20222022 年工程类个人业务自传年工程类个人业务自传Broughtupinapureenvironmentsurroundedbymountains and woods.I deem myself as a lucky personborn with natural gifts Some of them are ordinary,showed obviously on math,music and memory at a quiteearly age and continued to serve as parts of mydistinctivenessasIgrewupsomeofthemareextraordinary,for example,my original interest inphilosophy.It is hard to believe to some that what Ihave speculated about at the age of five coincided withsome of the thoughts in Jean-Paul Sartres LEtre atle Neant.Why electronics?It still remains a mystery to me how I left childhooddream of become an astronomer and chose electronicengineering as my college major instead.Not knowingmuch about circuits as about stars at that time.Iseemed to be simply allured by the idea of designinga guidance system for the space shuttle.Five years ofinquiry into the electronic world proved that my choicewas right.I was completely infatuated with such afield-so profound and vigorous that one is only limitedby his/her imagination.Whats done?Anxious to find out what electronics really means.I began doing laboratory research as early as from thethird year.First at the Microwave Lab,doing circuitssimulationanduserinterfacedesign.Generallyspeaking.Works during that period were fragmentary,but they have given me sufficient experience on C.C+,Windows programming and interface design,which laida sold foundation for my future study.Later,to explore something new,I applied to join theMultimedia Lab,an interactive place sponsored byProf Xing Li,I became familiar with UNIX system anddid X Windows interface design for some time Probablybecause some interesting points in my design,I wasoffered an opportunity by Prof Li to join the waveletresearchgroup.Intendingtodevelopwaveletapplications.That was a turning point in my work.Wavelet is abrand-new area with modern mathematical background,freespaceofimaginationand,alittlebutphilosophicalcolorthattotallyinterestedmeIcarried out a experiment of applying Embedded.Zerotree Wavelet(EZW)algorithm to speech coding EZWalgorithm was originally developed in image coding,aimingatthemulti-resolutiontransmissionofpictures.Its efficiency greatly depends on the amountofzerotreesthesourceproduced.Byproperlyquantized,speech samples can be expected to generatea considerable number of zerotrees due to its spectrumcharacteristics.In my experiment,different kinds ofspeechsourceshavebeentestedandanaveragecompressionratioof8Iwasachieved,withnoperceptible distortions Compared with previous codingmethods,the result is encouraging,for the benefitsare gained through a rather concise procedure doingencoding and decoding is as schematically as doing across-word puzzle Moreover.What I have done isactuallysuperficial.Therestillexistatleastseveralmeanstoimproveit,forexample,theapplication of non-even quantizer,wavelet packet,thedefinition of a higher dimensional structure likezeroforest.the selection of an appropriate waveletbase,etc.Theimprovementofthealgorithmisincluded in my present research.Whats on goingI am now working on my diploma thesis.The topic is AResearch of Multi-resolution Coding of information andRelevantTransmissionProtocols,includingmulti-resolution coding of images.Wavelet coding ofaudiosignals(improvedEZWalgorithm),andanintegrated demo system.Special interestMore than enjoying the coding game,another fascinatingpoint I found in speech or image processing is thecombination of signal theory with neuropsycology andcognitive science.It was discovered as I was studyingtheauditorymodel.Whenaseriesofcomplexphysiological functions are modeled and mathematicallyabstracted,we found out that the cochlea is actuallya living wavelet filter,while lumps of cells workinginfatiguedly for the Fourier Transform-the way thehearing cortex to grasp a sound Some interesting thingscan be also found in our visual system The contour andtexture based image coding is one of the inspirationsgiven by our own eyes,and is just one of the numerousthat waiting for us to discover When we are puzzled bypiles of questions such as sound and vision,perceptionand cognition,why dont we go to the Creator and askhow he has handled them?What to pursue?Concludedformabove,myresearchexperiencesconcentrate on speech and image processing,with anemphasis on coding schemes and a special interest ontheapplicationofknowledgeinbiologicalandcognitive science.What I am going to do is to developmy interest on speech or image processing,preferablywith an interdisciplinary approach.Because of therapid advances and the active environment of such afieldintheUnitedStates.Iamsurethataninstitution with a world reputation on electricalengineering like yours is my first choice.However,dueto my broad interest in electronics and other branchesof learning,there is always no limitations on specificprograms.Still furtherUpon receiving a doctoral degree in the States,I willgo back to my mother country,not only for the belovedland and people,but also for the temptation of easternphilosophy.The idea hit upon me when I caught sightofthegraphicofwaveletdecompositionthatissurprisinglysimilartotheancientTaoistinterpretation of the generation of universe.It hasbeen widely accepted that eastern thought would playan important role in future science and I believe theinstillation of modern western ideas could acceleratethe process.As the descendant of the Orient.I amwilling to make some useful attempts.