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    国际汉语教师证书中英文问答例题及解题思路最好的沉淀中文问答 1、马老师在海外教一个小学生的兴趣班,学校告诉马老师这个班的学生要参加YCT考试,所以马老师很认真地备课。但学生却反映马老师的课内容太多了, 甚至指责马老师给他们灌输中国文化,学校领导因此找马老师谈话,但马老师没觉得自己哪儿错了。你认为马老师有什么问题?应该如何调整? o 教学对象:了解学生兴趣和风格,以兴趣作为课程切入 o 教学内容:熟悉YCT 考试 o 课程类型:把握教学量,丰富活动形式 o 课程目标:中国文化与当地文化组合 2、 假设你在美国任教。一次课上,你提到环境问题,班里学生说,发展中国家的很脏、环境问题很严重。你怎么看待这个问题? o 承认客观事实,看到发展中国家和发到国家在环保等方面的差距。 o 客观说明原因:这是由经济发展阶段所决定的;发达国家经历了从污染到治理的过程, 而发展中国家正在经历。看到包括发展中国家在内的世界各国在环保方面的积极举措,引导学生看到积极因素。 3、安老师在美国一所大学教授高级汉语口语课,每次课50 分钟。有一次课,她安排了十位 学生做报告,每人发言五分钟。一位学生在做报告时,给大家看了自己家狗的照片。发言刚结束,另一位学生就问安老师,在他们国家,狗是家人和朋友,为什么在汉语里带“狗”词一般都是不好的意思,比如“狼心狗肺”“狗腿子”。其他学生对这个问题也很感兴趣,七嘴八舌地小声议论起来。安老师回答了一句“这是中西方文化差异”,就接着让下一位发言人上台做报告,而其他人却还“意犹未尽”地继续讨论着刚才的话题,台上发言的学生因无法吸 引大家的注意力而有些尴尬。请你对安老师的做法进行分析。如果你是安老师,当面对学生 提问时,你会如何应对? 优点:机会均等;注重输出练习;不让“插曲”影响“主旋律” 不足:5x10 分钟,安排太满;对学生提出的问题,关注不够,显得敷衍; 对下一位发言的学生支持不够 建议:学生提出问题,积极回应,简单解释;课上时间安排,留出余地口语练习,注重互动 (如:每人报告完后,老师同学向该同学提问);课下或今后讨论这一“文化差异” 4、你在海外的课堂上讲到“规定是死的,人是活的”。有一位学生提出:“中国人是不是都很不遵守规则?横穿马路啊、插队啊什么的。”你该如何回应? 澄清:这句话本意是“原则性与灵活性相结合”这一普世法则,而非让人违背规则。 正视:不回避存在的不文明现象 引导:发现更多人遵守规则的一面5、张老师刚刚到美国开展汉语教学工作,工作热情很高,常常在周末或者下班时间打电话与美国同事商讨与工作有关的问题。一天晚上她收到学生的邮件,询问第二年暑假去中国参加夏令营的事情。张老师不了解这方面的情况,于是马上给项目主任打电话。主任在电话里没有详谈,她让张老师第二天下课后到她办公室去。请你对张老师的做法进行评价。如果你是张老师,收到学生邮件后,你会怎么做? o 优点:热情、负责、为学生着想 o 不足:公私不分、权责 “越位”、联系方式突兀 o 改进:工作时间;交由相应人员处理;邮件联系 6、小张在美国的一所学校教授汉语,他的同事和学生很多是摩门教的,小张受邀去参加过几次他们的活动。现在他们想让他加入摩门教。如果你是小张老师,你会怎么处理? o 感谢邀请 o 表明自己的信仰、婉拒 o 工作中继续做 “好同事”,生活中做 “好邻居” 7、志愿者小马在海外一所孔子学院任教。该孔院的教学点有的分布在市区,有 的在郊区。小马每天要坐四个小时的火车到郊区去上课,很不方便。他觉得领导的安排不公平,并向孔院提出应该由每个老师轮流到郊区上课。但是他提了很长时间,也没有任何变化,所以他觉得很沮丧,影响了工作的积极性。如果你是小马,面对这种情况,你会如何应对? o 调整心态:对我来说(历练)、对学生来说(连贯完整)、对领导来说(必有其考虑) o 利用时间 :备课、改作业、充实自己、观察生活 o 实在不行,有理有利有节提需求 8、一位中文老师为了方便检查学生的作业,给大家建了一个微信群,让学生把朗读作业通过语音发到群里。随后有学生向老师反映,不想把自己的语音发到群里,并询问能否加老师微信,并把语音文档私信给他。但是这个老师觉得,自己的微信里都是亲朋好友或者同事,并不想加学生。这个老师的问题是什么?你会给他什么建议? o 问题:利用社交应用,但又没考虑隐私、没提供解决方案 o 改进:(1)邮件形式(2)社交应用的个人号、工作号分开 9、张老师通过旅游签证去苏丹教学。到任后,他把材料交给了当地人员,请求其帮忙办理 签证,但催促了很多次仍没结果,眼看旅游签证要过期了,自己即将变成非法居留。张老师 遂急迫地催促相关人员,但他们都很不热情。张老师因此很生气,对校长说,以后没有公派 老师来苏丹了。这件事情虽得到了解决,但也使下学期校长和学校老师对他更不热情了。请 阐述事件的原因及处理方法。 o 旅游签证:应直接办理工作签证 o 找人代办:主动办理,学校作为证明或者支援的一方 o 疑似威胁:有理有利有节,说明自己的需求,请求校方支持,以便最终能更好地完成学 10、一位中国老师在孟加拉任教。当地学生的学习条件、经济条件都很艰苦。一名学生寄宿在叔叔婶婶家,他觉得自己只有申请到奖学金并出国留学才能改变自己的命运。这名学生给中国老师发短信,希望能给他打高分,否则就自杀。如果你是这名中国老师,会怎么办? o 鼓励学生(如:赞扬他的雄心、表明努力学习都容易获得高分) o 与此同时,上报学校相关负责人(事件已经超出了任课教师的能力和权限范围) 11、你是一位汉语教师,在意大利一所中学教中文。学校安排你和意大利的一位 本土老师搭班。但这位本土教师的中文基础很差,总是要求你分享你的 PPT 和教学资料,甚至还让你帮她批改作业,这些无疑都加重了你的教学负担。遇到这样的情况,你该怎么做? 交谈沟通:(1)呈明客观情况、工作角色;(2)了解对方工作中的困惑、困难 改变当前工作方式:(1)单方面分享 PPT 互相学习、双方资源共享;(2)明确工作分工、工作量 互助:尽量多用汉语交流;集体备课,互相启发,都能促进共同成长(以上措施都无效时,不得已而为之)上报:请求领导协调 12、胡老师在美国一家私立中学任教。有一次,一个学生课上太捣乱,胡老师就把他带去了校长办公室。家长来了以后,大骂胡老师,还掀翻了桌子。校长也批评了胡老师,还让学科主任向家长道歉。胡老师觉得自己受到了侮辱,但他不知道怎么办。请分析并给出建议。 【分析】(1)可取之处:认真负责,不放任自流;(2)欠妥之处:处理问题的流程不妥,应先在师生间沟通解决,实在不行,向学科主任报告,寻求解决指导,而不是越级上报,直接找到校长。 【建议】(1)纪律方面:(a )课堂控制坚持原则,但也要讲求方式;(b)课堂纪律以及违纪后的处理方法,师生都要事先明确;一方面,班规班纪的内容要合理,另一方面,学生为自己行为所导致的后果要负责。(c)对于严重违纪的情况,有必要课下继续沟通。(2 )流程问题:不越级;(3)心态问题:事件部分是因为工作方式不同而引起,成熟的工作处理,都是对事不对人,所以不一定代表校长、家长对他个人有意见,胡老师不必有“受辱”之感。 13、莫妮卡来中国留学,租住在学校附近一个居民小区里。邻居大妈很热情,总是问莫妮卡 “为什么这么晚回来”、“你去干什么了”之类的问题,还经常拿食物给她吃,这些都让莫妮卡觉得不太舒服。作为她的中文老师,你会给学生什么建议? (1)澄清解释 “为什么是这样”中国人表达关心的方式(为什么是这样) (2)“我该怎么”教给学生应对此类问题的方式 (该怎么回答、怎么做) (3)打预防针和鼓励学生主动发现:观察发现中国人其他表达关心的方式 (4)如果实在不习惯,可以耐心与大妈沟通,说明本国本族的习俗礼仪 14、你的班上有一个学生之所以选了中文课,只是为了拿更多的学分,而不是真 的感兴趣。他上课不认真听讲,总是玩手机,你会怎么处理? (1)一视同仁,不区别对待 (这种“同等要求”是双向的):(a)作为老师,对自己的要求,是在教学中给予该生同等的关爱、帮助;(b)对该生在纪律、作业、考核等各方面的要求,与其他同学完全一样 (否则对于其他同学而言非常不公平) (2)如有必要,私下交流,说明上述立场,让学生了解到,他并没有任何特殊的地方。15、王莉是北京某高校的汉语老师,教听力课。班里一共有 18 名同学,来自多个不同的国家,其中人数最多的是阿拉伯学生。一天,王莉进入课堂准备上课,却发现教室里只有三五位同学来上课,询问后才知道,原来在清真寺有重要的庆典活动,所有的阿拉伯学生都请假去清真寺了。如果你是王莉老师,你会怎么做? (1)询问、了解原因 (2)及时调整课堂内容:大部分学生未出席的情况下,不宜上新课,可调整为复习、答疑、 医学内容的听说强化、听说拓展听力、阅读为输入性材料,很难及时调整内容(临时找材料难度大;再听一遍以前的内容,无太大意义),但是可以输入带动输出:听力带动口语、阅读带读写作。 (3)下节课上,(a)请阿拉伯同学口语讲述庆典活动,对其他同学而言,是鲜活的听力内容;(b)通过简单回顾,点明上节课的重点内容,让缺课的同学也有所了解。 (4)明确课堂纪律,今后如要请假,需提前告知。 16、一位女老师赴澳大利亚任教。刚到澳大利亚就遇到了当地一直下雨。终于有一天雨停了,她就把换洗的衣服,包括内衣内裤晾在了户外。不料警察上门找她,说接到附近居民举报她疑似涉及卖淫活动,问如果你是这位老师,会怎么做? (1)解释澄清真实情况,说明从中国人的角度,并无不正常之处;但是初来乍到,不了解当地风俗,造成误会;请警察将真实情况转告给邻居(如有可能,当面告诉邻居),赞同他们作为市民的责任心,愿意跟他们成为好邻居、好朋友 (2)了解发现更多:以此为鉴,多了解当地的风俗 (3)如有其他新到的中国同事,也可以提醒他们;共同减少甚至预防类似误会。 英文问答 1. One of your students speaks fluent Chinese. However, he speaks it with very strong accent. Once after the speaking test, he was not happy with his scores, so he went to your office and hoped you could give him more scores. What would you do as the teacher? o Showing your appreciation of his effort and achievement o Explaining your standard for give scores for example, his fluency scored many marks while his accent sometimes made it harder for others to understand him o Politely declining his request for more scores, which would be unfair for others o Encouraging him to keep trying and helping him when needed o In the future, make your standard for give scores clearer 2. One of your students believes that Chinese people like playing individual ball games such as table tennis and badminton because Chinese people dont have team spirit. How would you explain? o Explaining: (1) easy-to-get venues and equipment & easy to play; (2) world-popular ball games (e.g. football and basketball) equally popular in China) o Showing example to disproof: womens volleyball team; other projects o Encouraging students to make comparison, finding out how different people show team sprite in different ways 3. You are teaching in Japan and you find your students are normally very quiet in your lessons. You think you must have done something wrong. And what will you do next? o Knowing why o Knowing how o Adjusting designing activities that may involving more students; involving discussions; learning from colleagues 4. Your students ask you why their Chinese friends always tell them to go to bed earlier, eat more and do something like that., which are none of their business. How would you explain? o Explaining the cultural/social meaning of such phrases in China they are not advice or any interference in ones private affairs but love and care, showing they o Briefly teaching students how to respond such phrases o Encouraging students to find more Chinese ways of showing concern and share their findings with the class o Encouraging students to compare how people in China and their country show concern in different ways. 5. A boy always attends your lessons without teaching and learning materials like his textbook and workbook. Instead, he asks you for such materials. Without the materials you give to him, he wont get started with learning. Now, this happens again and what will you do? o Giving him materials for the time being. o Talking to him, finding out the reason and letting him know what he needs to do as a student; o Asking colleagues for advice and asking parents for cooperation if necessary o Praising him so long as one day he takes his own stuff to the school 6. Your host family are super nice people and they even cook Chinese food for you. However, their son doesnt find Chinese food delicious. What would you do? o Knowing in the first place that it is natural that different people have different tastes and preference for food o Feeling grateful and showing my host family for being so thoughtful o Trying to understand what the boy likes to eat and trying to cook Chinese food for him it may change his idea about Chinese food; even if it doesnt work, it wont be a big deal o Blending in with the family and learning from them how to cook the local food 7. Assume that in the speaking test, one of your students is so nervous that she can hardly talk. What would you do? o Creating a friendly and relaxing atmosphere; smiles and jokes normally help o No rush to start the test; to start with, talking to her casually about something else o Then moving to the topic or questions your set for the test 8. You put a picture showing a policeman holding a gun in your PowerPoint slides,how in order to explain the Chinese word weixian (danger/dangerous). But a student said it was not proper for students. How would you respond him? o Clarifying and explaining o Ready/willing to apologise if some thinking it hurt their feelings o Making precautions adopting another picture in the future and being aware of similar situations 9. You have been teaching a group of primary students for about half an hour, and now you find many them not following you though they behaved very well in the beginning. What would you do next? How would you improve your teaching for the lessons in the future? o Now - making changes: delivering what you have been prepared in a more cheering way o Future dividing the whole lesson into different stages, each about 15 20 minutes long; different types of tasks 10. One of your students tell you that they are always mentioned as laowai in China. They dont like this at all because they dont think they are old. As their teacher, how would you explain to them? (1) Different meanings of lao; (2) what lao means as in laowai showing close relationship. Encouraging them to find out more Chinese phrases or saying that people from other countries may misunderstood. 11. Assume that you are teaching in a school in New York. One of your students complains you talk too much in the class and he always get bored. What would you do? o Thanking him for the feedback, which will definitely be inspiring and beneficial o Trying to find out how other students think of the teaching and learning style o Adjusting my teaching to a proper extent, including arranging more interactional activities such as interactions between students and the teacher, practice, pair/group work and others that require more speaking 12. Jacob is an American student who just came to China to learn Chinese. He is telling to his teacher that he has found it hard to get close to Chinese people, and that even wives and husbands are not very intimate to each other. If you were Jacobs teacher, how would you explain him? o Explaining why o Encouraging Jacob to find how Chinese people show their love and care for others and concern to others o Suggesting that Jacob could make friends with some Chinese people so he may know better of some Chinese custom.13. Mr. Li likes organising games for students to play in class. He thinks games can stimulate students interest and initiative on learning. However, some students think they have not learnt much with the games in class. How should Mr. Li deal with this situation? o The General Idea: all class activities should be (1) related to topic of the lesson, and (2) linguistic output-oriented (i.e. during activities, students should be given chances to speak or write out what they have learnt; not activity of activitys sake or activity for fun) o Theres no need for Mr. Li to give up his game-style activities, but o He needs to adjust (1) the amount, (2) the form and (3) the content of his games The amount: games are not the only effective activities; other activities are equally important The form: students should have lots of opportunities to speak or write The content: related to what theyve learnt 14. Assume that you were a male teacher teaching in the US and one day you taught a girl student Taichi until 10 oclock at night. The next day the principal had a very serious talk with you, telling you to stop doing so. How would you respond. o Making apologies for breaking school rules and bringing the inconvenience and confusion to the school, the girl and her parents/guardians o Clarifying and explaining: what you actually did; why you did so; how the girl felt about it, etc. showing though you did not follow the school rules or the local custom, but you did not do anything nasty or even illegal either o Promising to know better of the rules and custom; promising this wont happened again 15. A Chinese teacher teaching in a British school asked all of her students to take the HSK-5 test, which most of them failed. This made your students feel disappointed and the parents also doubted your teaching. How would you respond? o Explaining why I made such a decision to ask them to take the test o Sharing my possible findings with students and parents, guiding them to look on the positive side of the result (1) how wide the gap is between students current ability and the standard of HSK-5; (2) how to bridge the gap my solution o Ensuring students and parents that well work harder for great achievement o Learning from the matter do I really know well of my students and HSK tests; in the future, I should know things better and make more reasonable decisions 16. China used to have the one-child policy, but now the government encourages couples to have a second child. Assume your students are interested in this topic but feel confused that the same time, how would you explain? o The reasons for adopting and abandoning the one-child policy: over-population used to be the most serious problem, which now has shifted to the aging society and shortage of manpower o If necessary/possible, encouraging students to see if other countries are facing or have come across such problem, what they did/are doing, there are any similarities and differences, etc.


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