-1 1年年 6 6 月英语六级作文题目及范文解析月英语六级作文题目及范文解析【作文【作文(一一)】人不可貌相】人不可貌相Fthi ar,oure llowed 30 minutes toite anssayexplainngw it iunise t judge a person by thi aparnce。You angv exlain o lutrae yourpoit.You hudwritea last 50 word bt omre than200 ords【六级作文真题】Fo this pat,you ae allwed 30 iute t wr aessay expliningh it is nweto j person by their apene.o ca give explain tillustte our ot.Youshould wie tleat 10 words buno mor hn 200 words【参考范文】Thse ays treis enerl suso bout the suof jdging a peron by ter paranc.Pepes pniosffergretly onernng tis hemeo Is itwie t ude aprs y ir appeanc?Its definitey not.Tere are umousreasons explaiing tis pheomeo Fitand omst,lthh ood appearne hlpful to lathrs a ood ipresson in the frstmetng,kidness and ner tougt arehe m mprtato mae riends r llliftim.Snly,mny atreflect tts people wih hamngappearne make nosuccssfuvnts,whie therswithouthandsme appearn achievea lt.ast bu otthe st,wihe dvelopnt ofscence and tchnolg,aticsugery canchangees ppearance,somybe the eoplewithsournessonl ler teiaearane ut not velotheir virte.miel,i is unwiset ude pero bythir pearance.o pl shoud hvemo comuniatio wih ohers to find thebauty of their nnerthought.【作文【作文(二二)】把全部鸡蛋放到一个篮子里是不明智的】把全部鸡蛋放到一个篮子里是不明智的【六级题目】【六级题目】-It i unse tput alggs inone asket.把全部鸡蛋放到一个篮子里是不明智的。【参考范文】【参考范文】Every coin has wo ie.Pttn allyu egg i bake,lely,has bohadvanges nd disvanages.t,n mypiion,the disadanagsfputinoueggs i onebasket fa outweigh tadvatag.Thus,it is nevertoocareful o alws hve plan B he e op with imortant vntNbod can kow wh is oing to hap th future.Wenunepectd cdts ppend,ou wold fdorselfna desperaesitatio,osng evrthin yo have Puting al y have ne hing equal o uttgal h rsk dpresstogether.Ths wy we neetothinkabout alth oibl sk an prere xtra ns aheadeforee makedecisioo imprtant vnt n othr ors,e must vedifferenplasand prearatis or fear ofudsirable esuls.In cncusin,it s unadviable o ut al egg in only e set.Thats becase his mgve ris o nffrdablean uneec sequenwhich might ma youdsapointd adannoyed Thefre,I sser hat we soul avealternatvechoicesto assure eerhing goes well.【作文【作文(三三)】看到什么、听到什么就立刻得出结论是不明智的看到什么、听到什么就立刻得出结论是不明智的Forthis pt,o realwd 30 minestoite a esayxplainingwy t is unise to jupo onluonsuo eengor hearng soehin.ou cn giv exlanaton toilustrat yo point.Yu shold wie a least 5 wors but no rethan200 wrds.fous syinggoe:“Seeis beleing”indictg ta whayouhear may ot e reliable,wile htyou see can be trutorth.This opin,hoer,is sll uie paria.Wht ee or earretheacts,but hey might be nly pat oftesy,erefe a quickconclusi ca brckssa-d lead o unecssary miderstnng.Forexmple,nmtropacked wi passngers,ome young peole re sitting whi aneldry i standg.f you ontfind ou hole tory,yumum t aconclsionthat these yun people reo rdeand indiffr tha they so no love and ar to t edrly Butthetru story maythttese young peopl have inite te d ma t si dwn beore o ce,eveni theare quite exhaue after whol ays rk,hle he eldrly iquie rfesh aterkout an hereused to tk the seato tatthe youg asner can have a rst.Incnclusion,befre making a judgemen,tisbeter gettoko he situation aomprhesivewa.Ony in hat as,a we reduce thek of idersanding to h inimum【点评】题解:“根据所见、所闻立刻得出结论是不明智的。”本题难度中上,话题有一定的思辨性,较抽象。文章可采取三段式。首段简单阐述自己的论点。主体部分可以进一步阐释,并结合例子进行论证。结论部分再次强调自己的论点,提出根据所见、所闻立刻得出结论可能是片面的。2 21313 年年 1212 月英语六级作文题目及范文解析月英语六级作文题目及范文解析【作文(一)】作文作文:求职信求职信大学快要毕业了,需要找工作,写一封求职信说明申请工作的原因和自己能胜任的理由。【作文(二)】作文作文:幸福幸福riteanesaymmnting n th remark“the grthe grststuseuseofofliflif s sto spend it forto spend it for methmethng thng tht will ot will otlatlat it i.”ie nessayommetion th remrk“theratest use o ife o spnd it for somein tht will utast t.”-【作文(三)】作文作文:信息爆炸信息爆炸wre n ea about th impact inormionexplosio b efring totheayng a awwalth of inalth of inororti tin cren cretes a povtes a povrtyrty f f ttttntionntionu can cite exaples toillutrate yorpoit n thn expainwhatou can d toaoid beig disracte irelevant informatin?201201年月大学英语六级作文范文求职信年月大学英语六级作文范文求职信ea Si r Madm,hs lettr cms to o fom atet ame Limig.I amriting t yu toaly for admisin int yorrecenty adertised oitio for a tf mbr Iam sue h I quaiied fr it.irst,eclosed th ts leter s m eue,wich further dails my reious cadeic qalificosandworkexperence eond,notonl domquliictionsanexrence make earct canidate or t,m eerful ersonaliis wll suiteto wokng stafmembr.Lt,mhbecudawnd ecny.I ha awide nowled f usieanthorougl epiene in al types of ofice work.Copes oytestimoils ar enlod,nd if yuare inteste nmy aplicato,plase gv e an opprtunity of persona inerview atyocovnien dae.Wods filmwh try to es my heartflt ratitude tothe help you redr me.Yor pompt ad faorble attntion t my inurwoud be highy pprcitd.Lt have your ely at u earest convnince.Yours sery,Li Minga at 1t 1r rti tig(3g(3 i ies)es)Drcons:Fr his art,you aealowed 0 mintes o witeanesa happnessbyrering othe sayin“appinesiso the sence o pobls,buttability to dealwith th.”-You cn cite examl o illustraeyourpi and en xplain h oucandeveloyorability to dea wth probe dehapy,u houd write at eat 150words but no mor than 200 od.【参考范文】【参考范文】solvesolveprprlem,lem,tastetasteh hpinespines“What is happns?”s a cichtopic.vyon hasa diert defition to te tr meai of hppie.ForFakinRoselt,“hppiness is nt hmerpossesson of mo;i liesn the joy of acvmnt,hethrill of creatv effort.”or Elbet Enstein,“if yu ant o lie a appylf,tieit toe ol,t t people rhe thins”lhough t two great en rat different definitiosto hapins,tr issomethg nommn,that is,appnsdeve rom he capacity to solv obles.Ieievethat thisis ue.Ther is no denygtatls full o probles.Let tak envionmentlpolltion f example Polluio poe a ratthreat t or istence.ortunat,thi pulic hazard hasdrawn our reatlyattentioand many efftivemsrsar ing takingosoveit.In fact,n publia benefiting moe nd mre fro poltio preventin an conrol.e canejo lea air,healhfood nd beauiful sens agai.Ist this apinss?All in al,indee,eqiped with th abilty to e withpoleshoulduppe o be aiss.n otrwords,in th ddle ofprbems les happies.【参考译文】【参考译文】解决问题解决问题,品味幸福品味幸福“何为幸福?”这是一个老生常谈的话题。每个人对幸福的真正含义都有不同的定义。对罗斯福而言,“幸福并不只是拥有财富,真正的幸福在于取得的成就和创造带来的激动。”而对爱因斯坦来说:“如果一个人想要生活幸福,他就应该寄希望于目标而不是人或事。”尽管两位伟人对幸福赋予了不同的定义,但是有一点却是共同的,那就是,幸福来源于解决问题的能力。我非常认同这一点。-无可否认,生活中总是充满问题。以环境污染为例。环境污染极大的威胁了我们的生存。幸运地是,这一公害已经引起了人们的极大关注并且诸多有效措施被用来处理该问题。事实上,如今人们从治污当中得到越来越多的好处。我们可以重新享受清新的空气、健康的食物和美丽的风景。这难道不是一种幸福吗?总之,具备解决问题的能力就是一种幸福。换言之,幸福总在问题中。作文题作文题irectirectons:ons:Foti prt,yoare aowe30 intes to rite aneay abut he impatf ormation xlosnby refrring t e saig a welth oifomtin crat a povert ofattention Youa ie eamples to illustrt yu point andteexplnwa youcdo tavoid beng dtrteby ireevant ifio?Youshould wit a least150 ords t noore than 200word.Wys ot Ovr Infmaion xlosonAs afamous saying gs,“A wath of nforaio creates poertoattenion”.owadys w are intheInfmaio ge.Some peopleeep mpliingbut itac by the ifortin eplosn.Admitl,te new infomtin ag has bh us so muh cnvenience tt we areallowd to et enoughinomtio ust h a imle licksting frontofthecmters.Nevetheles,e ae also confd,annoye,distacted nd upsety n inredibly lare quanti of information.Fo xampl,wh earching foroethinonline,pop reasily carrid away by rreeat inormtio and ogettheir orginal l Bses,me infomatio oftn turn ut to be uselss and cally dvrtiemn.heefore,an betme-csuig ntroublesoe to serchinfortion ieThen ha ando to aoidbig dstated by relevantinformain?ereI vesome sfultis:Firstly,mak lsto what yu relywan befoeur saing.Thi wl hepyou to refue ome apealing,yirelvant infoatio.condly,n some trusl and profsonasoucesor wbse and ten sve anaorizethm.n this a,you neasiy leve someads nd useless nomtion behin.-【点评】【点评】本次作文主题围绕“信息爆炸给大众带来的困扰”,难度较小。最近几年六级作文题都是紧扣时代特征,实用性较强,不会导致考生无话可说、无理可讲。本题型还是按照三段式,第一段可从题中的谚语着手,引出论点。第二段主要辩证论点“信息爆炸反而给大众带来的注意力转移、无法集中等”,可以举出生活化的实例。第三段给出问题的解决方法。注意在写作过程中要有理有据、条理清晰即可。20132013 年年 6 6 月英语六级作文题目及范文解析月英语六级作文题目及范文解析1、GoodHaits Reult fro efsigTemptato2、il is the sotstdsnce btwen two peopl、er rvded o noght thngo stisify omoesneesb not someones geedeepeepO Or rH Ha at trongrong hprverb ge,cnantdrops wea ou thesone.Good habits help aveour watsuccss.Howeer,durn th clvation of d habitsw are feqy ewlderd and bffled by tempttions fro e wold aond s Olywhen we aealert ad determined enogh to sist hese teptatins an w take right a unswrvig rod t succss。I ordi fe,it s sseti forusto be ldicplied.A healthy lietye,hich aconistof ruarxercise and balac diet,ishat mt peple re puingin cntorar oiety.et manpeolennot rest the nessof stayin i adttain ofastybu atty fod,thusgiving p haf wayuliting eay hait ad gettn decrasigly ust.n addition,ur proess iacademic rforance dpes on god abit.We mus rsrainouselvs fromenleentertainment Oterwis,distrctedan induge,can ermanaa god learningabit,let alo achveacadei xceence。-In ummay,godhait rely ontrong hart ha re not diubeby eptios.ith persistene d perserace,earhedigto sucess。【点评】:【点评】:本次作文要求以“oo abitsrsul m resisting mtation。”即“良好的习惯源自抵制诱惑”,这一谚语为话题发表议论,在写作时需要对谚语的寓意进行阐释,并且表达自己的观点和看法,相比更为常见的话题型和观点型作文题来说,有一定的难度。首先要求能够对谚语进行准确的理解,抓住谚语表达的中心意思,明确的提出观点,然后围绕这个意思进行阐述。所以在写作时需要强调抵制诱惑对于保持或者培养良好习惯的重要性,以这一论点进行展开阐述,注意行文的逻辑性和语言的准确、流畅。2 22 2 年年 1 1月英语六级考试作文题目月英语六级考试作文题目作文一作文一:m mn ann an compcomperer 网络传闻网络传闻、传闻有真有假,网络上的言论自由可以让网民任意发表并不承担后果2、如何理性对待传闻的真假并付诸实践作文二:作文二:On maOn mantantaninig gtrtrt t 保持信任保持信任范文范文 1:1:OnOn ainainaiaiingingT TustustA th cotmpray sociey deops drmcall,oring rblehas pru up that the dere of trust amoindiiduas hered Feample,whn wemet a man beggi frmone due tohis handppd e n te tre,wae cosidering whther h i ceanus.Plus,nthe busncrle,e umrscudn easil beie ha thmrchant guaraeed.Altse prlemsmentioneabve ar rduced o verse cnsequces.Esecially,n he croratrld ists eprevlene o dshoesty Inflence by thehenome,we,inably,become ncresng cauious bo thers guaantee,evena piee ord.us,ts treddoes much ha t the commodty ecnoy-he undrlng rason or these phenomen is thtcurenpeople failto trusteachohe,okeeping ut cnts o,ecauth fodati of an relationsh,wher it be wh business assciat,spose,pat,lent,fend,strus.Trs sno soething tht ane bultwih uik ixtehniques Ratr,it is somthing tati cltivtd tough consisent hab in pesonal interatis.范文:范文:n Mainn Mainainainn nTrTrTrusis tpic tpic tteveyoe ofus is ite amiliar with.Howeveri hase gingmh moe emphasis noadays bcaue it is elyin crtil timforusto aor aintaing trustbtwen eopl.s a iffect of the popertyof the market ecoomy,te eceof truis ty contributes to e dishonsty of som busnesmn nd manufacturrs whoakeor sle sody ad nqualifie prodcts o pursuita birpofit.It resulted in theuntrustnetween eople While h utusti,retun,mae imoeifficult to puruit a biggr profitfor i taemr time a enrgy ovice pople ino uyingtir commodite Whaswose,it may le the pential cutomerand result n it olls.tgoes for tinepesonal rinship an weimaginewhat itwouldlok ikeif wlv ina orld ithout rus?Itstecldand mise.Thrfoe,i ishigh time fo u tostreghn he imprae f maintaig tru to rete abete lif.20202 2 年月英语六级作文题目及范文解析年月英语六级作文题目及范文解析DirDirtiotios s:For thisar you are aoed 30minu to wrtacomposition ettleT Te ie it of thet of the ntntrpersrpersnal conal comunicationmunication foowng theoutline bloYou shld wrie last120wordsbu no mo n180 word-T Te impace impac o o thethei iternet onternet onntentee esosoal cal cmunicatimunicatin n(高分版)(高分版)The pstfewdeades havwitnessda pnoenaladancement in Internet ecnolog,leang our itinal mean ofcommunicatin into a ban nw era:E-comuniaton It has great pc pon our lfe.To egin th,nrnetcommunion nablespopletobrak thouh te liitaio f ditance,stentnigocialnetworMoeove,unike post ofices,nernsrvie wit its onennce helseople egage and coners real tewiththei arents,oul maes,friends thoug emil,IRC,Twte,Fcebook anyme,nywheewith a eorktermal,wthout sferngthe log a pful wtfr ly.In addition to that,Interntexang ecels telephone in that it sesoneyan ls peopl see ach othesfaciaexressions when vieochatting.Last,such online comunitesas witter,acok e well unde n comingth most dmninglators r o-lin socialacivitis.These omue offer potunites frus to make frinds ith hs e like and evn thoe celebriies.It is also alatfor or to sare ad obin nomtin and keep pwithon nest iformationn knowlede.tent tos itualspacewherewlive,whre we larn,wher we sek,adwhere we comunic.201201年年 6 6 月六级作文范文月六级作文范文(文都版文都版)The itet niterersona cmmcatiNways,thers a idepad ncn oertheinenet on interprsnal ommunic It is kwn tal at nternet plays key rolein intereronalcommunicato.-Ad pepl would geexcitd athe ery mntinof blog,weibond so on.here r may reasoswhtat sweet gil in hepictures ou of r blg,bin gener,theycome donto thremajorones.Forone ting,ague,wrting blogis a shio and modernworldis icresngly pplat by bl ad i or anote,ovethe time o bl wll matue ndouaudieewll grow Thslonfer eln o achieveent n us.Buhe prmeresn prhas tat blgivseple he opponiy chose wtthey rite,hich ns“Iai chare”,”isi myzo”I regar to ths benefit,stpshldbe tken t eeop them.T rhing we shoul do is o make people ealie tesigficnce f og.noterthin we cando i todsin new tool toconnepeol,suc as YY.nddition,h epatments conened sourootthe develomentof the nernet on interprnal cmunicatin.2020年年1 1月月英英语语六六级级作作文文范范文文TheWay oSucces Fir essaymof hugh typeTe tSuccssGenus nperntinspiatond ninetninprnt perpitionAndeecos our quetio,what isthwayto ucess?-A strn ll d greatefots ae e mo sentil toes to the do of success.Whyo peole fil o achie their goa?T reasonithatmost f tm ive p alfway u tthei lck of asron wlloncetheecounteray difficulty.A man f srng wil awas stcks to his caus o matr how tog it might beoul Thomas Eison be uchgratman i isory ha dn nothig but posssng a strong will?are a amiiarit hs story that h hd tried onethsan kinds of materias befrehe inly dehis great bu ligh p Withuhad eff,Edsn might hav bee a obdy th eforts,o e cansuccd.o s up,trong willadgrt effrs ca hp nopen up the wa o scces.Were therei a will whefots,hresa ay.【作文解析】本次六级考试作文题为 Tea to ucess,与本次四级考试作文ohn suceds thota strong wll 遥相呼应,大同小异,都是在讨论成功这一话题。此次六级考试作文的话题依然是老生常谈,即通往成功的道路,相信很多考生对此并不陌生,背过范文的同学写起来肯定也是得心应手。该范文段落结构清晰,阐释说理也足以让人信服,是一篇不错的作文。开篇作者通过引用爱迪生关于天才的一句名言来引出问题,吸引读者注意,引起读者的思考。紧随其后,作者就开门见山地亮出了自己的观点:只有坚强的意志和不懈的努力才能打开成功的大门。第二段,作者同样以一个问题来引领全段,引发思考。然后通过对比不成功和最终成功的人的不同表现,来阐释坚强的意志对获得成功的重要作用。第三段,作者进一步阐释“仅有坚强的意志,没有实在的努力,也能成功吗?”同样是先发问,然后举了爱迪生的事例,来证明答案是否定的。举名人的例子,而非个人的实例来作为文章的论据才更有说服力,这也是这篇作文的高明之处。最后一段,作者先以第一句话进行了总结,然后为了加强作文结尾的力度,作者还对-名言“Where ther i il,tr iway”进行了改编,换成了自己的观点,为我所用,这也是本篇范文的一个两点之处。注意,写作文时对名言进行恰当地改编,不仅能体现幽默创新的一面,同样也体现了作者不错的文字驾驭技巧,考官也是很欢迎这样的文章的。201201年月年月.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试2.其目的各不相同我的看法ThTh CerCerificateificater re eAlmosto nen Chin ha failed tonicet phenomn tht agrwig number oopl areenthusistic t puruin variusinds o criicates.Taing look around,ne finnmus exaples m ase in pon i tha studets spenda rea da of tim and enrgy atending gret vrety of certificate-orinte taing coure o sra btter score。The prpse of acurincrtficat vares r inividuals o ndividuals.For stuen,as tjo mrk cmpetitis bcoingincregy fic,not oly cn tin ertfie prvtheircapabilits,but al wil pthem a favorale oitio ithe eploymet maket and e devopment of tir aree.Wen itcomes towt-oaed wkers,moreob-eatetifices otn guarateegeter oporunitisr alary ras n prooion.h moe,is lo idl tnance their jobtniques adsharpen thei copetitivness。Fo