2022年小区电力施工合同模板 .pdf
choose the corre ct meaning;(4)to correct the typos;(5)so the child write words(ABAB,and AABB);(6)in accordance with written words;(7)the complete word,and explain the mea ning of the word;(8)collocation;(9)make sentences with the word;(10)the written language as required.(C)the main sentence types(1)complete sentence s;(2)write down the meaning of a sente nce or expressi on of thoughts and feelings;(3)write sentences as required;(4)finish malalignment of the sentence;(5)modified sentences.2,knowledge classification(1)the common conjunctions coordinate:.一面.1,to examine the topic,i dentify problems associated with two 2,analysis,alternative question two is in dire ct proporti on to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship.3,and set unknown,column proportion type 4,and sol utions pr oportion type 5,and test,wrote answer lang uage plenary,and subject:application probl em(1)-simple application problem and compositeappli cation problem review content simple application probl em composite appli cation problem answers application problem of general steps 1,and figure out meaning-through examines the,find known conditions and by seeking problem 2,and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian,and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship,determine pr oblem-solving method and problem-solving steps.3,and column type calculation-lists formula,is out subdivisions 4,and test,and wrote answer-che ck,a nd checking,and wrote answers typical appli cation problem 13,and subject:application probl em(3)-column equation solutions appli cation problem review content overview problem-solvi ng steps 1,and figure out meaning,find by seeking of unk nown and x said 2,a nd according to meaning find equivalent relationship,lists Equation 3,and solutions equation 4,and test,and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1,And according to common of number relationship type,establishe d equivalent relationship 2,and according to has learn had of calculati on formula,3,and according to problem in the of focus describe d sente nce from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4,and using segment figure,and list method,method analysis number合同编号:XX小区送电工程建设协议书工程名称:XX 小区二期送电工程建设单位:XX 开发有限公司实施单位:签订日期:2013 年 4 月 3 日名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 6 页 -choose the corre ct meaning;(4)to correct the typos;(5)so the child write words(ABAB,and AABB);(6)in accordance with written words;(7)the complete word,and explain the meaning of the word;(8)collocation;(9)make sentences with the word;(10)the written language as required.(C)the main sentence types(1)complete sentence s;(2)write down the meaning of a sente nce or expressi on of thoughts and feelings;(3)write sentences as required;(4)finish malalignment of the sentence;(5)modified sentences.2,knowledge classification(1)the common conjunctions coordinate:.一面.1,to examine the topic,i dentify problems associated with two 2,analysis,alter native question two is in dire ct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship.3,and set unknown,column proportion type 4,and sol utions proportion type 5,and test,wrote answer lang uage plenary,and subject:application probl em(1)-simple application problem and compositeappli cation problem review content simple application probl em composite appli cation problem answers application problem of general steps 1,and figure out meaning-through examines the,find known conditions and by seeking problem 2,and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian,and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship,determine pr oblem-solving method and problem-solving steps.3,and column type calculation-lists formula,is out subdivisions 4,and test,and wrote answer-che ck,a nd checking,and wrote answers typical appli cation problem 13,and subject:application probl em(3)-column equation solutions appli cation problem review content overview problem-solvi ng steps 1,and figure out meaning,find by seeking of unk nown and x said 2,a nd according to meaning find equivalent relationship,lists Equation 3,and solutions equation 4,and test,and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1,And according to common of number relationship type,establishe d equivalent relationship 2,and according to has learn had of calculati on formula,3,and according to problem in the of focus descr ibe d sente nce from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4,and using segment figure,and list method,method analysis number2兹因建设需要,甲乙双方就本合同所列供电工程的办理业务,为经双方自愿,协商一致,签定本合同,并共同履行。合同双方当事人:建设单位:XX有限公司(以下简称甲方)法定代表人(签章):联系电话:委托代理人(签章):联系电话:实施单位:(以下简称乙方)负责人(签章):委托代理人(签章):联系电话:第一条:乙方承担的送电工程建设任务工程名称:XX 送电工程工程地址:XXXXXXX工程竣工后按实际面积计算,费用进行相应增减。第二条:甲乙双方责任甲方责任如下:(一)甲方负责按照供电部门审定的设计图纸建设小区配电室、箱变的土建房屋、基础、小区红线内电力土建管线、桥架、楼内通道的建设。(二)依据供电部门提供的高压供电方案配合乙方到规划部门办理路由批复手续。乙方责任如下:名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 6 页 -choose the corre ct meaning;(4)to correct the typos;(5)so the child write words(ABAB,and AABB);(6)in accordance with written words;(7)the complete word,and explain the meaning of the word;(8)collocation;(9)make sentences with the word;(10)the written language as required.(C)the main sentence types(1)complete sentence s;(2)write down the meaning of a sente nce or expressi on of thoughts and feelings;(3)write sentences as required;(4)finish malalignment of the sentence;(5)modified sentences.2,knowledge classification(1)the common conjunctions coordinate:.一面.1,to examine the topic,i dentify problems associated with two 2,analysis,alternative question two is in dire ct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship.3,and set unknown,column proportion type 4,and sol utions proportion type 5,and test,wrote answer lang uage plenary,and subject:application probl em(1)-simple application problem and compositeappli cation problem review content simple application probl em composite appli cation problem answers application problem of general steps 1,and figure out meaning-through examines the,find known conditions and by seeking problem 2,and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian,and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship,determine pr oblem-solving method and problem-solving steps.3,and column type calculation-lists formula,is out subdivisions 4,and test,and wrote answer-che ck,a nd checking,and wrote answers typical appli cation problem 13,and subject:application probl em(3)-column equation solutions appli cation problem review content overview problem-solvi ng steps 1,and figure out meaning,find by seeking of unk nown and x said 2,a nd according to meaning find equivalent relationship,lists Equation 3,and solutions equation 4,and test,and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1,And according to common of num ber relationship type,establishe d equivalent relationship 2,and according to has learn had of calculati on formula,3,and according to problem in the of focus descr ibe d sente nce from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4,and using segment figure,and list method,method analysis number3(一)居民住宅:从供电线路(或变电站、开闭站的电缆接头)至居民表计以上的所有供配电设施。(二)公建设施:从供电线路至计量点以上的所有供配电设施。(三)送电工程费包括以上两条供配电设施的前期、设计、材料和设备购置、安装、调试等费用。(四)乙方在施工过程的安全由乙方负责。第三条:合同金额及付款方式经双方商议,合同总金额为人民币XXX 元,大写肆佰陆拾陆万元整。(甲方前期购买的变压器等装置费用150 万元,施工建设完工后资产无偿移交给供电部门。)甲方先交伍拾万元做为前期费用。如甲方交款逾期则工程送电日期顺延。第四条:规划、设计变更的约定及违约责任合同签订后,如有任何变更,甲方应在有关部门批准同意之日起3日内,书面通知乙方,如乙方已开始设备材料采购,则本合同价款不变,如乙方还未开始进行设备材料采购,则按照变更后的工程量重新商定合同金额。第五条:质量保证(一)乙方应保证所建设的配套电力设施建设符合国家相关标准和规定。(二)甲方应保证按照乙方审定的设计图纸向乙方提供配电设施用房及线路通道,并能满足国家标准及规范,同时符合电力部门安全运行要求。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 6 页 -choose the corre ct meaning;(4)to correct the typos;(5)so the child write words(ABAB,and AABB);(6)in accordance with written words;(7)the complete word,and explain the meaning of the word;(8)collocation;(9)make sentences with the word;(10)the written language as required.(C)the main sentence types(1)complete sentence s;(2)write down the meaning of a sente nce or expressi on of thoughts and feelings;(3)write sentences as required;(4)finish malalignment of the sentence;(5)modified sentences.2,knowledge classification(1)the common conjunctions coordinate:.一面.1,to examine the topic,i dentify problems associated with two 2,analysis,alter native question two is in dire ct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship.3,and set unknown,column proportion type 4,and sol utions proportion type 5,and test,wrote answer lang uage plenary,and subject:application probl em(1)-simple application problem and compositeappli cation problem review content simple application probl em composite appli cation problem answers application problem of general steps 1,and figure out meaning-through examines the,find known conditions and by seeking problem 2,and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian,and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship,determine pr oblem-solving method and problem-solving steps.3,and column type calculation-lists formula,is out subdivisions 4,and test,and wrote answer-che ck,a nd checking,and wrote answers typical appli cation problem 13,and subject:application probl em(3)-column equation solutions appli cation problem review content overview problem-solvi ng steps 1,and figure out meaning,find by seeking of unk nown and x said 2,a nd according to meaning find equivalent relationship,lists Equation 3,and solutions equation 4,and test,and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1,And according to common of number relationship type,establishe d equivalent relationship 2,and according to has learn had of calculati on formula,3,and according to problem in the of focus descr ibe d sente nce from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4,and using segment figure,and list method,method analysis number4第六条:甲方应按约定的时间和要求完成以下工作:(一)提供施工条件:甲方负责配合乙方进行配电施工。办理施工所需各种证件、批件和临时用地;向乙方提供本工程征地范围地形图及施工场地的工程地质和地下管网线路资料,保证数据真实准确;协助解决甲方红线内对乙方施工有干扰的外部条件。施工场地具备施工条件的要求及完成的时间:开工前使施工现场具备施工条件,开工后继续协调遗留问题。(二)提供场地条件:负责办理红线内青苗、树木赔偿,负责协调处理地下管线和临近建筑物、构筑物(含文物保护建筑)、古树名木的保护工作。负责房屋拆迁,清除地面、地下、架空、水上和水下障碍物等工作。(三)提供水电及交通条件:负责开通公共通道与施工场地间的道路,满足施工运输的需要。负责在开工前将红线内施工所需的水、电接至施工场地,满足供应需要。(四)提供技术资料:向乙方提供工程地质报告以及水准点、坐标控制点等技术资料,并组织进行设计交底及现场校验。甲方对其提供的上述资料的真实性负责。(五)对已完工红线内的电力管线,甲方应协调其他施工单位注意保护,如有损坏,甲方负责协调处理。(六)提供开放式、无遮拦的居民及底商的电表箱安放位置,方便居民及底商客户使用。甲方不按合同约定完成以上工作造成工程延误,承担由此造成的经济支出及各项损失。第七条:乙方应按约定的时间和要求完成以下工作:名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 6 页 -choose the corre ct meaning;(4)to correct the typos;(5)so the child write words(ABAB,and AABB);(6)in accordance with written words;(7)the complete word,and explain the meaning of the word;(8)collocation;(9)make sentences with the word;(10)the written language as required.(C)the main sentence types(1)complete sentence s;(2)write down the meaning of a sente nce or expressi on of thoughts and feelings;(3)write sentences as required;(4)finish malalignment of the sentence;(5)modified sentences.2,knowledge classification(1)the common conjunctions coordinate:.一面.1,to examine the topic,i dentify problems associated with two 2,analysis,alternative question two is in dire ct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship.3,and set unknown,column proportion type 4,and sol utions proportion type 5,and test,wrote answer lang uage plenary,and subject:application probl em(1)-simple application problem and compositeappli cation problem review content simple application probl em composite appli cation problem answers application problem of general steps 1,and figure out meaning-through examines the,find known conditions and by seeking problem 2,and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian,and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship,determine pr oblem-solving method and problem-solving steps.3,and column type calculation-lists formula,is out subdivisions 4,and test,and wrote answer-che ck,a nd checking,and wrote answers typical appli cation problem 13,and subject:application probl em(3)-column equation solutions appli cation problem review content overview problem-solvi ng steps 1,and figure out meaning,find by seeking of unk nown and x said 2,a nd according to meaning find equivalent relationship,lists Equation 3,and solutions equation 4,and test,and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1,And according to common of num ber relationship type,establishe d equivalent relationship 2,and according to has learn had of calculati on formula,3,and according to problem in the of focus descr ibe d sente nce from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4,and using segment figure,and list method,method analysis number5(一)确保工程进度与质量:按设计图纸、技术标准及相关规范要求进行施工,建立健全施工质量保证体系。(二)乙方在甲方红线内施工,需接受甲方的调度安排,如因此引起工程延误,则工期顺延;甲方提供红线内其他管线图,乙方注意对沿线已完工程进行保护,如有损坏,应及时修复或赔偿相关费用。(三)遵守国家的法律、法规。第八条:工程延期对以下造成竣工日期推迟的延误,工期应相应顺延。(一)工程量变化和设计变更。(二)一周内,非乙方原因停水、停电、停气造成停工累计超过8 小时。(三)不可抗力。(四)自甲方项目资料齐全递交规划部门之日起,建设工程规划许可手续未在二个月内办理完毕。(五)约定或甲方代表同意顺延的其它情况。第九条:送电日期甲方交纳全部付款后,组织人员施工送电。第十条:协议期限协议期限自双方签字盖章之日起,至合同履行完毕为止。第十一条:违约甲方不按约定履行自己的各项义务、支付款项及发生其它使合同无法履行的行为,应承担违约责任(包括支付因其违约导致乙方增加的经济支名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 6 页 -choose the corre ct meaning;(4)to correct the typos;(5)so the child write words(ABAB,and AABB);(6)in accordance with written words;(7)the complete word,and explain the meaning of the word;(8)collocation;(9)make sentences with the word;(10)the written language as required.(C)the main sentence types(1)complete sentence s;(2)write down the meaning of a sente nce or expressi on of thoughts and feelings;(3)write sentences as required;(4)finish malalignment of the sentence;(5)modified sentences.2,knowledge classification(1)the common conjunctions coordinate:.一面.1,to examine the topic,i dentify problems associated with two 2,analysis,alter native question two is in dire ct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship.3,and set unknown,column proportion type 4,and sol utions proportion type 5,and test,wrote answer lang uage plenary,and subject:application probl em(1)-simple application problem and compositeappli cation problem review content simple application probl em composite appli cation problem answers application problem of general steps 1,and figure out meaning-through examines the,find known conditions and by seeking problem 2,and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian,and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship,determine pr oblem-solving method and problem-solving steps.3,and column type calculation-lists formula,is out subdivisions 4,and test,and wrote answer-che ck,a nd checking,and wrote answers typical appli cation problem 13,and subject:application probl em(3)-column equation solutions appli cation problem review content