供应链管理研究与教学经验分享上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院Seminar on Supply Chain Management Research and TeachingAntai School of Economics and Management Shanghai Jiaotong University2007年12月12日为了促进我国供应链管理研究的国际化,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院运营管理系,将于2007年12月12日在上海举办“结合工业界实践的供应链管理研究与教学经验”讲座。讲座邀请了三位国际供应链管理研究和结合实践应用的著名学者,Joseph Phi (彭焜燿)Hau L. Lee(李效良), Fangruo Chen(陈方若)。介绍供应链管理前沿研究问题与方法以及结合工业界实践的研究与教学经验,我们希望讲座有助于我国高等院校和科研院所的教师和博士生了解该领域的最新进展、开拓学术视野、接轨国际研究主流。欢迎教师、研究人员和博士生积极报名。主办单位:上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院运营管理系讲座地点:上海市法华镇路535号上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 北楼207主讲人:Joseph Phi (彭焜燿)Chief Operating Officer, IDS GroupHau L. Lee(李效良)Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology, Graduate School of Business, Stanford UniversityPh.D. Wharton School, 1983Fangruo Chen(陈方若)Ira Rennert Professor of BusinessColumbia Business School, Columbia UniversityPh.D. Wharton School, 1993Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityAntai School of Economics and Management Department of Operations ManagementSeminar on Supply Chain Management Research and Teaching Dec 12, 2007SpeakersTopicsJoseph PhiExecutive Director and Chief Operations Officer of IDSBusiness Innovation Through Value-Chain LogisticsHau L. Lee Graduate School of Business, Stanford UniversityIndustry-Propelled Evolution of Teaching and Research in Supply Chain Management Fangruo ChenColumbia UniversityShanghai Jiaotong UniversityRecent Developments in Supply Chain ResearchDraft Schedule14:30 15:00Registration15:00 15:30 Opening remarks and presentation by Joseph PhiExecutive Director and Chief Operations Officer of IDS 15:30 16:30 Presentation by Professor Hau Lee16:30 17:00Q&A17:00 17:40Presentation by Professor Fangruo Chen17:40 18:00Q&AJoseph PhiChief Operating Officer/Executive DirectorIDS GroupJoseph Chua PHI is the Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of IDS Group, a leading Hong Kong-listed Integrated-Distribution service company specializing in Logistics and providing a menu of services along the value chain. He joined Mr. Ben Chang and Dr. Victor K. Fung in the start-up of the Company in 1999, and played a key role in the re-creation of the Company culminating in the successful listing of the IDS Group in 1999. Before joining IDS, Mr. Phi worked with HAVI Food Services as General Manager and later Managing Director of its Taiwan subsidiary. Prior to that, Mr. Phi worked with Colgate-Palmolive Company in a number of Asian locations covering the areas of purchasing, production planning, manufacturing, logistics and supply chain management. Joseph holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and a Masters degree in Business Administration. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Gamma Mu international honor societies. He is a director of ECR HK and GS1 HK. He also holds directorships in various subsidiaries of IDS.Hau L LeeThoma Professor of Operations, Information, and TechnologyGraduate School of Business, Stanford UniversityPh.D. Wharton School, 1983Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management ForumGraduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow for 2007-08Director the Strategies and Leadership in Supply Chains Executive Program Hau Lees research focuses on supply chain management, work that addresses how to get products or services to their destination by managing the flow of materials, information, and money. His research has resulted, among other things, in the building of computer models for industrial implementation, as well as in the development of strategies and operational concepts for practitioners.Hau L. Lee is the Thoma Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. His areas of specialization include supply chain management, information technology, global logistics system design, inventory planning, and manufacturing strategy. He is the founding and current Codirector of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum, an industry-academic consortium to advance the theory and practice of global supply chain management.Professor Lee has published widely in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Supply Chain Management Review, IIE Transactions, and Interfaces, etc. He has served on the editorial boards of many international journals, such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Supply Chain Management Review, Sloan Management Review, and the Journal of Production and Operations Management. From 1997-2003, he was the Editor-in-Chief of Management Science.Professor Lee received the Harold Lardner Prize for International Distinction in Operations Research, Canadian Operations Research Society, 2003. He was elected a Fellow of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, INFORMS, 2001; Production and Operations Management Society, 2005; and INFORMS, 2005. In 2005, he was President-Elect of the Production and Operations Management Society. His article, “The Triple-A Supply Chain,” was the Second Place Winner of the McKinsey Award for the Best Paper in 2004 in the Harvard Business Review. In 2004, his coauthored paper in 1997, “Information Distortion in a Supply Chain: The Bullwhip Effect,” was voted as one of the 10 most influential papers in the history of Management Science.Professor Lee has consulted extensively in the public and private sectors. He is a cofounder of several supply chain and price optimization software companies: NON-STOP Solutions, DemandTec, SignalDemand and TrueDemand. He is on the board and advisory board of several logistics services and supply chain software companies. He has also given executive training workshops on supply chain management and global logistics in Asia, Europe, and America.Fangruo Chen(陈方若)Ira Rennert Professor of BusinessGraduate School of Business, Columbia UniversityDean (by special appointment)School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityPh.D. Wharton School, 1993Fangruo Chen received a B.S. in Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China in 1985. From the University of Pennsylvania, he received his M.S. in Systems Engineering in 1987, A.M. in Managerial Economics and Social Sciences in 1992, and Ph. D. in Operations Management in 1993 (from the Wharton School). Professor Chens main research area is supply chain management, which includes production/distribution planning, inventory replenishment strategy, supplier management, information technology, etc. He has published numerous scholarly articles in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Production and Operations Management, etc. He regularly teaches courses on Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Negotiations in the U.S. as well as in China, including executive training workshops on these topics.Professor Chen received the prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (USA), 1997. In 2004, he received the Overseas Chinese Young Investigator Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In 2005, he was appointed the Distinguished Visiting Professor by the Chinese Academy of Science. In 2006, he was named the Chang Jiang Scholar by the Ministry of Education, China. Professor Chen held, and continues to hold, numerous leadership positions in his profession: Area Editor for Operations Research (responsible for the Manufacturing, Service, and Supply Chain Operations area), Departmental Editor for Management Science (Supply Chain Management Department), Senior Editor for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Editorial Board Member of Marketing Science. In 2006, he served as the President of the Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society in the U.S. 讲座会务安排一、日程安排12月12日下午:报到、注册二、地点上海市法华镇路535号,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院北楼207三、联系人为了控制好人数,便于管理,请欲参加讲座的教师、研究人员和博士生必须事先报名,填写报名表。注册联系人:杨根妹 gmyang, Tel: 021-62932975, Fax:62932577报名表I. 个人信息姓名:_ 性别: 男 女 年龄:_电话:_传真:_手机:_电子信箱:_联系地址:_ 省_ 市_邮编:_II. 工作背景目前工作单位:_职务:_ 职称:_ III.教育背景学校或教育机构时间(年/月)专业学历学位获得日期从至 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院2007年11月2日