编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第31页 共31页 Consignment Contract 寄售合同PurposeProcess a consignment contract and create a release order against the contract.处理一个寄售合同及参考这个合同创建一个核准订单.The following section describes the creation of a consignment contract, the creation of a release order referencing that contract, the posting of the relevant goods receipt, the transfer of the consignment stock to a cost center, and how the liabilities incurred as a result of these transactions are determined.接下来的章节中描述了如何创建寄售合同, 参考合同创建订单, 收货过帐, 将寄售库存发至成本中心, 以及这些事务导致产生的债务是如何确定的.It is not necessary to create a new consignment contract and a source list each time in order to illustrate this process. If you merely want to demonstrate the processing of requisitions and purchase orders, display the existing consignment contract 46000018 (USA) or 4600000002 (Germany) and start with the procedure Creating a Purchase Requisition.You can find more information about this process under .Process FlowYou can find the data for this process under .1. Displaying Data on Consignment Stock2. Creating a Consignment Contract3. Source List Administration4. Creating a Purchase Requisition5. Creating a Purchase Order from a Requisition6. Posting a Goods Receipt7. Displaying a Goods Receipt8. Displaying Stock Levels9. Transferring Consignment Stock to a Cost Center10. Displaying a Goods Issue11. Determining Liabilities Additional Information on Consignment Contracts Meaning of "Consignment"" Consignment" stands for a process in which a vendor makes a material available to you, that you then keep in one of your storage facilities. The vendor remains the legal owner of the material until such time as you take it out of the consignment stores to use. Payment is not due to the vendor until you do so. The quantity of material withdrawn from consignment stores for use in this way is invoiced at previously agreed intervals (e.g. monthly). You can also agree with the vendor that any remaining consignment stock is taken over into your own stock after a certain period of time.在寄售处理中, 由供应商提供物料, 并将它们寄存在你处. 在贵公司将这些物料从寄存货物中提出之前, 该供应商一直是这些物料的法律上的所有者. 只有当这些物料被领料后, 供应商才会提出支付的要求. 物料的领料数量是根据事先安排好的时间间隔(例如, 每月一次). 另外, 你还可以和供应商安排好, 当某个时间以后, 转换所剩余寄存物料的所有权. The SAP R/3 System satisfies the following prerequisites for the management of consignment stocks:系统满足寄售处理的下列要求:· Consignment stock is managed under the same material number as your own stock. In this way, you can make consignment stock part of the available stock of a material.寄售库存使用和自有库存一样的物料编号进行管理, 因此, 寄售库存可转化为可用库存.· Consignment stocks of the same material supplied by different vendors are managed separately from each other, at the price charged by the relevant vendor in each case.来自于不同供应商的同一物料的寄售库存可以按照不同的价格单独进行管理.· Consignment stocks are not valuated. When the material is withdrawn from storage, it is valuated at the price charged by the vendor in question.对寄售库存是不作估价的, 当该物料出库时, 才根据相应的供应商的价格进行估价.· A consignment material can be managed as one of three stock types:一个寄售物料可以被分配为以下三种库存类型的一个:- Unrestricted-use stock 非使用限制的库存- Stock in quality inspection 质量检查中的库存- Blocked stock 被冻结的库存You can make transfer postings between all three types of stock. However, you can only make withdrawals from unrestricted stock.你可以在这些库存类型中间进行转储记帐, 但是, 仅能对非使用限制的库存进行出库处理. Data for Consignment Contract FieldEuropeNorth AmericaDescriptionAgreement typeMKMKQuantity contractCompany code10003000Model companyCost center42004200Model cost centerCurrencyDEMUSDLocal currencyDelivery dateDateDateIn 10 days time at the earliestDocument type for requisitionNBNBStandard purchase requisitionItem categoryKKConsignment itemMaterial99-13099-130Hexagon head screw, type M10Plant 10003100Model plantPurchasing group001004Model purchasing groupPurchasing organization10003000Model purchasing organizationStorage location00010001Model storage locationVendor10003000Model account Displaying Data on Consignment Stock 1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathLogistics ® Materials Management ® Purchasing ® Master Data ® Info Record ® DisplayTransaction CodeME132. On the Display Info Record: Initial Screen enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaVendor10003000Material99-13099-130Purchasing organization10003000Plant 10003100ConsignmentSelectSelect 3. Choose .The Display Info Record: General Data screen appears.4. Choose Purch. org. data 1.Make a note of the consignment price shown on the Display Info Record: Purchasing Organization Data 1 screen. This price was agreed with the vendor and is due for payment if the material is used.“显示信息记录: 采购组织数据1”中的价格用于: 当物料发生领用后, 支付给供应商的金额.5. Choose until the overview tree appears. Creating a Consignment Contract 1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Outline Agreement node, choose Contract ® CreateTransaction CodeME31KIf you dont want to create a new contract, you can display an existing one: 46000018 (USA) or 4600000002 (Germany).2. On the Create Contract: Initial Screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaVendor10003000Agreement typeMKMKPurch. organization10003000Purchasing group001004Item categoryKKPlant 10003100Storage location00010001 3. Choose .4. On the Create Contract: Header Data screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaValidity endAny date in the futureAny date in the future5. Choose .6. On the Create Contract: Item Overview screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMaterial99-13099-130Target quantity50005000 7. Choose .8. Choose .The system confirms the transaction and assigns a contract number. Make a note of this number.9. Choose until the overview tree appears. Source List Administration 货源清单管理1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Master Data node, choose Source List ® Maintain.Transaction CodeME012. On the Maintain Source List: Initial Screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMaterial99-13099-130Plant 10003100 3. Choose .4. On the Maintain Source List: Overview Screen, create a new line with the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaValid fromTodays dateTodays dateValid toEnd of next monthEnd of next monthVendor10003000Purchasing organization10003000AgreementContract number from previous exerciseContract number from previous exerciseItem1010FixSelectSelect 5. Choose .6. To override any warning messages, choose .The system confirms the transaction.7. Choose until the overview tree appears. Creating a Purchase Requisition 创建采购申请1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Purchasing node, choose Purchase Requisition ® CreateTransaction CodeME512. On the Create Purchase Requisition: Initial Screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaDocument typeNBNBSource determinationSelectSelectItem categoryKKDelivery dateAny date within the next monthAny date within the next monthPlant 10003100Storage location00010001Purchasing group001004 3. Choose .4. Acknowledge any warning message the system may issue regarding the next available delivery date.5. On the Create Purchase Requisition: Item Overview screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMaterial99-13099-130Quantity requested100100 6. Choose .7. Choose .The system confirms the posting and assigns a purchase requisition number. Note this number.8. Choose until the overview tree appears. Creating a Purchase Order from a Requisition 创建采购订单(参考采购申请)1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Purchase Order node, choose Create ® Vendor/Supplying Plant KnownTransaction CodeME21NThe Create Purchase Order screen appears. In the standard system, explanatory documentation appears on the left side of the screen.Choose Close in the left-hand area of the screen to hide this documentation.In future, this setting will be stored for your user ID.You can reactivate the documentation at any time by clicking Help.2. Choose Document overview on.The document overview now appears in the left-hand part of the screen. Adjust the window to suit your requirements. The right-hand part of the screen contains the actual work area for the activity.3. Choose the entry Purchase requisitions in the left-hand part of the screen by clicking the icon. 4. In the Program selections area of the Purchase Requisitions screen, enter the following data:FieldDataMaterial99-1305. Choose .A list of requisition documents selected according to the criterion "material" appears in the document overview of the Create Purchase Order screen.6. Select your purchase requisition document with the cursor and drag the item to the shopping basket icon in the work area with the left-hand mouse button depressed.The system adopts both the header data (document type, vendor, purchasing organization. ) and the item data (material numbers, quantity, delivery date) in the PO being created.7. Choose .The system confirms the transaction and assigns a PO number. Make a note of this number.8. Choose until the overview tree appears. Posting a Goods Receipt 收货过帐1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Inventory Management node, choose Goods Movement ® Goods Receipt ® For Purchase Order ® PO Number Known.Transaction CodeMIGOThe Goods Receipt for Purchase Order <User> screen appears. This screen, too, is initially subdivided into a document overview area and the actual work area, the latter consisting of a header data area, item overview, and an item data area. Here you have the option of adjusting the size of the areas to suit your individual needs.2. Enter the following data:FieldDataPurchase orderYour purchase order number3. Choose .The system transfers the specified PO number shown in the left-hand screen area of the document overview to the My Documents/Purchase Orders folder. The Purchase order field is then immediately ready to accept further input of document numbers. The purchase order items are transferred to the item overview. By clicking on individual items, you can view and change certain data in the lower item detail area.4. In the header data area of the General tab page, enter the following data:FieldDataDocument dateToday's date (default)Posting dateToday's date (default)5. Select your item, then choose the Where tab page at the bottom of the screen to check your organizational data.6. If necessary, enter the following data in the item overview area:FieldDataOKSelect 7. Choose Post.The system confirms the posting and assigns a material document number. Make a note of this number.The material number is immediately inserted in the Material Documents folder in the document overview area on the left of the screen. In the course of time, this area is automatically filled with closed or still-to-be-processed documents and held data.8. Choose until the overview tree appears. Displaying a Goods Receipt 显示收货凭证1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Purchasing node, choose Inventory Management ® Material Document ® Display.Transaction CodeMB032. On the Display Material Document: Initial Screen , enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMaterial documentGoods receipt from previous stepGoods receipt from previous stepMaterial document yearCurrent yearCurrent year 3. Choose .The Display Material Document #: Overview screen appears.4. Choose Accounting docs.The system issues a warning message pointing out that a receipt of consignment material does not generate an accounting document. The consignment stock is not valuated because it still belongs to the vendor. 5. Choose until the overview tree appears. Displaying Stock Levels 显示库存级别1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Inventory Management node, choose Environment ® Stock ® Stock Overview.Transaction CodeMMBE2. On the Stock Overview: Company Code/Plant/Storage Location/Batch screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMaterial99-13099-130Plant 10003100Storage location00010001 3. Choose .The quantity of the last goods receipt is added to the vendors consignment stock.4. Choose until the overview tree appears. Transferring Consignment Stock to a Cost Center 转储寄售库存到一个成本中心1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Inventory Management node, choose Goods Movement ® Goods Issue.Transaction CodeMB1A2. On the Enter Goods Issue: Initial Screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMovement type201201Special stockKKPlant 10003100Storage location00010001 3. Choose .4. On the Enter Goods Issue: New Items screen, enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaCost center42004200Vendor10003000Material99-13099-130Quantity1010 5. Choose .The system confirms the transaction and assigns a goods receipt number. Note this number.6. Choose until the overview tree appears. Displaying a Goods Issue 显示发货凭证1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Inventory Management node, choose Material Document ® DisplayTransaction CodeMB032. On the Display Material Document: Initial Screen , enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaMaterial documentGoods receipt number from previous exerciseGoods receipt number from previous exerciseMaterial document yearCurrent yearCurrent year 3. Choose .The Display Material Document #: Overview screen appears.4. Choose Accounting docs.5. Note the number of the accounting document shown in the dialog box. 6. Select the accounting document.On the Document Overview screen, the system displays the G/L accounts to which postings have been made as a result of the goods receipt.7. Choose .8. Choose .9. Choose until the overview tree appears. Determining Liabilities 结算债务1. Call up the transaction as follows:Menu PathFrom the Inventory Management node, choose Environment ® Consignment ® Consignment from Vendor ® Liability.Transaction CodeMRKO2. The Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabilities screen appears. 3. Choose .4. Do display the liabilities, search for your accounting document.5. Choose until the overview tree appears.第 31 页 共 31 页