高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇翻译练习(含答案).doc
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高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇翻译练习(含答案).doc
高考英语高频词汇翻译练习1.这个女人在月光下看到一只老鼠爬进了房子。The woman in the moonlight saw a _mouse crawl into the house. ()2.你可以把我的名字从名单上勾掉。You can scratch my name off the_. (list)3.戈斯先生对瘦肉奇谈都嗤之以鼻。Mr. Goss does not believe in any of this newfangled _ about lean meat. (nonsense)4.攻占这座城市的战役失败了。The _ to seize the city was a failure. (campaign)5.这屋顶还能支撑多久?How long would the_ hold? roof ()6.她终于设法挣脱了。She finally managed to pull _ free. (herself)7.来,让我帮你搬吧。Here, let me _ that for you. (carry)8.露西应该鞭策自己多加把劲了。Lucy_ push herself a little harder. (should)9.黑夜过去了,第二天也如此;但是,并没有人来取鞋。The night passed, the next day also; but _ came to fetch the Shoes. (nobody)10.老人靠在垫子上躺着。The old man lay _ up on cushions. (propped)11.那里地面高低不平,无法骑车。The_ there is too rough to ride over. (ground)12.若没有一只苍蝇在扑打着玻璃,便是一片死寂。There was dead _ but for a fly beating against the glass. (silence)13.时间不早了我们得动身了。Its _ latewed better make a move. (getting)14.下班后安娜会开车送我回家。Anna will drive me home _ work. (after)15.音乐应能撞击出男人心灵的火花并使女人感伤流泪。Music should strike fire _ the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman. -beethoven. (from) 16.参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。Enter our _ and you could walk away with $10,000. (competition)17.这将如何影响您下一步的性能评价?How will this _ your next performance evaluation? (affect)18.我们经常爬山。We often climb the _. (mountains)19.维护产品、竞争者价格以及市场开发的相关知识。Maintain knowledge of the _, competitor price and market development. (product)20.她跳高得了银牌。She won a silver _ in the high jump. (medal)21.会议可能会在开幕式之后重新召集。The _ might reconvene after its opening session. (conference)22.优质的葡萄酒必须倒出以清除其中自然沉淀的杂质。Vintage_ must be decanted to remove natural sediments. (ports)23.他们观看那庄严的仪式。They watched the_ ceremony. (solemn)24.她做了果酱吐司。She made toast with_. (jam)25.你休了几天假?How many days did you take_ ? (off)26.两个都很漂亮我难以决定。Theyre both beautifulI cant make up my _. (mind)27.我会继续掉眼泪,但它很快会停止。I will _ to shed tears; it is too soon to stop. (continue)28.他继续吃晚饭,说:“小玛杰丽,你为什么哭?”He went on with his _, and said, Little Marleen, why do you weep? (dinner)29.默里皮克虚伪的笑声里没有一点快乐。Murray Picks _ laugh had no mirth in it. (hollow)30.他们都大笑起来。They_ burst into laughter. (all)31.对不起,我是无意中听到的,你刚才好象提到了那次事故,是吗?Sorry, I can not help overhear, do you mention something about the _? (accident)32.芬奇富有优越感地一笑。_ gave a superior smile. (Finch)33.我听到他在喃喃自语。I could hear him _ to himself. (mumbling)34.她弯腰去捡报纸。She bent forward to pick up the_. (newspaper)35.青少年可能会用反抗的方式来回应其父母对其早恋的反对。Teenagers might respond to their parents _ of their puppy love with resistance. (rejection)36.他的回答使我哑然。His reply_ me. (dumbfounded)37.她显然被他的问题激怒了。She was obviously_ by his question. (ruffled)38.任何人的诉苦能让贾维斯慷慨解囊。Any sob story moved Jarvis to _. (generosity)39.采访是通过卫星从好莱坞现场传来的。The interview came live by_ from Hollywood. (satellite)40.劳驾,我要寄快递。Id like to _ this express, please. (send)41.什么也没有,没有提到它。And _, there is no mention of it. (nothing)42.我并不感到烦恼。I do not_. (repine)43.该研讨会讨论的是农业多种经营。The seminar was to discuss _ of agriculture. (diversification)44.我们也许要将这个数字往上调一调。We may have to_ this figure upwards. (revise)45.他跑着去警告镇上的人。He ran to warn the _. (town)46.他们有权优先获得该处房产。They have a _ claim to the property. (prior)47.他们极力劝说她去,但枉费了一番口舌。They tried in vain to _ her to go. (persuade)48.他们粗心大意,没有早一些通知我们这些变化。It was remiss of them not to inform us of these _ sooner. (changes)49.根据人权运动者估计,从3月29号开始至少又有116人遇害,使得总死亡人数增加到600多,他们几乎都是手无寸铁的平民。Since April 29th at least 116 people have been killed, according to human-rights campaigners, bringing the overall _ toll to more than 600, almost all of them unarmed civilians. (death)50.还通过对收费道路通行费率分析,阐述了通行费的转换时间分析方法。The_ of calculating delay of queuing vehicles at road tollgate, analyzing effect of toll to trip time on road, converting toll fee to trip time are presented. (method) 51.因为他不知道该和谁说话。Because he doesnt know_ to talk with. (whom)52. “姑姑。”我露出无辜的神色,“戏。”"Aunt." I glimpse out _ ventilation, "drama." (innocent)53.我有重要的事情要告诉你。I have _ important to tell you. (something)54.在对着耀眼的电视光线眨眼时,他竭力不把自己的恼怒表现出来。He tried not to let his irritation show as he _ in the glare of the television lights. (blinked)55.他打开2号公寓的门锁,向后瞥了拉里一眼之后走进去就不见了。He _ the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry. (unlocked)56.她眼睛近视。She _ from short sight. (suffered)57.有时我被带到海边的一些地方,但我待不下去,因为人们盯着我看。Sometimes I have been _ to places at the seaside, but I wont stay because people stare at me. (taken)58.当时,美国天文学家西蒙纽科姆教授带领一个团队前往南非观察这一事件。On that _, the American astronomer Professor Simon Newcomb led a party to South Africa to observe the event. (occasion)59.这么说你没有注意到他的特别之处?So you didnt notice anything _ about him? (special)60.借助于一个他所发现的全新方法,他取得了成功。He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he _. (discovered)