中国文化通览资料Tr ns ation fUsefulExpr sio s hise xpressns English Tanaon 黄河流域 Yeow Rir Valley 文化融合,政治统一 Cultal fusion and poliicl uniy 游牧部落 noadic tribese 疆域 Teritr; ralm; fontie 小农经济 The smal-cale peaant coy 封建主经济 Suzerain/ nl / ownr-peasnt conomy 自然经济形态 he natural comic pat 农、林、牧、副、渔 Ariltue, fretion, erding, fiing ad hir indutr cooperaion 中原 Th ntal pains 重农轻商 Encorage farming, liit mee 24 节气 he 24 Sola Term 战国时期 The Warring ates perio 男耕女织 Th man ultivatg th an n the woan wevin a hom 自给自足得自然经济 Slf-suficient atral economy 一盘散沙 A shet of looe sand 草根阶层 e asoots level 人头税 The ol ax 水能载舟,亦能覆舟 he waer that crre t boat can also oerurn i、 多元一体 ntegrted pluals 吐故纳新 Dscar e l an ebrac te w 炎黄子孙 the dscendnt of Yai and Hadi 礼仪之邦 he lan of ceeony and rpriety 大一统观念 he concepn of grea natina unit 甲骨文 Th scripions on trtose shell nimal bons 铭文 The inritins o bronze r copp rs 象形、指事、会意、形声(examples) Pictogrphs, sefexplaatory, assoaie pd, pictophonti mehod 四书五经 Te Fou Boos an he Fve Cassics 书同文、行同伦 Te tandardize wite languge and behavirs 儒、道、佛、法家 ofuciansm, lassic aoist thinkig, Budhi, the Lgalist Scho 焚书坑儒 Burn boks and ury ofuan scoa live 无为而治 o govrn y doing thing 独尊儒术、罢黜百家 Pay suprm trite to oucnism wil bnning ll ohr chools of thghts 四大独创 Four reat Inentin of Anciet China:1) t invenion of paper makig tehnolog 2) he r o pintig 3) h makg o the gunpower 4) the pas 守内虚外 Intrna deese nd xenl slacnng 重文轻武 Ly stess e culua aevemet while make light of th milita plots 清明上河图 The scol of panting:e etil of Pre Bihtness o th Rvr Chinese expssins Englis Trnlatio 求与谐,主平衡 ek for Hrmony an Miniig Equibrium 消灾祈福 Avrt clamties and pra for blssin 临时抱佛脚 Cls Budda’s fet whe n tuleseek el at te at moet 六合 h reals of Heavn an arth, Est nd Wes, Nrh and Sou内圣外王 Iternalize as cultivaion an extrnalie a gvnane o vru 真诚、正心、修身 Sincerity, ineity d nteletu cultivation 齐家治国平天下 Keep or amily in ode, gvern ste effivey and ring ee to te worl 中庸 e goe me 天人合一 Oneness o man an nture 大一统 Gret Naina nt 集体利益 Values o Colectivism/ Coleive interst 人伦 Human relains 普天之下莫非王土,率土之滨莫非王臣 All he an under e u belons to king; al the people within this cou re the i’s ujcts、 史记Te Historial ecords 宗族关系 T patriarchal relats 赴汤蹈火 Go throuh fire an wter 中华民族得脊梁 The sritual tower of Cnes ntin 否极泰来 ut of de o misfrtune s liss 以柔克刚 Couer he rigid wit the gentle 一张一弛 Alternte tensi with relaxtion 仁者爱人 The benoen lov ohers 仁政 enevolent gvernment以民为本 Peopl are he onatio of te sat 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻 Pole e rst, the tate e scond and the ing tr 性善论 Te hory f riinl godness of human tue小国寡民 al state wth a smll poulaion 无为而治Th rue of inaction 汉代经学 Ipeial onucinsm in t Han Dynas 课堂重点 1) Te Four oks (The Great Learning , The Dorin of the Mea , e Cfucian Analects , and The ok of encius )and Te Fve Classis (The Bk of Poetr , Te Boo f isory , Th Book of Rt , The ok f hangs , nd The Sring and Atumn Annals )covr a e rage f ujects d ae he most important tetboks or the Confcian shrs to diseinate the eatiol thouhs of he Cofucin Sho n a mus for acient schlar ho had o ss h imperl petive exmintion t ee onmen oiil、2)h Gea Len is abou h ctvto f oe’s mral hracer and th wisdoms of veng a cunty drig the dxue (o gret leanin or hher edcati) period of nciet hina、3)Th Cfcan Analcs or The Aalects embodis the Confucin concept f ren or humaniy or benvoece, and anoh cncept o y or riheosnss、 4) The Works of enius modis te hioopi nd pliica thinkng Menius、 He deeloped nd eriched te re and yi theoy of Cnucis ndsupoe evey man s good b natur, nd ale for eneolent government、 5)The oo o Hisory s an inplete clleton of the hitry o ancit Cin、 It is an inaluable rrce o the study f he prmtive and fedal societies i aciet Chna and is he source of arrative writin in Chin a wll、 Thi bok conits f tree part:the ehortaions, ts or eclaratios by the lods to thir sbects; the advice or ugests f th sjts to their lr; foklores or the mterias 6) h Sin and Autumn Annas is a canonl bo of hiory、 I cosists of thre mnare:h mentary Zuo ocuses n istory; he metaies f Gogyng and uin conetrae o mets o histril evens、7) Beij Oera merd in Qing Dasty, whe Kun opera wa gradully on te wane ecae i ws only njy by the obles n the royal cout, not te genel puli、 It is a treaue of the hnese nati as well a a cltura smbol of China, nd is enjye by a lare Chiee auiene、8 )Clas ific i f B in Ope a 9) Figue aiting is te erliest kind of traditioal Chinse painng; It reect t a geat degee aeshetic and rtitic tinkin ofConfucian soar, with the aim ctify oe" mind ad mae peple abtain f teir esires、 I diided into fiv mar caegri: gongbi (detailed bruwok), jianbi (skethy brshwork), eyi (fe hand brushwr), bamiao (oine drwing), nd pomo (slas-ik)、 10)ditinal Chnee lndcape pining dies te Chiese peol’s concptin o natre, hei eshtc aweness, an hr wisdm nd sentmnt、 It is a unique tradition of hines scape inting to crate artisic concepton( vi、 to e unity o form and siit, uman feelings and ntural settngs, with an empasis n the exresi of th anter’s own tohs ad feelng)、 1) alligapy is native o hin; it s a trdtional rt wih a og iry ntiol hartric feature、 I hs e major crits, namel th S Chaater, Ofcial Scrip, Reular Scrp, Runing Scrp, an Curive Script1) our ra Ma o te Regula Scrip re Ouyang Xun, Ya Zhenqing, iu Gonuan (f n Dynasty) and Zho engfu (f h ua Dynsty )3、 Trnslat he following Chinee aragra into Eglish:京剧唱腔悠扬委婉,声情并茂;京剧念白简洁生动,韵律性与节奏感很强;京剧乐队得演奏旋律美丽,曲调好听;京剧舞台美术绚丽多彩;京剧脸谱极富民族特色。全部这些特点,都就是京剧不愧为世界表演艺术大花园中一朵独放异彩得奇葩。he singng in Beiji Ope is elodious ad snsational; t reitatin vividl bef, and harmily rhythmi、 The uc is grful and camin, an the sae a i riht and clrfu、 And he cial makup is a tiie far f Bejing pra、 I i vey Chnee ad naional n cl、 Al hi has made Beiing Oer a uique oe the world garden of perfoing ars、 10)一路一带见笔记 P15