guarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and develop "three strict three real" of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to. 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich "one country, two systems" practice and advance country unified, and go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretary of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the party's theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the "wise men" to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to银行客户经理个人先进事迹材料服务制造价值,努力成就辉煌在X地区的偏僻小城,一群XX银行的客户经理正向地域各阶层渗透着,为了占据更多的市场份额,他们正悄悄的在查找新增亮点,为X地市市分行企业存款新增占比在当地四大商业银行中始终位居首位作出了极大的贡献。所属的X区支行XX同志就是其中的一位杰出的代表,作为一名从事信贷营销和资产保全12年工作的基层行客户经理,始终坚持“动之以情、晓之以理”的营销观念,乐观深化地域经济主体,为X地市建行的进展作出了应有的贡献。“新环境下,天时、地利我们荡然无存,但以人和我们肯定能杀出一条血路!”年原X地撤县建区搬到了新区,XX和新任领导一起来到了X区新区。行领导考虑到XX从事信贷业务多年,就把存款大户财政分给他和另外一个客户经理一起维护,把有进展潜力的建设局、国土局、水利局交给他去开拓。由于X区区的会计核算中心已经被农行招标,想开拓新的财政性资金的客户真是难上加难。面对困难,他找到了早年在财政局和他交情颇深一位国库科领导,当XX向他说明白来意后,他面露难色地说:“我很愿意帮你忙,但现在会计核算中心已经被农行招标,许多资金都指定存在农行。但是,方法总是有的。”从今,XX就常常消失在财政局、建设局、国土局、水利局的财务科。一来二往,这几个局的财务人员也被他的敬业精神所折服,纷纷表示:假如有机会,我们肯定把钱存到X区建行。有一次XX得知财政预算外有1600万元资金要划给国土资源局X区分局消息后,立刻赶往到国土局财务科,在国土局在我行未设账户的状况下,通过开设定期账户,把1600万元资金直接划到了国土局定期户上。功夫不负有心人,年X区支行的企业存款新增8952万元,增长额和增长率居城区扁平化支行首位,而XX分管的财政部门在该行的存款新增5000余万元,国土局在建行的存款余额从无到有,达到2150万元,占该支行新增的78以上。年2月份,XX得知国土局要将该笔资金支付给X区区土地整理中心后,又以定期存款方式将该笔存款本息1611万元留在我行。4月份,由于土地整理中心要支付工程款,而省里的拨款尚未到位,他就动员该中心以该笔存单做质押,在X区支行办理了1440万元的存单质押贷款。年7月,人事制度改革后,原X区支行的行领导和客户经理全部沟通到市区其他支行,只剩下XX和一个尚处于实习期的业务员。面对这种状况,许多人多担忧X区支行的业务会受到巨大冲击。但XX和新任行长用实际行动解除他们的怀疑,通过与政府部门、企业的面对面的坦诚沟通,借助去年建立的良好银企关系,最终稳住了存款下滑的局面。同时,去年就由他分管的X区区建设局下属企业X地市宏远房地产开发有限公司又为该行的业务进展注入了新的活力。在与中国银行的角逐中,该行共承办该企业开发项目的90个人业务,办理个人按揭和住房公积金贷款500余笔,金额3000多万元,汲取对公存款最高时余额达7000多万,目前尚有余额近5000万元。截至年12月底,该行的企业存款比上年新增9580万元,系统内新增占比列城区扁平化行首位,而XX分管仅X地市宏远房地产开发有限公司一家就占了该支行新增存款的52。“负债业务压力大,资产业务更是任重道远。”年,XX分管的贷款企业的贷款余额占了整个支行60,业务发生额70以上,特殊是银行承兑汇票,全年共办理了30余笔,金额近6000余万元,占该支行承兑汇票业务的80以上,承兑汇票保证金余额最高时近3000万元。全支行共5家优质中小企业,XX就占了3家。今年7月份人事制度改革后,新来的两个客户经理由于以前没有做过公司业务,忧心忡忡说:“XX,我们行的公司业务要靠你啦。”行长也语重心长地说:“X区支行就你一个老客户经理,要带好头,把好关啊。”为此,XX把压力变为动力,担当了全行大部分的资产业务的开拓和管理工作。辛勤的汗水换来丰收的果实。多年来,凡是他经办的贷款,基本上能一次就通过审批;1999-年度经办的贷款中,没有发生一笔损失。从93年开头从事信贷业务开头,XX还担当该支行资产保全工作。1997年10月,为了赶上在10月把核销材料上报到省分行,他把婚期推迟到了11月份;1999年8月,女儿诞生后的三天,为了不良贷款剥离材料的审核,硬在省分行呆了一个多星期。2000年1月,XX和法院的干警一起,在遭到柯城区汪村乡部分干部围攻的状况下,还是收回了一笔逾期近10年,诉讼了3年的呆滞贷款本金10万元和相应利息11万元,使我行连本带息一点没有损失。经过努力,该行的不良贷款余额从4000多万元降到了280余万元。为了给行里节约费用,诉讼、查封、执行、拍卖,每一样事情他都尽量自己去跑,以至于法院的法官都开玩笑说要在办公室里给他摆一张办公桌。由于历史缘由,X区支行的不良贷款贷款户数多,金额少,资产保全和处置的工作量在市区扁平化支行中是最大的。市分行的保全人员换了一茬又一茬,但XX且硬是做了12年的保全工作,这之中的酸甜苦辣、风风雨雨,只有他自己能够体会。今年7月,最终一次的剥离移交工作结束后,做为资产保全人员,他最终露出舒心的笑容了。“历经了风雨,成就了辉煌。”为了确保我行信贷业务工作的正常运转,加班便成了家常便饭。11月12日晚,一场灾祸突然降落到了XX头上。由于要预备下个星期的贷款申报材料,刚从市分行开完会的他,为了赶时间,来不及等公交车,就匆忙跨上摩托车往单位里赶,在经过一个十字路口时,一辆疾驰而过的小汽车把他撞到了5米之外。送到医院后,经医生诊断为全身多处大面积软组织挫伤,最起码需要休息15天。但是考虑到还有几笔贷款要申报,还有几个客户要走访,强忍着痛苦,没有休息一天,一拐一拐的来到了单位。作为一个基层客户经理,他把自己最美妙的青春献给建行的信贷岗位。这12年的人生旅途中,他经受了风雨,也沐浴了阳光,制造了价值,也成就了辉煌。工作之余,他也没遗忘学习,通过自学,获得了大专文凭,本科也即将毕业。由于他的兢兢业业和孜孜不倦,先后获得了支行的“优秀员工”、X地人民政府“劳动乐观分子”、市分行“优秀通讯员”、“优秀客户经理”等荣誉称号,并光荣的加入了中国共产党。前不久,他又被推举参与全省“青年岗位能手”和“全国百佳客户经理”的评比。提起这些荣誉,他总是笑着说:“这是我努力的结果,更是行里对我的确定”。为进一步做好资助贫困家庭同学工作,发挥资助育人功能,教育和引导广阔贫困同学受助思源、获奖思进、传递爱心、回报社会,特设立“衍梦·爱心屋”。我校家庭经济困难同学可以通过参与学术、文体、校内外的各项公益活动deepen. In General, periodic high priority on learning, easy to grasp and practice: recurrent learning factors, long time, prone to "sluggish". Learning programmes are explicitly required to learn education is not an event, but to highlight the normal education, differentiated levels, heart, catch a fine practice, the real party's ideological and political construction in the everyday, often. This requires that we do a good job phase focused learning based on knowledge contests, comments on rewards in the form, pay special attention to recurring studies. To handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. For any unit or individual, objectively speaking, in the process of carrying out the party Constitution Party rules and spirit, there is a problem with strong and weak, which we need to pay attention to the actual learning content, and handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. On one hand, we must always keep a humble attitude, good deal, Continue the hardening. The other hand, always keep the spirit of energetic, pegged to the weak link to find gaps, fill the short Board. Short Board issues should not be underestimated, the saying goes, have short Board, add a short. This tells us, there are weaknesses shortcomings and do not be afraid, fear is a blind eye and not to repair, the result is poor is worse and the weak weaker. United States politics home zhamusi, and Wilson and prevention crime learn experts qiaozhikailin proposed has a famous of broken window theory, that, if a building House has a fan window of glass broken has, and this fan Windows no get timely repair, others on May to broke more of window glass, time a long, these damaged of window on to people caused a disorder, and matter of feel, results in this mass errors think no attention, and no management of atmosphere Xia, some bad culture, and violations behavior on will breeding and spread. Reality life in the is such, clean of wall Shang, suddenly was posted has a Zhang ad, if didn't people management, not out days this wall Shang on will appeared greatly small many of advertising; private take mess built phenomenon is so, began circle a small block to built a small shed put things, if didn't people timely stop, he on dare built a hut live people, time long has didn't people tube, wants to tube Shi on difficult has. Therefore, the solid strong is important, a lot to learn is also important. Third, key, grasp the learning objective of education is to train a qualified party member "two" study and education to its core essence is learning and doing. Learning and doing are mutually reinforcing, if optical can't do, study leave, real learning deficiency, while sweating, wind and water, "one fishing white" became "fake words and not the mules". Learning party rules did not comply with the party Constitution, address the learning series is not used, instead, learn and do, imagine this "learning", how do you meet the eligibility requirements of party members. Therefore, the "two" basic learning, the key is in use, do, line. In particular, is a qualified party members to grasp the following three points. To strengthen "four