中英双语时事阅读素材-南京疫情毒株为“德尔塔”!钟南山:过去的密接概念已不适用- 高考英语一轮复习.docx
2022届高考英语一轮复习:中英双语时事阅读素材-南京疫情毒株为“德尔塔”!钟南山:过去的密接概念已不适用The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 55 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, including 48 in Jiangsu province, three in Sichuan and two each in Liaoning and Yunnan, the National Health Commission said in its daily report on Wednesday.Also reported were 31 new imported cases, of which 16 were reported in Yunnan, three each in Fujian and Guangdong, two in Sichuan, and one each in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shandong, Hubei, Shaanxi and Gansu.No new suspected cases or deaths related to COVID-19 were reported in the day.7月27日024时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例86例,其中境外输入病例31例(云南16例,福建3例,广东3例,四川2例,北京1例,天津1例,上海1例,山东1例,湖北1例,陕西1例,甘肃1例),本土病例55例(江苏48例,四川3例,辽宁2例,云南2例);无新增死亡病例;无新增疑似病例。南京疫情毒株为“德尔塔”Thevirus strain behind the latest clusters of COVID-19 cases in Nanjing, capital of East Chinas Jiangsu province, has been identified as the highly infectious Delta variant, local authorities said Tuesday.据新华社从南京市新冠肺炎疫情防控新闻发布会上获悉,南京此轮疫情病毒毒株为“德尔塔”。本次疫情早期感染病例出现在机舱保洁人员中,病毒先在保洁人员中快速传播,后通过社会活动、工作环境污染等方式进一步传播。近期,南京市报告病例均为禄口机场的关联人员、密切接触者等,其中主要为高风险人员筛查和隔离点采样检测发现,极个别为机场经停人员筛查等方式发现。The recent spike in infections in the city can be attributed to the special location of the outbreak and the highly contagious nature of the strain, said Ding Jie, vice director of the citys center for disease control and prevention, at a press conference.南京市疾控中心副主任丁洁在发布会上说,“德尔塔”变异毒株传播能力强、传播速度快。近期南京市报告病例增幅较大,主要原因为本轮疫情发生的场所特殊、病毒传染性强。Nanjinghas launched a second round of all-inclusive nucleic acidtesting and urged residents not to leave the city unless necessary.目前,南京全城已经开展了2轮全员核酸检测,敦促居民非必要不要离开南京。丁洁提醒广大南京市民,一旦出现发热、乏力、干咳,嗅觉、味觉减退等症状,一定要去就近的发热门诊就诊,及时做好核酸检测。钟南山:过去的密接概念已不适用近日,钟南山院士表示,由于德尔塔变异株患者的病毒载量高,呼出病毒浓度大,传染性极强,所以过去的密接概念已不适用。现在密接者的概念是“在同一空间、同一单位、同一建筑,在发病前四天”,和病人相处在一起的,都是密切接触者。【知识点】今年5月,针对变异毒株难念难写又难记的问题,同时也为了避免将毒株和地名联系在一起产生的污名化问题,世界卫生组织建议用希腊字母表来给新冠变种毒株重新命名(new names for Coronavirus variants using letters from the Greek alphabet)。截至2021年5月31日,世卫组织已经给6个待观察变种(Variant of Interest)和4个须关切变种(Variant of Concern)指定了名字。这4个值得关注的变种分别被命名为Alpha(又名为B.1.1.7,首次在英国发现)、Beta(B.1.351,首次在南非发现)、Gamma(P.1,首次在巴西发现)和Delta(B.1.617.2,首次在印度发现)。Nanjing has added more than 100 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases since a few airport workers tested positive for coronavirus last week.自上周南京机场几位工作人员新冠病毒检测阳性以来,该市本土新增新冠肺炎病例已超过100例。南京本轮疫情近日病例不但持续增加,而且出现了外溢效应,已关联广东、辽宁、安徽、江苏以及四川共5省。So far, the virus cluster in Nanjing has involved airport workers and their contacts, but new infections were also reported among flight passengers in other parts of China who have visited the Nanjing airport.到目前为止,南京的聚集性感染主要涉及机场工作人员及其接触人群,不过在其他省市报告的新增病例中也有曾经到过南京机场的飞机乘客。South Chinas Guangdong province last Thursday reported a new locally transmitted asymptomatic carrier, a flight passenger returning from Nanjing.广东省上周四(7月22日)报告的一例本土新增无症状感染者就是从南京回去的飞机乘客。Sichuan province in southwest China on Saturday also reported a confirmed COVID-19 case in the city of Mianyang, after it launched mass testing among travelers from Nanjing.四川省绵阳市对从南京相关人员进行检测后,于上周六(7月24日)报告了一例确诊病例。On Monday, northeast Chinas Liaoning province reported three asymptomatic cases in the city of Dalian, who had transited via the airport and spent around two hours there.本周一(7月26日)辽宁省大连市报告的三例无症状感染者之前曾在南京机场转机,在那里停留了2个小时。对于近期病例报告增幅较大,丁洁解释说,The recent spike in infections in the city can be attributed to the special location of the outbreak and the highly contagious nature of the strain.近期感染病例增幅较大一是因为此次疫情暴发场所具有特殊性,二是因为德尔塔变异病毒传播能力强。南京搭建6座“猎鹰号”气膜实验室Nanjing started building six "Falcon" testing labs on Sunday. Three of the labs went into operation on Monday morning, and the others were completed by the end of Tuesday.7月25日,南京开始搭建6座“猎鹰号”气膜实验室,其中3座气膜实验室已于7月26日搭建完成,开始检测工作,余下3座气膜实验室于27日搭建完成。When all six labs are in use, 180,000 sample tubes can be tested daily, and if mixed sample tests are carried out, 1.8 million people can be screened every day.6座气膜实验室全部投入使用后,每日可检测18万管,如果是进行混检,每日可筛检180万人次。南京进一步升级了疫情防控措施Closed-loop management will be imposed for airport staff members. Other workers, such as salespeople and servers at the airports restaurants, will be quarantined.对机场工作人员实行闭环管理,对机场商铺销售人员以及餐馆服务员进行隔离。The operations of offline after-school training institutions will be suspended, along with those of karaoke lounges, cinemas, nightclubs and gymnasiums, Nanjings city government said.暂停KTV、电影院、健身房、酒吧等密闭场所营业,暂停培训机构(含托管)线下服务。All drugstores in Nanjing will suspend the sale of antibiotics and drugs for cough, fever and fighting viruses, both online and offline, it said.全市零售药店暂停向市民销售(含网络销售)退热、止咳、抗病毒和抗生素等“四类药品”。All the citys communities and villages have been ordered to adopt strict controls. Anyone entering communities or villages must have their temperature checked, present a green QR code and wear a mask.市内所有社区(村)实行严格管控,进出人员一律实行测温、验码、佩戴口罩等措施。目前,南京全城已经开展了2轮全员核酸检测(mass nucleic acid test),有的重点区域开展了3轮。丁洁提醒广大南京市民,一旦出现发热(fever)、乏力(fatigue)、干咳(cough),嗅觉、味觉减退(reduced sense of taste and smell)等症状,一定要去就近的发热门诊就诊,及时做好核酸检测。