-A RevA Revewewo o The CThe Cl of Tl of Te Wile WilAfte edinghe CaloThid,I hvealt feeligsFist,thedo n the ook are l lyal o thrmasters.Freampl,mnmakes a ger wth hornton er Bs strength d dvotin Buckwinthebet bybaing a hltonsledouof h fzen ground,tenpuligit 10 yard b hiself.In aditin,al doghasese hoor.hearea roud ofeng sldogs,nd devotethemselvesothe wr.Forxample,Dae,who is oig to de,tl init o wong“Sick as hes,Daeresened eig takenot,guntig andgrwngwhi he tcs e unastened an whering bk-heartedy when he swol-les(nothe dog)inthe posii ad hed an seveds ln.Forthe traand trai whis,nd,sick to death,e ould no bea tat aoergshould d his work.”Bth loyalty hoor are sd nlove whic i wat tuce e deeply.Becaue of ov to Thorton,Buck doe suc hing that emsimpssble to acop-ish.Beauseof snseofhonr,aveinsiston wrking i e dies.And thoughuks expeiens living in the wild,JackLondnwan o telu thhe wld isdoinedbyhose whaemuch ogr anmoreo rfthcommonpeople,and onlythestronger esculd exit.hs isthe w o cland fang.Bc gradull relizesthela and beinsto oyth law fr h i olennd an to theil.he svge eirnent which i fultrcks,daers ad eaths turs im tobemoreperfuland cunning.Finaly,he becoe heladerof histeamimilar to thewild,our itcme creeradc ler,andlvin hesocitybecomes rder andarder If o ant teis,ohave agod life,u shoul betouh enouhtstnd the sferin;yushud ke aler,watchad arn;yshud mke yoursef trer thanoters This is t aw of iings wekno,Buc answers heall of ndretursto he wil finall.In y opinion,the all is not rom hwild thugBukotn heathe hwl of te-wolvesInead,it fro te botom f Bks rtThe ca isth will r einstint hich makeimant o be hisel:A wolfI hnkey ne f ushasa ca in our harts.Thcal isurdram,gol or somthng we rallywant tdo.owever,unte pessre of scety,we often hve to give upou drms or goals,d do tgs we ae unwiln do.we sould ear sohingom Buck:Just llowthe all,e yourl!-