八年级英语上册第一次月考测试 时间:90分钟 总分:120分 一单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1234567891011121314151. _my fatherdidntfeelwell ,heworked hard . A. Although , B. Because ,soC. So ,becauseD. Although , but2.-WhydoesTomsmotherask himtodrink milk ? -Shesays its ,its goodfor_ .A. health , healthy B. healthy , healthy C. health ,health D. healthy , health3.-Mike ,it _thatyou liketowork with animals . -Yes , I likeanimalsverymuch . A. saysB. soundsC. looksD. seems 4. Aliceis _ highschoolstudent . ShecomesfromAustralia . A. a18-year-old B. a 18 yearoldC. an 18-year-oldD. an 18 yearsold 5. Carolsparentsmadehim_ hishomeworkat home . A. do B. didC. todo D. does6. _exercise youtake , _youll be . A. The fewer , the fatter B. The less, the fatter C. The less, the more fatter D. The more,the fatter7. -Letme helpyoucarry thebox , Granny. -Thankyou , Li Lei .Itsvery nice_ you _me .A. of , tohelpB. for ,tohelpC. of , helpingD. to , to8.Who jumps_ inyourgroup ? A. farB. fartherC. farthestD. thefarther 9.Today theweatherwas cool ,_they decided_ football .A.but , playB. or ,to playC. so ,to playD. and , playing10. Jim isfunnierthan _inhis class . A.anyotherboyB.theother boyC. anyboysD. allthe boys11. -How wastheweather yesterday ?-Itwasterrible .Itrained _. Peoplecould _goon . A.hardly , hardly B. hard , hardly C. hard , hardD. hardly , hard12. Ispenta lotoftime _ Englishlastweekend . A. practicingspeaking B. topractice speaking C.practicingto speak D. topractice speaking 13. My friendisthe same_me . We_quiet .A. as , arebothB. as ; bothare C. to ; are allD. to ; allare14. Idontthink thisquestion is _ than thatone .Itis _ of thesequestions .A. easier ,moredifficultB. easier , themost difficultC. easy ,moredifficultD. easier ,much moredifficult15. -Whats wrongwiththe oldman ?-Hestired andhedoesnt feel like _ . A. toeat something B. toeat anythingC. eatingsomethingD. eatinganything二、完形填空(10分) 12345678910MostAmerican familiesaresmaller thanthefamilies inothercountries . MostAmerican familieshaveoneortwo 1._.Childrenin theUS will2._their parentsbecausethey wanttofind goodjobs 3 their houses. Theyoften 4._ totheir parentsortelephone them .And they oftengoto visittheirparents on5._.Parentsusually lettheirchildren choose(选择) theirown (自己的) 6._Americans thinkit7._ foryoung people to decide their livesbythemselves .Childrenare askedtodo somework8._ theirhouse .And inmanyfamilies , childrenarepaid for9._somehousework so thatthey canlearn10._ tomakemoney fortheirown use. ( ) 1.A. uncles B. auntsC. parents D. children( ) 2.A. leaveB. reachC. loveD. goaway( ) 3.A.near B. far from C. nextto D.closeto( ) 4.A. come B. driveC. moveD. write( ) 5.A. Monday B. weekdays C. Friday D. holidays( ) 6.A. jobs B. jobC. works D. thing( ) 7.A. bad B. beautiful C. important D. wrong( ) 8.A. outsideB. around C. except D. beside( ) 9.A. todo B. doC. doingD. does( ) 10.A. whatB. whenC. whereD. how 三、补全对话(10分)A) 从方框中选择适当的选项完成对话,有两项多余。(5分)A. Areyoupopularinyourschool ?B.Whatkindoffriendsdoyoulike ?C.CanIaskyousomequestions ?D. Yes , Ilikemakingfriendsverymuch .E.Thanksforyouranswers.F.Howoldareyou ?G. Areyou goodatmath ? A: Hi , Jim .1._B: Of course .A: Do youlikemaking friends ?B: 2._Im anoutgoingboy .A: 3._-B: Ilikefriends whoareoutgoing , interestingand veryfunny .Idontliketomake friendswhoare differentfromme .A: I agreewithyou . 4._B: I thinkso . Youknow , Im thebestplayer onour school basketballteam .A: Yes , andyouare handsome , too . 5._B: Youre welcome . 1.2.3. 4. 5. B) 根据对话内容用适当的话语天空。(5分)A: Did youdoanything funonyour vacation ,Maria ?B: 1._ . Iwent toKunming .A: 2._?B:Wellitwas myfirsttime there .Soeverything wasreallywonderful . I likeditvery much .A: 3._B: Yes , I did .Iwent withmyparents .A: 4 ?B: Of course. We boughtalotofthings there .Ireally likedthem .5._?Didyou goanywhere ?A: No , Ionlystayed athometo playcomputergames . 四、阅读理解(共20分, 每题1分) 12345678910 11121314151617181920Passage 1WhenI wasyoung , Iliked toplayjokes onpeopleI know, especially (尤其) onmy parentsandfriends . One daymymother wascookingand Iwasplaying withmy younger brotherTony . SuddenlyI rantomy motherandsaid:“Tony fell from the openwindow! ” Shewasvery worriedandran outof the kitchen .ThenIsaid: “Dontworry ,Im justjoking.”My mothershoutedatme:“Ifyou doitagain , Ill hityou.”Anotherday , I wentswimmingwith myfriendsin thesea . Iwanted toplaya joke onthem .Inthe beginning,Iswamfast andIcalled out :Help! Allmy friendscameto helpme .However ,they foundthatI wasjoking . But halfan hour laterIwasnt joking .Iwas sofast,soon Igottired andcouldntswim indeep (深的)water . I triedmybest tocallmy friendsforhelp ,but thistimenobodycame tohelpme .Intheend theyfoundI was telling truth .Theycameand savedmylife . They tookmeto thehospital .This isthebest lessoninmylife. Fromthenon I haventjoked onanyone .() 1. When hewasyoung , thewriterliked to_ .A. play withhisbrother B. helphismother cookC. play jokesonpeopleD. goswimmingwith hisfriends () 2. What happenedwhenthe writerwasplaying withhisbrother ? A. He gottired B. Heplayed ajokeon hismother C. Tony fellfromthe openwindowD. His motherhithim.() 3. In thebeginning , allhis friendscameto help himbecausehe _. A. swam fast B.calledforhelp C. would sinkinwater D. couldntswimin deepwater ( ) 4. Whenthewriter calledhisfriends forhelp for thesecondtime , they _. A.tookhimto thehospitalat once .B.cameand savedhimat onceC. thoughtatfirsthe wasjokingagain D. didnothingbecause thewriterhadliedto them () 5.The storytellsus that _. A. swimmingis dangerousB. Thewriter isanaughty boy C. one can playjokes onlyonpeople heknows D. if someonealwaystells lies , otherswonttrust (相信)him 班级姓名考号Passage 2 Sportscanhelp usalot . Takingexercisecan makeusstrong . Incollective(集体的)sportslike basketball , volleyball , or football ,wewill learntheimportance ofcooperation . Andsports canalsohelp usrelaxafter workor study .However , asthesaying goes , “Therearetwo sidesofeverything .” Sometimeswe mayhurtother playersorourselves ifweare notcarefulenough whenparticipating (参加) in sportsactivities . Whatsmore , toomuchor hard practicecanbe badforourhealth. Sportscanmake ushealthyboth physicallyand psychologically(心理上) . Itisalso agoodway forpeopleto knoweachother andcanimprove friendshipbetweenpeople . As longaswe arecarefulenough , sportscan dousnothing butgood .()6._can makeusstrong . A. Takingexercise B. singingC. Sleeping D. Makingfriends()7. Toomuchexercise canbe_ forus .A. goodB. badC. helpfulD. enough()8. Sportscan_ .A.helppeopleto knoweachother .B. improvefriendshipbetween people .C. dousnothing butgoodifwerecareful .D.doall theabove .()9.What is the meaning of the underlined word “physically”?A 身体上 B 精神上 C 体重上 D 协调上()10. The besttitle forthispassage canbe “_.”A. Sports andhealth B. Everybodymustdo sportsC. Sportsarenothing topeopleD. No onelikessportsPassage 3Tomwasnot verygoodat math .Hecouldntunderstand theteachersexplanations (解释). Even when the teacher explained somethingasecond time , Tomstillcouldntunderstandit “Nevermind .” Tomtoldhimself :“ Imquitegood atothersubject . Illcheat (作弊) inthe mathexamto getagood grade ,thenIwontbe introuble . Illsit nexttothe boywhodoes bestinmath .” hethought to copy down(抄袭)hisanswers .The dayofthe examcame , andTom satnext to Mike , whowasalways atthetop oftheclass inmath . Tomcarefully copiedMikesanswers ontohisexam paper .Atthe endoftheexam, theteachercollected thepapersand gradedthem in time . Then shesaid : “ Well, boysand girls , Ivedecided to give aprize to thestudent who got thehighest grade .Itsdifficult formeto decidewhoIll givetheprizeto , however , becausetwo students , TomandMike , gotthesame grade.Letthem shareit.”oneof theotherstudents said .“ Ivethought aboutthat .” theteacher said : “butIve decidedtogive theprizeto oneofthem.”Thestudentsweresurprised when theyheardthis . They said :“Thatsnot fair .Theygot the samegrade .Thatstrue . ”theteacher said:“However ,Mikesanswerto Question18was : Idontknow ,whileTomswas : NeitherdoI ” () 11. Tom wantedtocheat because_.A. he didntdowell inanysubject. B. his teacherdidntexplain thingswell.C. he wantedtoget agoodgrade inmath() 12. Tom _during theexam. A.satbehindMike B.copiedfromMike C. asked theteacherfor help.()13. The students wassurprised because _.A. they thoughttheteacher unfairB. Tomdid aswellas MikeC. the teacherwouldgive thema prize() 14. The teacherdecidedto giveaprize to_.A. Mike B. TomC. bothMikeand Tom() 15. We caninfer(推断) _-. A. Tom maystudyhard atmath . B. The teachermaybe angry with Tom C. Mike maysharethe prizewithother students Passage 4 Many peopleliketo travelduringtheir vacations . Somepeopletravel intourgroup becausetheythink itissafe andcheap . Atour guidetakescare ofthegroup andmakessure thegroupcan seealot ofinterestingand beautifulsights . Otherpeoplelike travelingaloneorwithfriends . Ifyoutravelbyyourself ,youare freetosee whatyouwant tosee .People travelfor manyreasons . Somepeople traveltolearn moreaboutother countries -people , culture , food andlanguages . Somepeople travelforadventure (冒险). Theywantto dosomedifferent things , suchasskiing , bungeejumping (蹦极跳)andmountain climbing . Otherpeoplelike toshopwhen theytravel . They look fornewthings orcheapones. Therearedifferent waystotravel . Some peopletaketrains , boatsor buses . Someflyand othersdrivecars . Some peopleliketo travelslowlyand spendalong timeineach place , whileotherslike totakequick toursandvisit moreplacesin ashorttime .( ) 16. Whatdoes“sights “ meanin Chineseinthe firstparagraph ?A. 视力B. 看见 C. 风景D. 情景( ) 17. Whydosome peopleliketraveling alone ?A.Becausethey wanttosee interestingsights .B. Becausethey havedifferentways to travel .C. Becausethey arefreetoseewhat theywanttosee.D.Because theywant tolearnmore aboutpeoplefrom other countries( ) 18. According tothe passage , peopletravelfor _ .A. adventure B.learningmoreabout othercountries C. shoppingD.alloftheabove( ) 19. Somepeopletake quicktoursbecause _ . A.theytravel bycarB. theyliketo visitmanyplaces inashort timeC. theyhavemuch timefortravelingD. theywantto spendalongtime ineachplace() 20. Ifa persontravelsfor adventure , hemaychoose _ to geta differentexperience (经历)。 A.eatingB. shopping C. bungee jumping D. sleepingPassage 5 Bobdidntlike tolivein hishousein thecountryand wantedtosell itandbuyabetter one .Hetried tosellit foralong time ,butfailed(失败) . Soatlast hehadto askhisfriends , Allanto helphim . SoonAllan tookaphoto ofhishouse andwrotea noticeaboutthe house to a newapaper.Afew dayslater ,Bob sawavery nicephotoofhisoldhouse with thebeautiful wordsofits gardenina newspaper .Afterhe hadreadthe notice through , he phonedhisfriend : “ Imsorry , Allan , butI decidednottosell myhousenow . After Ireadyour newspaper , I cansee thatitsjust thekindof thehouseI wantedtolive inallmy life ” 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. WhydidBob want tosell hishouse ?_ 2. WhydidBob askAllanto helphim ? _ 3. HowdidAllan helpBob ?_ 4. DidBobdecide tosellhis houseatlast ? _5. WhydidBob changehismind ? _ Passage 6 Therewasa talentshowin ourschoollast week . Annwonthe prizeforthe bestperformer .She playedabeautiful violinpiece . Tony wasthefunniest performer .Hetalkedlikeourmath teacherMr.Brown .Thenoisiest performer wasBob.He sang a rock song . Marywas thequietestperformer. Shedancedwithoutmusic . Theworst performer wasTommy. Hetolda funnystory , buthe couldntmakeanyone laugh .BestAnnPlayed a beautiful 1_ pieceFunniestTonyTalked 2_ our math teacher3._BobSang a rock songQuietestMaryDanced without 4._WorstTommy5. _ a story班级姓名考号 五、句子翻译。(共15分) (A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译(局部翻译每空1词得1分,5、 6题整句翻译每题2分)1. 我比我们班的大部分孩子都严肃。I am _ _ than most kids in our class .2. 真正的朋友应该帮助你并且感动你。A true friend _ for your hand and _ your heart .3. 我的想法和你的不同。 My ideas are _ yours. 4.我们应该认真对待我们的家庭作业。Weshould takeourhomework .5. 上海是中国最大的城市之一。_6. 只有百分之二十的学生每天锻炼。_ (B) 阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文。(每小题2分)A good way to pass an exam is to study hard every day . You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam . (1.) If you want to be good at English , you have to read stories in English , and speak English as much as possible . A few days before the exam you should go to bed early . Do not go to bed late at night .(2.) Before you finish the exam , check your answers .Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything .(1.)_ (2.)_ 六、句型转换(5分,每题1分,词数不限.) 1 . Many kids eat junk food once or twice a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ do many kids eat junk food?2. I think a good friend can make me laugh.(改为否定句)_ _ agood friend can make me laugh.3. Tara works hard. Mary works hard ,too.(合并为一句话)Tara works_ _ Mary.4.The girl in red is Linda.(对划线部分提问) is Linda?5.Tony is 15.Toby is 16. Toby is _ than Toby.七、从方框内选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,每词只用一次。(10分) read,have ,get, week ,heavy ,go ,answer ,surprise ,eat ,late MissGreenwas veryfat .She weighted100kg ,and shewas1._ heaviereverymonth , so she2._toseethedoctor . Thed