Carrying forward Chinese classics and inheriting Chinese culture,弘扬国学经典传承中华文化,Designed by xxxx 内容来源于网络,www. xxxx.cc,目录,CONTENTS,2,基本概念 | 发展历程 | 国学属性 | 分类方式,| 国学概念 |,| 基本概念 |,一般来说国学又称汉学或中国学,泛指传统的中华文化与学术,Generally speaking, Sinology also known as Sinology or Sinology, refers to the traditional Chinese culture and academic,4,01 国学概念,| 发展历程 |,5,先秦的经典及诸子百家,现国学概念提出产于十九世纪,“西学东渐“运动提出“中学”,国学文化根基,1919国学“五四“运动期间,现国学概念提出产于十九世纪,“西学东渐“运动提出“中学”,国学文化打压,“整理国故”,从中国传统文化中寻出中西文明的有机结合点,为中国的新生寻找出路,国学文化重拾,21世纪初期,国学新浪潮,01 国学概念,| 国学属性 |,国学,顾名思义,就是国家之学,也是国人之学。古代中国的国家观念是不断变化的,国学应当是中国或华夏历朝历代学术文化之总称。 国学不能局限于儒家之学,先秦时期百家争鸣,儒学只是与道、墨、法等诸家相并列之一家学说,Sinology, as its name implies, is the study of the country and the people. In ancient China, the concept of state was constantly changing, and Sinology should be the general name of academic culture of China or all the dynasties in China. In the pre Qin period, a hundred schools of thought argued, and Confucianism was only one of the theories juxtaposed with Taoism, Mohism and Legalism,6,01 国学概念,7,| 国学属性 |,01 国学概念,| 分类方式 |,以学科分类 两汉经学、魏晋玄学、隋唐道学、宋明理学、明清实学和同时期的先秦诗赋、汉赋、六朝骈文、唐宋诗词、元曲与明清小说并历代史学等一套特有而完整的文化、学术体系。,Classification by discipline It has a unique and complete cultural and academic system, including the Confucian classics of the Han Dynasty, metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Daoism of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Neo Confucianism of the song and Ming Dynasties, practical learning of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, poetry and Fu of the pre Qin period, Han Fu, parallel prose of the Six Dynasties, poetry of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Yuan Qu and novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and history.,8,01 国学概念,| 分类方式 |,以思想分类 先秦诸子百家,儒道教育,道儒主导,墨法辅助。,Classification by thoughtIn the pre Qin period, there were various schools of thought in the pre Qin period, with Confucianism as the leading factor and Mohism as the assistant.,9,01 国学概念,| 国学意义 |,思木之长春,比固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其源泉。中华经典是中华民族传统之道之根源,博大精深,意存高远。,If you want to flow far away, you must dredge its source. Chinese classics are the root of the traditional way of the Chinese nation.,10,基本概念 | 儒家思想 | 儒家创始人 | 主要思想 | 儒家名言,| 儒家思想 |,02 儒家思想,| 基本概念 |,儒家之学作为国学文化重要学问之一儒家思想是先秦诸子百家学说之一。儒家思想也称为儒教或儒学,由孔子创立。后来以此为基础逐渐形成完整的儒家思想体系,成为中国传统文化的主流,影响深远。,Confucianism is one of the important knowledge of Chinese cultureConfucianism is one of the hundred schools of thought in pre Qin Dynasty. Confucianism, also known as Confucianism or Confucianism, was founded by Confucius. Later, on this basis, it gradually formed a complete Confucian ideological system, which became the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture and had a far-reaching impact.,12,02 儒家思想,| 儒家学派创始人 |,孔子:名丘,字仲尼,春秋时期鲁国人,我国伟大思想家教育家,儒家学派创始人。著名的“四书五经”为儒家经典,记录了孔子的及其弟子的言行语录,体现孔子政治主张,伦理思想,道德理念.,Confucius: named Qiu, Zhongni, born in the state of Lu in the spring and Autumn period, a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism. The famous four books and five classics is a Confucian classic, recording the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, reflecting Confucius political ideas, ethical thoughts and moral ideas,13,02 儒家思想,| 儒家思想 |,仁 义 礼 智 信 恕 忠 孝 悌,Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, faith, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety and fraternity,14,02 儒家思想,| 儒家经典 |,15,确立正确德伦理观、人生价值观,构成了中华传统文化的核心价值观,| 国学意义 |,02 儒家思想,| 学习意义 |,习得做人道理 吸收汲取修身、治学的道理,规范习行 提高孩子的丰富的想象力,提高阅读写作能力 汲取中华文化之精华,传承弘扬中华文化 确立正确德伦理观、人生价值观,构成了中华传统文化的核心价值观,17,Learn how to be a man Absorb and absorb the principles of self-cultivation and scholarship, and standardize the practice Improve childrens imagination and reading and writing ability Learn from the essence of Chinese culture and carry forward the Chinese culture. The core values of Chinese traditional culture are to establish correct moral ethics and life values,| 感谢观看 |,Designed by xxxx,18,Designed by xxxx 内容来源于网络,www. xxxx.cc,