2013年高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 毛利人的习俗.doc
2013年高考英语阅读理解与完型填空:毛利人的习俗In the Marae official functions take place in: celebrations, weddings, tribal reunions, fun.erals. People may be called to a "hui" on the Marae. The literal meaning of "hui" is to gathertogether. As opposed to other meetings, "hui" are usually run according to Maori practice. If the"hui" concems 4 quarrel between two parties, both sides present their argument, and an aS7'eement isrea.ched;F'at the end. Otherwise, a fruther "hui" is called for. The tangata whenua are the local Marae people. They make the decisions about the Marae, andif guests are expected, for example, they take care of the organization. They ensure kindness is givento visitors. Young people are expected to help in the work on the Marae. The Kaumatua(older people) ofthe Marae have authority, and are respected. Their role is to teach the young people Maori traditionssuch as "whaikorero"(speeches), or "waiata"(song). The older people also take part in welcomingvisitors. . Song is very impmtant in Maori life. Over the centuries, songs tell history, legends, and specificevents in the life of the person. A speaker may break into song at a given point during his speech.Certain songs should only be sung on certain occasions, however, such as for a "tarigi"(funeral). A European may only enter the Marae on permission from the Elclers, and respect must beshown. If a visiting party visits the Marae, a special ceremony takes plaqe first. This ceremony iscalled the "te wero", and is always carried out by a male member. After that,"a male from the Maraeplaces an item of challenge on the ground. The visiting party must wait at the gate of the Marae untilthe occasion presents itself. for them to show that they come with peaceful intentions. 1. We can infer from the second palragraph a "hui" is a chance -' A. to welcome visitors . B. to settle disagreement C. to hold parties D. to sing songs together 2. According to the passage, the Kaumatua means . A. funeral B. song C. older people D. speeches 3. In Marae life, the old people _. A. needn't take part in a funeral B. would wait for the respect from visitors C. have the right of singing songs in a speech D. have duty to pass traditions to the young 4. The visitors are allowed to enter the Marae after _ . -' A. they express their good will B. they put the spears down C. they hold a special ceremony D. they show respect to males 5. The main idea of the passage is about A. the role of the Marae . B. the life of the Marae C. the traditions of the Marae D. the function of a "hui"2