mm615 PCB 面銅測厚儀操作手冊面銅測厚儀操作手冊 Version 1.00 1 目錄 一、規格說明P.2 二、儀器說明P.3 三、電源P.3 四、功能鍵與參數說明P.4 五、校正步驟P.7 六、操作說明P.7 七、注意事項P.8 八、mm-Link 連線軟體操作手冊P.9 2 一、規格說明規格說明 1.應用範圍:表面銅厚(單面、雙面與多層印刷電路板)。2.量測原理:微電阻式。3.量測範圍:公制:0.25200.0um,英制:0.018.0mils。4.解析度:13 位固定。5.尺寸:(長)130mm/(寬)70mm/(高)30mm。6.重量:約 210 克(含電池)。7.配備:主機、標準測試探頭 SCP-15、面銅標 準片一組、9V Li-Ion 充電式電池一個、AC110220V 充電器一個、USB 傳輸線、操作手冊、證明書一式、保固卡。8.操作環境:建議溫度範圍 10 30,並保持恆溫。9.濕度控制:建議相對溼度範圍 3080%3 二、儀器說明二、儀器說明 三、電源三、電源 儀器可採用兩種供電方式:1.9V Li-Ion 充電電池,約可連續使用達 24 小時,當 LCD 螢幕上電池容量顯示不足時,此時請立即充電以確保儀器正常使用。2.利用 Adapter 接家用交流電 110V/60Hz 或220V/50Hz 至主機即可使用。*當 Li-Ion 充電電池充飽電源後(設定為 4 小時即可充電完畢),儀器會自動停止充電,以保護充電電池的使用壽命。3.當未使用測量時間達 15 秒 LED 與 LCD 背光即自動關掉;若 5 分鐘未使用即自動關機,達到省電功能。快插拔式測試頭端子(直接插/拔式,快插拔式測試頭端子(直接插/拔式,切勿旋轉切勿旋轉)LCD 液晶螢幕液晶螢幕 電源與 USB 端子 電源與 USB 端子 4 四、功能鍵說明四、功能鍵說明 按鍵按鍵 功功 能能 說說 明明 1 Correction Factor 校正因子 2 Offset 補償值 3 High Limit 量測上限 4 C/M Mode 連續或手動量測切5 Tips Type 6 Low Limit 量測下限 0 System Setup 系統設定-um/mil 單位切換.統計數據顯示 CAL 校正鍵 CLR 清除數據 組數設定鍵 電源 5 1.Power On/Off:開/關機 按下 電源鍵出現開機畫面如下,或探測頭直接接觸銅面,即可開機。開機畫面約顯示五秒後即回復量測畫面 2.CAL:校正鍵 按 使用標準片作儀器厚度值之校正。3.ENTER:組數設定鍵 按 選擇要應用的組數(199)。4.Correction Factor:校正因子 按 輸入數值(0.51.5)修正儀器讀值與實際切片值的相對偏差比例。5.Offset:儀器補償值 按 輸入數值(+/-1.0mil)修正儀器讀值與實際切片值的誤差補償。6.High/Low Limit:量測範圍之上/下限 按 /分別輸入數值(0.0112.8mil)設定量測範圍之上下限。機器序號 機器序號 6 7.CLR:清除數據*長按 一次,即可清除該組所有量測數據。*輕按 一次,即可清除最後一筆量測數據。8.Units:單位切換 按可直接作公制 um 或英制 mil 之單位切換。9.Stats:統計功能 按 可直接作該組之統計數據,再按一次可切換第二頁顯示。10.C/M:連續或手動量測切換 按可直接作一般手動或連續量測模式之切換。11.Tpw:測頭探針模式選擇 按 可以選擇使用測頭 SCP-15 各式不同的規格。12.Sys:系統設定 按 可以設定其他不同的功能使用 12.1 Backlight 背光 Auto 省電模式/on開啟/off關閉 12.2 Clear all memory 清除所有資料 12.3 View all No.of Rdgs 清單列表 12.4 Link to PC 電腦連線 7 五、校正步驟:五、校正步驟:1.按,LCD 會顯示 Place probe on standard board。2.將測試頭放在標準片上。3.然後輸入標準片之厚度值。4.最後按 ok 完成。六、操作說明六、操作說明:1.直接將測試頭水平接觸待測銅箔表面,或按電源鍵 開機。2.使用 以選擇欲使用的程式組。3.手持測試頭方式如下圖,測頭缺口靠近自己觀察的位置,以便觀察樣品 待測位置,然後垂直壓在 接觸待測之銅表面,即可 於 LCD 上顯示讀值。4.按下 鍵,可以顯示從開始量測到目前所有統計數據如最大值、最小值、平均值與標準差等。5.量測數據可以透過 USB 端子上傳至個人電腦(請參考 mmLink 軟體操作手冊)。8 七、注意事項七、注意事項:1.插上電源前,開關切換到關閉狀態 2.安裝測頭時,注意卡榫正確位置,以防止破 壞性連接 3.移除測頭時,從測頭的金屬端子直接往後拔 除,請勿旋轉或拉扯測試線 4.請勿接觸潮濕等液體物質 5.測試頭請勿拉扯、扭轉或重物壓置 6.觸控螢幕為精密感應裝置,切勿大力敲打或 使用尖銳物品觸控 7.電壓源請保持穩定 8.儀器內如非使用充電電池,請勿插上充電 器;如欲接上充電器請先拔除電池 9.長時間未使用本儀器,請妥善收至手提箱 10.充電電池未達到電位低點請勿充電 11.充電電池長時間未使用(12 個月),請重新 充電 9 mm-Link 連線軟體操作手冊連線軟體操作手冊 Version 2.00 10 連線安裝連線安裝:1.先使用 USB 連接線分別將 milum 儀器與 PC 的二端接上。2.先開啟 milum 儀器電源,按下 system 設定,按選項”4”Link to PC,LCD 顯示”Connecting”連線中。3.最後再將電腦中的 mm-Link 軟體開啟。數據下載流程數據下載流程:1.數據下載:點選 Download 下載數據。1.1 Download No.:選擇單一組數據下載。點選後 會顯示如下畫面,再點選你要下載的組別即可。建議使用此方式下載較快速。11 1.2 Download All:所有 99 組內數據全部下載。當數據較少時適用,下載完會在上圖中每一組 別下顯示記憶的總量測點數。2.數據列印:點選在 File 中之”Print”列印功能 2.1 Print Options:選擇要列印的表頭、量測值 或統計數據等。2.2 Print:直接列印前一項設定的部份。2.3 Print Chart:列印統計圖表。12 3.數據存檔:Save:原始數據儲存,格式為*.mmd。Save as:另存新檔。4.數據輸出格式:Export to TXT:轉文字檔,格式為*.txt。Export to EXCEL:轉 Excel 檔,格式為*.xls。5.TXT 文字檔案輸出格式設定:Configure Units:單位公制 um/英制 mil 選擇。Data Format:One column(一整列數據)Five columns(分別為五列數據)。Annotation:文字描述,可以填入文字以顯示 於列印檔案最前面的位置。6.統計畫面顯示:View 可以選擇點選要顯示的統計圖表視窗。13 7.組數內數據容量:點選 View 之 Data information 可以看所有下載 99 組內之儲存數量。14 mm615 PCB Surface Copper Thickness Measurement Instrument Operation Manual Version 1.00 15 Index A.Specification.P.16 B.Description.P.17 C.Power.P.17 D.Function key and parametersP.18 E.Calibration Procedure.P.21 F.Operating instructions.P.21 G.Notes.P.22 Software Operation ManualP.23 16 A.Specification 1.Application:Surface copper thickness measurement(single,double and multilayer printed circuit board)2.Measuring Principle:Micro-resistance 3.Measuring Range:Metric:0.25200.0um British:0.018.0mils 4.Resolution:1-3 digits 5.Dimension:(L)130mm/(W)70mm/(H)30mm 6.Weight:210 g(including battery)7.Including:mm615 gage,surface copper probe SCP-15,Surface copper standard(1 set),9V Li-Ion rechargeable battery,AC110-220V adapter,USB cable,manual,Standards Certification and warranty card.8.Environmental Conditions:Suggested operating temperature:1030 9.Relative Humidity:3080%17 B.Description:C.Power:The gage can be powered in two ways:1.9V Li-Ion rechargeable battery,that can be used for more than 24 working hours.When the battery indicator on the LCD displays insufficient power,please recharge the gage to ensure that the gage is working normally.2.The gage can also be used connecting the adapter to AC 110V/60Hz or 220V/50Hz.*When Li-Ion battery is fully re-charged(recharging time set is 4 hours)the gage will stop recharging automatically in order to protect the life of the battery.3.If the gage is not used for over 15 seconds,the LED and LCD backlight will power down automatically.And if the gage is not used for more than 5 minutes,then in order to save power the gage will shut down automatically.Plug/Pull Probe connector Plug/Pull Probe connector Do not rotate it Do not rotate it LCD display Power and USB connector Power and USB connector 18 D.Function Key:Key Function 1 Correction Factor 2 Offset 3 High Limit 4 C/M Mode 5 Tips Type 6 Low Limit 0 System Setup -um/mil .Statistics display CAL Calibration CLR Clear Select Application Power 19 1.Power On/Off:Press Power key and it displays the following display,or press the probe directly on the surface copper to power on the gage.Boot screen displays for 5 seconds and then it enters measuring screen.2.CAL:Calibration Pressto calibrate the gage using standard.3.Enter:Select Application Press to select application file(199)4.Correction Factor:Press enter a value(0.51.5),the ratio obtained between the gage reading and the actual cross section value.5.Offset:Gage compensation Press enter(+/-1.0mil)compensation value of the gage reading compared with the actual cross section value.6.High/Low Limit:Press /individually to enter value(0.018.0mil)to set the high and low limits.7.CLR:Clear readings Gage Serial number Gage Serial number 20*Press for a long time and it clears all the readings in that application file.*Press lightly and it clears only the last reading.8.Units:Unit conversion Press to convert units from um into mil.9.Stats:Statistics Press to display statistics of that file,press one more time for the following page 10.C/M:Continuous or manual measurement Press converts into continuous or manual mode measurement 11.Tpw:Chose probe tips type Press to choose SCP-15 probe tips type.12.Sys:System Press to set other features,1)Backlight Auto If the gage is not used for more than 15 seconds,backlight will power down automatically on Always on offAlways off 2)Clear all memory 3)View all No.of Rdgs 4)Link to PC(Refer to page 24)21 E.Calibration procedure:1.Press LCD displays“Place probe on standard.2.Place the probe on the standard.3.Enter the standard thickness.4.Finally press to complete the calibration.F.Operating Instructions:1.Place the probe vertically on copper surface or press power key to power on the gage.2.Use key to select application file.3.Refer to the following picture of how to hold the probe,the tilted part of the probe tips should face yourself so that you can see the sample being measured.Then vertically place the probe on the part that needs to be measured.The LCD will display the measured value.4.Press key to display the statistics of the readings eg:High,low,mean,standard deviationetc.5.The readings can be downloaded into your computer via USB port using mm-link software.22 G.Notes:1.Check that the power switch is off before powering the gage.2.Check the probe connector first before connecting the probe.3.While detaching the probe please pull the metal connector backwards and do not rotate connector or pull the probe cable.4.The gage or the probe should not touch humid or liquid substance.5.Do not pull the probe cable,or rotate it or apply heavy pressure on it.6.Do not hit or use pointed material on the LCD display.7.Power voltage should be stable.8.If normal battery(non rechargeable)is used in the gage do not power the gage to recharge the battery.Please remove the battery first if you intend to use adapter to power the gage.9.If the gage is not used for a long time please store it in the hand carrying case.10.Recharge the battery only when the gage reaches Low battery indication.11.If the gage or battery is not used for a long time,still recharge the battery once every month.23 mm-Link Software Operation Manual Version 2.00 24 Connection Procedures:1.Use the provided USB cable to connect mm615 gage to your computer.2.Power on the gage and start mm-Link software.3.Enter System display of the gage and press“4”Link to PC.Data Download Procedures:1.Download of Readings:Choose“Download”to download the readings:1.1 Download No.:Downloads only one application readings.It displays the following screen and then choose the application you want to download.It is recommended to use this method which is much faster.25 1.2 Download All:Downloads all 99 application readings.When readings are less,after downloading under each application it displays total number of readings.2.Print Readings:Choose“Print”from the File to enter printing function:2.1 Print Options:Choose to print header,readings or stats.2.2 Print:Prints whatever is chosen in 2.1 2.3 Print Char:Print statistics chart 3 Save Readings:3.1 Save:Saves original readings in*.mmd format 26 3.2 Save as:Saves as new file 4 Readings Export format 4.1 Export to TXT:Changes the file into word file,*.txt 4.2 Export to Excel:Changes the file into excel file,*.xls 5 TXT word file export format:Configure 5.1 Units:Select Metric(um)/British(mil)units 5.2 Data Format:One column(one column of reading)/Five columns(separates into 5 column of readings)5.3 Annotation:Add Text comments which will be displayed at the beginning of the print out 6 Statistic Display:View Choose the statistic display window 27 7.Data in each application Choose“Data Information”under“View”to see the stored readings of all 99 downloaded applications.