2022项目管理师模拟试题8章2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第1章 在哪类组织结构中出现项目促进员( )A矩阵型组织B项目型组织C职能型组织D任何组织正确答案:C 行政收尾不能被推迟到项目完工的时候,因为:A、 有用的信息可能丢失B、 项目经理可能被重新分配新的工作C、 项目团队成员可能被重新分配新的工作D、 供货商希望收到付款正确答案:A Which percent of the total project labor hours are typically expended by the end of the second phase of the project life cycle?A 5%B 10%C 15%D 25%E 50%正确答案:D You are in a meeting with someone who just ate a slice of garlic bread. Your are distracted by his pungent breath. Which of the following communication barriers describe these distractions?A Sign DetectionB Sensory LimitationsC Selective PerceptionD Varying Alertness of PerceptionE None of the above正确答案:A 风险管理的什么过程会对项目的计划产生影响?A、 风险识别B、 风险的定性分析C、 风险的应对规划D、 风险监控正确答案:C2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第2章 在什么时候通过增加剩余项目的预算(利用业绩表现修正的)达到当前实际的计算EAC的方法最经常使用?( )A当前的偏离被视为典型的偏离的时候B由于条件发生变化,初始的估计假定不再可信的时候C当前的偏离被视为未来偏离的代表的饿时候D初始的估计假定被认为存在根本性缺陷的时候正确答案:C 149 Scope Management:A. entails managing the project's work content.B. is a subset of configuration management and as such is performed by CM specialists.C. is concerned with naming all activities performed, the end products which results and the resources consumed.D. is not a concern of the project manager.E. None of the above正确答案:C 15 Communication management is best described as conducting or supervisingA. the way we listenB. the way we speakC. the way we feelD. the exchange of informationE. perfect documentation activities正确答案:D 当卖方违反合同的时候,买方不能接受A、赔偿金B、惩罚性损失赔偿C、规定的违约赔偿金D、间接损失赔偿金正确答案:B The most frequently used construct in Precedent Diagramming Method is:A Start to Start.B Finish to Finish.C Start to Finish.D Finish to Start.E Dummy activity.正确答案:D2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第3章 179 In preparing a good project definition, experienced project managers will:A. Concentrate mainly on the end product rather than costs or benefits. These come later.B. Realize that only the "tip of the iceberg" may be showing. As a project manager, you must get beneath it.C. Understand that a project definition/plan is a dynamic rather than static tool, and thus subject to change.D. Try to convert objectives into quantifiable terms.E. All of the above正确答案:E 用于预测项目完成日期的SPI,是通过以下哪个公式计算的? ( )AEV/ACBPV/EVCACW/PVDEV/PV正确答案:D 79 Time management is the allocation of time in a project's life cycle through the process of:A. PlanningB. Estimating.C. Scheduling.D. ControllingE. All of the above.正确答案:E 组织计划编制在何时执行?( )A贯穿于项目B在早期的项目阶段C在每个阶段的早期阶段D在项目启动之后正确答案:A 170 Affinity diagrams are used to:A. determine if a process is in control.B. determine root cause.C. show the relationship among variables.D. categorize large amounts of data.E. None of the above正确答案:D2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第4章 145 Scheduling systems such as PERT, ADM, and PDM are project management tools to be used by:A. The project manager and project office personnel.B. The project team and functional managers.C. The project sponsor.D. All of the above.E. A and B only正确答案:E 136 You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Which of the following is most often overlooked?A. Data item deliverablesB. Customer-furnished equipment and facilitiesC. Long-lead procurement itemsD. Customer-imposed milestonesE. Other subcontractor interface requirements正确答案:A 在项目快要结束时,如果客户想要对工和范围进行大的变更,项目经理应该A、 进行变更B、 告诉客户变更带来的影响C、 拒绝变更D、 向变更控制委员会汇报正确答案:B 你与哈利在一个团队中工作,多年来哈利是公司最受欢迎最成功的项目经理。作为一个有很高专业知识和正直的人,哈利得到了公司及同行长期的尊敬。当哈利离开公司去为你们的一个主要竞争对手工作时,人们感到震惊,但很快就恢复过来了,哈利离开几个月后,他打电话问你是否能给他一份他曾经用于MCCAW项目的最新的项目报告。他说他只不过想将他手上的章程与以前他为MCCAW项目做的进行对比,因为以前的做得特别好。在这种情况下,你应该( )A给他这个新的版本,因为以前的章程是他制定的,他基本知道其内容B不要给他这个新版本,邀请他到你办公室,这样他可在你的小卧室里翻阅C给他这最新的版本及一份需要他签字的保密协议D不给他这最新的版本,因为他没有权力要求知道这份文件的内容正确答案:D 在项目发展过程中,诸如谁来执行这个工作,这个工作在那里执行,工作的类型以及工作分解结构(WBS)都是下面哪一个的示例?( )A活动属性B限制条件C在工作分解结构库中贮存的数据D定义细化正确答案:A2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第5章 88 A variance envelope has been established on a project. The envelope goes from +-30% in RD to +-5% during manufacturing. The reason for the change in thickness of the envelope is because:A. The management reserve has been used up.B. The accuracy of the estimates in manufacturing are worse than the estimates in R D.C. Tighter controls are always needed as a project begins to wind down.D. Of the personal desires of the project sponsor.E. Of none of the above正确答案:E 102 The major disadvantage of a bar chart is:A. Lack of time-phasing.B. Cannot be related to calendar dates.C. does not show activity interrelationships.D. Cannot be related to manpower planning.E. Cannot be related to cost estimates正确答案:C 147 A process characteristic has a true mean of 150 and a true standard deviation of 20. A sample of 25 items is taken from this process. The standard error of the estimate is:A. 0.2B. 0.8C. 4D. 5E. 7.5正确答案:C 17 All of the following statements about acceptance sampling are true except:A. Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspection is high and the resulting loss of passing nonconforming units is not great.B. Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required.C. Acceptance sampling plans are never effective at rejecting nonconforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious.D. Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots; they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of given quality.E. Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custom-made products正确答案:C The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _ .A Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E B and C正确答案:C2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第6章 在每一阶段初期重复立项过程以保证项目着重于:a. 阶段间的交互b. 项目运用滚动波浪计划的细节c. 在每一阶段工艺组有重叠d. 商业需要正确答案:D105. d PMBOK TM, p. 28, Section 3.2 Repeating the initiation processes at the start of each phase helps to keep the project focused on the business need it was undertaken to address. It should also help ensure that the project is halted if the business need no longer exists or if the project is unlikely to satisfy that need. 以下哪一项是风险管理中纠正行动的例子? ( )A进行风险审核B进行额外的风险应对规划C执行应急计划D进行风险审查正确答案:C 大多质量问题的起因是:( )A员工不关心B员工缺乏激励C管理层不重视D规范有问题正确答案:C 121 Charisma would be an example of _ power.A. LegitimateB. RewardC. CoerciveD. ExpertE. Referent正确答案:E 111 The WBS is:A. An organization oriented family tree of the project.B. A task oriented family tree of the project.C. A cost centered structure of the project.D. Only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct.E. None of the above正确答案:B2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第7章 质量是:( )A符合客户要求B额外附加成分让客户高兴C符合要求,适合使用D符合管理层的要求正确答案:C 103 The compromise conflict resolution techniqueA. is necessary when both participants must win.B. results in both sides losingC. is used when resolution is more important than relationshipsD. B and CE. All of the above正确答案:B 自从3000年前第一次保龄球运动引入到你的国家,你的国家一直将保龄球运动视为一种高尚的运动。你作为一个项目经理要为政府建造一个保龄球运动的纪念碑:一个大理石一钛结构的保龄球饰针。这个纪念碑预期能够持续几个世纪。在这种情况下,认为项目是暂时性的这种说法A、不适合,因为这个项目需要的结果是持续的B、不适合要建造的产品C、认为项目团队将比本项目要长寿D、不适合,因为这个项目不是在短期内可以完成的正确答案:B 价值工程/分析是技术的系统应用,但它不能:A、 为需要的功能建立价值B、 以最低成本提供需要的功能C、 以最低成本识别需要的功能D、 企图在纯净和成本之间权衡正确答案:D 95 Which type of contract requires that the buyer keep the tightest labor/material cost control?A. Cost Plus Incentive FeeB. Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC. Cost Plus Fixed FeeD. Firm Fixed PriceE. Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive正确答案:B2022项目管理师模拟试题8章 第8章 156 During project execution, the customer authorizes and funds a scope change which requires a major change in the schedule. The baseline schedule:A. Now becomes the new schedule, including the changes, and the original baseline is disregarded. B. Is still the original baseline but annotated to reflect that a change has taken place.C. Is amended to reflect the scope change, but the original baseline is still maintained for post-project review.D. Is meaningless since every schedule update changes the baseline (i.e., a rubber baseline.)E. Is the same since baseline schedules cannot change once the development phase is completed正确答案:C The standard types of communication include all butA WrittenB VerbalC TelepathicD NonverbalE None of the above正确答案:C 19 "Paraphrasing" is most closely associated with which part of the communication process? A. encodingB decodingC. barriersD. feedbackE. None of the above正确答案:D 47 The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in many ways. Which of the following represents the most important motivation for the QC circle participants?A. improving the performance of the companyB. self-improvementC. financial incentivesD. recognition among co-workersE. strengthening of relationships between co-workers正确答案:A 200 Which of the following would most likely not be an essential objective of a project team kick-off meetingA. Create a project technology master planB. Get team members to know one anotherC. Identify project problem areasD. Obtain individual and group commitmentsE. Identify the project coordinator正确答案:A