Ransome.她整个周末都一言不发She's been silent all weekend.或许我们应该找柯拉谈谈Perhaps the person we should be talking to is Cora.她可以告诉我们到底发生了什么事She could tell us what actually happened.卢克到了吗Any sign of Luke?还没Not yet.不如你去克拉克内尔给我们买♥♥点羊奶Why don't you go and get us some milk from Cracknell? 你还记得怎么去吗Do you remember the way?当然记得Of course I do.别靠近海Stay away from the water.他来了He's here!柯拉你好吗卢克见到你真好-Cora, how are you? - Luke, it's so good to see you.我希望你到学校看看I want you to see the school.-不介意我们直接去吧一点都不-Mind if we go straight there? - Not at all.谢谢你这么快就来Thank you for coming so quickly!是的我一收到你的信就赶来了Of course. As soon as I got your letter.这事发生后我几乎没睡过I've hardly slept since it happened.这听起来不妙That doesn't sound good.到底发生了什么事So what exactly happened?如果你是来买♥♥羊奶的就得自己动手了If you're here to buy milk, you'll have to do it yourself.过来柯拉等Cora, w.柯拉Cora!是你要我帮助的You asked me to help.但不是拿她来做实验斯黛拉同意了-Not by experimenting on her. - Stella gave her consent.同意什么让她回想一切来吓唬她What? To bring it all back and terrify her?你对此一无所知You know nothing about it.我知道的够多了I know enough.你生气是因为我没征求你的同意听从你的判断You're furious because I didn't ask your permission, defer to your judgment. 你和加勒特医生在一起还用问我Why would you when you're with Dr. Garrett?你并未纠结于是否要顺从他You don't struggle with deference to him.我认为你没理由对我这么生气I donrt think you have a right to be this angry with me.或许真是如此That's probably true.那你为何会这样Then why are you?Come over here.别害怕你这样会使它紧张的Don't be scared, now. You'll make her nervous if you are.看到了吧See?你好Hello. Hello there.就像传染病一样他们全都像被魔鬼附身了It was like a contagion. As if they were all possessed by a devil.柯拉只不过你不相信超自然现象Except you don't believe in the supernatural, Cora.有事发生了这不是孩子们在闹着玩那么简单Something happened. It wasn*t just children playing.好吧但也许当中有合理的解释啊All right, but perhaps there's a rational explanation, eh?例如Such as?我们现在认为塞勒姆女巫审判中的女孩们We now think the girls in the Salem witch trials吃了一种能改变她们大脑中化学物质的毒药ate a poison that altered the chemistry of their brains.叫作麦角菌是一种霉菌它生长在黑麦和其他谷物上Claviceps purpurea. It*s a mold. It grows on rye and other cereals.这种毒药会导致幻觉和抽搐吗Could this poison lead to hallucinations and convulsions?肯定会虽然这在英国并不常见Yes, absolutely. Although, it isn't at all common in England.这里发生的事一点也不寻常There's nothing common about what happened here.你自己看吧You can see for yourself.看起来他们像是被袭击了It looks as if they were attacked.我想如果我回来I thought if I came back.我们动手吧Shall we?-斯伯恩太太-我来取回我的东西-Mrs. Seaborne. - I'm collecting my things.在孩子们来之前我得收拾一下I need to clear up before the children arrive.别担忧我们就要离开了Don't worry. We're just leaving.你又是哪位卢克加勒特-And you are? - Luke Garrett.他是位医生He's a doctor.是的我想了解孩子们到底怎么了Yes. Tm interested in what happened to the children.他们有发烧或脸肿的情况吗呕吐了吗Have they had any fevers or swollen faces? Vomiting?没有他们为何会这样呢No. Why would they?我只是想要解我能说的是我的学生们本来好好的-I'm simply trying to exp- - All I can tell you is my class was fine 直到你带着你的异端邪说来到这里until you came here with your heretical ideas.走吧Come on.乔Jo-我不知道周五发生了什么事I don't know what happened on Friday.但我知道除非你跟我说否那么我帮不了你But I do know that I can*t help unless you talk to me.我不会生气的I won't be angry.进去吧Come along, now.是的我理解如果你必须这么做Yes, yes. I understand. Well, if that*s what you have to do.走吧Come on.你会没事的You'll be all right.我们待会儿见Fil see you later.他们告诉你发生了什么事吗Did they tell you what happened?当然乔非常难过Of course. Jo's been very upset.我告诉过你I tried to tell you.孩子们需要的是肯定而不是新概念Children need certainty. Not new ideas.他们会没事的They'll be all right.就连他们的父母都害怕了Even their parents are scared.他们认为孩子们能感觉到它的存在They think the children can sense a presence.它的存在我希望你能纠正他们的想法A presence? Well, I hope you set them straight.马修使酒吧里编造的荒诞故事合理化毫无益处Matthew, it doesn't help to legitimize wild stories made up in a public house.看来你还没听说So you haven't heard?今早渔民们在他们的渔船上被袭击了他们的渔网被撕碎了The fishermen were attacked in their boats this morning. Their nets, shredded. 内奥米回家你今天不能来上课Naomi! Go home! You canrt come in today.马修我不能让她来上课她会带来麻烦-Matthew. -1 won't have her in. She*s trouble.内奥米等等Naomi. Naomi, wait.她需要来上课她刚失去了妹妹She needs to be here. She's just lost her sister.很抱歉这是我的学校It's my school, fm sorry.我太愚蠢了Fve been so stupid.不No.我以为这样做能让他们冷静下来I thought it would calm them down.因此他们能了解对于所谓的蛇或许有个合理的解释So they could see that their serpent might have a rational explanation.你真♥相♥信那里有生物出没You really believe there's a creature out there?是的我认为有Yes, I think so.我能问你个私人问题吗Can I ask you a personal question?它是否出现在你的梦里Does it appear in your dreams?我也是这么想的Thought so.你认为这是我自己想出来的You think it's all in my mind?我认为你正