英文备忘录范文英文备忘录范文_ _英文备忘录模板英文备忘录模板_ _格式格式_ _怎么写怎么写英文备忘录范文英文备忘录范文写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录:写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录:范例:范例:你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命你刚刚任命 Sally JolieSally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。女士为公司总部的销售经理。给总部的全体员工写一个字数为给总部的全体员工写一个字数为 40405050 的备忘录:的备忘录:宣布对宣布对 Sally JolieSally Jolie 女士的任命。女士的任命。说明她开始工作的具体时间。说明她开始工作的具体时间。要求总部员工准备欢迎她。要求总部员工准备欢迎她。提示:提示:一般不用信头称呼的形式,一般不用信头称呼的形式,也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人 To_To_,在结,在结尾尾处处写写明明具具体体的的写写信信人人 From_From_以以及及主主题题:ReRe:_ 或或 SubjectSubject:_。To:Head Office staffTo:Head Office staffFrom:Tom BeckFrom:Tom BeckI have the pleasure of announcing that Ms SallyI have the pleasure of announcing that Ms SallyJolie has beenJolie has beenappointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office.Ms Jolie is dueappointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office.Ms Jolie is dueto join us on Monday 15th.Please give her a friendly welcome whento join us on Monday 15th.Please give her a friendly welcome whenshe starts work.she starts work.Thank you.Thank you.英文备忘录格式英文备忘录格式备忘录备忘录August 12August 12,20042004ToTo:Mr.GatesMr.Gates,leader of the supply sectionleader of the supply sectionFromFrom:Li Ming of the biological laboratoryLi Ming of the biological laboratorySubjectSubject:MicroscopeMicroscopeDear SirDear Sir,I'mI'm a a studentstudent ofof biologybiology departmentdepartment andand wewe areare badlybadly in inneed of an extra microscope in order to improve our experimentalneed of an extra microscope in order to improve our experimentalwork.work.OurOur experimentexperiment willwill startstart onon FridayFriday,soso pleaseplease issueissue a amicroscope to us as soon as possible so that we can prepare bettermicroscope to us as soon as possible so that we can prepare betterfor the experiment.for the experiment.With kind regards.With kind regards.Yours sincerelyYours sincerely,Li MingLi Ming英文备忘录模板英文备忘录模板写给个人的备忘录:写给个人的备忘录:范例:范例:你是一家你是一家 IT IT 公司的人力资源部经理。公司的人力资源部经理。你打算请你打算请 CoowayCooway 公司公司 为你安排一次为期两天由为你安排一次为期两天由 1010 人参加的人参加的团队组建培训。团队组建培训。给你的助理写一个字数为给你的助理写一个字数为 40405050 的备忘录:的备忘录:告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。安排两个可以利用的周末安排两个可以利用的周末提示:提示:1 1)按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄和问候等客套。寒暄和问候等客套。2 2)看清角色要求,看清角色要求,把握好文体。把握好文体。作为经理,作为经理,给助手写备忘录,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用 Mr.Mr.或或 Mrs.Mrs.等称等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。JimJimCouldCould youyou pleaseplease contactcontact CoowayCooway toto organizeorganize a a team-buildingteam-buildingeventevent forfor salessales staff?staff?ThereThere wouldwould bebe tenten participantsparticipants andand thethecoursecourse shouldshould lastlast forfor twotwo days.days.I I suggestsuggest thethe weekendweekend ofof 2424/2525November or,if that is not possible,the following weekend.November or,if that is not possible,the following weekend.Thank,AlanThank,Alan英文会议备忘录范文英文会议备忘录范文To:Carl FowlerTo:Carl FowlerFrom:Jane LarsonFrom:Jane LarsonSubject:Scheduling the filmSubject:Scheduling the filmDate:March 13,2006Date:March 13,2006WeWe d better rearrange the showing schedule for next weekd better rearrange the showing schedule for next week s film.s film.As you know,we are going to show the film,The Smiths,next weekAs you know,we are going to show the film,The Smiths,next weekin in thethe projectionprojection room,room,whichwhich holdsholds onlyonly fiftyfifty peoplepeople comfortablycomfortablywithout overcrowding.It is not big enough for the whole staff to seewithout overcrowding.It is not big enough for the whole staff to seethe film at the same time.So I suggest we show the film in differentthe film at the same time.So I suggest we show the film in differenttimes.For example,we can arrange 40 people to see the film theretimes.For example,we can arrange 40 people to see the film thereon Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.,and the remaining 40 on Thursday at theon Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.,and the remaining 40 on Thursday at thesame time.same time.If If theretheres s anyany problemproblem aboutabout thisthis arrangement,arrangement,pleaseplease letlet memeknow.know.Jane LarsonJane LarsonC.Stan ClarkC.Stan Clark商务英语备忘录范文商务英语备忘录范文Directions:You are the president of a company.Write a memo toDirections:You are the president of a company.Write a memo toPercy Shelley,the vice-president on the employee's training onPercy Shelley,the vice-president on the employee's training oncomputer:computer:1 1)The need to train the employees,The need to train the employees,2 2)detailed information,detailed information,3 3)ask him to write a plan.ask him to write a plan.To:Percy Shelley,Vice PresidentTo:Percy Shelley,Vice PresidentFrom:Li Ming,PresidentFrom:Li Ming,PresidentDate:January 10th,2006Date:January 10th,2006Subject:Computer Training of the StaffSubject:Computer Training of the StaffAs we discussed earlier this week,I agree with you that our firmAs we discussed earlier this week,I agree with you that our firmis faced up with problem of theis faced up with problem of thehigh rate of computer illiteracy ofhigh rate of computer illiteracy ofthe staff.We need to make up a plan for training our employees inthe staff.We need to make up a plan for training our employees inthe new field.the new field.I would like you to design our own in-house computer-trainingI would like you to design our own in-house computer-trainingprogram.program.WeWe hadhad betterbetter classifyclassify thethe employeesemployees andand putput themthemthrough the program in turn.through the program in turn.WriteWrite upup a a briefbrief proposal,proposal,describingdescribing whatwhat youyou thinkthink thetheprogram should cover.Assume the class runs four hours a week forprogram should cover.Assume the class runs four hours a week forten weeks.Also,assume people have no prior computer knowledgeten weeks.Also,assume people have no prior computer knowledgeor any formal course work in computer science.or any formal course work in computer science.