Contract Tracking No._Contract Tracking No._1234512345_Document of Understanding(DOU)Document of Understanding(DOU)合同书合同书This DOU is effective as on date between XXX China China company name(hereinafter referred to asthe requesting country),a corporation organized and existing under the laws of thePeoples Republic ofChina,having a place of business at company address and XXX name of XXX intercompany(hereinafter referred to as the performing country),a corporation organized and existing under the lawsof name of the country having a place of business atCompany address.本内部合同有效于year e.g 2009 年month e.g 7 月day e.g.6 日,name of Chinese legal entitye.g.XXXXXX(中国)有限公司(以下简称“接受方”),是一家公司组织,并根据中华人民共和国的法律,注册地为 company address e.g.中国XXXXXX高科技园区科苑路XXX号XX号X楼,与XXX公司 nameof XXX intercompany e.g XXX US Corporation(以下简称“服务提供方”),一个法人组织,受the countryname of the law applied e.g.美国法律下,位于address e.g.美国纽约州.Whereas,the performing country is to provide services to the requesting country under this DOU,therefore,the two parties hereto agree as follows:鉴于,合同中服务提供方是提供服务给接受方,因此,双方同意如下内容:1.1.Statement of WorkStatement of Work 工作说明工作说明2 Description2 Description 工作内容(工作内容(please provide as detailed description as possibleplease provide as detailed description as possible 应尽量详尽应尽量详尽)请必须分开注明在合同中所包含以下内容和相关金额请必须分开注明在合同中所包含以下内容和相关金额(总金额和合同金额一致总金额和合同金额一致):-劳务服务(劳务服务(包括劳务费包括劳务费,咨询咨询,培训等等)培训等等)-软件使用权软件使用权-知识产权知识产权-技术转让技术转让-开发产品和成果保密协议开发产品和成果保密协议Point to notes:Point to notes:Please indicate the amount associated with any of the following items in DOU and confirm with“0”ifthere is no such item as below covered by the DOU.The requestors are responsible for the accuracyof disclosure of the information in the DOU which will cause different tax consequence based on therelated tax law/regulations-Labor costLabor cost:Labor cost includes but not limited to compensation/benefit cost,travel expense,and othermiscellanies of an individual for performing a service,e.g,employees from other XXX countriesprovide consulting,training,assessment,testing,demo.operation management,warranty andtechnical services,etc on site in China or remotely outside China,For example,GBS staff sharingsupport,GTS fly-in support.Services provided by regional CoEs such as Accounting,IT and HRcenters-License/royaltyLicense/royalty:shall mean any and all Intellectual properties,patents,registered designs,registered utility models and applications owned or controlled by a Licensor(here refers to both XXXCorporate and its authorizedXXX entity such as XXX Word Trade Corporation and XXX InternationalHolding B.V and an overseas third party vendor)to aLICENSEE(here refers to XXX entities oran XXX client in China)in China and the LICENSEE is legally liable to pay the Licensor a fee or aroyalty for the licensing.For example,XXX WTC licenses XXX China to re-license SW to a customerin China and XXX China pays WTC a Software license fee;An overseas third party vendor licensesXXX China to re-license a China client in a pure SW,pure service or SW and service bundle contract-Right to use-Right to use:A right grantedto use a property such a lease of both movable or non movableproperty,or a right to access for information/data with Intellectual properties being involved.Forexample,a lease of a real property or an equipment;a lease of a line for accessing of satellite forbroadcasting products,etc-Know How Know How:Skills,techniques,knowledge or talent ability to perform a particular function whichexclusively owned/controlled by a party/individual.Know How is in nature of intellectual property.-DevelopmentDevelopment productproduct confidentialconfidential agreementagreement:A Confidentiality Agreement between aninventor and one or more parties.Here the inventor discloses sensitive information to the otherparties who in turn are obliged not to make that information available to any unauthorized third partyor to use that information for gain without consent of the inventor请必须分开注明在合同中所包含以下内容和相关金额和相关金额(加总金额和合同金额保持一致加总金额和合同金额保持一致),如果没有下面的有关内容,请在该内容边上注明金额为零.由于DOU会因为以下的不同内容产生不同的纳税义务,因此,DOU的申请人必须对提供的相关信息的正确性负责。-劳务服务内容和金额,包括但不仅限于个人提供服务所发生的工资及副利成本及费用、差旅费以及其它杂费。例如:其他国家XXX的员工远程或在中国境内提供的例如 咨询服务,培训服务,业务评估,测试,演示,运营管理服务,维修等等服务。具体如:GBS和GTS下的从境外来中国的专家或工程师的支持服务;XXX的区域中心,如会计中心、IT中心、人事中心向XXX中国提供的服务。-权力许可的内容和金额,该项是指由授权人所拥有或控制的一切无形资产,专利,专利设计,专利模型以及应用等。权力许可人(包括XXX公司以及由XXX公司授权的其他XXX公司如XXX世贸易公司和XXX国际控股公司以及第三方供应商)通过许可以方式,授权被许可人使用上述权力(包括XXX在中国的企业以及在中国的客户)。例如,XXX世界贸易公司授权许可XXX中国有限公司向其在中国的客户再授权使用XXX的软件,而XXX中国向XXX世界贸易公司支付软件特许权费;或者,XXX的境外第三方供应商通过XXX中国以单独的软件合同,或服务合同,或软件与服务混合的合同方式,向中国的客户授权使用上述权力-使用权相关的内容和金额,使用权是指授予使用某一项动产或不动产的权力;或者使用或些涉及无形资产信息或资料的权力。例如,租用不动产或动产;租用卫星线路取得广播产品等。-专有技术相关的内容和金额,是指某项其他人或组织不具备的技能,工艺,知识以及专能。专有技术的性质属于无形资产。-开发产品和成果保密协议相关的内容和金额,是指成果开发方与使用方所订立的对于开发成果的保密和排他性协议。在没有取得开发方的同意时,使用方不可向第三方透露与开发成果有关的任何信息。3.Estimated Period of DOU and Location where the Services are to be performed3.Estimated Period of DOU and Location where the Services are to be performed合同期间合同期间 及工作地点及工作地点Point to notes:Point to notes:(A.If the service is partially or 100%performed by fly-in in China,In addition to the manIf the service is partially or 100%performed by fly-in in China,In addition to the mandays,the total estimated elapsed period of the fly-in support should be indicated,fordays,the total estimated elapsed period of the fly-in support should be indicated,forexample,the elapsed period is counted from the first day the fly-in arrives in China toexample,the elapsed period is counted from the first day the fly-in arrives in China tothe last day the fly-in departs from China.Please also indicate what services will bethe last day the fly-in departs from China.Please also indicate what services will bepreformed in China and what services will be performed outside of China if the servicespreformed in China and what services will be performed outside of China if the servicesare not 100%performed onshore in China.are not 100%performed onshore in China.(B.If the service is performed 100%remotely outside China,please indicate where theIf the service is performed 100%remotely outside China,please indicate where theservices will be preformed.services will be preformed.(C.Need to split the onshore and offshore services during the contract period.(e.g.totalNeed to split the onshore and offshore services during the contract period.(e.g.totalcontract period is from Jun 1 to Jul 30 in which(1)Jun 1 to Jun 30contract period is from Jun 1 to Jul 30 in which(1)Jun 1 to Jun 30 onshore services;onshore services;(2)Jul 1 to Jul 15(2)Jul 1 to Jul 15 offshore services;(3)Jul 16 to Jul 30-onshore services)offshore services;(3)Jul 16 to Jul 30-onshore services)4.Service fee4.Service fee 合同金额合同金额(exclude tax(exclude tax 不含税价不含税价)The service fee is estimated and calculated based on the actual cost plus the uplift as regulated by XXX Accounting and Taxguideline.The total service fee is USDamount in USDamount in USD服务費是根倨实际的成本加上由 XXX 会計和稅务准則所規定增加的部分預測和計算出來的。本項目总金額為xxx美金。5.5.收费前提收费前提 Charge ConditionCharge ConditionFor the ICA charge,the requesting country PM s confirmation should be one of the supporting evidence before ICAcharges in.服务提供方向服务接受方收费时应有服务接受方项目经理的确认做为收费的凭证。6.Tax6.Tax 税收税收The performing country will not be responsible for any taxes or levies except the tax or levy on performing countrys netincome,all taxes should be borne by the requesting country and the requesting country should provide the performingcountry the tax receipt on the tax withheld by the requesting country if the tax is to be borne by the performing country.服务提供方不会负责任何税项,除在劳务接受国的所得收入的税款,所有扣缴的税款应由服务接收方承担。当扣缴的税款是由服务提供方承担时,接受方需向服务提供方提供关于该扣缴的税单凭证。7.Others7.Others 其他(其他(if applicableif applicable)鉴于中国税务部门的要求,对于支持中国国内项目海外专家费用大于$30,000.00美金的ICA,需要请XXX在该国家的经理在“非居民享受税收协定待遇备案报告表”上签字。According to the China Tax Burea requirement,for service ICAs which need overseas experts support China project withtotao amt over USD30K(or equivalent),performing country delivery managers sign off on Non-residents claim fortreatment under Double Taxation Agreement(DTA)for record is needed.该表根据中国上海税务机关要求出具,该表所述的信息已经核实确认,仅用于申请税务出证。This DTA form is used for Tax Certificate application purpose only,which is required by Shanghai Tax Authority.All the information in the form has been confirmed by related party.请XXX执行国家经理在“纳税人印章或签字”处签字,一式两份,并将原件寄回 XXX China,地址为:XXXXXX高科技园区科苑路399号创新园10号楼8楼,邮编:201203.Please get Performing Country Field Approvers chop or signature at“Stamp or signature of taxpayer”by two copies,and mail the original document back to XXX China.The mail address is as below:XXX(China)Company Limited8 Floor,Bulinding 10,399 Keyuan Road,Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park,Pudong New District,Shanghai,201203Contact No:(86-21)6092 4191/6092 4910Receiver:Shang Hai AP Interco Team“非居民享受税收协定待遇备案报告表”参加附件。Please refer to the appendix for DTA form.Authorized Signature of theName:Daterequesting country签字人:日期授权人签字Title:-XXX China company nameAuthorized Signature of theName:Dateperforming country签字人:日期授权人签字Title:XXX name of XXX intercompany