-.摘要模拟电子技术是一门研究对仿真信号处理的模拟电路学科。模拟电路作为电气工程及其自动化专业主干课程之一,经历了长足的发,目前已经被广泛应用在我们的生活中。模拟电子技术以半导体二极管、半导体三极管和场效应管为关键电子器件,包括功率放大电路、运算放大电路、反应放大电路、信号运算与处理电路、信号产生电路、电源稳压电路等研究方向,不断的改革创新,并应用到生产生活当中,极大的推动了科技的进步。本文概述了模拟电子技术的开展过程及其前景,接着对模拟电子技术根底每章节进展双语详解,从而到达深层次理解掌握模拟电子技术的目的。关键词:模拟电子技术,二极管,信号发生器-.word.zl.-.ABSTRACTElectronic technology is the study of simulation of the simulation signal processing circuit.Analogcircuit as one of electrical engineering and it sautomation professional back bone course,experience da long hair,now has been widely used in our life.Analogelectronic technology for semiconductor diodes,semiconductor triodeand field effecttubeas the key electronics,including power amplification circuit,operation alamplifier circuit,feedback amplification circuit,signal operation and processing circuit,signal circuit,power supply volta geregulator circuit,research direction,and continuously reformand innovation,and applied to the production life,greatly promoted the progress of science and technology.This article summarizes the development and prospec to fanalogelectronic technology,and then into the analog electronic technology foundation foreach chapter in explanation,so as to achieve the aim of deep understand master an alogelectronic technology.Keywords:Analogelectronictechnology;triode;teaching;signalcircu-.word.zl.-.绪论一、简介模拟电子技术是电子技术的一个方面,他是一个非常美丽的地方,在这个领域,数学、物理、信息工程、电气工程和自动化工程学科发现和谐集成点,其深刻的理论根底和广泛的实际应用使它有一个强大而持久的生命力。因此,对于许多相关的科学。模拟电子技术是一个非常重要的根底理论课程。一般来说,模拟电子技术是一个实用的,非常实用的课题,本文的主要目的是研究各种半导体器件的性能、电路及其应用,模拟电子技术,很多的概念,但在科学和工程专业知识的过程中学习。起着非常重要的作用,它不仅是为未来的课程奠定根底,为我们分析和解决问题的能力也是非常重要的。根据目前流行的说,就是使用一门外语(主要是英语)进展非语言学科的教学,为学生创造一个密切接触英语环境。认为,双语教学被认为是一种外语教学方法不够全面。在当今世界,有很多多元文化国家根据实际情况,在一些学校实施双语教学,双语教学是它的目的,主要是指一个语言政策是一个多元文化的国家,而不仅仅是一种教学方式。双语教学改革的实施不仅有利于培养素质高、能力强,而且教师的英语水平的提高。作为一个重要的专业电工根底课程,实施双语教学是最好的选择。模拟电子技术课程的双语教学模式,经过一系列的教学实践和探索实践证明效果是比拟理想的,可以更好地扩大学生的知识,提高学习能力。根据双语教学的模式,不仅让学生根据其根本原理来解决遇到的问题的过程中学习和英语水平的提高,增强学生的学习兴趣,让他们觉得有用。模拟电子技术课程的教学目标。模拟电子技术的特点是:线性和非线性的组合,直流和交流,结合电路和设备,根本的估计和物理概念的组合。目前,模拟电子技术的现状可以简单地鬼说:理论体系和严密整合,全面介绍网络图论,通过计算机的影响,非线性电路与系统的研究方兴未艾,集成电路和超大规模的快速开展的状态将在很长一段时间对电路和系统科学的开展,在多通道设备,集成;在系统的分析方法,优化集成;在系统扩展从线性到非线性,从被动到主动,从单一元素离散扩展到集成电路系统。进入 21 世纪,电子技术快速开展的时代,随着技术的不断改良,使设备规模继续缩小,以不断提高集成,降低功耗,旗舰性能得到了改良。-.word.zl.-.随着时代的开展,将越来越多的双语教学教师和所有年龄段的学生,一方面可以提高语言能力,另一个是与世界先进的电子技术知识的整合,扩大我们的视野,与英语的国际化和电子技术的快速开展,传统的刚性的教学将逐步新颖便捷的多媒体技术来取代。多媒体课件的教学方法是一个根本出发点是基于文本、图像、声音、动画和其他方式合作,刺激学生的感官,激发学生的兴趣和严格的形式的多媒体课件和黑板,粉笔是没有区别,获得教学效果并不显著。课件的制作适当的材料,适用于木材。多媒体课件可以充分发挥学生的潜能,强化教学效果,提高教学质量为重心。但最终多媒体只是一种辅助教学手段,为了更好地利用先进的知识传播工具。课题来源随着当今世界的开展,外语的应用越来越广泛,国外语环境较差。所以教育需要创新,为此我们学校领导及教师让我们以双语课件为主题写一篇论文。双语教学不仅可以让学生与英语有亲密的环境,也能让教师的整体素质能力得到提高。在中国这个多元化国家,双语教学不仅是一种教学模式,更是一种语言政策。模拟电子技术作为一门电类相关专业的重要专业根底教程之一,实施双语教学模式是非常适宜的。-.word.zl.-.二、课题研究目的及意义对于这次模拟电子技术根底使用双语教学模式,我们主要目的是能让学生在学习的过程中可以掌握两种语言,提高对英语的理解,增强学习兴趣,扩大学生的知识面。经过一系列研究实践和探索,双语教学的效果理想,不仅专业上学以致用,外语能力也得到提高,学习也更加有兴趣了。这就是模拟电子技术双语教学的目的所在了。三、国研究现状和开展趋势及综述模拟电子技术的特点为:线性与非线性相结合,直流与交流相结合,电路与器件相结合,根本估算与物理概念相结合。目前,模拟电子技术的现状可简单地鬼难为:与系统理论严密结合、全面引入网络图论、深受计算机的冲击、非线性电路与系统的研究方兴未艾、集成电路的出现并向超大规模迅速开展的状况将在相当长时间左右电路与系统学科的开展;在器件上多段话、集成化;在分析方法上系统化、最正确化、可集成化;在体系上从线性扩展到非线性、从无源扩展到有源、从单元件分立扩展到电路系统的集成。进入 21 实际,电子技术进入了飞速开展的时代,随着工艺技术的不断改良,使得器件的尺寸不断缩小,从而集成度不断提高,功耗降低,旗舰性能得到提高。-.word.zl.-.Catalog1Analog Concept.11.1 Element and parameter.11.2 Electronic component.11.3 Analog signal and digital singnal.21.4 Troubleshooting Analog Circuits.21.5 Basic test instrument.32Diodes and Applications.42.1 The Atomic Structure Of Semiconductors.42.2 The PN Junction.62.3 Biasing the Semiconductor Diode.72.4 Diode classification.83Bipolar Junction Transistors.93.1 Structure of Bipolar Junction Transistors.93.2 Transistor operating principle.103.3 Characteristic curve of BJT.123.4 BJT Bias Circuits.133.5 Fault diagnosis of transistor bias.134Field Effect Transistors.154.1 Structure of Field Effect Transistors.154.2 JFET Characteristics.164.3 The transconductance curve of JFET.174.4 Input resistance of JFET.184.5 Differential amplifier.195Basic Op-Amp Circuits.205.1 Comparators.205.2 The Effect of Noise on The Comparator.215.3 Integrators and Differentia tors.22Concluding Remarks.22-.word.zl.-.Thank.23Reference.24-.word.zl.-.1Analog Concept1.1 Element and parameterAccording to the types of signals that we use,we can the electronic credits into twoparts:digital electronics and analog electronics.The analog circuit is used for continuousvariation,while the digital circuit is used to correspond to the discrete level.Analogelectronics is the signal processing,such as amplification,differential,integral,and so on.And digital electronics,including arithmetic and logic operations,as is the use of computersand calculators to complete the operation.1.2 Electronic componentIn twentieth Century,the electronic system from the sender to Chittagong vacuumtubes,transistors and integrated circuits.Integrated circuit is the function of the completionof the original,it is divided into digital integrated circuit with analog integrated circuit,oneis to use two discrete voltage,and the other is to deal with the continuous change of theinput signal with the output signal.In ordinary algebra,linear equations can be expressed in a linear representation ofvariables,and are generally written in a formula.Y=mx+bY said X is the dependent variable,independent variable,M slope,B is the intercepton the Y axis.When the intercept is zero,is to go through the origin,the B is zero,then the formulaisY=mxLinear original is the increase in the current and the voltage is proportional to theadded,but also in line with the Ohms law.For most electronic components,thecharacteristic curve is the curve of the current versus voltage(the graph of the relationshipbetween the two elements of a component in general)is defined as the characteristic curve.If the power supply reverse connection,then the circuit will be what is not the same?Thistime will produce more readings,will make people look very messy,prone to error.The-.word.zl.-.above mentioned characteristic curve of resistance is a straight origin,and Y axis with zerointercept time.The slope of a straight line is constant and is equal to the resistance of theelectrical conductivity,that is,the reciprocal of the slope is the resistance.1.3 Analog signal and digital singnalIn analog electronics,a signal is a voltage or current that contains information.Andelectronic system signal is often used in a way to deal with or can transform the waveformas well as through the amplification to improve energy.This way can be carried out in acontinuous manner.We know that the signal is divided into continuous or discrete type,inwhich the continuous signal transformation is flat and slow,which is not interrupted.Butdiscrete signals can only take one part(for example,some of them).Continuous anddiscrete can be used for the amplitude of the signal can also be used for time.On the otherhand,another type of encoder only some data you choose to step in.In order to make the signal carrying information transmission,electronic waveform ofthe voltage or frequency of some energy needs to change,telecom,general will in a fixedtime interval repeat,the repetitive waveform called periodic waveform.Cycle is the timerequired to complete a cycle waveform.Which is divided into many kinds of waves,such assine wave.Sine wave is the most basic and most important waveform.It is the waveform ofthe current or voltage,with the same waveform as the trigonometric function of the sinwave in the algebra.Sine wave is a kind of waveform which can be naturally generated byAC generator or radio wave.It also has laser generating process,sonic vibrationphenomenon.1.4 Troubleshooting Analog CircuitsIn analog electronics,a signal is a voltage or current that contains information.Andelectronic system signal is often used in a way to deal with or can transform the waveformas well as through the amplification to improve energy.This way can be carried out in acontinuous manner.We know that the signal is divided into continuous or discrete type,inwhich the continuous signal transformation is flat and slow,which is not interrupted.Butdiscrete signals can only take one part(for example,some of them).Continuous and-.word.zl.-.discrete can be used for the amplitude of the signal can also be used for time.On the otherhand,another type of encoder only some data you choose to step in.In order to make the signal carrying information transmission,electronic waveform ofthe voltage or frequency of some energy needs to change,telecom,general will in a fixedtime interval repeat,the repetitive waveform called periodic waveform.Cycle is the timerequired to complete a cycle waveform.Which is divided into many kinds of waves,such assine wave.Sine wave is the most basic and most important waveform.It is the waveform ofthe current or voltage,with the same waveform as the trigonometric function of the sinwave in the algebra.Sine wave is a kind of waveform which can be naturally generated byAC generator or radio wave.It also has laser generating process,sonic vibrationphenomenon.1.5 Basic test instrumentIn analog electronics,a signal is a voltage or current that contains information.Andelectronic system signal is often used in a way to deal with or can transform the waveformas well as through the amplification to improve energy.This way can be carried out in acontinuous manner.We know that the signal is divided into continuous or discrete type,inwhich the continuous signal transformation is flat and slow,which is not interrupted.Butdiscrete signals can only take one part(for example,some of them).Continuous anddiscrete can be used for the amplitude of the signal can also be used for time.On the otherhand,another type of encoder only some data you choose to step in.In order to make the signal carrying information transmission,electronic waveform ofthe voltage or frequency of some energy needs to change,telecom,general will in a fixedtime interval repeat,the repetitive waveform called periodic waveform.Cycle is the timerequired to complete a cycle waveform.Which is divided into many kinds of waves,such assine wave.Sine wave is the most basic and most important waveform.It is the waveform ofthe current or voltage,with the same waveform as the trigonometric function of the sinwave in the algebra.Sine wave is a kind of waveform which can be naturally generated byAC generator or radio wave.It also has laser generating process,sonic vibrationphenomenon.-.word.zl.-.2Diodes and Applications2.1 The Atomic Structure Of SemiconductorsIn analog electronics,a signal is a voltage or current that contains information.Andelectronic system signal is often used in a way to deal with or can transform the waveformas well as through the amplification to improve energy.This way can be carried out in acontinuous manner.We know that the signal is divided into continuous or discrete type,inwhich the continuous signal transformation is flat and slow,which is not interrupted.Butdiscrete signals can only take one part(for example,some of them).Continuous anddiscrete can be used for the amplitude of the signal can also be used for time.On the otherhand,another type of encoder only some data you choose to step in.view 2-1In order to make the signal carrying information transmission,electronic waveform ofthe voltage or frequency of some energy needs to change,telecom,general will in a fixedtime interval repeat,the repetitive waveform called periodic waveform.Cycle is the timerequired to complete a cycle waveform.Which is divided into many kinds of waves,such assine wave.-.word.zl.-.view 2-2Sine wave is the most basic and most important waveform.It is the waveform of thecurrent or voltage,with the same waveform as the trigonometric function of the sin wave inthe algebra.Sine wave is a kind of waveform which can be naturally generated by ACgenerator or radio wave.It also has laser generating process,sonic vibration phenomenonview 2-3-.word.zl.-.2.2 The PN JunctionA PN junction is a diode.In the equilibrium state,there is no current in the PNjunction.The main use of the semiconductor diode is the one way electric conductivity.view 2-4PN junctionWhen a pure semiconductor is generally doped n type,the general doping of P type,then in between the two regions on the formation of a PN node.In the N area,there aremany free electrons and several holes which are thermally produced.There are many holesin the p region.The free electron.Pn structure produced by the hot electrons is the basicdiode and the basis of the work of all solid state components.Diode is a component thatonly allows current to flow in one direction.-.word.zl.-.view 2-52.3 Biasing the Semiconductor DiodeThe term bias in electronics refers to a fixed DC voltage which is added to thesemiconductor element to set its working conditions.Forward bias is the condition thatallows the current to flow through the PN junction.Reverse bias is the bias condition to prevent the current flowing through the PNjunction.As shown in the following figure.The lead out of the P region is called a positiveelectrode or an anode,and the lead out of the N region is called a negative electrode or acathode3.4Diode classification-.word.zl.-.view 2-62.4 Diode classificationphotodiode:The reverse current increases with the increase of the intensity of light.view 2-7-.word.zl.-.When a forward current flows,the light of a certain wavelength range is sent out,andthe current light emitting tube can emit light from infrared to visible light band.view 2-83Bipolar Junction Transistors3.1 Structure of Bipolar Junction TransistorsBipolar transistor,it is abbreviated as BJT.Is constructed from three dopedsemiconductor regions.These three regions are known as the emission region,the baseregion and the collector region(Figure A,b);view 3-1-.word.zl.-.these three regions are separated by two pn.We know that bipolar transistors aredivided into two types.One of the two Pn areas in the middle of a PN with a thin layer,known as NPN type transistor,there is a two PN area,the middle of a thin layer of PN clip,called PNP type transistor.These two kinds of transistors are widely used by us,but theformer is more widely used.So most of us learn about it.view 3-23.2 Transistor operating principleIn order to make the transistor work normally,an external DC bias voltage must beprovided on two Pn junctions in order to establish the proper working conditions.NPNand PNP tube normal bias,in two cases,the launch of the junction are forward bias,theseason is reverse bias,known as positive and negative bias.-.word.zl.-.view 3-3But in the two case the voltage polarity and the direction of the current is just theopposite.From emitter outflow into the narrow and low doping concentration of the baseregion most electronic no composite two little continues to spread to the BC junctiondepletion region,once into the region they in the reverse bias BC junction period will be theattraction between positive and negative ions established plants pull.Kirchhoffs current law points