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Unit 4: Natural disastersThe Night The Earth Didnt Sleep第 1 课时一、教学内容理清文本主线,理解文本字面意义,并深入理解唐山地震震前人们未觉察,震后人们的不幸、痛苦和损失,理解在面对灾害时人们所体现出的互助无私及巨大勇气,并就此思考如何看待 灾难与人类的关系。二、课时目标1. 通过略读、寻读等阅读技巧,找出段落主题句,了解唐山大地震的基本信息;2. 梳理段落细节信息,了解唐山大地震震前的反常、地震带来巨大的破坏力以及灾后的迅 捷无私救援及重建;3. 讨论地震给人们带来的思考,升华主题意义。三、教学过程Activity 1 Activating background information本活动为实现课时教学目标 1 铺垫。T: Today we are going to learn a passage with the title? So why didn t the earth sleep on that night? What happened to the earth? Actually there is a movie directed by Feng Xiaogang focuses on the same earthquake. Now, I d like to show you a short period of it.1. Talk about the video related to the earthquake Q1. What do you learn from the video?2. Talk about Tangshan Earthquake.Q1. What do you know about Tangshan Earthquake? Q2. What do you want to know about it?设计意图 课前播放唐山大地震视频片段,创设情境,激活学生背景知识,并引导自主提问,形成阅读期待。Activity 2 Reading to get some basic information about earthquake本活动的完成可以落实课时教学目标 1。1. Read quickly to find the answers to the students own questions.2. Read for the topic sentences and work out the organization of the text. Q1 Whats the topic sentence in each paragraph.Q2 In what order does the author describe the earthquake?设计意图步骤 1 学生在读前问题的引领下进行整体阅读,步骤 2 共同讨论段落的主题句, 并通过了解文本的写作顺序理清文本结构。Activity 3 Reading for the detailed information本活动旨在落实课时教学目标 2。1. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 1. Q1: What are the strange things?Q2: What was peoples reaction to these strange things?Q3. Why didnt people pay attention to these strange things/the signs before the earthquake?T: People had little knowledge of earthquake at that time. Q4 When does this paragraph mainly talk about?T: Abnormal signs before the earthquake.设计意图通过问题 1 帮助学生快速梳理本段主要信息,进而由问题 2 引导学生概括这部分信息的关键词,即一些奇怪的现象“strange”,随后通过问题 2 引出本段的另一个关键句, 即人们不同寻常的反应,接着自然过渡到问题 3,引发学生思考文本隐含的内在信息,最后通过问题 4 概括段落主要信息。2. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2. Q1 How strong was the earthquake?Q2 How did the people feel when the earthquake happened? Q3 What does this paragraph mainly talk about?设计意图本段细节信息较多而且较杂,教师要引导学生通过问题 1 根据关键词“deadly”寻找支撑信息,了解地震本身震级高,带来了很多的伤亡。通过问题 2 引导学生理解段落表达的人物情感。最后通过问题 3 概括段落主要信息。3. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3. Q1 What were destroyed?Q2 How does the writer describe “everything in the city”? Q3 How did the people feel?Q4 What does this paragraph mainly talk about?设计意图问题 1 让学生先梳理出细节信息,再通过问题 2 归纳作者从哪些方面来描写地震带来的破坏,接着问题 3 引导学生关注人们的感受,最后通过问题 4 概括段落主要信息。4. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4. Q1. Who brought hope back? And what did they do?Q2. How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?Q3. How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?设计意图通过问题 1 寻找主题句的支撑信息,接着问题 2 引导学生关注人们的感受变化,并通过问题 3 引导学生关注第四段和第五段之间的衔接,自然过渡到下一步骤。5. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5. Q1. What shows the revival of Tangshan?Q2. How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again? Q3. In times of disasters, how can we go through it?T: In times of disasters, we should unify, show the wisdom and stay positive.设计意图问题 1 和 2 旨在引导学生梳理文本的细节信息。问题 3 引导学生思考人们面对灾难应有的态度。Activity 4 Highlighting the theme and reflecting本活动旨在巩固落实课时教学目标 2 并完成课时教学目标 3。1. Make a summary of the text.2. Further understand the titleQ: After our learning, why do you think the earth didn t sleep on that night?T: An earthquake happened, the people in the earthquake suffered a lot, and the people outside Tangshan were concerned about the people there a lot.3. Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.T: Disasters are powerful, unpreparedness can be deadly and life is weak, but ifpeople work together to help each other, disasters can be defeated.There is no love from disaster, but we have love in the human heart.设计意图 通过步骤 1 总结提炼所学内容及意义,通过步骤 2 深入理解标题所指,由此铺垫步骤 3 的讨论,通过讨论可以深化对语篇的理解,升华语篇主题意义。AssignmentHow does the writer convey that the earthquake was deadly, and that people werehelpless during the earthquake? Try to find some attractive and impressive expressions and note down.设计意图 通过安排学生寻找较为突出的有关人们无助、地震致命的表达,进一步回归文本的感受灾难之无情生命之可贵,从而更加感念于人们的无私和巨大勇气,最重要的是为下一课 时的语言学习作准备。