1九年级英语九年级英语 Unit4Unit4 阅读教学设计阅读教学设计He Studies Harder Than He Used to一、教学内容一、教学内容本课学习的是第四单元的 Section B 中的 2b,是一堂阅读课,是本单元话题过去的某种状态的延伸和继续。文章讲得主要内容是一个因为父母为了谋生而不得不到城里去寻找工作 把他留给祖父母照看的男孩,因为思念父母而感到孤独,产生的一系列的叛逆和离群的行为。在明白了母亲对他的爱之后逐渐变成一个好孩子的故事。二、教学目标二、教学目标掌握一些主要的词汇和句型 used to 等。引导学生理解课文内容,掌握阅读技巧,如快速阅读读、细读、概括文章大意,利用上下文信息猜词等。通过阅读课文,并设计各种活动训练学生运用英语进行听说读写各种活动的能力。激发学生感恩父母,热爱父母,关注身边的人的情感。三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点训练学生利用上下文信息填写词汇和句子的能力。培养学生的阅读策略和写作能力。利用本课所学知识表达个人意见,对课文进行深层理解.四、设计理念四、设计理念以学生为主体,因材施教的教学之路,使学生在学习中获取信息,处理信息和运用信息,激发学生用所学语言进行交际的愿望和自信心,促进合作精神和文化意识的发展.五、教学设计五、教学设计1.1.总体思路:总体思路:本节课是在多媒体的课堂教学环境下实施课堂教学.先让学生简短描述父母以前和现在的职业,外貌,性格,爱好再欣赏英文歌曲 thank you,dad.导入,酝酿了一种感激父母的氛围,接着引导他们畅诉父母对自己的帮助的故事,然后让学生阅读短文,感受母亲爱的伟大。在阅读过程中,通过让学生看标题,预测课文内容、概括文章段落大意、根据上下文填所缺的句子,判断正误等各种方式提高阅读技能。最后,笔者提供关键词让学生复述课文,使其能熟练得掌握所学的重点词汇、短语和句子。阅读后,笔者抛出这样的问题让学生讨论:我们该用什么方式报答父母?培养学生反哺意识。最后通过写作,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。Step1Step1 Pre-readingPre-reading21.Get the students to describe their parents(students may describe their age,appearance,personality,hobbies they usedto be and now.)设计说明设计说明通过谈论父母以前和现在的外貌,个性,爱好职业等既复习了本单元的语言功能项目,延续了本单元的话题,又能成功地引进本课要谈论和阅读的内容:父母的爱。2.Play the song“thank you,dad”for the students and enjoy it with them.设计说明:设计说明:播放Thank you,dad歌曲,既可以吸引学生的注意力,激发学习英语的兴趣,又可以引起学生的深思,营造一种对父母无限感激的氛围。StepStep 2 2 WhileWhile readingreading1 1.IntroduceIntroduce thethe titletitle ofof thethe passage-passage-He Studies Harder Than He Used to“He Studies Harder Than He Used to”,according to the title,what might betalked about in this passage?Would you might to make a list?Please pay attentionto the word used to.The students may give such answers:What problems Li Wen used to have because hes unhappiness?The reason he used to have so much troubleWhat made him changeIs he is now a good student?设计说明:设计说明:通过让学生在不预习课文的情况下根据文章标题猜测文章内容旨在培养其预测文章大意的能力,并通过下一阶段的阅读来检验学生对标题的预测是否正确。在教学中,教师提醒学生注意 used to 这个词语。2.2.FastFast readingreadingWhat is the passage mainly about?Compare what the students predicted with the content given by the authorstick out the key sentences and give the main idea of each paragraph in groupand then report to class.3Para.1 Li Wens life changed greatly after his parents left home to go to thecity and look for jobs.Para.2 The problems Li Wen used to have in school.Para.3 A long conversation with his mother changed his life.Para.4 What is Li Wen now like.设计说明:设计说明:概括全文大意和各段落大意旨在帮助学生整体把握课文的脉络,提高分析综合能力和概括能力。3.3.DetailedDetailed readingreading Read the passage.Finish 2b,Put the missing sentences back in the correctplace in the reading.设计说明:设计说明:培养学生利用上下文的信息猜词和学习新词汇的能力。Finish 2cRead the passage,underline the problems that Li Wen used to haveAccording to the reading.设计说明:设计说明:设计此活动的目的是让学生带着问题细读文章,加深对文章的理解,并提高阅读能力.let the students guess the meanings of the words in the box according to thetext.设计说明设计说明:提高学生获取文章细节的能力.4 4Explain some difficult phrases and sentences in the text and help solve theproblems students raise5 5.Retell the text in group one by one according to the key words below thenchoose one to report to classRetellRetell thethe text:text:A 15-year-old boy.work hard.hard to believe that.his parents moved to thecity.couldntlookafterhim.becamelessinterestedinstudying.beabsentfrom.send him to a boarding school.want to leave school.advised his parents talk to4their son.influenced his life.parents love him.happier.be proud ofimportant设计说明设计说明:提供关键词,让学生在小组里轮流复述课文,让朗读有了目的,使学生牢固地掌握课文里的词汇短语和句StepStep 2 2 PostPost readingreadingDisscuss in group:What are nice ways for you to express your feelings and loveto your parents?Suggest point:a.to share homework with parentsb.to send parents small gifts on Parents Day or their birthdayc.to write a letter or a card to express how much we love themd.to try to study harde.to do a part-time job to reduce parents burden.f.help parents with.(ask students to do some activities to show their love to parents after school.)设计说明:设计说明:通过例举向父母表达爱的方式,培养学生懂得感恩的意识,让他们明白爱应该是相互的,并让他们通过周末在家做些力能所及的家务活,特别是努力学习来表达对父母的爱和感恩之情。Step3Step3.Homework:Homework:writtingwrittingWrite a passage of stories happened between you and your parents.The passagemay includea.what is your comment or feeling on your fathermotherb.give some examples of your father/mother helped you solve problems you met.c.What you have done or want to do to show your love to your fathermother.设计说明:设计说明:课堂上大量的语言输入为学生的语言输出做好了准备,通过强调父母为了家外出工作,其实也是为了孩子有更好的学习条件,这样激化孩子对父母强烈的爱和感激之情,使他们有了写作的欲望;此项课外作业能引导学生更多地关注父母,关注周围的人,学会爱人。教学反思教学反思:我们该用什么方式报答父母?培养学生反哺意识,以情感教育,激发学生周5末在家做些力能所及的家务活,特别是努力学习来表达对父母的爱,感恩父母,报答父母养育之恩。