2022项目管理师经典例题8篇2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第1篇 Creation of project objectives:A.allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.B.is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.C.is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.D.all of the above.E.A and B only正确答案:EE 你是人力资源部的一名人事管理专家。你最近被调往了一个新的项目团队。这个团队正在建立一套以团队为基础的考评与奖酬系统,这个系统主要适用于公司中持续时间超过一年以上,并且项目中的部分成员至少花费以上的工作时间来完成的项目。你所在的团队中其余的成员仍旧来自公司的人力资源部。这个项目章程应该由谁发布?A、 项目经理B、 人力资源部主管C、 处于此项目外部的一个经理D、 一个权限高于人力资源部门的项目管理办公室(PMO)的成员正确答案:C In Project Risk Management, Risk Response may include actions to:A reduce the probability of risk eventsB change the scope, budget, schedule or quality specifications of the projectC reduce the consequences or severity of impacts of a potential risk eventD A and CE All of the above.正确答案:E Quality management deals with all of the following except:A . conformance to requirements/specificationsB . satisfying the needs of the customerC . making products more desirable and luxuriousD . A and C.E . B and C正确答案:C 170 Project Risk _ .A. should not be calculated for small projects.B. is the probability of each risk event minus the sum of the consequences of potential risk events.C. is the cumulative effect of uncertain occurrences which will adversely affect project objectives.D. cannot be quantified for first time projects.E. B or D正确答案:C2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第2篇 Many companies self insure against some risk. Problems which can arise from self-insurance include:A failure to reserve funds to handle worst case scenarios (low probability events) resulting in severe financial damage to the companyB stiff competition from insurance companiesC confusion of business risks with insurable risks.D A and CE All of the above.正确答案:D 87 The swiftest and most effective communications take place among people withA. common points of viewB. dissimilar interestsC. advanced degreesD. the ability to reduce perception barriersE. good encoding skills正确答案:A 190 The rule of seven used by quality control engineers states that if a run of seven or more samples lays on one side of the process mean, then the process is out of control. What is the probability that this condition is the result of random variations.A. 14.30%B. 3.12%C. 2.73%D. 1.56%E. 0.78%正确答案:D The "buy or make" decision is usually made during the:A acquisition cycleB contract evaluation cycleC requirements cycleD pre-award cycleE at any time that is convenient for the project manager正确答案:C During which phase of the project life cycle is the amount at stake lowest?A conceptB developmentC executionD conclusionE C and D正确答案:A2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第3篇 Feasibility studies occur in which life cycle phase (s)?A.ConceptualB.Conceptual or DevelopmentC.ExecutionD.Preliminary planningE.any life cycle phase正确答案:AA 在项目风险分析过程中,可以确定一个识别的风险事件是不能被避免、减缓或被保险的。风险事件是一个关键的因素,如果它发生可能导致项目失败。对项目经理而言最好的选择是:a. 降低风险同时项目组要发现避免失败的方法b. 特别地关注风险事件并积极地管理它们及它们的影响c. 风险评估组不断的分析风险事件直到它降低到期望的负面值d. 不断的寻找保险公司以规避风险e. 忽视风险评估因为任何一个假定值是一个估计点,它从没有同估计值正好相符正确答案:B b 因为有很多被识别的风险,在没有更多的信息可用之前,要知道如何做是非常困难的。因此项目成员的职责是持续的调查风险发生的可能性和影响它一直持续到一个或多个缓解策略被制定和完成以降低风险的不确定性。 你是你们公司正在实施的一个新产品项目的项目经理。你认识到要使这个项目取得成功,你的团队必须具备( )A一条适当的获取该产品相关技巧和知识的途径B在项目实施中要争取让更多的高级雇员来帮助级别较低的团队成员C一套计算机化的项目管理信息系统D定期的项目状态评审会议正确答案:A 179 In preparing a good project definition, experienced project managers will:A. Concentrate mainly on the end product rather than costs or benefits. These come later.B. Realize that only the "tip of the iceberg" may be showing. As a project manager, you must get beneath it.C. Understand that a project definition/plan is a dynamic rather than static tool, and thus subject to change.D. Try to convert objectives into quantifiable terms.E. All of the above正确答案:E 34 Things that distort, distract, or muddle the communication process are called:A. noiseB. selective filteringC. selective perceptionD. medium problemsE. All of the above正确答案:A2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第4篇 The compromise conflict resolution techniqueA . is necessary when both participants must win.B . results in both sides losingC . is used when resolution is more important than relationshipsD . B and CE . All of the above.正确答案:B The project scope/charter baseline includes:A Summary of background conditions defining the project.B Organization, authority and responsibility relationships.C Functions to be performed.D Resource requirement schedule including time estimates.E All of the above.正确答案:E If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the project manager should assume:A the message was understoodB the message was not understoodC the subordinate discarded the informationD the information was not appropriateE None of the above.正确答案:E 19 Which of the following is not a measure of the profitability of a project or program?A. Return on original investment.B. Net present value.C. Depreciation.D. Discounted cash flow.E. None of the above正确答案:C 合同中经常需要制定付款盟约,付款盟约要求在一定的条件下采取一定的行动。付款盟约是专为保证主要合同方支付以下费用而设计( )A保险费B每周的付款单C分包商、劳工和材料卖方D因事故造成的损失正确答案:C2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第5篇 All of the following are categories of a milestone in a schedule except:A End date.B Contract dates.C Key events scheduled.D Imposed dates.E Task duration.正确答案:E Back charges refers to:A transferring charges from sub-contractors to the ownerB adjusting payments to reflect late invoices consequenceC the cost of corrective action taken by the owner and charged to the contractor for non-conformanceD gaining restitution from the owner for non paymentE C and D only正确答案:C 以下哪个是外部风险的例子:A糟糕的人员配备B不正确的成本估算C通货膨胀D合同类型正确答案:C 在综合管理程序中,项目开展使用其他计划过程的输出以形成一个持续的,连贯的文件以便用于同时指导项目的_。a. 实施,控制b. 控制, 终止c. 范围管理,综合d. 立项,收尾正确答案:C106. c PMBOK TM, p. 3, Section 4.1. project plan development uses the outputs of the other planning processes to create a consistent, coherent document that can be used to guide both project execution and project control. 26 Reaching an understanding of concessions is accomplished in the _ stage of negotiations. A. protocolB probingC. scratch bargainingD. closureE. agreement正确答案:D2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第6篇 87 Japanese quality control has improved dramatically in the last 30 years for all of the following reasons except:A. the use of quality circles.B. small, continuous improvements in quality control.C. the use of worker suggestion systems.D. the use of quality control charts.E. focusing quality control efforts on production outputs正确答案:E Douglas McGregor's Theory Y advocates that the average worker:A . Dislikes work and avoids it whenever possibleB . Must be closely supervised and even threatened with punishmentC . Avoids increased responsibilityD . Wants self-respectE . None of the above正确答案:D The appointment or selection of a project sponsor is often based upon:A The strategic importance of the projectB Who the customer isC Whether the organization is project or non-project-drivenD The profitability of the projectE All of the above正确答案:E 你在管理一个有5个分包商的合同。你必须管理合同绩效、付款及管理与供应方的关系。一个分包商发出了变更其工作范围的请求。你检查了这一请求后决定修改合同。所有这些活动都是以下 的一部分?( )A合同管理B合同执行C合同格式D合同方案正确答案:A 风险应对措施可分为:A、 技术、市场营销、财务、人为B、 识别、量化、应对措施编制、应对措施控制C、 规避、转移、降低、接受D、 规避、保留、控制、转移正确答案:C2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第7篇 你在管理一个有5个分包商的合同。你必须管理合同绩效、付款及管理与供应方的关系。一个分包商发出了变更其工作范围的请求。你检查了这一请求后决定修改合同。所有这些活动都是以下 的一部分?( )A合同管理B合同执行C合同格式D合同方案正确答案:A 你是一位项目经理,管理着一个医疗数据库系统项目。公司有专业的编程人员负责设计程序,但是你需要从外部购买硬件。项目中负责合同管理的人员告诉你,需要向承包商提供一份产品描述,这个产品描述也被称作A、工作说明B、合同范围说明C、项目章程D、合同正确答案:A 7 Which of the following types of contracts is equivalent to a cost plus contract:A. Fixed firm priceB. Cost reimbursableC. Fixed price plus incentive feeD. progress paymentsE. All of the above正确答案:B It is useful to conduct project risk assessment according to the project'sA charterB statement of workC Work Breakdown structureD networkE budget正确答案:C 预算成本及实际成本中的累积成本及人工工时按时间进度划分其图形被称为( )A趋势线B趋势分析CS曲线D挣值报告正确答案:C2022项目管理师经典例题8篇 第8篇 73 ADM is an activity-on-arrow method. In this method, a dummy activity:A. Denotes a critical path relationship.B. Denotes any dependency relationship.C. Shows slack.D. Identifies customer deliverables dates.E. Identifies customer team meeting dates正确答案:B 119 Using the figure in the Special window, Activity "D" has a latest start time of _ weeks and a latest finish time of _ weeks.A. 2, 10B. 4, 12C. 6, 14D. 7, 15E. 9, 17正确答案:A 187 The centerline of a standard "Shewhart' control chart represents:A. the process targetB. the nominal dimension specified by the customerC. the nominal dimension specified by the designerD. the true process average or meanE. the process sample average or mean正确答案:E 在下列哪类网络图中不使用虚拟活动?( )ACPMBDetailedCPDMDPERT正确答案:C 以下哪种合同让承包商最关心成本估算?A、 固定价B、 成本加激励费C、 时间和材料D、 CPPF正确答案:A