21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第1节 32 The erection of foundation formwork before the placement of foundation concrete would be an example of a _ dependency.A. DiscretionaryB. MandatoryC. ExternalD. Soft logicE. Subcontracted正确答案:B Which of the following utility functions reflects risk-aversion:A uniformB increasingC decreasingD exponentialE B and D only正确答案:C Flextime and compressed workweeks are two popular alternative work schedules used by employers to improve the quality of work life of their employers. Which of the following statements concerning these alternative work schedules is not true?A . Flextime schedules alter the employee's working hours but not the number of hours worked each dayB . Both flextime and compressed workweek schedules make scheduling more complex for the employerC . Both flextime and compressed workweek schedules can complicate compliance with overtime regulationsD . Fatigue is a disadvantage of compressed workweek schedules because employees must work longer than the traditional eight hour work dayE . Under flextime schedules, the working hours are established by the employer正确答案:E 以下各项关于规避风险的陈述除了( )-都是正确的 ( )A关心消除引起风险的元素B包括决定不对风险过高的项目进行投标C风险倘若发生,就接受后果D当客户对利于降低风险时,将风险遗留给客户正确答案:C 项目经理要求项目团队对其项目风险进行量化和评估,以下几点不能证明这样做的好处的是: ( )A彻底理解项目、相关风险、以及风险对项目各部分的影响B制订处理已经识别的问题的风险降低策略C保证所有已以识别的风险问题纳入项目计划编制D识别可能存在的替代方案正确答案:B 59 Quality Improvement Programs are normally associated with which two of the following?A. Juran and CrosbyB. Juran and DemingC. Crosby and DemingD. Deming and the JapaneseE. Crosby and the Japanese正确答案:D 在下列因素中哪一项对项目沟通要求的影响最大( )A干系人职责关系B外部信息需求C可以利用的技术D项目的组织结构正确答案:D 在ACME项目进行的第四个月,计划的总费用是100,000美元,而实际支出是120,000美元。这个项目进展如何?( )A比时间表提前B由于成本超支,项目面临困难C项目将在原来的预算内完成D提供的信息不足以对这一问题做出判断正确答案:D 让一个公司接受并使用项目管理模式来进行管理的可能性取决于项目的及 ( )A竞争及经济价值B行业类型及人力要求C规模及特性D质量要求及人力要求正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第2节 Pure Risk differs from Business Risks because Pure Risk's _ .A include chances of both profit or loss associated with the business.B include chances of loss and no chances for profit associated with the business.C must incur personal loss with business liability.D must incur business liability associated with loss of pure profit.E B and C正确答案:B 在项目第一个阶段结束时,在开始下一个阶段之前你应确保-A、 具备下个阶段所用的资源B、 进展符合其基线计划C、 为达到项目结果采取纠正措施D、 该阶段已经达到目标并正式接收其可交付成果正确答案:D 个人承担风险的意愿是取决于 ( )A决策树模型B蒙特卡罗方法C敏感分析D效用功能正确答案:D 获得可以降低风险量的项目信息的最准确的方法是:A、 采用头脑风暴技术识别风险B、 利用以前类似项目的历史数据C、 灵敏度分析D、 Delphi技术正确答案:B 66 _ is based on information gathered and analyzed about demand and supply. This forecast provides a prediction of short and long term prices and the underlying reasons for those trends. A. Demand forecastB. Price forecastC. Supply forecastD. Production forecastE. None of the above正确答案:B 18 Including the customer in the process of project planning is:A. Slow and counterproductive.B. Essential in the definition and documentation of project goals.C. Necessary, but of limited value.D. Unnecessary because project goals are defined in the proposal stage.E. None of the above正确答案:B 根据学习曲线理论,当重复生产某样东西时A、 生产设备操作员培训减少,从而降低单位成本。B、 单位成本随生产率的提高而下降C、 随着产量的增加,单位成本有规律的下降D、 培训成本随着自动化程度的提高而增加正确答案:C 你正负责在怀俄明州的艾文斯顿建造第一家室内滚轴溜冰场。你门公司雇佣了一个承包商来管理这个项目,并与其签定了总价合同。那名从未离开过印第安那州考克摩市的造价工程师在确定合同金额的饿过程中做出了很大的贡献。他的工作对于达成目标利润提供了很大帮助。这种情况表明( )A专业的成本估算建议是非常不要的B每个干系都具备有助于编制项目计划的知识和技能C在签定总价合同的过程中,最理想的成本估算方法是将参数模型估计法和专家判断法结合使用D一个人即使在没能掌握本地条件的情况下也能提供准确的饿信息。正确答案:B 你被任命为一个项目的项目经理。在你曾经参加过的项目中,整个团队的成员在项目动员大会之后就很少再碰面,你对这种做法比较失望。因为在整个项目进展过程中项目团队成员看不到项目进展的整体情况,有时你也看不到呈报给高层管理者的鲜明进展报告。因此你相信与项目团队成员分享信息是非常重要的。作为项目经理,你最先采取的行动就是建立一套信息检索系统。而下列哪一项不属于信息检索系统的一部分?( )A受动归档系统B项目管理软件C项目内部网D电子数据库正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第3节 除了范围说明书外,范围计划编制的输出是什么?( )A范围管理计划、支持细节B项目章程、分配项目经理CWBS、范围管理计划D项目章程、范围管理计划正确答案:A 投入的倾听需要理解对方的观点.为展示投入的倾听技巧项目经理应该:a. 模仿信息的内容b. 探查内容进而建议c. 评估内容继而建议d. 改述内容并反映自己的观点e. 以上均不是正确答案:D57. d. Rephrase the content and reflect the feeling Empathic listening requires seeing the world the way the other person sees it, with the goal of understanding that persons views and feelings. Unlike sympathetic listening, empathic listening contains no element of value judgment. 快速跟进是指:( )A采用平行任务加速项目进展B用一个任务取代另外的任务C如有可能减少任务数量DB和C正确答案:A 192 Which of the following is closet to Deming's definition of Quality:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement of products and services.D. customer focus.E. All of the above正确答案:C 检查和接收的要求在以下哪个文件中加以规定:A合同B采购管理计划C项目总计划D规格正确答案:A 出于以下所有原因应终止项目除了 ( )A项目不再符合公司目标B项目范围已作重大改变C无法提供完成项目活动的资源D项目融资业已取消正确答案:C 105 Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A. Baseline costsB. Budgeted costs.C. Estimates upon completion costsD. Scheduled costsE. None of the above正确答案:A 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛提出了一个五个级别的需要层次理论,解释了一个人的整个生命发展周期中不同类型的需要。责任、成就感和能胜任的感觉属于下列哪个级别的需要?A、 自我实现B、 社会化C、 尊重D、 生理上正确答案:C Abranham Maslow的需求层次理论着重于五个领域可以激励个人(如果得到实现的话)。以下哪项不属于这五个领域?( )A自我实现B生理C社会D责任正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第4节 在你的公司中,你正致力于完成一个新项目。因为项目中有一些方面对公司来说是很陌生的,所以公司的现有员工不能完全满足该项目的要求。你发现了一些这种 产品的销售商,他们即使不能完全满足你的需求也至少能符合你的大部分要求。你正在准备你的项目计划,需要决定如何最优地达到项目的资源需求和人员配置。你第一步应该做的是A、实施“自制购入”分析B、实施一项市场调查C、向各承包商发放RFP(方案征集书)征求方案,以决定你是否应该为该项目在公司外部筹集资源。D、重新审查已有的各个承包商的情况,选择其中符合项目要求的承包商并向他们发布分布RFP(方案征集书)。正确答案:A 要知道项目真实状态,必须结合考虑下列哪一项:a. 项目进度和成本分析b. 项目进度和员工责任c. 范围基准和管理计划d. 成本分析和工作成果正确答案:A 93 Response Planning is the responsibility of the functional areas and considersA. mitigation.B. deflection.C. contingency planning.D. unforeseen occurrences.E. All of the above正确答案:E 119 Surveys have shown that the primary skill needed to be a project manager is communication skill. The typical project manager spends approximately _percent of his or her time communicating. A. 40-50B. 50-60C. 60-75D. 75-90E. 90-95正确答案:D All of the following may hinder a person's ability to transmit/receive a message except:A Unfamiliarity with topicB Withholding informationC AssumingD NoiseE Preoccupation正确答案:A 以下描述中哪一个最贴切的描述了费用估算:a. 是对未来项目进行过程中发生的可能性,不确定性及夸大性进行趋势估定的方法b. 是组合并预计项目超出其生命周期费用的方法c. 是制定预算,标准及监测系统以衡量并管理项目投资成本的方法d. 是在不断进行的基础上搜集,分析,检测,报告并管理成本的一种方法正确答案:Bb PMBOKTM,成本管理 7.2.3 章节,成本估算输出。此答案同“成本估算是完成项目活动所需资源的成本的定量估计”的引证非常匹配。这同原来的PMBOKTM 对成本估算所定义的 “是对一个项目成本的组合和预计的方法。它包含着经济上的评估、项目投资的成本和对将来趋势和成本的预报和预测。 ”有一个小的变化。测试把原来的PMBOKTM的概念作为修订后概念的参考很适当。 你所在的公司是当地一家最大的化工厂。工厂被指控向河流中倾到了有毒物质,导致鳄鱼的体积成倍增长。同时使得当地狗的数量大量减少。法庭已经判决公司在2月15日前必须进行清理工作,这样的外部限制是属于:A、 关键事件B、主要的里程碑式的事件C、加强的日期D、对外部的依赖正确答案:C 192 Using the figure in the Special window, The critical path is:A. A-B-GB. C-GC. C-DD. E-FE. A-B-G and C-D正确答案:B 81 Amount at Stake is the _ .A. function of planned time/real time project costs.B. risk identified in successful project completions.C. (Standard Project Deviation + Expected Costs)/6D. cost of investment loss + least cost to restore status quo.E. inherent risk at conception altered by standard project deviations正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第5节 你的公司正采用项目管理方案来管理业务,现在你的公司同时进行着50个以上的项目,这些项目遍及全国各地。你必须制定进度表,并且在各个项目之间分配资源。下面哪一个参数是你应该主要考虑的?( )A资源的用途和资源的水平B压缩期和进度模拟C工作列表和工作分解结构D进度的变动和过程中的存货清单正确答案:D 164 Once the logic of a network is laid out, the project manager will conduct a forward pass and backward pass through the network. This will provide information on the _ and identification of the _ .A. Slack for each activity, critical path.B. Slack for each activity, high risk activities.C. Manpower shortages, high risk activities.D. High risk activities, non-critical paths.E. Manpower availability, contingency plans正确答案:A 110 The Pareto Principle is a technique used to determine which quality control problems in a particular process should be corrected. Which of the following statements best represents the philosophy employed by this principle?A. In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which have a measureable cost should be correctedB. the majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems. Improvement efforts should be reserved for these vital problems.C. in order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do not have a direct financial cost should be corrected.D. generally, 80% of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worthy of improvement efforts.E. A and D正确答案:B Which of the following is considered a direct cost for producing a widget?A . The cost of the materials used to produce a widget.B . The labor costs of the workers who actually produced the widget.C . The rent for the building in which the widget was manufacturedD . The salary of senior management and the project sponsorE . A and B only正确答案:E 要将职能组织和WBS元素联系起来,项目经理应该使用一个:A、 WBS索引B、 项目WBSC、 成本帐目矩阵D、 工作包分配索引正确答案:A 以下哪一个因素对团队沟通贡献最大?( )A外部反馈B绩效评价C项目经理解决团队的冲突D同地集结正确答案:D 以下哪项是用于沟通计划编制的工具或技术( )A项目干系人分析B沟通技巧C信息检索系统D信息发布系统正确答案:A 当设计项目进度时,如果你想对每一个任务定义一个可能结果的分布,并且使用这个分布来计算全部项目可能结果的分布,使用的最常见的技术是( )A计划评审技术B蒙特卡罗分析C图形评审技术D同期工程正确答案:B 给一名团队成员提供一个好的办公位置,与提供健康利益是不同的,因为一个好的办公位置是一种:A、 特权B、 附加福利C、 期望理论的应用D、 正式权利的例子正确答案:A21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第6节 Which of the following actions is an example of risk response:A adjust project parameters (scope, time, quality .)B reduce the probability of potential project risk eventsC reduce the consequences of potential project risk eventsD wait until a problem actually happens, then deal with it in the most effective and efficient manner.E A, B and C only正确答案:E Which of the following can affect network durations?A Skills of the resource poolB Calendar datesC ConstraintsD All of the aboveE A and B only正确答案:E 通过重提你们的公司在千年虫发作期间遗产资料系统的遭遇,你最终说服了公司的管理层在项目一开始就考虑对系统进行维护。然而,除了要考虑系统设计的问题外,系统维护还应该:( )A在项目收尾阶段始终要进行的一项工作B系统维护应该在系统开发项目的生命周期中独自占有一段时间,因为计算机系统整个生命周期成本的60%到70%主要是花在维护系统上C不被算在项目生命周期内D被看作一个独立的项目正确答案:C项目发生在有明确的开始和结束的一段时间之内,而维护是持续的,没有明确时间限制的过程。维护活动,比如对组织的采购指导原则的修订,可能被看作是一个项目,但是它是一个独立于产生它的原项目的工作。启动 Management has decided to "crash" a project in order to avoid penalty payments for late deliveries. To crash the project, either overtime or additional resources should be assigned to:A.All activities.B.Only those activities with the longest time durations.C.Those activities on the critical path begining with the longest time duration activities.D.Those activities with the greatest degree of risk.E.None of the above.正确答案:CC Which of the following time robbers end up creating additional work for the project manager and the project office?A . Failure to delegateB . Changes without notification or directionC . Unreasonable time constraintsD . Over directing peopleE . All of the above正确答案:E 灵敏度分析和头脑风暴法是两种不同的风险识别方法,灵敏度分析的优点有:A、 仅针对公众确定风险B、 考虑独立的答案C、 管理层理解可能会有大量不同的结果D、 可以提供项目经理可能缺乏的对项目的理解正确答案:C 109 The "rolling wave" or "moving window" concept is used most frequently on projects where:A. The baseline is frozen for the duration of the project and no scope changes are permittedB. Marketing is unsure of what the customer actually wants and reserves the right to make major scope changesC. The low levels of the work breakdown structure are known with certainty for the next three to six months, but the remaining tasks are based upon the results of the first three to six months of work D. Networking techniques are not appropriateE. All of the above正确答案:C Creation of project objectives:A allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.B is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.C is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.D all of the above.E A and B only正确答案:E 以下哪一项描述了小组内部的强大压力,使得团队不得不放弃重要的有创造性的主意以遵守团队标准?( )A群体内部压制B群体发言一致C群体思维D群体统一意见正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试题免费下载7节 第7节 你是住宅建设的一个项目经理。作为一个项目经理,你必须特别注意建筑规范特别是在质量计划过程中。你必须保证建筑规范在你的项目计划中得到了反映,因为( )A标准和规定是质量计划的输入项B质量审计帮助保证项目质量与规定相符合C质量革新会带来成本D符合标准是质量控制的基本目标正确答案:A 30 Which of the following organizational forms would be likely to have an individual with the title of Vice President for Project Management?A. Classical / traditionalB. Pure projectC. MatrixD. Project coordinatorE. None of the above正确答案:C Standard of purchased material:A Simplifies inventory controlB reduces the risk of obsolescenceC reduces cost of purchasing and storageD All of the above.E A and C only.正确答案:E The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the basis for communicating:A.Project scope, cost control, schedule, qualityB.Project objectives, dependencies, plan, cost controlC.Project scope, schedule, staffing, cost controlD.Project scope, quality, schedule, dependenciesE.Project budget, schedule, risk factors, work assignments.正确答案:AA 43 There are four methods of government procurement. Which is not one of these methods? A. AssistanceB. Sealed biddingC. Competitive proposalsD. AcquisitionE. Small purchases正确答案:D The following types of costs are relevant to making a financial decision except:A . opportunity costsB . direct costsC . sunk costD . unavoidable costsE . None of the above正确答案:C 你是一个项目经理,管理着一个分布于全世界5个不同国家的虚拟团队。根据以往的经验, 你知道:这些团队成员对于他们的职能经理的要求回应得要比对你的回应要积极得多。考虑到这个问题, 你决定要准备一个A、针对团队成员的备忘录,以提醒他们现在是为项目经理工作B、 项目章程C、 针对职能经理的备忘录,以提醒他们你有权支配他们的员工D、人力资源管理计划正确答案:B 你目前正忙着做项目的收尾工作。在这个令人兴奋的最后阶段,在下列哪个方面最容易引发冲突( )A进度问题B成本超支C技术问题D缺乏客户的认同正确答案:A All the techniques described below can be used to keep a meeting focused except:A Recall agenda items/purpose of meetingB Summarize discussion periodicallyC Encourage pursuit of interesting new ideasD Rephrase unclear ideas presented by group membersE All are acceptable techniques正确答案:C