读后续写精彩句- 高三英语一轮复习.docx
1.sb. had done it himself!2.Success is not final; failure is not final, It is the courage to continue that really counts.3.No matter what the result will be,the most important thing is to enjoy the process.4. What a blessing to have such an unforgettable experience.5.Not only is it.but it also helps6. Sometimes, we can constract a small door that will lead to a big world for someone else.7.Happiness comes from within your heart,not from your surroundings.8.Not all of us can do great things.But we can odo small things with greart love.10.It is normal to encounter dificulties which are unavoidable in life, Butit is the attitude towards them that counts.11.Helping others is a reward itself.12.What mom did reminded me of a famous saying,roses given,fragrance in hand.13.Be ready to give a hand to people in a very dificult situation, and every year of our life wil be a happy New Year.14.We should appreciate what we have obtained from life and seize every opportunity to belp others.15.That is what responsibility means.16. We felt proud too and learned it was good to be honest and responsible.17.It is never too late to express love to your beloved.Nothing in the world is mor/ important than it.18.Now she felt nothing could make her happier than being with her family.19.I was greatly touched by what you told me.你对我讲的话使我大受感动。20.It is very moving to see how much strangers can care for each other.看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动。21.His speech was inspiring and touched my heart.他的发言鼓舞人心,让我很受触动22.An idea flashed across his mind.他脑子里闪过一个念头。23.An idea formed in his mind.他脑中有了一个主意。24.An idea occurred to/hit/struck him.他突然有了一个主意。25.He looked out of the window,biting his lips,as if thinking.他一边看着窗外,一边咬着嘴唇,仿佛在思考。26.She was deep in thought and heard little of what was being said around her.她在沉思,几乎听不见周围的话。27.The opportunity had gone and his mind scrabbled for alternatives.机会已经失去了,他苦苦思索别的方案。28.It was a time of great sorow.这是一个非淋悲伤的时刻。29.Words canmot express my sorow.言语无法表达我的哀伤。30.As he looked at Katherine.great somow clouded his eyes.他看着机瑟琳,满眼忧伤。31.Their reunion after a long separation brought mixed feelings of joy and sorrow to them both.两人久别重逢,悲喜交加。32.This article brought back sad memories for me.这篇文章使我想起了伤心的往事。33.Separation from his friends made him sad.与朋友们分离使他伤心。34.He looked out of the windos,biting his lips,as if thiki愿.他一边看看窗外,一边咬着嘴唇,仿佛在思考。35She was deep in thought and heard little of what was being said around her.她在沉思,几乎听不见周围的话。36The opportunity had gone and his aind scrabbled for alternatives.机会已经失去了,他苦苦思索别的方案。